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As small family agroindustries in the southwest of Paraná: a managerial approach


Palavras-Chave: agroindustries, administration, family property, transformation process, commercialization channels, production costs.

Abstract: The objective of that study is to explain the importance of the administrative sciences in the administration of the small family agribusinesses of the Southwest of Paraná. Portraying the main managerial difficulties faced by the rural entrepreneurs in the several areas that understand his / her enterprise. Being approached some necessary administrative presuppositions for the understanding of the administration. The characterization of the small family agribusinesses located in the Southwest area of ​​Paraná is done necessary for a better visualization of the developed problem, leaving for the study of the focuses marketing, financial and productive, presenting the problem and throwing some hypotheses of solving them, always with the mentality of optimizing the involved resources.

Key Words: agribusinesses, administration, family property, transformation process, commercialization channels, production costs

  1. Introduction

This study aims to launch a continuous debate on the importance of the managerial training of two owners of small family agribusinesses in the southwest of Paraná, knowledge that is of fundamental importance for the performance of the business. Currently, the agricultural sector is undergoing a transformation on the production and commercialization of agricultural commodities by small rural properties not enough to provide a decent profitability for family farmers in the region, I have to seek new alternatives, such as the process of verticalization of production, Via agroindustrialization, an alternative that involves or understanding of a complex market and with peculiarities that need to be understood and strategically explored so that the ventures continue to succeed.

The agroindustrial complexes of transformation of raw material produced by agriculture (mainly integration), to the input industry (agro-toxins, chemical substances and seeds) and are responsible for the commercialization of it, each time more, they appropriate the wealth generated by agriculture. 50 years ago, a farmer produced his own inputs, industrialized and commercialized his production, much of it directly for the consumer. A modern logic of production expropriated a large part of the profits, leaving for the farmer subject to the production plot, precisely at the highest risk. This process has been facilitated by the individualistic and centralized non-profit mentality, which increasingly dominates farmers and societies.

SETOR / ANUS 1945 2000

Insecticides, Herbicides, Adubo, Sementes, Machines, etc.




Plant / Colhe

Breeding / Fattening

61% 13%

Receive, Benefit, Industrialize

0% 36%
26% 27%
Total Percent 100% 100%

(EWEIN, 2003, p. 32)

Segundo Abramovay (1992, p. 45) Family agriculture is the one where the property is owned, the most important part of the work is done by people who maintain ties of blood or marriage”.

In the absence of a vertical integration process with the transformation of two products, which stimulates the farmers to generate a greater added value and reters this value in the production unit, it is transferred to other agents and that makes it possible to extend the autonomy not the production cycle, To diversify the cliff, and mainly to keep the family members in the unit, it is a great challenge to two atual times of regional development.

According to the Data of the Intergovernmental Forum of the Society / Agricultural Factory Program (1999) There are approximately 399 small agroindustries in the Southwest region of Paraná, being that 44.5% of the total are operating clandestinely.

A reality of family agriculture of small properties, present in the Southwest of Paraná and of European colonization that traces its cultural roots to natural aptitude for the transformation of production, as well as the present need to verticalize family production to add greater value to material- prima, fez as in recent years or segment of family agroindustries of small size passasse from a profile of scale of domestic and uncharacterized production, to a profile of professionalized commercial scale.

Small family agroindustries are characterized by a high level of informality, little technological and managerial contribution, little capacity to assimilate technical management and marketing information, and a business approach geared towards production. Due to its characteristics, it has little capacity to adapt to changes in the economic environment, but it has not been able to survive sudden changes in supply and demand structures. (VIEIRA, 1997).

  1. Management Difficulties

Second of the Data from the Intergovernmental Forum and the Sociedade do Sudoeste do Paraná / Farmer Factory Program (1999) “Identified some difficulties for the implantation of a small agro-industry, being the main ones: O deficient technical support; To inadequacy of the technologies used; A high bureaucracy of the current legislation for the registration of two agro-industrial enterprises and products; Difficulties of access to credit and ways of managing or undertaking ”.

