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Administrative thinking, its conceptual evolution


The administration appears from very ancient times, from the moment that man appears.

The first manifestations are called an administrative act.

Companies are defined as units that produce goods or services, they can be classified based on different criteria:


- ACCORDING TO THEIR OBJECTIVES: They are classified as public (they do not profit) and private (they aim to profit).

- ACCORDING TO THEIR FUNCTION: Industrial (those that carry out any change or alteration to the raw material) and Commercial (Those that distribute products that others manufacture.

-THE THAT USES PROMYP: The aid program for small and medium-sized companies and that classifies companies into micro, small, medium and large companies.

Whatever the type of company, it has three resources:

HUMANS: People who work in the company.

MATERIALS: The monetary resources of the company.

TECHNICIANS: It is the machinery and technology.

Every organization, in order to achieve a proper functioning, must carry out an adequate administration in the company as it is in charge of giving it good use of resources.

Administration definition:

Administration is the science, technique or art that, through human, material, and technical resources, seeks the optimal achievement of objectives through the least effort to achieve greater utility.

But the true definition is that administration is a social science that pursues the satisfaction of institutional objectives through an operating mechanism and through an administrative process. (FERNÁNDEZ ARENA)


The administration is closely related to all the functional areas of the company. This is because all of them have resources that must be managed.

Of the two functional areas that are most related are:

Accounting: Which is in charge of analyzing and recording all monetary operations.

Informatics: That is responsible for the union of the data and the classification of the same.

Both are effective sources of information, from which the administration helps to carry out its activities; but it is also related to finance, production, marketing, human resources, etc. And not only in the functional areas, but also with the activities carried out in it.


In the company objectives and goals are set; and it is through administration that their achievement is facilitated.

Another of the main objectives of the administration is to make companies highly productive, achieving maximum profits with the least number of resources.


a) Management Processes:

The management process will vary according to the area in question. The finance activities that a head of marketing or human resources must develop are very different from those that a marketing or human resources manager must develop, but there is a process that is common to all of them, which is integrated into four basic stages:





To properly carry out all tasks, it is necessary to have certain attitudes as a Bachelor of Administration, among which are:

• Accept with an ethical and responsible sense

• Attend to integral development

• Generate creative ideas constantly developing them

• Be an entrepreneur to develop organizations

• Innovate administrative systems

• Be positive critics

• Have the courage to accept responsibilities.

b) Managerial Profile:

Each profession requires a profile that is considered as a set of attitudes, aptitudes and abilities that the person who carries out the administration must have.

According to Fayol, the administrator must have the following profile:

1) Physical qualities

2) Moral qualities

3) Intellectual qualities

4) General knowledge

5) Specific knowledge

6) Experience.

c) Functions:

The main objective of the Bachelor of Administration is to make a rational use of resources but is also in charge of the following basic functions:

a) Achievement of goals and objectives

b) Make the company highly productive

c) Strengthen ethical, personal and professional values.

d) Generate and promote own models

e) Encourage commitment to quality

f) Compete in the job market

g) Maintain good relations between professionals, between competitors and in general with society.

d) Administrative Roles:

The traditional roles are three:

TECHNOCRAT EXECUTOR: The worker will only carry out the tasks that are indicated.

MAXIMIZER OF EFFICIENCY: The worker will achieve the maximum benefits with the least number of resources.

NEUTRAL BALANCING: Reconcile interests between the employees and the owners of the company.




Influence of philosophers:

One aspect that had great importance in administrative thought was that of the philosophers, among the most important we find Plato who among his great contributions are:

1.- The classification of the forms of government that are divided into:

-Aristocracy: Government of the nobility or upper class.

-Oligarchy: Government of a single social class.

-Timarquía: Government of those who collected rents.

-Democracy: Government of the people.

-Tirania: Government of a single person.

2.- Classification of social classes that are divided into:

-Gold: They were the rulers

-Silver: The warriors and

-Bronze: They were the artisans and merchants.

3.- His works: "Phaedrus", "The Banquet", "The laws and the republic."

ARISTOTLE: Philosopher who classified the public administration in:

a) MONARCHY = Government of only one.

b) ARISTOCRACIA = Government of the upper class.

c) DEMOCRACY = Government of the people.

His work: "Politics", in which he refers to the three powers: Executive, Legislative and Judicial.

Other philosophers who had great importance in administrative thought were:

BACON: Considered a statesman and thinker of modern logic.

DESCARTES: Who gave the first principles on the division of labor and sections of control.


One of the civilizations that most influenced administrative thinking was the Roman people, who marked the most important foundations of modern society.

The Roman people influenced today's society by making use of the administration that even having administrators who took charge of it, who received the name of managers or agents.

Rome classifies companies in three:

-Public: Those that carry out activities of the State.

-Semi-public: Those that belong to unions.

-Private: Those that were managed by civilians.

Rome had three periods:

1.- The republic: Where the activities were managed by the people and equality of rights prevailed.

2.- The monarchy: Where the government led, high society and the people did not intervene.

3.- The fall of the Roman Empire: This period was characterized by disorganization.


This time was characterized by stagnation and a setback in all activities and greatly influenced the administrative aspect.

