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Galapagos national park management plan ecuador


4. THE PARTICIPANTS IN THIS PROCESS: The responsibility is Everyone's.

The design and development of the new Management Plan is an opportunity to strengthen a Management model where everyone is responsible. Co-management and development of strategic alliances will allow the unification of efforts and objectives, reconciling the well-being and improvement of the quality of life of the resident population and the conservation and sustainable use of the environmental goods and services generated by Galapagos. Taking into account that the new PM tries to apply an environmental policy under the concept of the ecosystem management of the National Park, it will be the Ministry of the Environment through the PNG, which coordinates the operational programs and initiatives of all the social actors and institutions involved. in the process, both in the preparation and in the application.

The formation of a multidisciplinary work group is established, always leaving the alternative for any individual, group, non-governmental association, companies or institutions to contribute and participate in this process. The multidisciplinary group would be made up of:

Galapagos National Park

The PNG Technical Council will be the permanent support throughout the process



Municipalities, Provincial Council, Tourism, Naturalist Guides, Education, Agriculture, Ingala, FAE, National Army, Environmental Police, Political sector.


A fundamental support for the process will be to define a strategy that allows effective communication and commitment of users in the development of the new Management Plan, throughout the process. This will be done through participation in radio, television and print media programs, preparation of posters, leaflets, promotional items (T-shirts, key rings, caps, pens, etc.) and achieving the commitment of users, actors and the community in general for PM application. In addition, the document of the management plan and complementary information will be integrated into the PNG WEB page (www.galapagospark.org) in order to receive comments and proposals that will serve to improve the management model that is being implemented.

The strategy will be to position the Management Plan as the basic instrument to be followed by the users of the National Park. (Terrestrial ecosystem).


The work schedule during the process of preparing the new management plan is set out on the next page.



In any planning process, it is necessary to ensure and motivate the conditions of a favorable environment, both in structure and organization, so that what is planned is materialized in concrete and measurable actions and results. Sometimes a limitation for the application of a management plan would be not taking into account the basic principle of aligning or eliminating the gaps between what was planned and the reality that will sustain this process. For this reason, the Galapagos National Park (PNG) has set out to develop a restructuring and reorganization process that supports the strengthening of institutional management; the PNG is currently designing its Quality Management System.

In the following graphic you can see the complementary steps for this process:


Based on the above, the general objective of this proposal is: Redesign and implement the structure and organization of the Galapagos National Park by 2002.

Also among the particular objectives that the new restructuring and reorganization we can cite:

  • Redesign the structure of the Galapagos National Park, in order to enhance its development and competitiveness in the world concert. Design the organization of the PNG, based on standards of excellence in the services it offers. Strengthen the Human Talent Development Units, Marketing and Communication and Environmental Education and Interpretation Encourage institutional orientation towards the community, from an ecosystem perspective Create the necessary conditions for the implementation of the 2006 Strategic Plan Promote the integration of management between the administrative-financial-legal areas and the area Management: Optimize the number of existing personnel in the institution


Next, a new structure for the PNG is proposed, then the structure of the different Units is explained.


The designed organization chart is circular and by areas where the highest level

hierarchy is in the center and decreases as it moves away from it The new proposed structure presents the following changes:

  • The areas of marine ecosystems and terrestrial ecosystems are separated, in order to enhance their administration according to their own needs The PNG Projects and Research area is created Coordination (Sub-Directorate) is eliminated, the planning activities entrusted to it are transferred to the new Planning and Evaluation area. Seeking to strengthen the technological component and have a greater impact on the management of the PNG, Technological Management leaves Institutional Development. The Marketing and Communication and Environmental Education areas are in direct coordination with Management, seeking that their management have influence throughout the institution and are a cross-cutting axis. Two control areas are established, one for marine ecosystems and the other for terrestrial ecosystems. Financial Management, Technological Management, is reorganized.and Institutional Development. where emphasis is placed on strengthening the Talent Development Area.. Human (ex Human Resources)


Starting from phases of awareness and re-education of the staff towards the current challenges of the institution, and with the decisive participation of the management and coordinators of processes and sub-processes, it will seek to develop an Organizational Culture where pro-activity, creativity and teamwork are the basis of the activities carried out by all the staff. The values ​​of commitment, loyalty and honesty will base the relationships between the members of the institution.

