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Passion and inspiration of the leader. with a bristling soul

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They say that "the skin belongs to whoever bristles it."

Do you know the feeling? Have you experienced it, on your skin? Biologically, the adrenaline reaction of piloerection seeks to protect us from the cold and provide us with an appearance that scares off predators. Among humans, naked of fur, this evolutionary vestige of more troubled times, seems to have no use.

Beyond the sensory horizon, however, the spirit has woven its own skin and given the emotions - that boil under the dermis - the undisputed protagonist in our lives. The touch of fingers, a look, a memory or a serendipity touch the nerve and make it a prelude to intense fervor.

And if - like all good dreamer - we live in the country ucronía of the ¿ and if changed to ramos the course of history? , Will then hope who vibrate, to the subtly cross it: If you lost your heart you or n in a city that becomes real s or what in your dreams ñ os, live with bristling soul.

Do you remember the Indiana Jones film saga? You may have heard of who inspired the character: The brave Colonel Percy Harrison Fawcett, who disappeared in the Brazilian jungle in 1925, along with his son Jack and Raleigh Rimell, while searching for the mythical "Z", a city of whose existence, he was convinced.

In the last letter he sent to his family, the prototype of the 20th-century romantic explorer, he revealed that he was heading to the mysterious city. He had fired the porters and falsified his own coordinates, to protect the secret of his exact location. Part of the haunting missive said:

"If I go back, I do not want to organize games rescue… is that we emerge from the jungle or leave our bones to dry it… the answer to the riddle of the ancient Suram é rich… and perhaps to that of the prehistoric world he or rich, be to found when they have located the ancient cities and remain open to investigation or n cient í FICA… the cities there, that, I'm sure"

That was Fawcett's last contact with the bounded world. The subsequent inquiries did not serve to clarify her final destination. Why did you ask not to be wanted until two years after an eventual disappearance? Did the city reach “the lights that don't go out”? Or, Did he perish in pursuit of the dream, to which the soul had hooked?

The truth is that nothing would have managed to lower the iron determination of the English. More than once, the press questioned - and ridiculed - some of his reports, such as his encounter with a 19-meter-long anaconda or, that other, with a tribe of hairy men from the Sierra de Parecis, in Brazil.

Far from frustrating him, these attitudes spurred his scientific curiosity and his appetite to go further. There was too much illusion in him to attend to the violence of other people's despondency and selfishness. The stories of his paternal travels, which he listened enraptured as a child, were the kite that he made with firmness and that he would go up in the face of any doubt.

I knew that history, forget negativity, the feeling of failure, lack of faith, and perennial instead, the path, innovation, achievement. The inner fire of those who promise themselves to a dream is inextinguishable. PASI or n without action or n, consumes the body; But accompanied ñ ada of the action or n, consuming fear and this was the case Fawcett.

The colonel's travel diaries, full of wonder and detail, encouraged his friend, the physician and writer Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, to write the novel The Lost World, clearly inspired by the adventures of the former. It was published in 1912 and its greatest merit transcends literature as it solves the greatest mystery of leadership:

What is the ideal leader like?

Yes. Doyle - this time without the help of Sherlock - found the l í der perfect in personality traits and values that animate the book expeditionary. Professors Challenger and Summerlee, Lord Roxton and journalist Malone, overcome multiple difficulties and personal prejudices, combining their individual talents, energy and instinct: "that memory of the human race."

That group goes out in search of great monsters and finds, instead, the best version of themselves. Of course! If that's what happens when you fall in love with an ideal: you use your own passion to forge your character. In addition to the temperament with which you came into the world, nothing is capable of forming you like your own dreams.

The novel is A comprehensive treatise of creative leadership, c it or how to put into action or n a dream ñ or deserves to be read with those eyes, more than any other literary merit. In case you wish to do so, here is a link in the public domain

The doors remain open. Continue to n discovered é ndose old sites with new eyes… always keeping alive the possibility that so ñ e have with other universes, with the difference; being, like Professor Challenger and his group, the first to discover lost worlds - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.


In the humble Nepalese monastery, the monk Tathagata teaches us how to recognize a soul mate: " No har to shake your knees, or dry to your breath. The silhouette of his soul fit to yours and you invade to calm deep a joy í to indescribable. His energy í to light and awaken to n in you, a TU m to s bigger than t u ".

A dream fits you because it completes your soul, because it manifests what is inside you; It's the internal GPS that gets you back on track when you get lost, trying to follow someone else's route. Trust your light and remember that if your moon is m to s bigger than t u , any of your doubts or fears, could to overshadow.

