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Continuous improvement plan for a company in cuba


In the implementation of the new Business Management and Direction System, we are currently facing the need to improve the management and control mechanisms through a management model that integrally allows the extension of organizational strategies and the monitoring and measurement of objectives to short and long term.



We face unpleasant realities, but we don't close our eyes before it. We are convinced that dogmas must be broken and we firmly and confidently assume the updating of our economic model already underway in order to lay the foundations for the irreversibility and development of Cuban socialism, which we know constitutes the guarantee of independence and National sovereignty.

Raúl Castro, April 4, 2010


In the implementation of the new Business Management and Direction System, we are currently facing the need to improve the management and control mechanisms through a management model that integrally allows the extension of organizational strategies and the monitoring and measurement of objectives to short and long term.

With the aim of finding solutions to problems that manifest themselves in the Entity under study and in order for them to be solved through the design of a Continuous Improvement Plan coupled with the updating of the economic model, we have developed this investigative work.

This is made up of a brief introduction that reflects the characteristics of the Entity, its mission, vision, objectives and structure. In the first chapter, a diagnosis and analysis of the Company under study is carried out with its results and comparative economic evaluations with respect to the closings of December 2010 and 2011. In its second chapter, the innovative solutions for each one of the weaknesses identified in each course received in the Diploma, developing a continuous improvement plan for the one that has the most impact on the results of the organization and on the implementation of the Party's Economic Policy Guidelines.

From the analysis and study carried out, conclusions and recommendations are reached, which were developed from the consultation of bibliographic materials that are exposed in this Diploma work. Finally, several annexes are attached for a better understanding of what is exposed in it.

It is expected that the results of this work can serve as a tool for improvement and results in ECEPAE Santiago de Cuba.

The authors


Organizational knowledge refers to the sum of knowledge and information that the organization contains and that is shared completely or in parts, normally stored in operating procedures, work routines and certain learning rules that result from experiences for solving problems. Hence, the organization learns because it has an infrastructure beyond a person's cognitive process and an expanded social network.

From these perspectives, the Basic Unit of the ECEPAE Santiago de Cuba Household Equipment, Parts and Accessories Marketing Company, has been forced to increase work productivity, obtain sustainable income and work in the search for solutions to difficulties that arise. based on the implementation of the new economic model approved according to the guidelines of the state and the government in the VI Congress of the PCC.


Propose Continuous Improvement actions for the implementation of the solution based on the knowledge acquired in the Diploma in Business Management and Administration.

Specific objectives:

1. Identify the weaknesses and their interrelation with the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution.

2. Design a Continuous Improvement Plan covered by Instruction 1 of the State Council of September 2011 referring to planning.

Chapter 1: Diagnosis of the organization

1.1- General characteristics of the organization.

The Basic Unit of the ECEPAE Equipment, Parts and Accessories Marketing Company in Santiago de Cuba, is located at Avenida de Céspedes% D and E, Reparto Sueño, Santiago de Cuba, telephone numbers 640038; 668101, email: [email protected] and subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Trade, has the corporate purpose of:

Wholesale of spare parts, materials, supplies and accessories destined to the Technical, Personal and Home Services Company for the repair and maintenance of the Energy Saving Program equipment, according to the nomenclature approved by the Ministry of Internal Trade in Cuban pesos.

It was founded in February 2010, it was created with the assets and resources of the Basic Unit called National Management, subordinate to the Industrial Equipment and Services Company (EIESA) of the DIVEP Company and was established by Resolution 61 / 2010 from the Ministry of Economy and Planning.


Wholesale equipment, parts, pieces, accessories and supplies that ensure the Energy Savings Program with professionalism and efficiency.


We are a benchmark company in the country for being the first and only one to market the equipment, parts and accessories of the Energy Savings Plan with a consolidated structure and financial strength.


To consolidate the objectives of ECEPAE's Basic Unit, a set of values ​​have been determined to be defended by all workers. These values ​​are linked to the performance of all the people who make up the organization and its implementation has as a starting point and legal support the Entity's Policies.

