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Business improvement in cuba

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When the economic Resolution of the V Congress of the PCC is approved, the decision is made to extend the business improvement process to the entire country, taking into account the results obtained in the FAR.

This process is aimed at the search for maximum efficiency and competitiveness of the Cuban state company, on the basis of granting it powers and establishing principles and procedures that stimulate the initiative and creativity of leaders and workers in the organization, reflected in a correct use of resources, a favorable balance in its economy and the application of new approaches in its management.

Improvement is a Cuban experience that assimilates the most modern procedures and techniques of business management in the world, adjusted to our conditions and characteristics, with emphasis on the search for greater and better economic results.

A decisive element for the success of this process is the willingness for change that exists in the workers, reflected in a permanent and creative participation in all its stages.

The objective of this work is to present the experiences obtained in consultancies carried out to organizations in different sectors of the national economy, fundamental elements that must be taken into account to achieve a good disposition to the magnitude of the changes that arise with Business Improvement.


In Decree 187/98, General Bases of Business Improvement, this process is conceptualized as a new work philosophy, which brings with it the permanent need to innovate, create and evaluate. For its implementation, it requires changes in behavior patterns, work methods and styles, and great disposition and dedication on the part of its promoters. This process is therefore aimed at transforming the culture of the organization.

All the actions to be carried out can be grouped into four fundamental stages:

  • Awareness, Diagnosis, Projection and Monitoring, Evaluation.

Fig No 1: Stages of the Improvement Process.

This process is described as a cycle, it has a beginning, but it has no end; Organizations that are in Business Improvement have to be able to create conditions to develop continuous improvement processes. When applying this model, it is possible that some phases overlap, for example awareness will be present at all times.


It is one of the strategic stages that guarantee the success of this improvement process. It begins with the preparation of all company personnel on the essential elements of the process, such as characteristics, general principles, subsystems that it contemplates, as well as the need for cooperation and active participation of all. It is very useful to declare the expectations that both workers and managers will have on Business Improvement, this gives us the possibility of feedback on what workers think and expect from improvement. A key factor in this stage is the extensive information to all those involved. At this stage it is important to alert and convey to all those involved that this is a process where it is convinced and not imposed,To achieve consensus and to be able to overcome the barriers to change, the company must increase and diversify its production, and therefore workers and managers will have to raise the level of qualification. As stated in the bases, we must all internalize that this is a process that is not imposed from the outside, it is the company itself that designs its system based on the principles and procedures that are established.

In initial interviews with workers, they tend to associate the improvement process as:

  • Workforce rationalization process Simple list of problems Process to reorganize the company Change of structure Salary reform Process to give bosses more authority

The Perfecting

It is a process that when workers begin to internalize it, they can have high expectations that if the magnitudes of the process are not explained well, it can become a brake on its own success; hence the importance of clarifying from the beginning that it should not be considered as a simple modification of structures or a new salary policy, even if it entails an adjustment of the work load and a modification of jobs. The labor and salary policy that is established will have as a fundamental objective, to obtain a greater link between the salary earned and the economic results and will be based on the results of the diagnosis made by the organization about its current situation and the development strategy that is project.

This process is not intended to streamline templates; carry out a salary reform; detect only the problems, without any consequent action for their solution; It does not simply seek to give managers more authority, without this being reflected in greater efficiency in their management. These changes can only be the result of a rigorous diagnosis of the organization.

It was very useful to be able to start the awareness process, to make a summary of the scope of this process, reflected in the Bases of Improvement, as a modern management system that emphasizes the search for the greatest economic results, seeking maximum efficiency and organizational effectiveness. Process where man is considered as the main strategic element of change. It must be seen as a system that implies its own improvement.


Its fundamental objectives are to know the problems that are faced, in detail and in depth; describe, identify and define the what, who and why; describe to what degree current situations are in correspondence with the new requirements; uncover the factors and forces causing problems; prepare the information necessary to make decisions; evaluate the potential capacity to introduce modifications and the existing reserves for the solution of the problems.

  • What is done? When is it done? Who does it? Where is it done? How is it done? For whom is it done? What is the value for the company? What happens if it is not done

It is important to highlight in this regard, that more than 90% of the problems that are detected in this stage are recognized that their solution is internal to the organization. This means that no major legal transformations are needed to achieve a quantitative and qualitative transformation of the organization.


At this stage the organization begins its design, based on the results of the organizational diagnosis and the approved legislation. It begins with the declaration of its development strategy, it is at that moment that it begins to define all the systems it needs to fulfill its Mission and functions. Once this is done, the company prepares its improvement file, which reflects the transformations to be undertaken to achieve a qualitative and quantitative change in business management. As in previous stages, the level of commitment and participation of those involved in defining these changes is decisive.

Monitoring and evaluation

This step guarantees the continuity of the Business Improvement process; It gives us the possibility of analyzing each aspect and making the necessary adjustments to achieve success, it also enables us to constantly adapt and without improvisation to changes that may occur in the environment.

There are three basic conditions necessary for companies to be authorized to implement the improvement process and to benefit from the advantages that it offers. Organizations throughout the process must demonstrate that they have accounting that reflects all economic facts, a guarantee of the necessary supplies and a safe market for the commercialization of their production; As can be seen, companies in the initial stages must demonstrate that they have come of age and that they are capable of developing efficient and effective management.

As fundamental weaknesses of the advised processes are:

1. Insufficient coordination and conciliation between the different levels of management.

2. Lack of integrity in the analyzes that are carried out.

3. The process with the workers is limited to information and no actions are taken to guarantee a true sensitization process.

4. The organization is not analyzed with a systems approach.

5. Insufficient feedback to the Board of Directors and workers.

6. Insufficient teamwork of the improvement committee.

To guarantee the success of this process, it is necessary for each organization to take into account the following elements:

  • Quality assurance in the workers' awareness process, which is achieved with good information on the results that are being achieved; broad participation of the same in the detection of problems, proposals of possible solutions and in the design of their organization. People become sensitized when they believe in the process, and they will begin to believe in this process if, as problems are detected, they provide solutions to those that do not require extensive analysis or improvement such as the one proposed. It is necessary for the improvement group to function to coordinate, regulate and control all the actions to be carried out in each of the stages. Have clearly defined the training strategy of the group, Board of Directors and other workers, on and for improvement.Analysis in the organization's system.


• Decree 187/98, General Bases of Business Improvement.

• Robbins S Organizational Behavior.

• Kotter J. Leading the change.

Business improvement in cuba