As or work as an phase to business management, it is delimited to analyze the problems related to the capacity to administer or entrepreneurship.

As small family agribusinesses, they do not have a rational division of activities, this is or is due to two small businesses with few resources, the managers of the company, generally, their own dono and some family members, they are multipurpose, performing in various functions, Exercising, no more than once, you are the chief executive of the manager and supervisor of sales, production, administration and finances. It is also not rare to see your own managers being man-of-work of production, administration and sales.

Two main problems faced by small-scale agroindustries, it is difficult to access modern channels of commercialization, isto, or it is possible to find hair in two canais of varejo, provided with growth of the supermarket branch as a concentrating agent for food sales.

In the absence of an entrepreneurial vision for the long-term business, it indicates that there is no concern in planning a higher, strategic, strategic horizon, in short, it is only a short-term, operational forecast.

Another problem faced by managers of small agribusinesses and lack of fear to generate and assess information, is linked to the areas of production, finance and or marketing, such a fact is justified by the time requirement that the manager has, mainly due to not having A division of family work, and also, for the low schooling of dessas people, as they become prohibited, no processing of data in information as well as the analysis to be carried out.

Two aspects are most important and semi-dull, in the absence of management instruments in the financial area, it is necessary to assess the cash, in the rush of two costs inserted in the production chain that is encompassed, as well as difficult to formulate or sell price with the margin of Profit that clam, fato esse of great importance, pois a margem of profit very high can leave or product with little attractiveness of price, strengthening other direct concordants and agroindustries of great size or prejudices with decontamination two custs that are inserted not produced.

3. Administrative Councils

For a better understanding of the issue addressed, a theoretical foundation was made of the main approaches that involve administrative science, also formulating the necessary assumptions for the analysis of two phenomena to be discussed.

A definição de Administração second SOUZA et al. (1995, p. 15): “é uma ciência. And also an art. Science because it has its own theoretical reference, it can be treated by the scientific method. It is art because it includes the resolution of two problems that arise in the conduct of organizations, skills, sensitivity and intuition.

Also this practice is not restricted to companies, but it is necessary in all types of organized activities and in all types of organizations. Of course, the administration is necessary where you want the people to work together and try to achieve a common goal. A administração é necessary às activities producing benefits and services, in private and public enterprises, and in large and small groups ”(MEGGINSON et al. 1986, p. 5/6)

Segundo Kwasnicka (1987, p. 141) “The process of managing (management) is considered as a process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling resources (human, technological and financial), used by the company in order to achieve the established objectives.

The primary functions that an administrator must carry out in his / her undertaking, são: or planning, being the first functions to be executed, at this moment in which the gerais and specific objectives are defined, as well as the plans of scope, where devem include the necessary resources, courses of action, having as a base or study of the environment; The organization has the function of raising or structural apparatus so that it is possible to execute the defined plans without planning, it involves the definition of activities of the company, or grouping of activities so that the resources are used efficiently, to promote the link between hierarchy and division of work; To address the subject or objective of directing the members of the organization to carry out their tasks efficiently, avoiding conflicts and dispersion of two available resources,Involving activities of delegation, motivation, communication, assuming that it is an administrative function to which human aspect is or decisive factor for or its success; or control the function that supports the activities of the organization to see what objectives are being achieved, developing parents and carrying out feedback of the administrative process.

Segundo Chiavenato (2001, p. 179) "Or administrative process, not just a cyclical sequence, but also a process of functions closely related in a dynamic interaction."


De Acordo com Chiavenato (2000, p. 71) “or environment represents the whole or universe that externally surrounds a company, this is all located outside the company. It is the environment that companies obtain the necessary resources and information for their survival and operation, and the environment that places the results of their operations ”.

