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Strategic planning of the la molina national agrarian university

Table of contents:


The present work responds to the urgency that our University has to have a directionality of its future growth and development. Taking into account their strengths and weaknesses in the internal order, as well as their opportunities and threats in the external order.

It is essential that the decisions that will guide tomorrow be made today, we cannot remain dormant without planning our future. It is necessary that the light that does not guide is framed in wise and coherent decisions; which will benefit future generations of our society.

Let the end be the university for the university!


Strategic planning is the process by which directors or managers order their objectives and their actions over time, so that the proposed strategic vision becomes a reality. In fact, the concepts of planning and strategy are closely linked, as both one and the other designate a sequence of actions in time, in such a way that one or more objectives can be achieved.

It should be noted that the current scenario and the world context have become demanding in terms of knowledge and information resources and, above all, of an adequate handling and processing of the enormous volume of data from different sources and modalities. Consequently, all the factors in the current scenario are totally different from those of only a few decades ago. Evolution, that is, the speed of scientific and technological change, the computerization of communications and the globalization of the economy are growing processes of transformation that involve economic, social and cultural changes, which the university must internalize and integrate to the extent of its needs. possibilities in their institutional work.

Any university that aspires to exercise leadership in higher education must direct its actions to achieve levels of excellence and respond to the challenges it faces in new settings. For this, it must assume, among others, elements of modern management and administration, which requires permanent self-evaluation and continuous improvement processes, aimed at strengthening its values, comparative advantages and correcting its defects.

In an institution like ours, there are several levels of strategic planning, and this depends on the organizational complexity. The fact that the University has different roles such as: the academic aspect, research, social projection and the generation of income directly collected, via the production of goods and services, through the Production Centers; makes it treat as if the university were a corporation with both ends and objectives; what defines, in any case, its complexity.

In this sense, the present work will obey to try to formulate the Global Planning Strategy of UNALM, as a first step to later be in a position to develop the Strategic Planning of the other bodies that comprise it.

1.1 Background

On several occasions, there have been attempts to propose strategic guidelines without attempting to consistently and systematically develop a Strategic Planning, which means having a plan of the most transcendental long-term actions, taking into account their weaknesses and strengths, internally. and its current and future threats and opportunities in the external environment. One of the factors that has prevented reaching this objective has undoubtedly been the confusion that exists between Institutional Strategic Planning (PEI) and Institutional Operational Planning (POI). While the PEI tries to point out the most relevant or structural guidelines and actions; POI deals with the way or manner in which an organization carries out its strategy. Unfortunately, many companies and institutions confuse the two.The same happens in the case of strategic and operational decisions. For example, many managers of a company confuse a strategic decision with an operational decision; the management of a company can easily apply an operational treatment, when a strategic treatment must be applied; as occurs, for example, when deciding to develop a project that means an expansion of coverage in the market and in practice the project is not given due importance and its financing is met to the extent of its operational possibilities. In other words, a strategic decision should not be confused with an operational decision. Since in this case, having considered it only operational, it will not have the required budgetary importance, nor the importance in its evaluation.And senior management is responsible for finding the respective financing for its execution. The danger is obvious; generally an operational decision does not subject the organization to the great risks and commitments to which a strategic decision subjects it. Well, when a decision is made that is really strategic, the risks and consequently its costs are high.

It is imperative that the university formulate its Strategic Planning, in order to have an explicit directionality and to know where we are going, what resources we have, what resources we lack, what opportunities we have and what dangers we will have.

It is known that national and foreign universities are in some way offering their various educational services via the INTERNET, although in many cases without having a Strategic Planning, but only due to the drive and inertia of their educators. In the case of UNALM, it is not systematized, nor is it organized. In this sense, it is a priority need that we organize ourselves, under the same compass. And it is the Senior Management who must point the north

As already mentioned, the strategy identifies the main directions that an institution or company plans to follow. Two of these are the determination of the products or services to be offered, and the identification of the target market. Once the institution has resolved what it is going to offer and to whom, then it enters into the “operations” function and determines the best resources for production and methods of producing and selling the products to the target market.

