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Work-life balance and equality plan in the company


The optimal management of Corporate Social Responsibility in companies as a new management model and business philosophy implies, in addition to strict compliance with current moral, ethical and legal obligations, the voluntary integration into the government, strategy and administration of certain social, labor, economic, guarantee of human rights, environmental policies and equality and respect for women that arise from the transparent relationship with the different stakeholders or interest groups, that is, from the relationships that the company itself has with its human capital, suppliers, consumers and clients, competition, shareholders, the environment, public administration and society in general.

Corporate social responsibility

The management of Corporate Social Responsibility in companies must combine the financial management model and the socially responsible model, two fully compatible models.

The financial model, based on the maximization of profit and contribution of value to the shareholder and the socially responsible model, based on an ethical and supportive conception of the company.

Corporate or Business Social Responsibility pursues as a primary goal to combine economic, social and environmental objectives and, consequently, to reconcile the interests that the company wishes to obtain with those of society.

For companies that adopt an efficient management of Corporate Social Responsibility in their business model, it currently represents a competitive advantage and a differentiating factor.

Companies must integrate a Corporate Social Responsibility Planning into the strategic plan, director or business plan, including as a basic tool to support management a Sustainability Report, so that the management of Corporate Social Responsibility is defined in their strategies. corporate.

1. Internal corporate social responsibility

A fundamental value in the management of Corporate Social Responsibility is represented by the design of Equality policies and the reconciliation of professional and personal life.

Internal Corporate Social Responsibility deals with the social and solidarity management of the Human Resources of companies and, therefore, is the part of Corporate Social Responsibility that studies the design and implementation of Equality and Conciliation plans in them.

2. Policies for reconciling professional and personal life and equality

Equality policies and plans for the Conciliation of family and professional life, duly designed and correctly implemented, based, fundamentally, on personal and professional merits and not on the adoption of quota policies or on the imposed parity, imply the possibility of professional development and access to certain professional levels and scales for women and, in addition, they make it possible to reconcile the professional career with personal and family fulfillment.

The aforementioned Conciliation and Equality plans, in addition to being a benefit for women, also represent an added value for men and improve the benefits and economic results of companies, since they represent the response to a growing demand and social need that affects the business in the form of greater productivity.

According to studies carried out by the IESE International Center for Work and Family on "Work-Life Balance" and by CEDE (Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives) on "Benefits of Flexible Policies", the implementation of work-life balance policies in companies reduces turnover, absenteeism, stress, anxiety and depression in employees increases productivity, motivation, commitment and job satisfaction in them and, in general, improves labor relations.

The best way to attract talent is by applying Equality and Conciliation policies in companies, the most qualified professionals choose the type of company where they want to work and in this choice they value variables such as the existence of personal and professional life conciliation plans and Equality, security and job stability, compensation, flexible hours, training and professional development, career planning, ethical and responsible behavior of the company, etc.

The new generations value having a balanced life, with personal needs covered and will not accept to work in an organization that does not offer these guarantees.

Likewise, the implementation of the aforementioned Equality and Conciliation policies in companies helps to project a greater reputation and a better corporate image in them, both externally and internally.

Reputation and corporate image currently represent intangible assets of fundamental importance and managing them properly is a relevant competitive advantage, the company will position its brand and project a corporate image based on certain values ​​of equality, conciliation, ethics and solidarity and, in general, it will inform the company that it carries out efficient management of Corporate Social Responsibility, in this case, internal.

In addition to the above, companies will also benefit from the leadership style of women, since the implementation of conciliation and equality policies help women achieve management positions in them.

The leadership of women is characterized by the combination of varied attitudes, aptitudes, competencies and abilities that endow management with a determining, differentiated and unique value.

The woman establishes personal and professional relationships more easily, has more capacity for organization and intuition, is more inclined to manage changes, has a more global vision, attends to personal aspects in management to a greater extent, values ​​the personal impact on the decision-making, provides greater sensitivity to details, etc.

Women's leadership is more participatory and flexible, encourages the participation of team members, projects a social approach to management, and better plans and optimizes time.

Likewise, it is essential to use diversity as a business strategy, that is, to use the talent of both women and men to gain productivity and competitiveness.

In matters related to marketing, it is vital for the company to take care of the talent of women at work, since the woman is the one who best understands the consumer and from management positions can help the company understand its customers better and, therefore, to provide the value that these demand in relation to the service or product offered.

3. planning and design of reconciliation and equality programs.

The conciliation and equality policies must be adapted to the management model, cuore business, strategy, mission, values, corporate culture and strategic plan of each company.

For the correct planning, design and subsequent implementation of a reconciliation and equality plan, it is necessary to pay attention to the following issues;

1. Special protection of pregnancy and maternity.

Include measures conducive to granting paid leave of several hours a day to care for newborn children up to at least 9 months, paid leave prior to delivery of 15-30 days, reduction of the working day without loss of pay during the child's first year, leave for adoption or submission to assisted reproductive techniques, etc.

2. Time flexibility.

Permits to meet family needs based on the principle of care for the employee's dependent family members.

3. Teleworking and technological contribution.

With control by the company to be more effective. Teleworking for women with young children or who have family members with care needs.

4. Part-time and reduced-time work.

The implementation of this measure is the maxim of working better, not working less.

5. Help the employee's family.

Leaves of absence of up to 3 years to take care of relatives without loss of place.