As fashionable as "extimacy" is, revealing a dream still produces a certain modesty. A dream strips you. It is a rear window from where others can clearly see your feelings and emotions. Two truths: We are all exposed and we are all leaders, in some way we influence, inspire, motivate… or the opposite.

Being aware and accepting the responsibility of that leadership places us in the land of the chosen ones. The call is born from our convictions, there, the spiral path towards the objectives begins, involving those of others in the journey. ¿ Qu é impels us to follow a l í der? Know that our own challenge will be nurtured by the coherence between what he does and says.

It is essential that the leader embrace great respect, trust and affection for himself and his purpose, it needs to be read, before starting the march. Living as a facade, manipulated by an ego that seduces and sabotages, seeking the affection and admiration of the other, before his own, would only make him turn in a spiral with no return. The heart is silent, it will let you know.

The world is a wide showcase. And it is proven that we feel and behave differently when we are observed. Therefore, the importance of marrying your own desire and being clear that it will be subjected to the judgment of the audiences. Do you promise to be faithful to the gallery as you are in the privacy of your heart?

It is necessary that you believe in yourself and in your dream, that it rhymes with your breath, with your unflinching background, that it makes you feel proud, that you really believe! that you could not live if you did not dedicate yourself to this and that the world will be better with your history in its annals. Is your answer yes? So, put on your boots and move forward with intensity but please, without haste.

Ah, the rush and the races! If you attended your philosophy classes in school, you will remember that back in the 5th century BC. BC, in ancient Greece, took place one among the fastest Achilles (the IL í ada) and a turtle and the warrior could never reach its competitor. This is what it raises, the famous aporia of Zen or Elea:

Aquiles he offered or an advantage in distance, the tortoise and the intent behind starting it or overcome it, but at the reach where she began or , é sta hab í to advanced. Warrior, chased or to the new point but the turtle hab í to advance uno to s and as í continu or indefinitely then, being infinitely divisible space… never reach í to the turtle.

In real life, the speedy Achilles would win the race effortlessly, this aporia is just that, it does not pretend to prove any physical or mathematical law. From the universe of discourse, Zenón de Elea, states: "Either we bet on the senses (quantum physics) and we affirm movement and change, or we bet on logical reason (classical physics) and we deny it."

Dreams run similarly. If we fulfill one, we move it, we go after new expectations and when we are about to achieve them, they change again. This constant search prevents our dreams from disappearing. It is positive to enter the race of life, occupied not in speed but in reaching the goal, with wisdom.

Are you worried that your projects do not fit into your reality? Do you see any practical obstacles? Not having formal studies or a comfortable economy? Do you consider yourself old or very young? Do you resent the lack of support from your family or friends? In 1820, a talented young man of science, self-taught, had those same doubts.

Perhaps the name of Michael Faraday tells you little. However, prior to his theories, electricity was a curious and impractical phenomenon. Its seed contributed to improve great inventions. Which? The next time you come back to tell, that you were hit by a storm in mid-flight, you know who to thank.

The passion of this leader, scientist and teacher did not run through his veins like a raging bloodstream. Serenely he opened the way for himself and for others. Sower and generous shared: " I'm not a poet - he said - but if you think for themselves as they proceed, the facts presented form to n a poem in their minds."

What is passion but a poem, written and recited at your own pace and style, in sync with the universe? The cities of your dreams are made up of words and deeds. They were forged by your mind, with the exact point of fire capable of igniting your heart, enlightening your spirit and moving your body into action.

A poem that combines your music and that of those capable of following, with wisdom, the rhythm of another drum. Remember this powerful statement: If you help one to transcend the universe, rec í PROCO, will give rhythm and words, affirm your footsteps, will raise and lower your pitch, you return to favor.

Do you want to rewrite history? Explore the worlds within you every day. Mant é n your dreams ñ or in mind, fire and passion about act u to! The road will open before your eyes: "… Everything burns if you apply yourself, Spark…" sing the H é roes of Silence and The cities will burn because of Fawcett and yours there, that's for sure!



If you manage to cross the everlasting suspension bridge of Pokhara, in Nepal, you will find Mishra, sitting on the grass. If you look her in the eye, she will answer you with hers and an endearing dialogue without words will begin between you. With a smile, he will blow blessings on your hand, which only your heart could understand.

