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Planning and management control as a shared path


Running a business organization without a strategic, tactical, and operational plan is to offer a great advantage to your competitors and waste the power of your people and the learning opportunities that management detours provide.

"In life, to achieve what we want, unfailingly, first, we must know what we want."

Our actions do not always reflect what we are looking for. This is even more complicated when we interact in a human group. It is difficult for us to be able to analyze which of our actions are making the desired progress and which are not.

The planning process is nourished by the plans of each sector of the organization, which set their objectives, goals, projects, strategies and actions and select the management indicators that they will use to verify compliance with what is planned and the allocation of resources to the actions and / or projects undertaken. Each sector, each business unit, each subsidiary contributes its plan and its management to achieve a common objective, transcendent of the individual. It is common, even, to pursue objectives that require the fulfillment of certain goals and actions of various sectors at the same time.

Thus, it becomes a path in which everyone converges (practical teamwork, without having to resort to highly abstract theoretical courses). It helps us to understand that the journey does not have a static ending, since throughout it events occur that, now they bring us closer, now they move us away from our destination, which will depend on the decisions taken as we travel. It is a journey that is influenced every day by controllable variables and others that are beyond our control, although we can take them into account with an adequate plan design (evaluation of possible scenarios).

It is a process in which the ENTIRE organization participates, both at the time of design and its implementation. It becomes a common language for all those involved, facilitating internal communication and focusing action on the desired results. In addition, it allows us to measure the effectiveness with which we are acting.

For certain economic, political, functional and / or financial objectives to be met, other objectives must be met within the company and / or outside of it. Since there are so many influences on the plan, if we do not use automated methods that allow us to always keep our objectives, goals and actions in mind, we can lose our way and what is worse, without realizing that we have lost it.

Given the deviations that occur once launched, the plan must allow us to modify it as many times as deemed necessary until we rediscover the chosen course of our business.

Faced with the complexity of planning, there are many organizations that use emerging strategies, that is to say: they act as contextual circumstances that impact the results arise. For these, it is essential to have effective means of management control since it will depend on them that the organization can detect deviations without delay and does not become a victim of circumstances, renouncing its decision-making autonomy. Many times, gravity does not reside in the effects, but rather in their accumulation without proper corrective action. Certain unwanted effects become triggers or causes of other effects, generating a non-generative circuit.

Non-profit and / or public organizations also need to know where they are compared to the objectives they pursue, those they endorse, nothing less than the reason for their existence. Management Planning and Control is a tool that allows them to make transparent goals, achievements and resource allocation and to face a policy of continuous improvement, bringing together its members in pursuit of a common objective.

The same process is responsible for ordering the teamwork of the organization. Each participant in the process knows what their individual responsibility is and that of their colleagues. They all end up increasing their individual consciousness and impacting the collective. All, without exception, are clear about what they contribute to the benefit of the organizational objective.

It facilitates the opening of a new path of strategic, operational and tactical design for the organization's Management. The possibility of knowing what the current situation is compared to the desired one and assessing the possible causes of deviations. It also allows the adoption of corrective measures without delay, exactly when the unwanted effects begin to occur (tactical-operational "just on time"), avoiding compromising the competitive performance of the organization.

Why give advantages to competitors, if they can be avoided?

Business competition is increasingly complex, and that is why I believe that designing an exhaustive management planning and control system is an urgent task that facilitates the use of all the competitive power of the organization, which travels a path of high synergy, learning and effectiveness.

Why put out fires, if we can avoid them?

Planning and management control as a shared path