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Action plan to strengthen resonant leadership in managers

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Action plan to strengthen the resonant leadership in the directors of the Santiago Sánchez University Village of the Pampanito municipality


This paper addresses the development of an action plan Action plan to strengthen the resonant leadership in the directors of the Santiago Sánchez University Village of the Pampanito municipality of Trujillo state.

Different research methods, techniques and tools are used such as: survey, interview, brainstorming, Delphi Method, Kendall Method, test, sampling, modeling, 360 Method and Cause-effect diagram. For the information processing, the professional software SPSS version 16.0 is used. As an investigative result, an evaluation of the level of resonant leadership in managers is obtained, as well as a proposal for preparation and improvement actions that contribute to developing this leadership in the managers of the organization.


Education today worldwide has undergone changes and transformations. Likewise, Latin American education has been affected by processes of reforms and changes as replicas of the orientations in the styles of economic, social and political development. One of the changes had to do with the purpose of making the central theses of development policies more and more functional.

Since the sixties, in the face of the growing imbalances that affected the population, as one of the serious consequences in the application of global policies of social economic development, a set of new approaches or theories both in education and in education have appeared as responses. the administration, which modified the degree of influence shown by the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness in educational administration.

For the above, leadership is a determining variable in the functionality of any group, it is a logical starting point to consider the success of organizations. A new profile, based on emotions, being the resonant leaders, defined by Boyatzis, McKee and Johnston (2008) those who work with the good feelings of those who lead. These types of leaders have a series of qualities and characteristics that make up a new profile capable of achieving success in organizations.

Organizational success, consequently, is impossible without individual excellence required today, especially in managerial positions, it demands much more than technical competencies and a sophisticated type of social skill such as leadership, defined by Cuevas, (2010) as the development of a system full of expectations, capacities and abilities that allow to identify, discover, use, enhance and stimulate to the maximum the strength and energy of all the human resources of the organization and that allows to increase the productivity, creativity and innovation of the work to achieve the organizational success and meeting the needs of individuals, enabling you to mobilize groups of people and achieve important goals despite obstacles,that it can unite people in the pursuit of a meaningful purpose, despite the forces that separate it, and ultimately that it can keep educational organizations free from mediocrity characterized by bureaucratic conflict and power struggles.

A new profile is required for the Venezuelan managerial leader, capable of interpreting the day-to-day changes that take place in the national territory and where the state plays a decisive role in the development of many organizations.

University Villages require leaders and especially resonant leaders, defined by De Lucca (2005) as “a biological perspective, the art of resonant leadership consists of integrating thoughts and emotions in a way that channels the activity of people in the appropriate direction, regardless of the situation »defined as capable of transforming a reality and leading it to make profound changes in education, with attractive objectives for the organization and having the capacity to achieve them.


Kotle, (2009) expresses that organizations nowadays as a result of globalization have to face a series of factors such as technological innovation, the development of human talent, high competitiveness, among others, which has led to the appearance of new approaches management and therefore, a new profile of administrative management, based on the vision, constant renewal, creativity of people and the expansion of teamwork.

The University Villages constitute a space for people to work in consensus in order to achieve institutional objectives based on changes in the environment. For this reason, the new concepts of leadership that have been developed in recent decades serve as support for the achievement of the goals of the organizations. In the Santiago Sánchez University Village there are perceived inadequacies in communication, teamwork, inclusion of the group in decision-making, in planning and organization of work that contributes to innovation and creativity of institutional management, in addition to the motivation of its members, therefore, resonant leadership is essential in the Santiago Sánchez University Village, to create and articulate a realistic, credible vision,attractive of the future for this type of organization.

It is estimated that when carrying out an analysis of the level of resonant leadership in the directors of the Santiago Sánchez university village of the Pampanito municipality, then it would contribute to improve the interpersonal relationships of the leader directed in the organization, for which a plan of preparation actions is proposed and improvement in terms of resonant leadership for the directors of the Santiago Sánchez university village in the Pampanito municipality.

Heroic Leadership, (2012) states that at the beginning of the 20th century, all the writings on leadership revolved around the idea of ​​what could be called the “Theory of the Great Man”, which was based on studying the great men who had passed to history, and identify those qualities that differentiated them from ordinary people. The results were a long list of characteristics, such as energy, intelligence, determination, assertiveness, among others. The assumption was that great leaders were born, not made.

Today it is known that both leadership and behavior are learned, although there are still people who consider that there are specific characteristics that define a leader.

For his part, Drucker (1992), proposes that the future society is the knowledge society and introduces techniques for strategic planning of human resources. All these elements reinforce the need to have the adequate means to provide organizations with personnel capable of facing the challenges of the current and prospective development of society.

In this context, the New Curricular Design of Basic Education in Venezuela (1997) proposes a new leadership on the part of the school manager, he considers that they are the actors of generating enthusiasm and new spirits in his staff. It follows then that leadership is essential in the development of every human organization, and is essential in other administrative functions because it is necessary to know human motivation and know how to lead people.