Nenhuma company is not vacuous, it interacts as an environment and its result depends on the influences softened by it. In 1940, Barnard released theoretical pressures explaining that the organizations were not dated systems, not dependent on mechanistic techniques of production and efficiency of resources and that were open systems with constant interaction with the environment. Within the environmental analysis, the environment can be divided in relation to the interactions with the company in two parts:

The general environment (macro environment) is made up of a large and complex set of conditions and external factors that diffusely surround and influence all companies. There is not a specific entity with which the company has direct interaction, but a diffuse set of generic and external conditions to the companies that contributed in a general way to everything that happens within each company, for the strategies adopted and for the conseqüências das ações entrepreneurs. The general environment is constituted for several consecutive days: technological, political, economic, legislative, social, demographic and ecological (CHIAVENATO, 2000, p. 74).

The general environment is very complex, because it interferes with the company, it is the responsibility of the administrator to obtain the maximum amount of information available in its field of atuação to reduce the risks of the ameaças provided by the environment as well as to make it more flexible, not to take advantage of the opportunities that may arise. Sending information to the key of the general environment appraisal process, this must be developed, with information or a number of uncertainties taken from decisions that become a delimiter in the effectiveness of the administration of the business.

The work environment is the specific environment of the company that corresponds to the segment of the general environment most immediately and the next company. It is constituted by other companies, institutions, groups and individuals as a certain company that maintains an interface and enters a direct interaction in order to operate. It is the environmental context closest to the company that provides the inputs or inputs of resources and information, as well as the placement and distribution of its outputs or results. Os principalis setores são: consumers or users, suppliers, concordants and regulatory groups. (CHIAVENATO, 2000, p. 78)

The task environment is where the company is more influential, because consumers are inserted, as well as suppliers like you, a triad of that much studied and analyzed when decisions are made: what to produce, how to produce, to be produced There are just some inquiries that arise when this part of the environment of vital importance for the survival of the business is analyzed.



A decision made or the process of analysis and escort, among several alternatives, you have available, the course of action that you must follow. The main attitude expected for decision-makers is the explicit rationale behind this alternative action. A rationality resides in an efficient escort two ways to achieve two objectives proposed in principle of effectiveness. (CHIAVENATTO, 2000, p. 386)

The decision-making process is carried out by the role of any organizational manager, because it is a highly rational process that is verified or confirmed by a leader, on the situational aspects perceived and understood, knowing that those who do not know are left behind. On the other hand, it does not interfere with the decision made. To this phenomenon gives or name of rationality limited to which are rational those where the aspects are perceived and interpreted. It seems a paradigm of one side becomes a greater number of information possible and another amount of knowledge necessary to analyze and take advantage of this information by channeling the decision-making process.

As companies are classes of organizations, isto é, are social units that try to reach specific objectives: to their reason of being and serve those objectives. An objective of the company is a desired situation that it intends to achieve. Within this placement, the business objectives have many functions, namely: a) to present a future situation, the objectives indicate a direction that the company seeks to follow and establish lines for the activity of two participants; b) the objectives constitute a source of legitimacy that justifies the activities of a company and attached to its own existence; c) The objectives serve as patrons, since the participants are strangers to the ability to compare and assess the success of the company, or its efficiency and its performance;d) The objectives serve as a unit of measurement to verify and compare the products of the company or of its bodies or even of its participants. (CHIAVENATO 2000, p. 50)

Any independent company of the size or branch of implementation must, through its leaders, establish clear objectives of where they want to go, these guidelines will serve to determine the entire administration process, by which the leader will guide himself in making decisions, also serving as Efficiency standards are not achieved. Or an administrator who does not set objectives in line with the phenomena that occur or oversees, does not have a clear vision of the business, acting many times as a “firefighter” putting out fires ”, this is, being a pure and simply situational manager.

Segundo Batalha (2001, p. 561) “A gestão do rural entreprendimento, which includes data collection, information management, taken from decisions and corresponding actions, and treated in literature restricted to the economic aspects of business management (costs, finances and accounting) ”. This is my vision of a rural business that many authors defend, how what happens in a design of other important management tools, such as: the marketing aspects of the product and commercialization; our production processes and quality control; It provides the necessary logistics for the selection of the production among others.