THE CATHOLIC CHURCH: The Catholic Church does not accept profit and commerce as an honest activity, as this is not accepted, a new current called Protestant ethic is born that does accept and promote the accumulation of wealth. Among its main exponents we find MAX WEBER, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN AND MARTIN LUTERO.


It has its beginnings in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. It consists of a change in production models; That limited, hand-made production becomes machine-made and mass-produced. Where it occurs most strongly is in England, but there are also strong changes in France, Italy, Germany, the USA, etc.

Among the main changes and contributions of the industrial revolution are:

1) Changes in production systems.

2) Decrease in production costs.

3) The great inventions appear.

4) A new social class appears: the worker.

5) The little craftsman disappears.

6) The competition appears.

There are reactions of all kinds in the industrial revolution, but among the most important is that of the Catholic Church and that of liberal economists. That of the liberal economists has as its main exponents Karl Marx, and Frederick Engels. Those who know that structures are in danger, so they propose the following changes:

-That private property disappears

-The creation of a system that manages to satisfy the needs of the proletariat.

- That the proletariat occupies the power.


HENRY ROBINSON TOWN: He was born in the US, he demonstrated the importance of exchanging ideas between managers in different companies and considered that management should be taken as a science within the company.

CHARLES BADDAG: English mathematician who invented the differential machine (calculating machine), made in-depth studies on the division of labor and the specialization of the study of times or movements and cost control.

ROBERTO OWEN: He dedicated himself to the textile industry in England, he showed that both production and high quality are important in the company, he analyzed that there are two important factors in the company: The machinery and the human beings who work it.

He considered that the people who work for them in the company should be given special treatment and certain considerations.



He was one of the main exponents of scientism, born in Philadelphia in 1856 and died in 1915. He joined a company that manufactured steel ingots at the time of depreciation in the United States, occupying the position of worker and then passing for the other levels he reached the highest position. This allowed him to realize the effects that the workers made to the machines.

His work:

"Principles of public administration"

"Fundamentals of scientific administration"

"Leashes" and many other treatises.

Among his main contributions to the administration are the administrative principles, the administration mechanisms, the piece-rate payment, the selection of personnel and the characteristics of human jobs.


1.- Study of times and movements

2.- Selection of workers

3.- Shared responsibility

4.- Application to the administration.


1. Study of times and movements

2. Functional supervision

3. Production systems or departments

4. Principle of the exception

5. Enrollment cards

6. Use of the calculation rule

7. Standardization of instruction cards

8. Bonus of the instruction cards

9. Study of production routes

10. Production classification system

11. Cost of production.


1) Discover that there is no totally effective system.

2) The position held by the worker does not always go according to their capabilities.

3) That there are no incentives.

4) That decisions are made at the highest levels.

5) That the administration consists of principles applicable to all companies.


His contributions were very important for the administration, but he also had many criticisms; The American Labor Federation considered him a diabolical being, because the jobs of the people under his system were repetitive and mechanical, another very big criticism was the one he received for abusing the term science.

But it must also be considered that it influences their studies and results in Germany, England, Italy and the United States, because by taking their timed studies to companies, they achieve high productivity.


Contributions and Limitations:

Frank Gilbreth was considered like the father of the efficiency, a statesman of the scientific administration that influenced in the industrial thought, his main work: "Science of the Administration"

His wife Lilian was a psychologist who introduced administrative studies in industries; The science of psychology.

Among the main contributions of Frank Gillbreth to the administration is:

a) The study of times and movements

b) Application of cinema for the study of times and movements

c) Development of flow diagrams

d) White list of merits

e) Importance of statistics in administration

f) Micromotion of tasks and its importance in productivity


He collaborated with Taylor for 14 years, taking the most outstanding of him, continued with his studies. His work: "Training of workers", his main contributions are:

1) Task bonus system according to their quality and quantity.

2) Training of workers.

3) Application of psychology to the treatment of workers.

4) GANTT charts.


Contributions and Limitations:

Henry Fayol was born in France in 1841 and died in 1925, he started working as general manager of a coal mining company that was in bankruptcy, after 25 years it was considered one of the most important companies in the world. world level.

His most important works are:

«Industrial and General Administration»

«Principles of General Administration»

«General Theory of the State»


1.- Universality of Administration: It shows that it is an activity common to all organizations: Home, business, government, indicating that whenever there is an organization of whatever type, there must be administration.

2.- Functional areas: For Fayol, there must be six functional areas within the company:

1) Technical: In charge of production

2) Commercial: In charge of buying and selling

3) Financial: In charge of the use of capital

4) Accountant: In charge of inventories, balances and costs

5) Security: In charge of protecting assets of the company and the employee.

6) Administrative: It is responsible for using resources properly.

3.- Model of the administrative process: For Fayol, certain stages must exist within the company to be able to develop any type of work, within them we find:

1) Forecast. (examine the future)

2) Organization. (formulate structure)

3) Address. (Make the plans work)

4) Coordination. (Harmonize information)

5) Control. (Check the results)

4.- Administrative principles: There are fourteen:

1. COMMAND UNIT: A single person must command all subordinates.

2. AUTHORITY: Every company must have a person to direct them.

3. MANAGEMENT UNIT: A program for each activity.

4. CENTRALIZATION: All activities must be managed by a single person. NOTE: Currently we find that due to the structures this is not very functional for companies.