Shared values

Commitment: Responsibility in the work carried out by each member of the organization, demonstrates a spirit of belonging and relevance in a conscious and congruent way with the policies, objectives and strategies of the organization.

Trust: Each member or unit must inspire empathy, camaraderie and collaboration, transmitting an image of credibility and security in clients and suppliers.

Patriotism: Daily demonstration of love for the Homeland, the conscious defense of the conquests of our people, its independence and sovereignty, is championed in the creative application of the concept of Revolution enunciated by the Commander in Chief and the defense of Cuban Socialism.

Unit: Maintenance of pro-active attitudes to dialogue, the defense of the collective, social interests and the conquests of Socialism, being a source of pride to belong to the Company.

Shared Desired Values

Effectiveness: Fulfillment of objectives and tasks, rational and effective use of assigned resources with optimal use of time, agility in solving problems and prioritizing tasks.

Professionalism: Performance with dedication and quality in the fulfillment of the assigned missions, working with excellence and technical rigor, giving the best of each person at all times, contributing knowledge and ideas for the good of the work, maintaining a conscious and systematic attitude towards improvement and work with a willingness to collaborate.

Organization chart of the ECEPAE Santiago de Cuba Basic Unit Directorate.

1) Head of Basic Unit.

2) Administrative Department

3) Commercial Department.

4) Ship.



1. Belonging to a prioritized Program of the Revolution.

2. Experience and domain in the provision of services and stable human capital.

3. Be the only one of its kind in the territory.

4. Production of a small range of pieces in the national territory.


1. Insufficient distribution of tasks and functions

2. Insufficient specific training of workers

3. Lack of motivation towards work.

4. Poor collection cycle for accounts receivable.

5. Lack of timely information and interdepartmental communication.


1. Have the necessary financing to import spare parts.

2. Have a unique and secure customer. (non-competition in the market)

3. State policies related to the guarantee of re-supply of parts in the market.


1. Bad financial situation of the only client

2. The vast majority of products are of imported origin.

1.2 Quality Policy.

It is ECEPAE's policy to wholesale the equipment, parts, pieces, accessories and supplies that ensure the Energy Savings Program with professionalism and efficiency. Reaching national recognition for the quality and durability of the means that it commercializes, satisfying the needs of our clients and obtaining efficiency and effectiveness in the management of their processes.

It is also a commitment of the Management of the Basic Unit and its workers to commit to guaranteeing the human, technical and material resources necessary and sufficient to maintain and continuously improve in an integrated manner, implementing a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of the NC ISO 9001: 2008.

Objective of quality management

- Implement and develop the quality management system.

- Perfect and develop an information and communications management system.

- Implement the preparation measures for the defense.

- Perfect the security and protection system and the fight against crime, indiscipline, illegalities and manifestations of corruption.

- Reach maximum levels of effectiveness in the transportation and management of merchandise.

- Develop tables and reserves to achieve the fulfillment of the assigned missions.

- Raise levels of efficiency in economic and financial management.

Fundamental processes and their interrelation

1.3 Characterization of Human Capital.

The Basic Unit has a total workforce of 22 workers. Of these, 3 have the category of leaders, 8 technicians, 5 services and 6 workers. Graduated from Superior Level 1, 12 from Medium Technicians and 9 from Medium Level.


As can be seen in the previous graph in ECEPAE Santiago, more than 50% have the category of technician and operator. The cultural level is higher than 50% of medium technicians and only 4% is university.