  1. Characterization of Agroindústrias do Sudoeste do Paraná:

Second data from the Intergovernmental Forum and the Society / Agricultural Factory Program, in 1999 there were approximately 399 small agroindustries in the southwestern region. The main lines of transformation of family agroindustries in the south-west of Paraná são: cana-de-açucar (mascavo sugar, honey, rapadura and waitress); meats and sausages (suínos e frangos); leite (queijo, iogurte, doce de leite), fruits and vegetables (doces, sucos geléias e preserves); Massa e panificação (macarrão, balls and biscuits). According to or quadro, it can be observed proportionality of agroindustries by raw materials:


keep going

Raw material Product Agribusiness N °
Abelha Mel, wax and propolis 03
Abóbora Twelve 05
Amendoim Rapadura e amendoim benefited 07
Rice Rice benefited 09
Bird Meat 16
Bovine Meat, sausage and jerky 17
Goat Read 02
Cana-de-açucar Açúcar mascavo, melado, aguardente and rapadura 57
Cenoura Twelve e conserves 03
Cereais Cereais benefited 02
Codorna Ovo ingredients in natura e conser 03
Erva-mate Erva mate e chá 01


Raw material Product Agribusiness N °
Wheat farinha Pão, massa, bolacha, cuca, torta, salgado and bolo 08
Feijão Feijão benefited 02
Figo Figada 02
fruit Packed fruit, polpa e twelve 09
Galinha Ovos 06
Read Pasteurized leite, queijo and iogurte 60
Milho Fubá, farinha, quirera, biju and canjica 16
Olericola Preserve 06
Peixe Filé 07
Cucumber Preserve 05
Pipoca Pipoca 02
Ra Meat 01
Sorghum Vassoura 05
Swine Meat, sausage, smoked and torresmo 43
Tomato Tomato mash 02
Wheat Wheat farinha 09
Grape Wine, vinegar and suco eleven
Total 399


The Intergovernmental Forum of the Sociedade / Programa Fábrica do Agricultor survey requires that all agroindustries be submitted to pending registration processes, as many physical or legal persons as two enterprises and / or how many years agroindustrial products on legal, fiscal, and tributary ethics, sanitary and environmental.

Total number of agroindustries in 1999, 35.6% not registered with the Municipal Inspection Service (SIM), 12.0% without the State Inspection Service (SIP), 2.0% not Federal Inspection Service (SIF), 2, 6% not to the Ministry of Agriculture and 4.3% to the Secretary and Ministry of Health. Subtracting 44.5% that were clandestinely, restricting two non-informal market products to commercialization.

No aspect of quality and periodicity in the offer of two products for small agribusiness in the Southwest, presents many difficulties to enter a market because it does not have an organized process that can provide the consumer or product when it is like this or desires.

The organization of work verifies small family agribusinesses with a large participation in the force of feminine labor, this is the past tradition from geração to geração de recipes and artisan preparations not food processing, another characteristic mark in the majority of rural enterprises is a family work-of-work being able to count with até 02 (two) fixed workers, bem as temporary work-work at peak times in production.

In terms of associativism second or the Farmer's Factory Program, or south-west to the region that stands out the most, many projects mainly in rural assemblages and community associations seek not associativism to alavancagem necessary for the production and commercialization on a scale of their products, aiming at a reduction of their products. We are responsible for an increase in the profit margin, provided by a more compensatory price generated by this synergy of production.