6. DISCIPLINE: Discipline must be achieved for the proper functioning of the company.

7. DIVISION OF WORK: Each person must be told the work they must do.

8. ORDER: Everything in its place and a place for everything.

9. HIERARCHY: The authority of each hierarchical level must be respected.

10. FAIR REMUNERATION: Fair payment according to the work done.

11. EQUITY: Benefits must be shared; company-workers.

12. STABILITY: The employee must feel secure in his work.

13. INITIATIVE: The employee must be allowed to determine how he should do things.

14. GROUP SPIRIT: Everyone must collaborate with each other.

5.- Importance of the Administration

Fayol determines that any activity carried out must be based on the administration, so in his administrative studies he proposes that they must be given from primary school.


Fayol was a prominent author of his time, his contributions were recognized some time later and currently all companies work under them, so a company cannot be conceived without a process and a division of functions or that does not work under administrative principles, etc.

One of his limitations was that he used theory more than practice in his work.


The two focus their studies on the same problem but with different points of view.

Taylor studies his studies from the worker level to the management level and Fayol does it in the opposite direction.

Taylor conducts his studies based on time and movement and personnel selection, Fayol pays more attention to administrative tasks.

Taylor is practical, Fayol is theoretical.

Taylor's studies had immediate application, Fayol's was slow to recognize them.


All companies currently base their operation on all the concepts given by the classics of administration, but today, companies verify that quality and service are one of the most important factors to achieve high productivity in it; hence a combination of classical theories and modern managerial theory is needed.




At the time of scientific management or scientism, it was intended to achieve high productivity in companies regardless of the human factor.

Fayol was a scientist who paid special attention to administrative tasks and planning but never mentioned the importance of the human factor in its development.

Human relationshipism (School of human relations or humanistic administration) appears in the United States as a movement in opposition to scientism. It appears in the year 1920, and has its origin in the need to humanize companies and make use of the social sciences. It is made up of a group of sociologists who have in-depth knowledge of human behavior.


In a «Western Electric company located in the Hawtourne Chicago neighborhood, the decision is made to carry out a psychological and sociological study to know the influence of certain factors such as cleanliness, light, noise, etc. in the productive aspect of it. This study was started by a group of sociologists and psychologists.

FIRST EXPERIMENT: It consists of transferring six employees of the forty thousand who worked in the company to a special place, they are granted special concessions such as breaks, refreshments, and shorter working hours; This raises productivity and when the experiment was 8 months old, Elton Mayo who was at Harvard University studying industrial psychology is asked to collaborate in the experiment.

Elton Mayo, upon arrival, removes all the concessions granted and to the surprise of psychologists and sociologists, productivity remains constant despite having removed the concessions; When asking the workers the reason for this reaction, they answered «That they raised productivity not because of the concessions granted but because of the commitment they had to have been chosen from 40 thousand employees to do the study, consequently it was concluded that they were he had psychologically persuaded.

SECOND EXPERIMENT: It consisted of interviewing 22 thousand of the 40 thousand employees through the application of questionnaires that included all kinds of questions, the results obtained in this experiment were:

1.-The employee feels great resentment towards the company where he works

2.- That the state of mind of the workers influences the productivity of the company.

3.-That during the interviews, the employee has emotional discharges.

THIRD EXPERIMENT: It was intended to demonstrate the relationship of the productivity incentive, the results were:

1.-That the incentive-productivity relationship is not much when it comes to the economic aspect.

2.- That the company has informal work groups that in many cases are stronger than the formal ones.

3.-That the company does not accept people who go outside the guidelines.


A) He showed that the psychological aspect is of great importance in administrative tasks.

B) Demonstrated the importance of communication.

C) Demonstrated the importance of informal groups within the company.

D) A very big criticism of Elton Mayo was that his studies were carried out in a single company, with certain people, who had the same social class and a similar culture and he never took into account that these factors affect the behavior of the human being.


His theory is based on two important aspects, motivation and frustration. It considers that the dynamic field of the individual also includes the psychological aspect and that this affects the productivity of the organization, that the human being has positive and negative effects and that in most cases

accept and attract positive situations and reject negative ones.

I conduct research on motivation, and I investigate stress, studying how it affects companies as well as the achievement of their objectives.


He was born and studied in Boston, dedicating himself to analyzing aspects of coordination, administration and command. I criticize the scientific era because it considered that it did not take into account the psychological aspect of the individual. His work: "Administration as a profession" influenced by the scientific method in psychological aspects.

I pay special attention to the conflictive aspects of companies as well as to human relations and the impact they have on the organization.

Her works were not recognized because they were considered to have impractical content and because she was a woman.


These studies did not take into account the kinds of organization and the special needs of each one despite having done very in-depth studies. Another important criticism is that they did not propose practical solutions.


Currently we find that all companies pay special attention to the psychological aspect of the individual when they are going to join an organization, proof of this are all the psychological tests that have been implemented to them.



General characteristics:

This trend appeared in the late fifties as a consequence of low productivity, since the scientific and human relationship trends had taken productivity or personnel into account, but in isolation, and it was made up of a group of psychologists and sociologists who they are dedicated to studying human behavior.

The structuralist current, aims to balance the resources of the company, paying attention to both its structure and human resources. It is a current whose main objective is to study the problems of the company and their causes, paying special attention to the authority and communication aspects.