The main purpose of the strategy is the full satisfaction of our clients' needs and expectations, taking into account that clients are changing subjects, very well informed about “who satisfies the best in the market”. And due to gravity, obtain a competitive advantage over our competitors, for which our institution has to appreciate all aspects of its environment and choose the path that gives it the greatest possible advantage over its competitors. Also remembering that the essence of strategy is differentiation; In other words, evaluating the best alternatives that allow us to obtain comparative and competitive advantages over the competition, and not be followers of their strategies.

To fulfill the purpose and achieve the essentials of the strategy, the institution must consider and answer these two fundamental questions:

  • What major changes are going to occur in our university education sector during the next 20 years? What role can and should our institution play in the country's university education environment?

The answer to the first question is externally oriented and is expressed in terms of opportunities and threats, which will be presented to the institution during the 20-year period. Collectively, these opportunities and threats describe the environment in which the institution has to compete. The answer to the second question is mainly internally oriented and expressed in terms of the strengths and weaknesses of the institution. These two categories together summarize the capacity of the institution to compete in the particular environment in which it operates.

1.2 Objective

Formulate the Strategic Planning of the La Molina National Agrarian University, in order to have a management and strategic direction instrument for the next 20 years.

1.3 Justification

Peru is a privileged country, but that privilege is not enough to make it a developed or moderately developed country. Everything is due to a series of historical, social, political, technological and cognitive factors. But the most relevant is the political aspect, it can even be said: "As is politics in a country, so is its development"; and it depends on it for a country to develop or plunge into a process of stagnation and permanent structural crisis. But our politicians do not seem to understand this, that being the most important factor, they do not rule responsibly, nor do they know enough about the problem to propose adequate solutions to the problems.

Universities are not alien to political events. In addition to the external political turbulence, there are also contradictions of a normative type established in its regulations that do not allow a coherent and sustained development.

In this sense, Strategic Planning is essential as an instrument, in order to somehow have a support that allows us to get out of the morass and lack of guidance. It practically becomes the path of light that will guide the actions and development of the next 20 years.

Strategic Planning has to do with the general directives of the institution: its purpose or mission, the main clients it wishes to serve, the products or services it should be dedicated to, its main geographical area, its primary markets. As long as the question has not been answered, where are we going and on which path to follow? The objectives cannot be determined, that is, answering the question, why? It would be crazy for our institution to try to determine what it is going to do in terms of specific objectives, when it has not previously formulated its Strategic Planning; that is, to clearly establish where it is going? And on what structural guidelines are you going to walk? It is not, therefore, only to mention future wishes, but of,How to guarantee that these future wishes or visions crystallize? We must also not forget that Strategic Planning transcends the periods of individual administrations, so many of its guidelines must be set out in explicit regulations; which means an adaptation of the established norms to the requirements and needs in order to achieve the goals of the Strategic Planning.

II. Characterization and problems of the UNALM

In principle we must be totally stark and objective in carrying out the characterization of La Molina National Agrarian University, since the quality and quantity of the guidelines that should be proposed in the Strategic Planning will depend on that. For a better analysis and characterization, we will divide into the following aspects: Academic Aspect, Administrative Aspect, Research Aspect and Social Projection, and finally, Aspect of Production of Goods and Services.