6. Marketing Aspects

Two main problems faced by small family agribusinesses and half a life to place two transformed products in the consumer market. Due to the tradition of two family farmers producing crops and their commercialization in locations close to the cultivation area, these are delivered to cooperatives, cereal growers or sold to other individuals, with prices formed through agricultural commodities or based on prices fixed in the region.. As uniform products we have a certain ease of commercialization. When it comes to transformed agricultural products, there is a great complexity of the trucking relations, some of which are part of a demanding consumer market as regards quality and also additional prices, such as,of regulatory bodies that control the quality and procedure of two products through such commercialization licenses as: SIM, SIP, certifications that are necessary for the commercialization of food products. On the other side, he is an inexperienced producer of negotiations, price fixing, brand creation and packaging as well as the processing of sanitary certification processes. It is not an agricultural common to the figure of the trader, which fears the function of intermediating the commercial relations, fazendo as the profit margin of the producer is reduced, it is delivered by a price pre-established by that, passing on to the merchant or the final consumer for prices calculated as a large profit margin.On the other side, he is an inexperienced producer of negotiations, price fixing, brand creation and packaging as well as the processing of sanitary certification processes. It is not an agricultural common to the figure of the trader, which fears the function of intermediating the commercial relations, fazendo as the profit margin of the producer is reduced, it is delivered by a price pre-established by that, passing on to the merchant or the final consumer for prices calculated as a large profit margin.On the other side, he is an inexperienced producer of negotiations, price fixing, brand creation and packaging as well as the processing of sanitary certification processes. It is not an agricultural common to the figure of the trader, which fears the function of intermediating the commercial relations, fazendo as the profit margin of the producer is reduced, it is delivered by a price pre-established by that, passing on to the merchant or the final consumer for prices calculated as a large profit margin.It can be delivered for a price pre-established by that person, passing on to the merchant or the final consumer for prices calculated as a large profit margin.It can be delivered for a price pre-established by that person, passing on to the merchant or the final consumer for prices calculated as a large profit margin.



How much higher for the lesser commercialization channels will be a profit margin for the producer, because each transaction between the constituent elements of the commercialization will be added to the corresponding profit margin two months of exchange.

These are the main problems that we have witnessed in our marketing aspects. To reverse this problem or rural administrator, it is necessary to build a possible minor marketing channel, or ideally it would be a direct sale to the final consumer, but it is not possible, it must not be minimized to eliminate the figure of the traverser by delivering or its product directly to varejistas For this, it is necessary to have a logistical support not included in the production, as isso will obtain a price for your products.



Through the knowledge passed on between generations, the agroprocessed products are largely handcrafted or mostly handcrafted, limited, therefore on a small scale of production. For this magnitude of supply, easy demand was found in local markets.

In their large majority, these products are reported or even clandestine, not having registrations or sanitary licenses for two responsible bodies. When in some cases these products have registration or sanitary authorization, they do not have an adequate format or a good marketing work for the presentation of the product. On the other hand, due to its small scale of production and for it will be directed to a local market, many times it is informal, such as fairs-livres, small varejistas, etc., in the absence of registration or presentation, it has not represented an impediment to commercialization of your products.

In the meantime, it is dynamically opposite the large Brazilian supermarket networks, which supply part of the urban population. Operating in a very competitive and dynamic branch, the large networks demand quantity, quality and marketing presentation, and it is essential that the products have all the authorizations provided for in the Brazilian legislation. The level of demand becomes so intense that the large networks demand or payment of "luvas" (license) to start placing two products in prateleiras, general or first batch of sale, apart from demanding that the own producer guarantee or supply gives net and packing two products for sale. (DEL GROSSI; SILVA, p. 5)

Family farmers who transform part of their raw material into products that are ready for consumption (transformed products), frequently, as a difficult series, or only, place two products on the market. Isso results in poorly developed marketing channels and few consumer demands, causing a return less than or expected. Com isso family members of small agroindustries have concluded that they must increase to scale of production with a maximum of two existing resources. This attitude outlines a series of implications such as: in search of new markets that will be able to absorb this greater production where it will require a greater expenditure of time, or volume of raw material that must be planned mainly not that it says I respect the two seasons, bem as you cost of obtaining. With the conquest of new markets,There is also a growing demand for the same two products with the quality and health of two products, at the time the supervisory bodies enter into action, demanding necessary conditions and certifications for production. This is the moment that the family takes a serious decision, to expand the business where it involves from an adequate infrastructure as the size of production and sanitary requirements, to modernize two equipment and to seek two marketing certificates necessary for this activity.to mordenização dos equipments is looking for two certificates of commercialization necessary to this activity.to mordenização dos equipments is looking for two certificates of commercialization necessary to this activity.