This current considers that there are four elements common to all companies:

1.-AUTHORITY: All organizations have a group of people or person who are in charge of the direction of others.

2.-COMMUNICATION: To a greater or lesser degree, in companies it is given to achieve the objectives.

3.-BEHAVIOR STRUCTURE: This element refers to the division of labor, the way companies work and the behavior of staff.

4.-FORMALIZATION STRUCTURE: It consists of studying the norms, rules and policies under which the company works.



German sociologist who deeply analyzed organizations from different points of view, studied aspects of bureaucracy, democracy, authority and behavior. His works: "Economy and Society" and "Protestant Ethics"

Contributions to the administration: Their contributions were very important but they were recognized 20 years later, within them we find:

1.-TYPES OF SOCIETY: It makes a clear division of the companies indicating that within them there will always be preferences.

2.- TYPES OF AUTHORITY: Consider that there are those who can exercise it and those who cannot. It classifies it in 3:

-Legal: That is what the law establishes,

-Charismatic: That is determined by personal character and,

-Traditional: Determined by the status that it occupies.

3.- CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BUREAUCRACY: It is defined as a system of offices that is characterized by delays or impediments and that in most cases is related to State activities.

Determines what can be improved if an ideal bureaucracy model is met that has the following characteristics

a) Maximum division of labor

b) Hierarchy of authority

c) Determination of rules

d) Impartial administration

e) Safety at work

f) Clear differentiation of assets.


He considers that when an organization respects the ideal bureaucracy model, efficiency can be improved by ensuring that a large number of people can adequately perform their work and that those who are used under certain systems are treated with great efficiency.


His studies were highly influential, but the biggest criticism made is that he always considered ideal business and personal situations, "but there is no ideal."


Main contributions

German sociologist. His work: "Sociology of administration." Among his main contributions to the administration are:

Structure of authority and typology of organizations. This author considers that companies can be structured based on 3 ways:

1.- Hierarchical structure: In them the leader makes

decisions under the concept that at a higher level, less obedience and at a lower level, greater obedience.

2.- Democratic structure: In this type of company, the structure is carried out by the opinion of the majority.

3.- Structured by the technical authority: The structure is carried out according to the knowledge that each person has and in it there is freedom of action and direction.

Communication structure, For Mayntz the company must pay special attention to communication because the achievement of the objectives depends largely on it and classifies it into:

Informal: This type of communication refers to personal communications.

Formal: Labor relations

Structural dysfunctions and conflicts: This occurs when the employee and the company expect different things, the main causes are:

- When the orders are not given correctly or are given by several people.

- When greater capacity or speed is required at work.

- When people feel that their role in the company should be different.

- When there are overloads at work.

Formalization and Bureaucratization: Discover that when a company is regulated too much, it can fall into bureaucracy and this limits creativity, leaving no freedom of action.


American sociologist who wrote the works: "Modern Organizations" and "Treatises on Organization." Among his main contributions are:

The typology of organizations and the typology of behavior in organizations.

It considers that the company can be structured based on the specific needs of each organization. This author starts from the concept that organizations play a very important role in our lives.

1) Typology of organizations:

It defines them as units set up to achieve a specific purpose and classifies them into 4:

1.- The coercive: In them the higher level has all the authority and the freedom of the individual is affected. Example, concentration camps, jail, mental hospitals, etc.

2.- Regulations: Offers a reward for belonging to them. Eg professional associations and clubs.

3.- Utilitarian: Its only objective is profit. Example, industries and businesses.

4.- Mixed: They give us a benefit but they have a utility. Eg banks.

2) Typology of behavior in organizations

It considers that three types of members or people work in it:

1.- Alienator: You are obliged to belong to the organization. Example, Military service.

2.- Calculator: Balances the benefits that you are going to obtain and the benefits that the company will obtain and based on this, decides if you want to belong to the company, if there is no balance; he rejects it.

3.- Moral: It gets involved in organizations for moral aspects. Example, the ladies of charity.

This author considers that a company must have a series of objectives that it must achieve and based on this it must carry out its structure.


His work: "Executive functions and nature of command."

His contributions: Executive functions and theories of authority. This author affirms that the authority or command has two basic elements: The origin of the command (Who commands) and the Acceptance of the command (Who obeys). It demonstrates the importance of the executive's attitude in achieving the objectives, showing that the achievement of the objectives is based mainly on the performance of the boss.

Acceptance of authority or command depends largely on the fact that when orders are given, they meet the following requirements:

a) Understanding: The order must be understood by subordinates.

b) Congruent: It must be consistent with the objectives of the company.

c) Compatible: It must be balanced with personal interests and those of the company.

d) Feasible: That it is a possible order to fulfill.

The work of this author relates two important aspects: The attitude of the boss and the reaction of the subordinate and the importance in a company that an order is understood and accepted.


German sociologist, his work: «Sociology of industry and business». Contributions: Structural and behavioral analysis.

Pay special attention to conflicts and the sources that generate them, consider that there are different types of conflicts:

Industrial: Worker-company

Informal: The personality of the boss or the way in which he gives orders is not accepted with pleasure.

Deviant: Situations that are reflected in the organization without being caused by it.

Manifests provoked by the unions.

Underlying: They can be due to the struggle of disguised power.