1.4 Economic and Financial Evaluation of the ECEPAE Santiago de Cuba Basic Unit.

When analyzing vertically and horizontally the Balance Sheet of the Entity at the end of the periods December 2010 and 2011 (Annex 1) it is observed that the total assets of the year 2011 grew by 97% with respect to 2010, mainly originated by the total of other assets since they represent 64.4% of the total of all assets. This is fundamentally due to the fact that operations between dependencies are the largest source, followed by the increase in current assets when these operations are carried out from bills of exchange and to a lesser extent fixed assets. It should be noted that current assets decrease considerably compared to the previous period by 12% compared to 2010, caused by a decrease in accounts receivable by 74%

Liabilities at the end of 2011 increased by 219% due to the increase in operations between dependencies-liabilities from one year to another by 9.8 million pesos, the balance of this representing 94% of the total liabilities despite the fact that the liabilities working capital generally decreases regardless of whether accounts payable increase in this period.

Equity in 2011 increased by 5.6% compared to 2010, caused by the increase in the state investment account by 78.8% since a revaluation of fixed assets was carried out when the building they occupied as their own was incorporated. The profit between one period to another decreases by 87.3%.

Although the previous data regarding Current Liabilities and Current Assets result in a decrease in working capital during 2011 since there is an increase in Current Liabilities and a decrease in Current Assets compared to 2010, there are positive values ​​such as the decrease in Accounts Receivable only having a negative impact on operations between liabilities or assets, which are the ones that increase and both periods are closed with profit in their financial years.



Between 2010 and 2011 there is a growth in income of 5,234.6 mp, representing a 61.2% growth.

Expenses also increased by 54.3%, financial expenses being the most representative. The cost per weight increases from year to year by $ 0.25.

Earnings compared to the previous period decreased by 87.3% due to the increase in expenses between one period to another, since expenses that were assumed in the period of incorporation materialize in the period of 2011. The commercial margin in 2011 is The circulation tax decreases and increases, which causes the decrease in sales profits and increases in sales expenses in the last period evaluated.


1.4.1 Interpretive Analysis of Financial Ratios.

Working capital experiences almost no growth from one year to the next. It experiences a decrease in current assets, coupled with another decrease in current liabilities. This is due to the fact that the accounts vary from one year to another in almost the same amounts. Although it does not experience this great growth in both years, it has working capital to face operations.

You can also see the variation of these accounts in the general liquidity where there was a growth of one year compared to another of double, which expresses that the possibility of solving debts is more favorable in 2011.

The collection cycle decreased in the double due to the poor financial position of our only client.

The rotation of working capital also increased in 2011. This is due to a growth in net sales from 8.5 million to 13.7 million for both years respectively.

Labor productivity grew by 3,000 pesos one year compared to another due to the fact that there was a resizing of the basic unit at the beginning of 2011, in addition to an increase in sales, that is, what used to be done among many workers, now is it does with the necessary, as proposed by the new economic model that is being carried out in our country.

As can be seen, the most important positive aspect of one year with respect to another is the increase in productivity caused by a restructuring in the Basic Unit. Although the collection cycle decreased, it is worth noting that currently, guided by the economic maxims of the country's management, regarding accounts receivable, various actions have been taken to reduce the collection cycle as contractually agreed. At this time, a lawsuit is being filed in the economic room to seize our client's account until all the debt is completed.


1.5 Analysis of the relationship between the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution and the 5 weaknesses identified.

From the analysis carried out with the Board of Directors of the ECEPAE Basic Unit, the 5 main weaknesses that currently present were determined, which framed in the action plans (strategic, tactical and operational) in light of the new environment, the ways, means and methods of eradicating them in order to implement the new Cuban Economic Model.

These are:

1. Insufficient distribution of tasks and functions.

2. Insufficient specific training of workers.

3. Lack of motivation towards work.

4. Poor collection cycle for accounts receivable.

5. Lack of timely information and interdepartmental communication.

These weaknesses were related to the guidelines of the last Congress of the PCC as shown in the following table:

Making an interrelation of the economic guidelines approved in the VI Congress of the PCC with previously defined weaknesses, it is summarized that weaknesses D2 and D3 are the most they identify with the objective or problem to be solved with this work.

Regardless of weakness 2 referring to insufficient specific training of workers and which is the one with the greatest impact on the guidelines, it was decided to work based on weakness 3 that refers to the lack of motivation towards work and consequently elaborating the continuous improvement plan to solve this problem and implement the guidelines.