7. Financial Aspects

For many years aspects of financial controls for small family agribusinesses deixam to show or seu "Calcanhar de Achilles", many owners do not know the costs of their productions, it is not necessary not to control the inflows and outflows of financial resources and the rush of profitability is summarized as A rudimentary accounting aspect that negligence or real value two received ganhos.

Upon implantation of a control of two costs must be divided by all those who are directly involved in production, is to be aware that all the phases that involve the movement of the caixa, must be noted and transcribed in the cost sheets, being those Data transformed into information that will feed or process the formation of the finished product, mixing or realizing it at a margin by scale, making it more competitive in relation to similar products.

Um simples caderno de controle de caixa, onde há a data da operação, descriminação do fato, se é um débito (saída) ou crédito (entrada) de recursos e o saldo, ter-se-ia um importante instrumento de controle como um gerador de informações importante. Essa filosofia tem que ser posta ao proprietário de maneira que a execute ou delegue a um membro da família que se encarregue de anotar essas informações.

There is also a problem of receipts from bandages that must be controlled to avoid a sudden drop in working capital, as a result of the creation of a portfolio of receipts that always has the possibility of balanced income as received. Maintaining a stable working capital is not an easy task for a manager, for various reasons, mainly as the market interfere with very little predictability. Thus, leftovers must be applied diversely, reducing the cliffs of loss.

A capital investment must be analyzed and graded, isto buy capital goods (machines and equipment) so that it does not have excessive capital immobilization. As there are some lines of credits, these should be preferred, because you swear are subsidized by public development bodies (BNDES, Paraná 12 months), charging a tax that is lower than the banking institutions of Varejo.

The purchase of raw materials (main material, packaging, etc.), must be negotiated in such a way that the inflows of resources can be paid for these purchases without capitalization or rural business. The suppliers must be diversified in order to have the option to purchase the power of Barganha.

8. Production Aspects

During production aspects, it can be considered that small family agribusinesses in the southwest of Paraná are going through transformation processes that are required by the sanitary and environmental laws, as well as having a physical structure appropriate to their production activity, mainly food handling. Thus, small kitchens and household pantries for family use are becoming different production areas. These production units need an appropriate layout (physical start-up), as well as, more efficient methods to achieve production scale. A great difficulty of many agroindustries is a raw material, because it is products of vegetable origin, sofrem to seasoning, such as, for example, products for canning (cucumbers), a factor that produces a discontinued production,Many times with a total stop of production. Or ideal would be a better use of a flexible production. Exemplifying-it would be able to ter-se a production of geléias and twelve "ximias" type of pêssegos (outubro à janeiro), grape (dezembro à janeiro), maçã (março à junho), abóbora (fevereiro à julho), citrus (junho à setembro), with this exploitation of cultures to continuous serious production. A flexibility would be to adapt two productive means so that cultures with different times can be used as an example of the production of preserves (legumes) and compotes (fruits), pois or process of production and semelhante and open-se-ia a diversification of products avoiding productive idleness.Exemplifying-it would be able to ter-se a production of geléias and twelve "ximias" type of pêssegos (outubro à janeiro), grape (dezembro à janeiro), maçã (março à junho), abóbora (fevereiro à julho), citrus (junho à setembro), with this exploitation of cultures to continuous serious production. A flexibility would be to adapt two productive means so that cultures with different times can be used as an example of the production of preserves (legumes) and compotes (fruits), pois or process of production and semelhante and open-se-ia a diversification of products avoiding productive idleness.Exemplifying-it would be able to ter-se a production of geléias and twelve "ximias" type of pêssegos (outubro à janeiro), grape (dezembro à janeiro), maçã (março à junho), abóbora (fevereiro à julho), citrus (junho à setembro), with this exploitation of cultures to continuous serious production. A flexibility would be to adapt two productive means so that cultures with different times can be used as an example of the production of preserves (legumes) and compotes (fruits), pois or process of production and semelhante and open-se-ia a diversification of products avoiding productive idleness.A flexibility would be to adapt two productive means so that cultures with different times can be used as an example of the production of preserves (legumes) and compotes (fruits), pois or process of production and semelhante and open-se-ia a diversification of products avoiding productive idleness.A flexibility would be to adapt two productive means so that cultures with different times can be used as an example of the production of preserves (legumes) and compotes (fruits), pois or process of production and semelhante and open-se-ia a diversification of products avoiding productive idleness.