All the authors who belong to this current aim to learn more about organizational structures by studying human behavior and the influence of certain factors on them. While Etzioni analyzes organizations, Mainz pays attention to authority and conflict.

Bernard focuses basically on analyzing the types of authority but in a different way from Mainz, Weber studies the bureaucracy suggesting an ideal model and authority as a tool to impose the will.

All from their particular points of view contribute to a better understanding of organizational structures and human knowledge.


The administration uses all the contributions given by the structuralists contributing a lot with the other currents.


General systems theory evolved administrative approaches. This system arises based on a work carried out by the biologist Ludwin Von Berta Lanffy.

This current considers companies as units that are in constant movement and that are interrelated with the environment on the basis that everything belongs to a greater one.

The TGS (General Theory of Systems) considers that when thinking about a system the following premises should be taken into account:

1) The functions of a system depend on its structure; Depending on how the system is structured, it will perform its functions.

2) The systems always belong to another major, that is, they are always within another system.

3) Systems are open and always receive information from other systems.


A system is defined as a set of interrelated elements that belong to a larger one. It is also said to be a combination of parts that form a whole. In any system we find at least four elements:

1) Inputs (Supply of what is necessary)

2) Process (Transformation of inputs)

3) Product (Process result)

4) Feedback (Response)

The system allows a vision and understanding of a set of elements.


Systems can be classified based on different criteria:

* According to their constitution they are divided into: physical or concrete (made up of real objects and things, example: machinery) and abstract (made up of qualitative things, example: plans, ideas, etc.).

* According to their nature, they are classified as: closed (they do not receive influence from the environment or information) and open (they receive influence from the environment and receive information).

An open system is considered to be in constant interaction with the environment with the environment.

Companies are considered open systems because they have constant input and output of information and react to the environment, adjusting to the necessary changes: market, prices, competition, etc.


Of all the theories studied, this is the one with the least criticism. This is due to the short time of its creation and due to this the results have not been fully evaluated.


More and more organizations are using the systems. This allows them to function more adequately because through the systems the tasks are facilitated and a better business knowledge is allowed.




The quantitative school is also known as the mathematical school or the quantum school.

It is considered that this school started in the 1940's, but that the true contributions to business solutions have been in the last thirty years.

Currently many of the business problems are solved by means of mathematical models that pay special attention to decision making.


The decision process is viewed as a series of stages that make up a decision. Decision-making is a process carried out by every administrator and is considered a central task of the administration.

Decision-making is defined as the selection based on certain criteria of alternative behavior between two or more paths, courses of action or alternatives.

* Types of decisions. In the company there are two:

1) The programmed ones, in which the data is adequate and repetitive, there is certainty and the conditions in many cases are static.

2) The unscheduled ones, in which the data are inadequate, there is uncertainty and the conditions are dynamic and techniques of planning and control are used.


Among the main mathematical techniques we find:

* Operation Research: It is defined as the application of mathematical logic and the scientific method in order to solve administrative problems that are represented by means of mathematical models that are solved by means of algebraic equations. Research

Operations is based on the following mathematical theories:

1.-Game theory: In this theory conflicts are analyzed. Two or more people take part in it; each is given a limited number of strategies which will reflect the outcome of each of the courses of action. The results are preferably calculated by means of a matrix.

2.-Queuing Theory: Its objective is to optimize distributions in crowded conditions. It is responsible for eliminating unnecessary waiting times or delays and the points of interest are the waiting time and the number of clients (the bank uniforms are a solution by this means).

3.-Decision theory: This is resolved based on the following steps:

Definition of the problem.

Development of alternatives.

Construction of the model.

Test the model.

Implement the model.

4.- Program of activities: This is developed through CPM, Pert systems, by means of arrow diagrams and network of activities; aims to find the critical path through a sequence of activities and operations that allow the best use of resources in an optimal time.

5.- Linear programming: This procedure aims to minimize costs and maximize efficiency through certain limits and obligations. An essential requirement is that there is a plant location and certain variables of raw material, place of sale, etc. must be taken into account.

6.- Probability and mathematical statistics: It is a system that is used when data is difficult to obtain. The statistical system shows the characteristics that an alternative must have in order for it to be chosen.

This system is widely used in quality control, credit, insurance, etc. This system allows knowing the probability of success that an alternative has.

7.- Dynamic programming: This type of programming is used when before reaching the final objective we have to go through certain intermediate phases, but related, and that if one of them is not adequately achieved, the final objective is affected.

Example: salespeople who have a series of visits to their customers scheduled.


Not all companies are able to use these sophisticated systems; either because of its high cost or because of the capacity required to develop it.


It is a school that allows an adequate decision-making process to be carried out in the company with these techniques, but one of the problems that arise is that it is not applicable to all organizations and that only

can be used when problems are quantifiable.




The School or theory of neohumanorrelacionismo or theory of behavior is a theory of opposition to the classic theory that pays special attention to human behavior. It is considered a continuation of the theory of human relations. She criticizes both the bureaucracy and the theory of human relations, because she considers that she never treated the human factor individually.

Neohumanorrelacionismo or behavior theory analyzes people and their behavior individually, based on the fact that motivation improves the productivity of the company.

Two authors who are dedicated to analyzing the importance of motivators in depth are Abraham Maslow and Herzberg.