Of the five weaknesses identified by the Organizational Diagnosis, the insufficient specific training of workers with 5 Guidelines, which represent 31% of the total related to weaknesses, constituting this weakness with the greatest repercussion It charges in the achievement of the strategic objectives attending to the changes that take place in the organization.

The lack of motivation of the workers is related to 4 Guidelines that represent 25%, the weakness referred to the insufficient distribution of tasks and functions represents 19%, leaving the deficient collection cycle of accounts receivable and the lack of timely information and interdepartmental communication each related to 2 guidelines and represented 12.5%. Thus distributing the participation of these weaknesses in the total of the 16 guidelines.

The economic policy makes it possible to face the weaknesses identified by promoting short-term solutions to the problems with the greatest impact on ECEPAE's efficiency, such as those related to the training and lack of motivation of its workers, the latter constituting the one that in the shortest time would be solved.

Once we have evaluated the economic-financial analysis of the Domestic Equipment, Parts and Accessories Marketing Company, Basic Unit ECEPAE in the last two years, thus evaluating the efficiency of the Entity through horizontal and vertical analysis techniques and the reasons Financial institutions proceeded to identify the main weaknesses of the organization and their relationship with the Guidelines of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution, proposing the actions to be carried out to provide solutions to them through a Continuous Improvement Plan.

Chapter 2. Projection of solutions in the organization

2.1 Innovation alternatives related to the weaknesses of the ECEPAE Santiago de Cuba Basic Unit.

Considering the five weaknesses diagnosed, it is necessary to determine the possible innovations to be carried out in the Organization, for which the Feasibility Impact Index and Types of Innovation and Weaknesses matrices are formed.

Taking into account the weaknesses identified, the existence of:

• Organizational Innovation was defined, since the implementation of new methods in organizational aspects is considered, focused on improving the Integrated Human Capital Management System through the creation of training programs and continuous improvements in function of improving the Direction Management.

After analyzing the possible innovations to be carried out, it is determined to apply the Organizational type innovation, showing that it is present in three of the five weaknesses, it will allow a change in the results of the Organization.

In order to identify within the Organizational-type innovations the one with the highest feasibility impact index, according to the criteria of the members of the Board of Directors, the following matrix was applied with the consensus of the evaluations:

Impact Feasibility Matrix

The analysis indicates the continuous improvement plan for raising motivation towards work as the most significant, due to the impact it would have on the organization, which is high (100%) being the most integrated. This is followed by the need to improve Management Management (64%) through a correct and adequate distribution of tasks and functions.

On the other hand, in relation to the guidelines, the greater incidence of these in this weakness can be seen, which is an important factor when determining the weakness due to what it means for the development of the innovation activity.

Making an interrelation of the economic guidelines approved in the VI Congress of the PCC with these weaknesses, it is expressed that D1, D2 and D3 are the ones that are most identified with what refers to science, technology, innovation and the environment when referring to the need for adopt the required measures of functional and structural reordering in addition to addressing the issue of the importance of providing the greatest attention in the training and continuous training of technical personnel and cadres of the Cuban State, promoting new ways to stimulate the creativity of labor collectives of base and strengthen participation in problem solving.

According to the characteristics of the function performed by the ECEPAE Basic Unit in Santiago de Cuba, its mission, vision and corporate purpose is framed in the wholesale marketing of spare parts and accessories to the Technical, Personal and Customer Services Company. Home, intended to provide services on a retail basis. Therefore, neither the innovation models nor the surveys that provide us with the information to know objectives, sources of ideas and factors that hinder innovation are applicable. Nor would the application of mechanisms and tools to know the behavior of business innovation, since all the research, development and innovation processes are carried out in the direction of the Central Company,and then they are oriented to the different basic units of the country as procedures for their uniform implementation.