2.1 Academic aspect

  • UNALM has eight (08) Faculties and twenty-one (21) Academic Departments and a Postgraduate and Doctoral School with twenty-three (23) specialties. The number of students per year 2,002 was approximately 5,200. The number of professors appointed and hired in the same year amounts to 292 and 182 respectively, making a total of 474 teachers, of which only 15.20% have an academic degree of Doctorate, 35.97% have an academic degree of Master; and the rest, that is, 48.83% do not have any academic degree. on average it is 11.55, being the lowest in the Faculty of Sciences which reaches 6.70 and in the Faculty of Agricultural Engineering which has an indicator of 9.00. And the highest corresponds to the Faculty of Food Industries, which has an indicator of 18.63.There are 80 classrooms for teaching classes, all of them equipped with a minimum equipment of an overhead projector with its respective ecram, mostly with zero maintenance blackboards (made of steel), computer equipment with multimedia cannon. Academic part, which depends on the Academic Vice-Rector's Office, has the Offices of: Study, Welfare and Student Affairs There is a lack of a system of control and supervision of the quality and compliance of the course programs There is resistance to control on the part of teachers, erroneously under the principle of academic autonomy. There is a lack of common objectives that aim to develop actions of continuous improvement. The low level of remuneration for teachers,It takes their action to be protagonists of development and to support the achievement of the aims and objectives of UNALM to a second or third priority plane. Institutionalized lack of a policy of incentives for creativity and personal effort, for the benefit of development, growth and improvement of educational quality Existence of an underutilized capacity of classrooms, in hours after 4:00 PM

2.2 Administrative Aspect

  • There is a total number of 475 employees, of which 334 are appointed and 141 are hired on the payroll. Although in addition there are 331 contracted as non-personal services. Of the total appointed, only 4.49% are professionals, 10.80% are high school graduates, 20.45% technicians and 54.26% auxiliary. The administrative heads of Divisions are occupied by career administrators, without the requirement of at least holding a Bachelor's degree, but rather only experience and training in related disciplines. There are Administrative Offices for: Planning and Budget, Economy, Personnel, and General Services. Heads of Office are appointed by the University Council for three years. And his removal is after three years, his renewal is not conditioned to an explicit evaluation,but to the will of the members of the University Council, which can be lent to decisions of a personal nature.There is no Master Plan for Development and Growth of the Physical Infrastructure of the University City.There is insufficient funding for the maintenance of infrastructure, facilities and gardens. The UNALM Property Control has been updated, based on the Bar Code and the property has been assigned to users under the responsibility of their care and maintenance. The updating is permanent and this responsibility falls on the Goods Control Department of the Supply Division. The accounting, supply (purchases, control of goods and warehouse) and treasury information has been systematized. There is the website of the College,within which are also the Web pages of the Administrative Office of Economy, Office of Studies and National Agricultural Library. The potential is immeasurable because it is present on the INTERNET. There is a contract with Banco de Crédito del Perú (BCP) to pay teachers and workers directly to their respective savings accounts; as well as for the collection of Student Welfare fees to students, via the BCP Credipago service at the national level.The Infoexpress Telecredit System (query module) of the BCP has been installed in the Administrative Office of Economics and the School of Postgraduate degree, in order to visualize in real and historical time the specific movement of monthly and accumulated income and expenses, there is a lack of an administration by objectives and results,that allows continuous improvement, based on permanent evaluation and feedback The requirements to occupy positions of division, department or similar heads are not demanding in terms of the presence of professionals There is no training plan for the administrative staff There are no line operating units in the Faculties of the Research and Social Projection Offices, despite being very important functions for the fulfillment of the role and purposes of UNALM There is no Organization Manual and Functions (MOF), Personnel Assignment Chart (CAP), nor Manual of Administrative Procedures, of the operating units, updated and approved by Rectoral Resolution. It is not managed by objectives and results, for the same reason that it lacks evaluation and tracking goals and tasks.