The breath has carried magic, since its genesis: it has dried tears, healed the wounds of the skin and the soul, it has brought back life and granted wishes by candlelight and even, once, announced the arrival of inspiration, with that air that forced you to close your eyes and make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, right?

Look qu é data m to interesting s:

A few months ago, coach Jonathan Farrington, referred on his blog, the result of a survey of 1,500 business executives. In it, 55% of the group drew inspiration it or n as the attribute of leadership m to desired s and yet only 11% of them recognized him in their current leaders.

John Zenger, in his book The L í der Extraordinary, analyzed the results of 41.436 surveys performed to 8,110 l í leaders and found that the competition: INSPIRED AND MOTIVATED TO ACHIEVE A HIGH PERFORMANCE achieved, unfailingly, the highest levels of commitment in equipment.

¿ Qu é comes ñ to exactly the word inspiration or n? Precisely, its etymology reads: "breathe in the spirit." This makes sense, physiologically, in breathing, a vital exercise to oxygenate and put the body to work. We can say that we literally inspire to live.

You know: Breathe in, breathe out…

Healthy breathing is quiet, light, slow, and shallow. It produces optimal levels of cellular oxygenation and favors the proper functioning of the brain. Have you observed sedentary people or people with health problems (asthma, depression and others)? His breathing is loud, heavy, fast, and very deep.

Do we practice? Inhale through your nose, slowly, and hold the air in your lungs for 4 seconds (no longer if you don't want to fall asleep). Exhale slowly, through your mouth. That's it. 5 to 10 minutes of this exercise, in a quiet and ventilated place, will give your brain an oxygen bath that will soon thank you.

Breathing awareness is paying attention or n. Breathing in and out unites body, mind and spirit, generating energy and presence in the home of life: "the here and now". Becoming aware of an act that is commonly involuntary, frees the brain circuits and especially strengthens your attention and willingness to… exchange.

The di to logo, the interaction or n and mutual encouragement are irreplaceable allies inspiration or n. The value of each individual, unique and precious, is multiplied by the daily challenge of growing, being happy and transcending, helping another to achieve happiness. A constructive mind and a heart determined to action can create new circumstances, their own and those of others.


The good leader learns to balance his triune brain. " No surprise me t a - says the consultant Silvia Damiano - in 10 to ñ os, rather than written evaluations, employers apply for an esc to ner to see if our brain missing or has too many qu í monkeys, or we have narcissism very loaded ”.

Problems get stuck, chemically, in our neural conduits. Guilty? The distress (negative stress) that plans to kill us, as it did with the dinosaurs!… Did you recognize the strategy? 65 million years ago, the earth was distressed, lost energy, tried to recover it too quickly and… collapsed!

Ah, the rush and the races, again! Do you remember the aporia of Zeno? How do we get Achilles and the Tortoise together to reach the goal? Or rather, how do we coordinate our emotional brains (reptilian and limbic) and reflective (neocortex) so that they work together?

The first thing is, stop the race, that rush to get to tomorrow before it appears.

The second is to train h to bitos:

1) meditation or n, 2) Sport, 3) Get enough sleep, 4) nutrition or n healthy.

The first habit modifies the brain and the other three, generate biochemical substances that help combat distress and gain a balanced brain. " Man is an animal of habit, " wrote Dickens. The key to success is to change negative habits for others, conscious and positive.

Meditation, in its Tibetan practice, integrates two elements to breathing: stopping and deep gaze. The monks remind us that we should stop, that each step we take is truly an arrival; we've run for all of our lives - past and present - and we continue to do so.

We run, because we believe that happiness is not possible in the here and now, because we seek to achieve it, like Achilles, conditions that are not in the present moment. What would Tathagata tell us? " If s or what you had stopped, there will be í as seen that the conditions of happiness that requer í to that present were ah í beside you."

You know it's still time, right? You already said it, Machado:

" Today is always still í a, life is now.

And now, now is the time to deliver on the promises we made to ourselves.

Because yesterday we did not, because ma ñ ana's late...

.. Now . "


We argue that the inspiration or n is an ongoing inner process, subconscious, by which we collect and organize relevant information to us than to being excited is determined í mulo sensory or emotional flows and impels us to be productive.

This process includes a gestation period shorter or longer, during which it is the responsibility of the individual, expose am senses ú multiple est í intellectual and sensory mules, which increases the likelihood that the brain over the material accumulated with emotion that will detonate the "Eureka".