The foregoing is based on the fact that when evaluating business behavior with respect to the definition of objectives in the Basic Unit, they are not applicable since these are defined in order to replace products or services that are in decline, extend the range of productions, make production more flexible and reduce costs, which are not applicable due to having a strategic plan and a sales plan directed and defined by the client according to the average consumption of each line sold. It is also necessary to highlight that the range of equipment is also predetermined by state policy and is fixed, limited to the items distributed in the Energy Savings Program.

Innovative actions such as internal R&D, marketing, measurements regarding the competition and customer perspectives are not developed, as our fundamental function is to provide the only customer who has the parts, pieces and accessories through wholesale marketing for the repair and maintenance of energy saving equipment that was distributed to the population by State policy, which logically makes none of the surveys applicable. Since the function of ECEPAE is solely the wholesale marketing to its exclusive client and that its corporate purpose is specified, it makes it impossible to apply methods, forms and actions to innovate to achieve better efficiency and effectiveness indicators.

However, we evaluate that by not having a Continuous Improvement Plan that leads to raising the motivation of the personnel who work in this Entity, this could be an alternative way to achieve this purpose and it would also be the innovative thesis of our Diploma work.

All the analyzes carried out in the course of the Diploma were with the active participation of the Board of Directors of the Entity under study, with which in each evaluated course the impacts that on each subject were determined in the solution of the problems for the implementation of the guidelines, for each one the actions and determinations of actions were:

2.2 Application of technically based solutions (innovations)

All the analyzes carried out in the course of the Diploma were with the active participation of the Board of Directors of the Entity under study in the search for technically based solutions in the matter received in each course received, in the areas of quality, logistics, maintenance, technological innovation, marketing, human resources or others. Which directly collaborated in the will of this Management body in the search for a solution and consequently in the implementation of the economic and social guidelines of the Party and the Revolution.

2.2.1 Logistics and maintenance:

A replenishment system is carried out which is based on the consumption of the different lines, the customer's inventory (data provided by him) and the company's own inventory.

The quantities that must be delivered to satisfy the demand of our only client are calculated monthly.

As there is insufficient specific training for the personnel in the commercial area, it has a negative impact on us since not all the personnel in this area master the replenishment system and when there is a problem with the commercial who carries out this task or is going on vacation, the activity does not work correctly and the supply chain suffers in that regard.

More and more practice shows that it is necessary to have full control of all the commercials of the replenishment cycle as well as their execution in the support destined to keep their control (Excel tables). Well, it is the only way to effectively carry out the work and achieve customer satisfaction.

2.2.2 Integrated quality management system

In order to evaluate the principles of Quality Management, we carry out a diagnosis of this in the UEB, according to the requirements of the NC ISO 10 014: 2006 standard and we carry out an action plan based on of the results derived from the application of the standard.

Taking into account the results of the diagnosis applied and analyzed by the board of directors, we realize that the principles on which we must act immediately are leadership and continuous improvement. For that we developed the following action plan aimed at improving this issue in ECEPAE.

Action plan

2.2.3 Integrated human capital management system

The main weaknesses that prevent ECEPAE Santiago de Cuba from obtaining a good performance of the Human Resources activity were also evaluated with the Board of Directors. To assess the result of the performance of the Human Capital activity in the Basic Unit, it is evaluated according to what is established in NC 3001: 2007 and NC ISO 3002: 2007, which in requirements and implementation is instituted and the link with the defined vulnerabilities since there is a direct incidence with HRM.

Before stating the weaknesses that are related to the HRM issue, it is stated that in the ECEPAE Basic Unit in Santiago de Cuba there is a strength, which regardless of the difficulties, favors favorable results in its economic results and is the high degree of sense of belonging of the workers to the center. Parallel to this, it should be noted that the vast majority come from DIVEP and that this has contributed to the demotivation of workers as they have been considerably affected by losing benefits that they previously enjoyed such as stimulation in CUC, the provision of the food service, the presence module, attention from the Union, among others.