* Abraham Maslow: His work "Personality and Motivation"; is a psychologist who studies the needs of the human being. Consider that human beings have different needs and that they occupy a certain hierarchy.

This author ranks the needs in the following order:

1) Physiological needs (They are of vital importance since the survival of the human being depends on them).

2) Safety (Stability, protection and safety at work).

3) Social (Participation and acceptance in social activities).

4) Esteem (The individual not only wants to belong to groups, he needs to be esteemed within them).

5) Self-realization (Being able to carry out what we like is a necessity).

* Herzberg: His work «Motivation and Hygienic Factors». He developed the theory of factors in which he indicates that human conditions and human behavior is governed based on two factors:

1) Motivational Factors: They are those that are related to the work he performs.

2) Hygienic Factors: Located in the environment that surrounds them and is managed by the company.

This author analyzes that the needs of the human being can never be fully satisfied.



His works «The Human Side of the Company», «Industrial Psychology», «The Professional Administrator». American psychologist and professor at Harvard, where he studied Industrial Psychology. It is the first to set positions on human behavior.

His contributions: The General Theory of Management and Administrative Theories.

His theories: Theory X and Theory Y.

* Theory X. Assumptions:

1) People have an aversion to work.

2) He must be punished and threatened in order for him to work.

3) Prefers to be directed to avoid responsibilities.

* Theory Y. Assumptions:

1) The wear and tear of physical and mental effort at work is as natural as at play.

2) The common people learn in suitable conditions.

3) The individual will achieve the objectives of the company as long as the company achieves its personal objectives.

4) People's ability is only partially used.

5) Most people are creative and resourceful.

Strauss and Sayles. Authors of the Z theory: Due to the radical nature of the X and Y theories, it is necessary to create a theory that balances the previous two, who achieves this is the Z theory. This theory analyzes that the human being has a variable attitude.

* Theory Z. Assumptions:

1) People like to feel important.

2) People want to be informed of what is happening in the company.

3) He wants to be taken into account for the work he does in a well done way, recognizing it.


This author dedicated himself to studying the personnel who work within the organization; concluding that the individual has been educated in a different way than what is required of him in the organization, so that when entering it, there is a mismatch in behavior; it shows the incongruity or lack of relationship between what is learned and what is executed.

People are educated to lead and when they enter the organization they are asked to submit to the rules. She is educated to be an active person and when she joins the company she is required to be passive or that her activity is within certain limits.

His work "Personality and Organization" analyzes the mismatch between the education received and business activity.


This author is an exponent of the theory of behavior that considers that each company is different, so it is necessary to first analyze the type of organization to be able to determine later what type of address we should use.

This author provides the four Administration systems, but considers that before determining which one we should use, we must take into account four important variables that exist within companies and that determine what type of system we should use.

These variables are:

1) The decision-making process.

2) Communication.

3) Interpersonal relationships.

4) Rewards and punishments.

The four Management Systems are:

1.- Authoritarian or coercive: It is a closed, autocratic and arbitrary system. Your decision-making process: Top management makes all decisions; communication does not exist in this system; interpersonal relationships: they do not occur because senior management makes all the decisions; reward systems: does not exist.

2.- Arbitrary or benevolent: It is a disguised autocracy. The decision-making process is in the upper management, but there is some delegation in things that are not important; communication is precarious, but it is made to believe that it exists; interpersonal relationships are tolerated; reward systems: more attention is paid to punishments only.

3.- Consultative System: It is done through participation. Decision-making process: participatory, people are allowed to intervene; communication occurs frequently; interpersonal relationships are constant; reward systems: more rewards are used than punishments.

4.Participative: it is an open democracy. Decision-making process: responsibility is delegated as far as possible; communication takes place in every way; interpersonal relationships with constants and to a large extent the process is based on them; reward system: punishment is only used in very necessary things, but rewards are constantly used, indeed, this system is based on them.

Likert considers that to adopt a management model, it is first necessary to evaluate based on the previous points and the type of organization in question and based on this determine which system should be adopted. It also considers that different systems can be adopted in the same organization depending on the functional area in question.

Of all the systems previously studied, this is one of the most extensive and that all organizations can be identified.


This theory, unlike Humanorelationism, is very successful because the difference from the other theory considers that in the company there are different types of people, with different behaviors and who must be treated, depending on their conditions.

Human groups that like to work and do not require pressure are analyzed in it. Example: Theory Y and people who are not very participatory and who do not like the work like the theory X people, but if this is not enough, the type of people who can fall between these two theories and who correspond to the assumptions of theory Z are analyzed..


After having analyzed the characteristics of the human being and the different resources, research has shown that its behavior requires special attention, so the theory studied above has been widely accepted in all types of companies.


It is also called Universal or the Administrative process. This school represents the set of ideas of various currents for the application of administration, in short, it applies the various knowledge of each of the schools, trying to group them in a Universal thought through the application of the Administrative process.

There are many authors that make it up, among them the following can be mentioned in chronological order:

• Henry Fayol

• Mary Parker Follet

• Lydall F. Urwik

• George Terry

• Harold Koontz

• Cyril O´Donnell

• William P. Leonard

• Victor Lazzaro



The administration, of an eminently social nature, is governed by a series of values ​​that provide not only moral validity before the population, but also ethical information that should guide the conduct of the administrator in society.