2.3 Aspect of Research and Social Projection

  • Little state funding for research activities in universities, as a consequence of the effective non-prioritization of this activity in government policy, which translates into a significant increase in budget allocation for these purposes. The question that should be asked is: Why does it continue to devalue or is it not aware of the importance of the research activity? One of the answers could be that it is not being valued in its corresponding fair price because basic research at UNALM is also carried out by high school graduates to opt for the professional title, when they must carry out at most "Applied Research" to solve specific problems of companies or producers of goods and services.Another answer is that no company can be trusted to carry out an investigation knowing that the reserves of the corresponding information will not be kept for an agreed or agreed time. In this sense, it is important to differentiate the research modalities depending on the sources of funding and the level or technical rigor that is required and the type of problems that the research wants to solve. However, an established budget must be required from the Central Government for basic research, well supported and prioritized by the corresponding Sector. There is a lack of a systematized and institutionalized executive unit to strengthen and develop the nexus that should exist between the University and private and public companies.;It is also in charge of offering and looking for research topics financed by the companies, for which it must develop an entire strategy like any service unit trying to identify problems to be solved in the field of the plaintiffs and demonstrate the advantages that they would obtain with the investigations. There is a disarticulation between the offices of Social Projection and Research with the Faculties, as there is no line and executive unit of these two activities in their scope. There are laboratories that urgently need to be renewed in their equipment, although some of they have state of the art equipment.For which, it must develop a whole strategy like any service unit trying to identify problems to be solved in the field of the plaintiffs and demonstrate the advantages that they would obtain with the investigations.There is a disarticulation between the offices of Social Projection and Investigation with the Faculties, As there is no line and executive unit for these two activities in their scope, there are laboratories that urgently need to be renewed in their equipment, although some of them have state-of-the-art equipment.For which, it must develop a whole strategy like any service unit trying to identify problems to be solved in the field of the plaintiffs and demonstrate the advantages that they would obtain with the investigations.There is a disarticulation between the offices of Social Projection and Investigation with the Faculties, As there is no line and executive unit for these two activities in their scope, there are laboratories that urgently need to be renewed in their equipment, although some of them have state-of-the-art equipment.There are laboratories that urgently need to be renewed in their equipment, although some of them have state-of-the-art equipment.There are laboratories that urgently need to be renewed in their equipment, although some of them have state-of-the-art equipment.

2.4 Aspect of Production of Goods and Services

  • There is a lack of an administration by objectives and results, which allows to know the behavior of production and sales in a systematic way, at the same time allows to carry out the actions of control and supervision of the quality and compliance with the production plans. the three natural regions of the country, for agricultural, livestock, forestry and agro-industrial exploitation.In the case of regional institutes, there is an administrative disarticulation between the decisions that must be made in the field in a timely and adequate manner, with the decisions of the administration of the Coordination, due to the fact that the Administrators of the Institutes depend hierarchically on the Coordinators who for multiple reasons do not have permanent physical presence in the time and opportunity required,causing irrecoverable losses There is a lack of production and sales standards that allow knowing the behavior and fulfillment of the planned goals There is a lot of underutilized capacity in all production centers, it is estimated that there is an operating efficiency between 25% and 30 %, when it should be between 60% and 70% efficient. There is no comprehensive operating strategy that leads to optimizing the use of production factors, as well as reducing operating costs.There is no comprehensive operating strategy that leads to optimizing the use of production factors, as well as reducing operating costs.There is no comprehensive operating strategy that leads to optimizing the use of production factors, as well as reducing operating costs.

III. Defining values

In any approach of how to transform the current reality, to a vision of the future ?. It is essential to have a base of values ​​that supports us in moral and behavioral principles. The main values ​​on which our strategy rests are:

  • Permanently promote the fulfillment and self-fulfillment of its teachers and workers Give each employee equal opportunities Give each other a respectful treatment and with a desire for service Communicate with others in a sincere and honest way, without gossip Promote, Encourage and support creativity and innovation Carefully protect our environment, especially gardens and green areas and continually improve it Provide quality and service to our customers that meet their requirements and expectations Grant each one according to their work and creativity, and of each one according to their ability. Contribute to the quality and good image of our environment, in all the places where we work. Be honest and honest in our actions and expressions. Apply and permanently develop empathy.Permanent search for the quality of our actions Promote and practice solidarity, loyalty and justice Promote freedom of thought and belief.