That creative explosion, vision or epiphany, needs a relaxed mind: a state that scientists know as 'REST' (rest) that encourages free association. In that state, while the brain combines, spins… the landscape, the phrase, the melody, the aroma or the memory that triggers the emotion appears and ¡et Voilà!

Inspiration is an active process, in the light of any Moon.

In his essay " Night Walks ", writer Charles Dickens explains that he defeated "restlessness" or inability to rest, walking through 19th century London after midnight. He broke the state of anguish that frequently assailed him by leaving home. He came back, slept and got up, still at dawn, to write.

Beethoven, pen and paper in his pocket, also interrupted his composition sessions with a walk through the Vienna Woods. Once he had sketched out various musical ideas, he used that time to spark inspiration. The rest moving works for this purpose, when given in the middle of a thought process.

Redesign ñ to the brain! that harmonizes breathing or n the org functions and benefits to Nicaraguans. It is proven that standing for at least 4 hours in a day increases not only life expectancy but also productivity. Companies like Google, Facebook, Chevron, Intel, Boeing, Inhabitat.com; they have already taken up the challenge of “removing the chairs”.

In the same business environment, the 3M company frees 15% of its employees' time so that they can dedicate it to dreaming and thus promotes innovation. That time of rest within the day has already paid off for the company: The popular post-it, quite a serendipity!, Is one of them.


The professor Cayetano Aranda Torres, reflects the intense vision of the Granada poet Federico Garc í Lorca about inspiration, which he called " Duende ": "… is a present for anyone who does not resign of desire, for who sustains and maintains that lusting for those who do not stop wanting ”.

The eccentric Salvador Dal í, became interested in the theories of Freud and had by reference book " The interpretation or n of Sue ñ os ". His fondness for the mysteries of the subconscious, immortalized in his work and his no less important interest in Einstein's physics, exploded his surrealist work.

Stephen King wrote part of his novel The Shining, in room 217 of a hotel called Stanley, stimulated by the paranormal experiences he had there, such as hearing the voices of a child he could not see and an old melody played on the piano, in a noisy bar, where, as he approached, there was a lone waiter drying the glasses. That mix of fear and excitement activated his creativity.

Some geniuses, such as Victor Hugo, self-disciplined their "breath" moments according to their possibilities, the Frenchman wrote his works " Les Miserables " and " The Hunchback of Notre Dame " naked to avoid the temptation to abandon the routine he dedicated to the trade. His valet would hide his clothes so that he could not leave the house.

A dear Gabriel Garcia M to rquez what inspired great themes such as loneliness, Latin American identity and rebellion against social prejudices. His novels were born from events that occurred to figures in his environment and his style was deeply marked by the supernatural stories that his grandmother told him.

Had the great Gabo on a script workshop, who once called to ask: " We need a story, feature film, for a 40 to ñ os " and he replied angrily: " ¿ C or how can you ask me that, as if you were ordering 10 meters of fabric? " Processed while making a few copies and rushed by that anger, the idea came.

True, you can not "order" Inspiration or n. This, "your turn" if memory is in you, materials conducive to working and senses an emotion or n to do to exploit the Eureka. To occur, the process requires rest moving a stimulating environment, self - awareness and prop or site. Do not hesitate: do not visit to , if lacking in your heart you or n, love, faith, pride and desire for what you do.

It doesn't matter if you write with a pen, baton, wand, or travel stick. If you face a creative block, remember why you fell in love with your cause or profession, what you felt in your "first time": your first sketches, phrases, steps… If it was the first thing you did, probably what you thought was great before, today I paint you one more indulgent smile, it will trigger an emotion. It works!

Returns by that illusion or n. Recover the butterflies. Gradually notice to s, c or how hard you started, that enthusiasm and security take on the world, back to you.

Yogi Bhajan, a Pakistani businessman, says that a man loves a woman because she inspires him . She, - says Bhajan - can remove it from the mundane and bring it to realms "m to s all to " of your dreams ñ os, to experience his infinite being, ie, help develop the m u multiple aspects of his personality.

The poet, also a poet, adds to his theory that when there is only interest and no true love, the man will seek for her to stay within his personal realm, or will try to model her at will and in that way, he will never receive inspiration because the woman will he will be able to express or grow his own infinity.

We believe in the lucidity of this lyrical description. Her lover, symbolizes inspiration - the genius, the muse - blowing in every corner of our personality and awakens the nine senses, for the action or n. And we all know that, as in chess, nine alert senses make nine queens or… nine muses.

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Passion and inspiration of the leader. with a bristling soul