The institutional values ​​of the administration are:


These are the most important, since they contribute to the well-being of society through:

- The improvement of the quality and price of the product and / or service to adequately satisfy the real needs of the human being.

- The improvement of the socioeconomic situation of the population.

- The fulfillment of fiscal obligations that allow to sustain the local and federal governments.

- Avoid unfair competition.

- The promotion of development through the creation of jobs.

- Increase and preserve the natural and cultural wealth of society.


Those that tend to improve the organization of the resources available to the social group, and that tend to:

- Promote technological innovation, research and development.

- Optimize the coordination of resources.

- Maximize efficiency in methods, systems and procedures.

- Reconciling interests between the different members of the social group.


They are those that are oriented to obtaining economic benefits and that can be:

- Generating wealth

- Maximizing the obtaining of profits.

- Properly managing financial resources.

- Promoting the economic development of the social group.

- Promoting investment.


The essence of a management by objectives system is that managers and their subordinates set common goals together. The main areas of responsibility for each are clearly defined in terms of expected and measurable results (objectives). These are used by subordinates when planning their work, and by them and their superiors to monitor progress. Performance evaluations are carried out on an ongoing basis, with periodic evaluations also being carried out.

The fundamental purpose of the introduction of the APO is to achieve an efficient operation of the total organization through the successful operation and integration of its parts.

Douglas McGregor, for his part, is a supporter of management by objectives because of its value as a performance planning and evaluation system. He recommends that managers, after agreeing on their basic responsibilities with their immediate superiors, set the objectives of their activity for a short-term period. Therefore, they also have the responsibility of drawing up specific plans that allow them to achieve their own objectives. At the end of the period, each one carries out a self-evaluation that is then discussed with the superior, establishing new objectives for the following period. In this way, the ambiguities and tensions that often accompany other types of evaluation programs are lessened.


The effective manager can also cope with the external environment. Cad

As managers make plans, they have to take into account the needs and desires of the members of the organization's external society, as well as the needs of material and human resources, technology and other requirements that come from the environment that surrounds them. Up to a point they do the same with almost any kind of administrative activity.

All administrators, whether operating in a commercial company, a government agency, a church, a charitable foundation, or a university, have to consider, to varying degrees. The elements and forces of your external environment.

They must identify, assess and react to forces outside the company that may affect their operations.


Sociology and law are two basic disciplines, since the Administration can only occur precisely "in a legally structured social organism".

But since the administration has one of its main divisions into "people" and "things", the two sciences that immediately help them are, from the point of view of things, the economy, and of people, psychology. Every administrator needs to have the help of the former, to manage "things", and psychology, for that of "people."


When it comes to achieving maximum efficiency in the functioning of a social organism of public order, the respective technique forms the public administration; when looking for a private type body, we are in private administration.

The practical importance of the distinction between public and private is that very different rules have to be applied in both types of administration: while compulsion on people is possible in public administration, in private everything derives from capacity to convince and enthuse.

Distinctive criteria

Three are those that are proposed within the science of Law to distinguish and differentiate a function of public law from another of private.

a) The nature of the body: According to this theory, a social function should be considered public order, when it involves a sovereign authority.

b) The purpose sought: This criterion is perhaps the oldest and most simple. It is already fully outlined in Roman law: Public law is that which looks to the good of the republic of Rome; private, on the other hand, is that it only attends to the particular utility.

c) The immediate source: This criterion looks at the legal environment from which the administrative act emanates. When it derives immediately from the law, without the need for any acceptance or agreement, but rather that it is imposed unilaterally by the authority on its subjects, it is evident that it is an act of public administration. When, on the contrary, the immediate source of the obligation to carry out an act within a social organism is the fact of having concluded, expressly or tacitly, an agreement, contract, etc., the act will be private, although the force of enforceability coercive of this contract or agreement is guaranteed and is based on a law, either positive, or at least natural law.

The administration will be public or private, depending on whether it is given in order to directly achieve a particular benefit, or whether it refers immediately to a social good.


It is important if we would like to refer to a company or institution that regardless of the importance of the establishment or application of a model, as in this case the administrative process is, we must also refer to the role that we as administrators have in an organization, call for goods or services.

The number of departments varies according to the needs of the same company. Those functions are:

Production: Traditionally considered one of the key departments, since it is in charge of the optimal use and the adequate

introduction of infrastructure in an organization or company.

Marketing: Of utmost importance, given its specialty that it represents today, and that it holds in the company the responsibility of developing efficient methods in the management and coordination of the sales systems that the company offers to a specific market.

Finances: This area is in charge of obtaining funds and supplying the capital that is used in the operation of the company, trying to have the necessary financial means for each of the other departments, in order for them to function properly.

Human resources: Department of vital importance, since by means of the suitable use of programs of recruitment, selection, hiring, training and development, the suitable personnel and related to the objectives of the same are gathered for the company.


1.-Physical Qualities

2.-Moral Qualities

3.-Intellectual Qualities

4.-General Knowledge

5.-Specific Knowledge


The administrator must be a professional efficiently prepared to assume the highest responsibilities in the management of a modern organization, be it public or private.