IV. Mission

The National Agrarian University La Molina is a Public University oriented, on the one hand, to the comprehensive training of its students, in order to generate humanistic professionals with knowledge in science and technology, capable of solving complex problems and meeting challenges in research, in the business world and in the development of technology, in accordance with the advances that modernity requires, permanently. And on the other hand, to social support through the transfer of technology and the generation of competitive and high-quality goods and services. Contributing decisively to scientific and technological development and improvement of the quality of life of society.

V. Vision

In the next 20 years, transform the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, into one of the accredited and internationally prestigious universities in Latin America, whose graduates are in a position to compete with the best North American, Latin American and European universities, and the research is carried out basic and applied financed by public and private entities. In parallel, the goods and services they generate are of exportable quality and excellence, capable of competing with export products in the destination markets.

SAW. Strategy architecture

Senior Management in its capacity as General Manager - Strategist is both an architect and a builder of the company's strategy. It has to conceive, design and build it, with the participation of all authorities and professionals committed and interested in change.

In order to translate our vision, it is necessary to become architects and builders of the institution's strategy.

Senior Management in its capacity as Strategic Manager, supported by the technical staff, must be the ones who identify and define comparative advantages, to transform them into potential competitive advantages of the institution, on which the entire strategy will rest. In this sense, as an initial contribution, we must identify or point out those possible comparative advantages, and describe them, to better understand their characteristics of strengths and weaknesses; in order to transform it into a competitive potential. As a preliminary proposal, we can identify the following comparative advantages:

6.1. Geographic location

Peru has an exceptional geopolitical location, being in the central and western part of South America, with comparative advantages for export and having accessibility of low relative cost for transportation to any part of the world, via the Panama Canal and the Amazon River to the north and east respectively, not to mention that we are practically "in front" of Japan and China by the Pacific Ocean.

In addition, our Capital city is located in the central part of the Peruvian Coast, which can also be considered a strategic area of ​​exceptional comparative advantages.

The National Agrarian University is located in the Capital City, therefore it also has a comparative advantage at the Macro level. Additionally, it is located in a place with greater advantages at the Micro level, because it is in the District of La Molina, a peaceful, pleasant place, with a low population density, existence of gardens and lush green areas. And whose spatial architecture or urban planning does not allow a substantial increase in its density in the long term. Regarding communication routes, it can be said that they meet the minimum requirements to meet medium and long-term demands, although the construction of a tunnel between La Molina and Surco is in the pipeline, which in the future will improve income and vehicle departure from the area.

6.2. Size and Spatial Distribution

La Molina National Agrarian University has a total area of ​​approximately 656.50 Has. Of surface. Distributed in the three natural regions of the country. Of which 23.67% are destined for agricultural production, 74.65% for livestock production, 0.10% for agro-industrial production and 1.58% destined for university education, research and other services. It is one of the few universities in the country that has a physical presence at the national level. It is also in a position to provide itself with a greater amount of land, based on agreements and contracts. However, the lack of qualified, responsible and competent personnel that leads on the basis of a modern administration, means that its potentialities do not translate into greater benefits.

6.3. Communication with Public and Private Business Entities

Our institution has permanent communication with public and private entities, both national and foreign. However, our lack of coordination and management strength has not yet capitalized on this comparative advantage to the benefit of the execution of actions and projects that favor the parties involved, through agreements and contracts. There is a diversity of forms and ways of cooperation between our institution and private and public entities, which can be capitalized to develop actions and projects that lead to solving problems and satisfying pressing needs for the benefit of the community, and reinforcing the competitiveness of its beneficiaries.

6.4. Communication with National and International Scientific and Educational Entities

Since its inception as the School of Agriculture, and currently as the La Molina National Agrarian University, our institution has been establishing communication with scientific entities around the world and is in a position to develop or undertake joint actions, including strategic ones and that require commitments of many responsibilities and high risk.

6.5. Outstanding presence on the Internet

UNALM has its website, which is being enriched day by day with the participation of the various operating units and which enables a great international opening in all fields. Hence, the need also to shape the strategic lines of action for the production of goods and services, so that quality and competitive products are offered. It is not about competing in mass consumption products, but in those that require a high level of technological process, that is, of excellent quality and whose demand is expected to be significant in the medium term. Of course, a high content of marketing and creativity must be added to the aforementioned, without counting on the management and control aspects that are essential to obtain favorable results.

