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Planning of production and operations in companies

Table of contents:


1. Production planning

It is the function of the management of the company that systematizes in advance the factors of labor, raw materials, machinery and equipment, to carry out the manufacturing that is determined in advance, in relation to:

  1. Profits that they want to achieve Market demand Capacity and facilities of the plant Jobs that are created

It is the activity of deciding about the means that the industrial company will need for its future manufacturing operations and to distribute those means in such a way that the desired product is manufactured in the quantities, at the lowest possible cost.

Specifically, it aims to monitor that the following is achieved:

  1. Dispose of raw materials and other manufacturing elements, at the right time and in the required place. Reduce as far as possible, the dead periods of machinery and workers.

Ensure that workers are not overworked or inactive.

Its fundamental problem consists of determining a production rate that is capable of maintaining the required manufacturing so that the quantities to be produced of each product are established, provided that the installed capacity is not exceeded and the flow of materials and supplies is available. technical means to meet this demand.

2. Levels of operations planning

Which help us to structure the activities within the production subsystem:

  • Planning at the factory level. The processes necessary to obtain the products that the company wishes to produce are determined. The production materials to be used are chosen and the locations and distribution of the different departments, sections and production units are planned. Process planning. The different operations that make up each of the production processes determined in the previous phase are set. Specific units of machinery are assigned, proceeding to the distribution of the same among the different production sections. The necessary equipment for each machine is established, planning in detail the materials that are needed to execute the production. Operations planning.Each job position and the operations established in the previous phase are carefully studied, choosing the tools and tools required for each machine. The distribution and arrangement of the different jobs is determined, fixing the elementary operations to be carried out in them.

Operating programs and budgets


It is the outline of a projected plan of a company, for a defined period of time. The fundamental objective of a budget is to help obtain control of the different aspects of a business.

Objectives: Plan and Predict: Norms or policies for future management action, preparation of the best possible estimates. Coordination: To ensure that the company is a unified whole. Control: Assigning responsibilities and measuring results to achieve goals and anticipated gains.

3. Plans, forecasts and objectives

Plans: Project or idea to achieve or carry out something:

Forecasts: Assumption or advance knowledge of something through certain signals or indications:

Objective: Programmatic element that identifies the purpose towards which the resources and efforts should be directed to fulfill the mission, in the case of an organization, or the institutional purposes, in the case of the programmatic categories. Qualitative expression of a purpose in a given period; the objective must answer the question "what" and "why". In programming, it is the set of qualitative results that the program aims to achieve through certain actions.

4. Administration by objectives and operations

Management by objectives emerged as a method of evaluation and control over the performance of rapidly growing areas and organizations. Initially, it constitutes a financial evaluation and control criterion. As a financial criterion it was valid because the profit and cost criteria are not sufficient to explain the social and human organization.

The APO It is a system for subordinates and their superiors to jointly establish performance objectives, periodically review progress towards the objectives and assign rewards based on said progress

5. Operation programs and budgets

It is a system in which particular attention is paid to the things that a government does, rather than to the things it acquires, such as: personal services, supplies, equipment, means of transportation, etc., since these are nothing but means that it uses for the fulfillment of its functions, which may be roads, schools, cases processed, etc. "

The Program Budget is a set of techniques and procedures that, systematically arranged in the form of programs and projects, show the tasks to be carried out, indicating specific objectives and their execution costs, in addition to rationalizing public spending, improving the selection of government activities. In budget programming, the Program Budget is the instrument that fulfills the purpose of combining the resources available in the immediate future, with the short-term goals, created for the execution of the long- and medium-term objectives.


Production planning is a method of carrying out a work plan in relation to the production operation.

When it comes to planning the operation, reference is usually made to methods and techniques that can be subdivided into "process operations" and "project operations"

Operation planning can be divided into three levels, such as manufacturing, which helps us determine the process to obtain the products that the company wants to produce; of processes, refers to the policies and mechanisms in order to optimize the operation; operation, which helps us establish production processes for the most appropriate service to manufacture, define and assess the material and human resources necessary to carry out the processes in general. In this way we are talking about that for the good development of a company or society it must have the planning of its objectives since with that we optimize each of our resources, avoid losses and obtain better results.

Planning of production and operations in companies