When evaluating the four weaknesses, actions will be identified to eliminate or reduce the insufficient specific training of workers in the technical area, the insufficient distribution of tasks and functions and the lack of work motivation that were based on the different courses received by the graduate of the as follows:

The Cuban model for the design and implementation of an Integrated Human Capital Management System, hereinafter SGICH, is based on labor competencies and is made up of a set of modules that complement each other. It is summarized in the following scheme:

Based on what is shown in the graph, the analysis of the weaknesses and the corresponding relationship or interrelation is carried out.

Weakness No. 1: Insufficient distribution of tasks and functions.

This difficulty is related to the Work Organization module, linked to the deficiency of the existence of an inadequate distribution of tasks and functions that affect the results of the key activities of the Basic Unit.

For this, the Management must define and approve the structure of the organization, as well as the functions and responsibilities of each of the areas that comprise it and the interrelationships between them. It will be necessary to appoint a member of the Board of Directors who, with full powers, must carry out the functions of GRH. The processes inherent to the SGICH will be identified to which actions will be designed to achieve what is planned in terms of HCG.

To implement this module, there must be a structural unit that directly attends to everything related to the SGICH. A member of the Board of Directors must be appointed and possess the necessary authority to carry out their functions.

It will be necessary in the process of distribution of tasks and functions the study of processes or methods and the measurement of work, so they are closely linked. This is related to the optimization of the work content of processes or workflows, as well as of positions or positions, or of task or operation; while the measurement of work is related to the investigation of any time expenditure caused in the structure of the working day, linked to the use of the day, and with the determination of time, production or service standards to carry out the task or operation, charge or flow in an improved way as determined by the study of methods to increase productivity or performance, both in production processes and services or value added, in general.

With the correct realization of the work measurement, it will allow to achieve the maximum use of the working day and the workers will be located in the appropriate place according to the fulfillment of the Entity's objectives. These studies may be carried out through work samples, continuous observation (detailed photography), individual or collective, timing of operations or elements, analytical or comparative estimates and predetermined time-rate regulations.

On the other hand, the techniques of applying surveys or interviews, participation and opinion of experts, group work, Pareto diagram, Ishikawa, process analysis or others may also be applicable.

In all this process the active participation of the workers is essential and necessary and thus in the design and redesign of positions and processes they would be better assimilated and responsibility is shared.

You cannot stop paying attention to the study of capacities and especially the balance of load and capacity, which will be carried out from the analysis of the logistics flow (supply, production flow, transportation and distribution) to guarantee harmonious operation and adequate use of material and financial resources and human capital. With this, it is achieved that the human capital is used in an optimal way and the competent and necessary personnel are placed in the suitable positions or areas.

Weakness No. 2 Insufficient specific training of workers in the technical area

This weakness applies to the Training and Development module and according to the requirements related to training, it is necessary for the ECEPAE Management to determine training and development needs for workers, through a continuous and uninterrupted process. in correspondence with the positions they occupy, identifying the gaps that workers present between the competencies required for the position and those they possess, planning, executing and controlling training and development of human capital, preparing the Entity's training plan based on of the gaps and the individual plans carried out, give union and organizational value to this plan once it is discussed, evaluated and approved by all the personnel and that it is part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

On the part of the administration, guarantee the execution of all the training and development actions included in the organization's plan, ensuring the human capital and the material and financial resources necessary for the activity. Evaluate the impact and effectiveness of training and development actions through the identified indicators. Periodically evaluate the results and the fulfillment of the plans.

To implement all of the above, it is required within other actions fundamentally to comply with the following premises:

- The training and development of workers in ECEPAE Santiago de Cuba must be based on the diagnosis of the training needs of each worker and must be aimed at fulfilling the objectives and strategy of the organization.

- The diagnosis or determination of the training needs of each worker will be the fundamental element that the Directorate will take into account when preparing the individual training and development plan for each worker.

- From the integration of individual plans, the annual training and development plan of the organization will be drawn up. This will be carried out at the level of the different areas and occupational categories, and the most responsible will be the heads of areas or departments.