6.6. Teachers of National and International Level

The National Agrarian University has approximately 72 Doctors and 140 Masters in different specialties related to the agricultural sector. Of which, 40% have been obtained in the US and 60% in Europe and Latin America. They have participated in different national and international projects, which gives them significant potential that must be capitalized. It is also known that a large part of teachers have participated directly or indirectly in positions of political and technical responsibility, which assigns them a certain leading role in the destinations of the country.

6.7. Physical and Equipment Infrastructure

UNALM has a physical infrastructure that can be considered one of the best in the country, due to the existence of laboratories, equipment and facilities, which in certain cases are of the latest generation. Although, certain laboratories must be renewed as soon as possible, to offer a competitive education service in Latin America.

6.8. The National Agricultural Library

UNALM has one of the best Libraries in the country in the agricultural field, and is recognized as the National Agricultural Library. Equipped with the technological advances of the moment and leads the Computer Network of Libraries in Latin America and the Caribbean. It has sufficient bases to provide medium and long-term support, with interconnection to the database of other libraries, to the different specialized national and foreign applicants. It plans to offer a competitive and self-financed service in the medium term, based on the sale of its wealth of classified and specialized documentary and bibliographic material.

6.9. Ancestry over Producers and Suppliers

Our institution is recognized as the University that provides the country with the best professionals in the agricultural sector. And this has been obtained thanks to the effort and identification with the education of several generations of teachers; whose quality and prestige was validated with the experience and results of countless works in the business, educational, labor and research fields. Reason why many national political leaders and businessmen from our Alma Mater have been important protagonists in the history of our country. For this reason, we can affirm with a certain level of security that UNALM has a technical background over the producers and suppliers of the Agricultural Sector, which requires it to keep up to date with technological advances, to transmit it in due course to the field.

6.10. Recognition by the Government and International Entities of Educational Quality

Implicit or explicit recognition of the educational quality of an institution like ours is important. The fact that companies and public and private institutions keep UNALM graduates in their workforce and additionally occupy key positions of their own development, is an implicit confirmation of their quality. And that is what our institution must ensure and maintain.

VII. SWOT analysis

In this part, it is necessary to identify opportunities and threats in the external environment; as well as the strengths and weaknesses in the internal sphere. For which we use the SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). For this purpose, it is necessary to segment into 5 operational aspects according to the current mission carried out by UNALM. These can be: Academic, Research, Administrative, and Production of Goods and Services.

7.1 Academic Aspect

The FDOA analysis of the Academic Aspect is shown in Table No. 01

7.2 Aspect of Research and Social Projection

The FDOA analysis of the Research and Social Projection Aspect is shown in Table No. 02

7.3 Administrative Aspect

The FDOA analysis of the Administrative Aspect is shown in Table No. 03

7.4 Aspect of Production of Goods and Services

The FDOA analysis of the Production Aspect of Goods and Services is shown in Table No. 04

Table No. 01

SWOT analysis of the academic aspect







1. A large part of the teaching staff is highly trained. 2. Excellent image and prestige.

3. Adequate and excellent physical infrastructure

4.Contacts with companies and projects, for student internships.

5. Very good bibliographic documentation, with the Presence of the National Agricultural Library.

6.Excellent study environment.

7. There are Production Centers to «learn by doing».

8. There is the basis to carry out Distance and Virtual Teaching Courses.

1. Very low Teacher Remuneration. 2. Lack of motivation to participate in activities that do not involve financial compensation.

3. Lack of academic supervision regarding the quality and fulfillment of the course programs.

4. The lack of equipment for classrooms and laboratories still persists. As well as student transport vehicles.

5. Presence of power groups or “rings” that hinder Continuous Improvement.

6. Lack of funding for teacher training.

7. The regulatory structure does not allow decisions to be dynamic and timely.

8.In many courses, the Student / Teacher ratio is very low (<6).