6. Equal opportunities.

Policies that favor the access of women to any managerial position.

7. Procedures for the prevention and treatment of workplace harassment and gender violence.

8. Culture of conciliation and equality.

Teaching courses and training programs on conciliation and equality in order to raise awareness among employees of the organization.

9. Communication policies on equality and conciliation.

Permanent communication and feedback between company and workers with the aim of continuously improving plans.

10. Professional development of women.

Design of personalized career plans for women, so that they can reconcile their personal and work life and, consequently, have the opportunity to develop professionally.

11. Example by the management of the company.

Managers must set an example and adopt, in a personal capacity, conciliation measures to make employees aware of the importance that they have in the company's corporate culture.

12. Assessment systems or processes with criteria of worth and personal and professional merits.

13. Complementary programs.

Such as personal assistance programs, legal advice programs, medical benefit programs, financial aid for daycare expenses or incorporation of daycare in the company, management of domestic services, 24-hour telecare, telephone advice on related matters, etc.

14. Support measures.

Secondary measures such as taking the car to the workshop or ITV, dry cleaning service, package of consultations with the psychologist or doctor, selection of personnel for childcare, etc.

15. Brainstorming sessions on equality and conciliation.

Periodic meetings of employees to detect needs or generate new ideas regarding work-life balance and equality that may bring benefits for the company and, in this way, improve the work-life balance and equality plans of each company.

16. Anonymous reporting channel for company employees.

Possibility of making complaints through an anonymous channel that allows the management of the company to be made aware of any conduct of workplace harassment, gender violence or that is contrary to equal opportunities, etc.

17. On-site training model and e-learning.

It is important to progressively introduce in companies a training model based on the integration and combination of face-to-face training with e-learning training, adapting the costs and duration of the training processes to new business demands and needs.

18. Work by objectives

It is essential and totally necessary not to value the “culture of presence at work”, since productivity is based on the quality of the work performed, regardless of the number of hours, therefore, it is advisable to set and determine objectives at work.

19. Flexible and personalized remuneration policy

The design of the remuneration policy in companies must be adapted to the specific needs of employees and include and take into account the emotional salary.

4. Comprehensive equality plan

In order to correctly design an equality plan and in order to proceed with its subsequent implementation in the company, transcendental aspects such as those detailed below must be addressed:

A. Situational diagnosis. previous company.

Carrying out a prior and detailed analysis of the business reality of the organization from the gender perspective is essential in relation to the adoption of subsequent measures, guidelines and guidelines, aimed at achieving equality between the men and women who make up the human capital of the herself.

B. Adoption of measures for equality.

By virtue and as a consequence of the diagnosis made in the first instance, exclusive, personalized measures adapted to the specific needs of each company or institution will be designed and adopted, in order to promote equality for all workers, regardless of their sex.

C. Objectives of the company in matters of equality.

The Equality Plan must specify certain, punctual and specific equality objectives, which must be met within a reasonable period of time that is acceptable to the organization.

D. Code of good practices or code of ethics.

Likewise, it is advisable to adopt a code of good conduct and implement it in the organizational structure of the entity in order to achieve a responsible company in terms of equality.

E. Internal maintenance and control system and external evaluation system.

Both systems will remain attentive to the fulfillment and achievement of the objectives established in the field of equality.

F. Matters on which equality measures will be established.

Special emphasis will be placed on adopting measures conducive to gender equality, among others, in the following matters:

Remuneration policy.

Staff pick.

Professional classification.



Workplace Harassment.

Management and planning of working time.


Adopting measures such as those mentioned above or other similar ones and including them in perfectly planned, structured and implemented conciliation and equality plans in each organization, will contribute to eliminating the main reason why many women do not access management positions and give up developing their careers professionals, that is, the impossibility of balancing family life with work life.

5. Training actions on conciliation and equality

Training in aspects or matters related to work-life balance and equality is absolutely relevant in order to achieve the desired results and, in addition, it helps to make the entire workforce aware of the benefits that adopting work-life balance policies and strategies entails for the company. and equality.

Training in the aforementioned subjects must address the fulfillment of the following fundamental objectives:

1. Economic: Obtain greater productivity and business competitiveness.

2. Social: Achieve full equality of opportunities.

3. Human Resources: Reconcile the family, personal and professional life of the workers of the companies.

4. Legal: Comply with the future and imminent Equality Law.

Training programs based on work-life balance and equality will be designed structured in three clearly differentiated phases:

A. Sensitization and awareness, information and detection of needs.

B. Exclusive training in Equality and Conciliation.

C. Specialized training for the professional and personal development of the individual.

Regarding the agenda and content of the aforementioned training programs, it is important to focus on the concepts referred to below, depending on the specific and particular needs of each entity:

Reconciliation of personal, family and professional life.

Equal opportunities between men and women.

Management and planning of working time.

Women's leadership.

Remuneration policy.

Professional selection and classification.

Promotion and professional advancement.

Strategic planning of the professional career.

Personalized career plans

Workplace harassment.

Prevention of gender violence.

Prevention of occupational hazards.

Burn out.

Management and Commercial Skills: Leadership.


Customer Support.


Public speaking.


Decision making.

Sales techniques.


Delegation of tasks.


Work for objectives.

Innovation and creativity.


Social Skills and Emotional Intelligence.

Social training.

Training in business management.


Ethics, values ​​and solidarity.

Corporate Social Responsibility.


Work-life balance and equality plan in the company