- The diagnosis or determination of training needs of each worker results in the identification of the gaps that this presents between the labor competencies required for the position and those that it actually has.

- A human capital training and development plan will be drawn up, where all the actions that will provide a solution to the needs identified by the diagnosis are integrated.

- Other actions will be carried out aimed at solving the insufficient training of the personnel of the specific technical area.

Weakness No.3: Lack of motivation towards work.

This weakness is framed in two of the modules, the one referring to the Work Organization and the one referring to the moral and material stimulation of the workers.

When it comes to salaries, it is necessary to establish the forms and systems of payment depending on the technical-organizational conditions of the labor process, the characteristics of the activity being carried out and the possibilities of measuring work expenses, as well as its results.

Speaking of moral stimulation, it is necessary to develop a program of moral stimulation actions, which, integrated with material stimulation, enhances the motivations of workers so that the culture that the organization needs to achieve its strategic objectives is strengthened. The results of the work in a given period must be recognized, the results of the overcoming, the promotion to positions of greater responsibility or as a reserve of cadres, the permanence or years of services provided, linked to the efficient results of the work, the innovations and rationalizations and emulation results.

This should be systematically evaluated by the Directorate in coordination with the union organization, the results and compliance with the action program for moral stimulation.

In addition, the impact or effectiveness of the results of moral and material stimulation to the workers should also be systematically evaluated in the work environment, also evaluating the productive results and services of the organization.

For the development of the program of moral stimulation actions, a work team made up of leaders or officials of the Basic Unit and other workers will be selected to carry out a diagnosis of the existing situation. Based on the results of the diagnosis, a program of moral stimulation actions is drawn up, which is integrated with other actions that enhance the motivations of the workers.

It is necessary to recognize workers who perform satisfactorily, this being one of the main forms of moral stimulation and recognition should not be confused with moral stimulation since the latter is more comprehensive as it also includes care for people, participation, and others.

The existence of a satisfactory work environment presupposes taking into account some of the most important indicators that interact, that influence individual and collective behavior, and that it is necessary to attend and manage, such as:

- Motivational factors and job satisfaction. Moral and material stimuli. Cultural and sports activities.

- Physical-environmental factors. Improvement of living and working conditions and occupational health and safety.

- Psychosocial and organizational factors. Institutional communication, participation of workers in the life of the organization.

- Access to training and development.

2.3 Design of the Continuous Improvement Plan to raise motivation in the workers of the Household Equipment, Parts and Accessories Marketing Company.


Taking into account the analyzes carried out in this work on the basis of the 2010-2011 balance sheet, the income statement and the financial ratios, it can be seen that the ECEPAE Basic Unit maintains economic-financial stability with quantitative and qualitatively superior results between a period to another, showing a favorable result regardless of the weaknesses detected.


To the ECEPAE Board of Directors that this Continuous Improvement Plan proposal be discussed and applied in the shortest possible time.


1. Guidelines of the Social Economic Policy of the Party and the Revolution. Havana, April 2011.

2. Fidel Castro Ruz, La Victoria Estratégica. Digital brochure.

3. Mertens, Leonard, Productivity in organizations. CINTERFOR. ILO, 2002.

4. ILO, Training based on labor competence. CINTERFOR, ILO. Uruguay. 2007.

5. Marsán, J. et al.: Work Organization, Volume I, Editorial Félix Varela, La Habana, 2011.

6. Cuesta, Armando: Human resource management technology. Third edition. Editorial Félix Varela. La Habana, 2010.

7. Labor productivity. Institute for Labor Studies and Research. June 2003.

8. ECEPAE Procedures Manuals.

9. Conferences and digital materials of the Diploma in Business Management and Direction, Santiago de Cuba, June 2012.

10. Reports, Balance Sheets and Income Statement of ECEPAE Santiago de Cuba, closing 2010 and 2011.

11. RESOLUTION 60/2011 of the Comptroller's Office General of the Republic of Cuba.

12. Instruction 1 of the Council of State, September 2011.

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Continuous improvement plan for a company in cuba