9. Little correspondence between theory and practice. The practicality should be increased

10. Resistance to change.

11. It is not measured based on results.

12. There are no incentives for efficiency.

1. Economic Policy aimed at promoting agro-industry and agro-exports. 2. Recognition by National and International Organizations that UNALM must be the main protagonist of the

technological development required by the agro-export sector

3. Growing demand for organic crops, which UNALM can take care of their certification.

4. The Globalization of the International Economy is allowing the realization of Strategic Alliances between Universities to enhance their actions.

5.Promulgation of a new University Law that will probably allow greater autonomy and better

business management.

6. Growth in demand at national and international level for highly competent professionals.

7.Increase of investments in the Agricultural and Agro-industrial Sector

8. Accelerated development of new technologies in all types of field.

1.Possibility of loss of leadership achieved by UNALM due to lack of resources to attract and retain highly

qualified teachers. 2.Lack of financing for the renewal of laboratory machines and equipment.

3. That the Government prohibits the donations that the students contribute every six months to purchase teaching equipment.

4. That terrorist actions be sharpened and strengthened.

5. Negative politics of the student sector.

6. Negative politics based on revenge be strengthened and not on a policy based on results, truth, justice and


7. There is no true prioritization of the education sector by government policy.

8. The positive image of the University is lost, as a consequence of the breach of agreements and contracts.

Table No. 02

SWOT analysis of the research and social projection aspect







1. It has Research Teaching Personnel, highly experienced and highly trained. 2. Excellent image and prestige.

3.Good physical infrastructure

4.Contacts with companies and international organizations to carry out basic research.

5. Very good bibliographic documentation, with the Presence of the National Agricultural Library.

6.Availability of physical space for investigations.

7. There are Research Programs.

8. There is a national presence to carry out Basic and Applied Research.

9. It has the entire national scope to carry out actions of social projection, in different companies and private and

public institutions.

1. Little communication between the University and Companies. 2. Lack of an Executive Research Office that cares about searching for research topics, their financing; as well as, supervise their actions.

3. There is no administrative compatibility of research and social projection. Since these offices suffer from line units in the Faculties.

4. There is still a lack of equipment and renewal of equipment in laboratories and

Research Programs.

5. The need for research for

technological and social development is not internalized or there is little awareness among students.

6. Lack of "outward" action policies to capitalize on Research and

Social Projection opportunities throughout the country.

7. Lack of an executive unit for Social Projection to offer services and place interns in companies throughout the


8.Lack of systematization and functionality of research and Social Projection actions

9. Lack of Incentive Policy to capture the demand for research and social projection actions.

1.Economic Policy aimed at promoting agribusiness and agroexport. 2.Recognition by National and International Organizations that UNALM should be the main protagonist in the

development of Research and Technical Assistance required by the agricultural and agro-export sector

3. Increasing demand for phytosanitary, livestock and rural development problems due to the lack of research,

technical assistance and extension from state agencies.

4. Little presence of the State in rural areas, due to not having an "outward" policy.

5.Promulgation of the Water Law that will try to privatize the exploitation of water that should promote agrarian development.

6.Promulgation of the Forestry Law that will attempt the sustained development of forestry activity in the country.

7.Increase of investments in the Agricultural and Agro-industrial Sector

8. Accelerated development of new technologies in all types of field.

9.Lack of a technology validation and transfer policy

1.Posibilidad loss of leadership achieved by UNALM by lack of resources to attract and retain teachers

researchers highly calificados.2.No has prioritized research activities in universities in government policy, resulting in

the lack of budget

3. Lack of financing for the renewal of laboratory equipment.

4. That the Government prohibits the donations that the students contribute every six months to purchase research equipment.

5. That terrorist actions be sharpened and strengthened.

6. Negative politics of the student sector.

7. The economic crisis of the companies worsens and does not allow the company-university connection.

8. Lack of financial resources for the development of projects in companies.

Table No. 03

SWOT analysis of the administrative aspect







1. An accounting computer system adequate to the needs of UNALM is nearing completion. 2. The level of authority is centralized.