Therefore, the leader corresponds to the ideal type of power, defined by Conger (1997), as based on charismatic legitimacy, the leader is recognized as such in a personal capacity, thus transforming his prestige and influence into the source of power.

Resonant leadership

Boyatzis and McKee, (2005) When leaders generate positive emotions in their subordinates, and experience compassion for them, the result is usually resonance. The resonant leader is one who is in tune with those around him. The fundamental objective of a leader is to ignite in his subordinates a passion for work, and to stimulate them to overcome challenges. Goleman, (1995), defines that resonant leaders are people capable of infecting the members of the organization, stimulating and mobilizing them, channeling the emotions of each one of the people, causing a favorable climate for the organization.

Resounding leaders must reap their ability to tune in to their own feelings and the feelings of group members to achieve personal success and good business performance.

Resonance occurs when the leader awakens the positive feelings and emotions of the team. When the wavelength of all vibrations are at the same frequency. The core task of the leader is to cultivate an emotional climate, supported by resonance when there is emotional synchronization.

Characteristics of the resonant leader According to Goleman, (1995), expresses that:

Achieve adequate emotional control to achieve personal and business success.

Establish strong emotional contact with your team; a suitable combination between the cognitive and affective between the heart and the reason.

Establish empathy with your work team effectively and creatively.

Leaders have to be authentically resonant.

Transmit to others, respect, trust and sincerity; leaders emerge from authenticity.

They automatically screen people, both individually and collectively.

Have the ability to tune into your own feelings and the feelings of others.

The leader is a person, not a mask, which the ancient Greeks put on to represent us a role of the theater character, he must be a person in his essence.

Discover Who are they? What is their potential? What are the shortcomings?

Each one perceives things differently (constructivism) and therefore the leader must discover what the truth of each one is.

Knowing how to identify and use the most appropriate leadership style for a given situation.

Goleman and Boyatzis (2004), in their book “The resonant leader creates more” point out the importance of understanding emotions and how to take advantage of them to be more successful within the organization.

Importance of leadership development in the managers of the Sucre Mission

The quality of a leader has always been an important factor in human life, but as time passes, the need for visionary leaders in the management of organizations has increased. Visionary leaders are tasked with guiding a company in the broadest sense. This change is leading companies to rethink their strategies, policies, and routine methods of action. As a consequence, they are asking managers to develop new strategies. This requires more than technical experience, administrative capacity and traditional management knowledge, that is, what is required is more leadership.

Given what has been described, it is presumed that in the Trujillo state and in the Pampanito municipality, the Santiago Sánchez university village, they do not escape this situation, those who bear the responsibility of leading the organizations, have the task of directly leading the transformation process and Definitive change, understanding that the vision, mission and goals must be worked on as a team to achieve the institutional objectives and thus obtain that each member of the institution obtains greater results and a sense of belonging.

Thus, they must know and assume that without a leader who clearly sets out objectives as well as strategies, no organization will be able to achieve the success it expects. In short, with a knowledge and application about Visionary Leadership in organizations, which can be achieved with training and education, the management that will be given to it must be framed in excellence.

The result is based on various techniques. Through brainstorming, it is defined that the resonant leadership in the village is affected by the failure to use adequate communication between achievers, teachers and coordination for each specific situation, insufficient sense of belonging and little participation in decision-making by managers and no clarity in the roles, little preparation and lack of experience that affect the culture and vision of the leader, lack of teamwork, and imposed managers and managers. The cause effect diagram corroborates the main problems.

Diagram causes effect on Leadership.

Graph 1. Cause effect diagram on Leadership. Source: self made.

Based on the information referred to, the variables that affect resonant leadership are analyzed and solutions are projected, considering actions that strengthen the managerial staff of the Village, in the first instance.


  1. There are no works related to resonant leadership and actions for its training and education at the university village level, or in the higher education system in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela The preparation and improvement plan provides a solution to a specific problem that affects the these moments to the University Village, as it will allow those involved to get involved in the change in the educational sector, which the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela requires. To achieve an adequate assertive communication that allows establishing satisfactory and effective links, the most appropriate way is to learn to express our ideas assertively. Being this type of communication the communication process where relationships are established that involve honest, respectful and positive behaviors when interacting with other people.In any organization, decisions are made at all levels. It is expected to achieve its objectives, therefore you must have the knowledge of how to make the right decisions, the decision-making methodology and the tools to achieve it.


  1. Socialize the study on resounding leadership to the different management instances for its implementation in the university villages. Apply training plans for resonant leaders and update on the subject periodically those involved in the work of the Santiago Sánchez university village of the municipality Pampanito. Develop a Mission and vision that is widely shared by the organization. Establish consensus on the objectives and priorities of the institution.


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Action plan to strengthen resonant leadership in managers