There are two types of family agroindustries: first is the one that produced or its stock of raw material, ist, being that the production has phases of decline; This activity is addressed as a third of receitas, not being, via de regra, the main activity of the property. At the second it is more complex, it can have a strategic stock at its own property, more or main supply and third parties, there are no sudden stops, taking this raw material from other regions, increasing the cost of manufacturing. These production units have a production scale and legal certifications, supplying their products to other regions, such as sausages that are passed on to various market establishments, being the main activity of rural entrepreneurs.

Logistics is another problem of production units, difficult access to properties such as freight cost, reflecting our production costs. Some rural entrepreneurs invest in the purchase of their own vehicle, others seek not associativism to scale compensation to absorb or custody of transport or purchase two intermediaries, receiving less product hair.

Every time more final consumers are demanding two producers, products with quality, the same handcrafted products. This quality control must be accompanied in all the processes of the production chain and not be deprived of just the moment of transformation. Escort the suppliers of a good start, as much as the most reliable for the procedure of the raw material, the higher it will be or the quality of the final product.

9. Fine Considerations

O present work addressed small family agribusinesses in a managerial way, treating this producer as an entrepreneur, so that I stopped both the production and commercialization methods, portraying the management difficulties that happen not in their daily lives, being these difficulties similar to those faced by leaders of urban companies.

There is a need to train these entrepreneurs, but it does not form an intensive and short-term course, with technical support and a long time horizon. Being this support sought through extension programs and agreements integrating the universities, development organizations, which are possible or simpler entrepreneurs, as a degree of low schooling, the insertion of modern administrative techniques and essential support in the practice of such techniques.

A agroindustrial transformation is, semi dúvida, a great trigger for the development of a region especially in the southwestern region of Paraná. It enables the rural family not to be a complement to income, but to the management of wealth and quality of life, also reducing the rural exodus process, a family union, as well as the option to be producing Saudi products for the final consumer.

It is concluded that the efficient segregation of business results is in a way of management, it must open more situational and traditional processes by different processes that allow the entrepreneur to think in a more integrated way with the dynamics of the environment where is inserted. It is up to the government authorities to train and support this rural entrepreneur, also creating more lines of credit than possible or growth of the production units. The creation of model projects that focus on the optimized use of production benefits in mini-farms.

It is not possible to create an incentive that must be given to associativism, which is important for this group of rural producers, or which is processed through a synergistic force capable of providing a greater addition of value in all to the production chain.


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Contributed by: Gilberto F. Ceretta - [email protected] [email protected]

  • Chester I. Barnard, president of the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, author of Organization and Management. Cambridge, Harward Univerty Press, 1956. As coisas são feitas. Of what maneira são executed. Ênfase us. For what do you coisas são feitas. Quais trazem results. Quais objectives reached. Ênfase us fins. Treats all or flow of materials in an organization, from the forecast of bandages, passing through the purchase and hair processing of materials, their stocking, binding or shipping of finished products for the sale, as a single system. A multiplier effect of the combination of two resources which, when used together, will produce a greater resulting effect than just their addition. Twelve pasta species produced from pulp and fruit derivatives.In the case of a culture that is preserved for some months after colheita sem lose its characteristics.
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As small family agroindustries in the southwest of Paraná: a managerial approach