His training allows him to perform as an excellent business strategist, with a remarkable management of information systems and advanced technology. You also have to be prepared to take controlled risks; have an entrepreneurial spirit and demonstrate adequate criteria and initiative to design innovative proposals that respond to changing and increasingly demanding market needs. He must be very well trained for teamwork and group management, and possess the necessary skills to adequately develop human resources.

The administration career allows the person to have a solid and complete knowledge of the main areas of the profession, without neglecting their training in other aspects, such as the social sciences and the humanities, which will allow them a broader vision of reality and the environment in which it operates.

When we think about the Professional Profile in Business Administration that organizations need to achieve their objectives, it is necessarily intended that this is an EXECUTIVE, capable of planning, directing, organizing, evaluating and constantly making decisions within the daily work of the company. In addition, they must not only be able to assume these responsibilities, but they must also feel and demonstrate the conviction that, regardless of the nature of the Organization = area they are in charge of, whatever work or decision they carry out they will always have to be carried out. applying all the ethical-human values ​​that guarantee success without pretending to achieve the maximum with the minimum effort or to take advantage of the weakest people.

It can be summarized that the ADMINISTRATOR must have the following values ​​and attitudes:

High degree of self-esteem and responsibility

D isposition for the use and management of equipment and technology

Motivation for the search and achievement of goals

I ntegrity and honesty

Rules of conduct, principles and Ethics in professional practice

I ndependence, with an attitude Critical and constructive

Social and humanistic S ensibility


Awareness of the importance of loyalty to the company and its representatives.

To secure training for leadership development

Responsibility to achieve the common good


Administration professionals are in high demand to fill managerial positions in the areas of marketing, operations management, strategic planning, finance, etc., of important public and private organizations.


All people, whether they are in business, in government, in a university or in some other type of organization, are concerned about ethics. In Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, this is defined as "the discipline that relates to good and bad and to duty and moral obligation." Therefore, personal ethics have been referred to as "the rules by which a person lives his or her personal life" and accounting ethics constitutes "the code that guides the professional conduct of accountants." Business ethics is related to truth and justice and has various aspects, such as the expectations of society, fair competition, advertising, public relations, social responsibilities,consumer autonomy and corporate conduct in the home country as well as abroad.


1.- Technological, Cultural and Economic Unit of Mexico.

In Mexico we can observe that a determining factor for development is the economic, cultural and technological dependence that we have. This is mainly due to a series of factors such as: lack of economic capacity and educational problems.

As we are not dependent, we have to accept many of the conditions imposed on us by the countries that advise us technologically and economically.

2.- Development Factors of an Administration for Mexico.

A) Administration and Participation.

All countries have the need to create their own administration systems and all this is achieved through the participation of companies and their employees. There may be many systems, but not all are adapted to the needs of each organization, for this reason it is necessary to create your own systems.

B) Administration and the need for theory.

There are many authors who have written on management issues, but none of them have created an administrative theory for Mexico. In Mexico, an administrative theory is required that includes aspects that significantly affect Mexican companies.

C) Administration and Economic Development.

The Administration is closely linked to economic development. This is because one of the main objectives of the administration is to make a rational use of resources, achieving high productivity.

Proof of this is that a well-managed country is considered a developed country and a poorly managed country is an underdeveloped country.

D) The Administrator as promoter.

The Administration is carried out through the administrator, for this reason, it must act as a promoter, promoting the application of the administration in an appropriate way. He is in charge of making people aware of the important role they play in achieving business objectives.

E) The social sense of the Administration.

The Administration is in charge of monitoring the proper functioning of various aspects. Not only related to profit.

One of these aspects that plays an important role in the company is the social sense that should have the same attention as the group aspect. Creating the right environment in your company and getting people to achieve their personal goals is just as important. The needs of suppliers and customers must also be met and the competition aspect must be addressed.

F) Administration and Organizational Structures.

In order to carry out an adequate organizational structure, it is necessary to consider the administrative aspect within the company. This will allow us to have a structure in accordance with business needs, their functions and activities.

G) Administration and Technology.

A few years ago in Mexico it was relatively easy. Everything that was produced was sold; Currently we find that the markets are becoming more and more conflictive, this is because there is a large number of cutting-edge technology products with which we have to compete.

In Mexico, attention was not paid to the technological aspect as it should be, whether for economic reasons or lack of interest, this line was neglected. Currently we find that the consequences of this neglect are being experienced and it is taking us a lot of work to locate ourselves in such a competitive market.

H) Administration and unemployment.

It is considered that a well-managed company will be successful and although difficult times are experienced, it will be achieved, with greater ease, respecting its structure and its jobs. The lack or inadequate administration, results in an imbalance of the structures and in many cases unemployment. It is important to consider that currently, although companies are poorly managed there is unemployment due to the situation in which they live.

I) Administration and quality.

One of the very important aspects for the company is quality and when we use this term we mean the total quality of the organization. Proof of this is that it is increasingly common to find that companies teach courses related to this topic.

The following series of videos review the contributions of Taylor, Fayol, Mayo, Follet, Maslow, McGregor, Strauss, Sayles, Argyris, Likert, Weber, Mayntz, Etzioni, Kauffman, Simon and Drucker to the conceptual evolution of managerial thinking. (20 videos - 1 hour and 43 minutes - Educatina)

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Administrative thinking, its conceptual evolution