Informality, fraternity and respect prevail over hierarchies or positions in the performance of all our activities, creating a pleasant work environment.

An institution aimed at offering quality services, both nationally and internationally, and to the Galapagos community is required. The new culture of the Park Ranger must integrate pressure work with alternatives for interaction and internal communication such as workshops or socio-cultural events.

The new philosophy should promote the decentralization of functions and decisions, generating the empowerment of PNG staff, seeking to maintain standards of excellence in the development of all our activities.

All activities of the Galapagos National Park take into account the well-being of the community, as an element associated with terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and support initiatives or proposals for this purpose.

The conservation of the island ecosystems of Galapagos are the guide for decision-making and daily action in the institution.


The technical management of the Galapagos National Park implies the use of a large amount of economic and physical resources, as well as trained personnel, based on two realities and types of administration: the Marine Reserve and the Land Reserve. Therefore, it is necessary to establish this reality in the structure, in order to optimize our management. This separation of areas does not affect the unity of criteria regarding the management of the park as a whole.

As the PNG is a technical institution, it is necessary to establish a structure based on what is stated in the Management Plans of the Marine and Terrestrial Reserve, in addition to what is established in its Strategic Plan.


The implementation of a process management in any organization implies the need to:

  1. Systematization of the same (incorporation of software or necessary computer programs) Optimization of personnel, prioritizing needs (relocation is recommended if necessary). For example, the figure of "secretaries" and "assistants" is unnecessary. Integration in only one, "assistants" is recommended, only at the Direction and Coordination level is this duality justified.
  • Have multi-functional staff, who have the ability to take on various activities effectively and efficiently. It is necessary to leave the bureaucratic model "for each activity one person", the staff of the PNG must be willing to improve their productivity, developing several activities and not limiting themselves to just one. Pressure work is the norm required these days.
  1. Establish evaluation and feedback indicators


One of the priorities at the national level is the modernization of public entities, in order to seek efficiency in their management. Therefore, it is necessary to implement mechanisms and tools that allow such an objective. For example, in the Organizational System proposal, elaborated by OSCIDI, it is stated: “The existence of excessive human resources must force it to be redimensioned, without generating a social problem, but by establishing outsourcing policies, thus creating new sources of income. job."

The PNG requires preparing the corresponding study to implement outsourcing in those areas that are justified, dedicating itself only to those that have a direct relationship and impact with its Institutional Vision and Mission


A fundamental axis in the future of the management of the PNG will be to seek a greater identity and integration with the reality and needs of the community. The following graph shows the management of the PNG, integrating the needs of the community.

In the future we have the challenge of ensuring that the protected area remains preserved, but at the same time the local population values ​​it as a source of income, so that it becomes their main ally. The time has come to recognize the community that lives in the protected natural area, in our case Galapagos, as an important part associated with the ecosystem.

The co-management and development of strategic alliances will allow to unify efforts and objectives, reconciling the well-being and improvement of the quality of life of the resident population and the conservation and sustainable use of the environmental goods and services generated by Galapagos.

The Galapagos National Park is expected to be an agent of change, based on a competitive institutional structure and organization, which allows regional development to be viable, supported by the peculiar creative and pioneering spirit of those who inhabit this privileged Region.

"If you don't change, you become extinct…"

Johnson spencer


  • What should be the approach that guides the whole process? What methodology to evaluate the efficiency of management of the area, would you recommend in this process? What recommendations would you make to improve the process described in this document? What should be the professional profiles of the members of the necessary work group to develop the proposed phases?

In October 2002, the design and preparation of the New Management Plan of the Galapagos National Park began, this Case Study was prepared with the purpose of disseminating this process, in order to obtain feedback that allows strengthening and improving the methodologies, activities and procedures to be applied.

We believe that sharing experiences on the management of protected natural areas, among institutions, organizations, unions and professionals, will allow us to achieve sustainable competitiveness. Comments, ideas or suggestions on what is stated in this document will be valuable to receive at the address [email protected], [email protected] or through our website www.galapagospark.org. If this document is used in whole or in part, in any publication in text or digital format, the copyright of the Galapagos National Park, Planning Unit must be recognized.

The great Galapagos ecosystem is the result of understanding that both the terrestrial and marine ecosystems are interdependent on each other and that therefore they must be managed as a whole.

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Galapagos national park management plan ecuador