3.Adequate equipment and feasible

4. There is a contract with Banco de Crédito del Perú to make payments to teachers and workers, such as collections from companies and

students, at the national level.

5. There is a moderately trained computing staff for basic needs.

6.The administration is centralized in a relatively small space.

7. The entire asset control system for movable property, equipment and real estate is systematized. And under the responsibility of a user, in the cases of personal property and equipment.

8. There is the amount of professional staff required in the accounting area.

9.Possibility of expanding its services via INTERNET, based on its website.

10. There is the flexibility to assimilate teaching staff in the administrative part, according to the requirement.

1. Low remuneration for non-teaching administrative staff. 2. Lack of motivation to participate in activities that do not imply financial compensation.

3. Lack of administrative supervision regarding the quantity and quality of the work entrusted.

4. Lack of cohesion and group dynamics.

5. Presence of unidentified personnel with the UNALM, interested in promoting "gossip", which hinders Continuous Improvement.

6. Lack of funding for training of administrative staff.

7.Lack of Management by Objectives and Results

8. The regulatory structure does not allow decisions to be dynamic and timely.

9. Lack of Decision Capacity and there is no financial responsibility for wrong decisions or mistakes


10. Lack of incentives for efficiency and performance.

11. There is no Master Plan for Physical Development.

12. The Heads of Office are nominated for three years, without conditions on results.

13. It is not a requirement to be professional to hold the position of Head of Division.

1. Government Policy aimed at promoting administrative efficiency and at a lower cost. 2. Government demand to present strategic development plans.

3. Greater and better control of the Comptroller General of the Republic.

4. Significant advances in technological development in support of Management and Administration.

5.Promulgation of a new University Law that will probably allow greater autonomy and better

business management.

6.Increase of investments in the Agricultural and Agro-industrial Sector

7. Accelerated development of new technologies in all fields.

8.Possibility of assimilating modern communication technologies and computer systems.

1.Possibility of deteriorating the administration if the strategy by objectives and results is not applied 2. Lack of financing for the renewal of machinery and equipment.

3. That the Government prohibits the donations that the students contribute every six months to purchase teaching equipment.

4. That terrorist actions be sharpened and strengthened.

5. Negative politicization of the workers union resl.

6.New rules of austerity and rationalization of personnel.

7. The economic crisis worsens and does not allow the financing of projects.

Table No. 04

FDOA analysis of the production aspect of goods and services







1. It has an enviable potential for the production of agro-industrial products and fresh food; as

well as for the provision of quality control and laboratory analysis services.2 Excellent image and prestige.

3. Adequate and excellent spatial distribution of land in the three natural regions.

4.Contacts with leading mass consumer sales companies.

5. Agreements in execution with private companies for the export of agroindustrial products.

6. Excellent geographical location for the commercialization of products.

7. There are educational specialties that can strengthen the Production Centers, with the contribution of students to

"learn by doing."

8. There is the basis for making the sales of goods and services over the INTERNET.

1. It is not managed by objectives and results. 2. Existence of installed capacity (infrastructure, equipment and facilities), mostly obsolete

and in other cases under-utilized.

3. Lack of supervision of production in terms of quality and compliance with production schedules.

4. Lack of financing for extensions, rehabilitation of buildings and purchase of equipment.

5. Lack of management policies in order to optimize the use of resources.

6. Lack of funding for staff training.

7. The regulatory structure does not allow decisions to be dynamic and timely.

8. Lack of systematization of income and costs that allow knowing the level of return and profits.

9. Existence of personnel not trained in management and administration.

10. There is no Master Plan for the Development of Regional Institutes and Production Centers.

1. Economic Policy aimed at promoting agro-industry and agro-exports. 2. Recognition by National and International Organizations that UNALM must be the main protagonist of the

technological development required by the agro-export sector

3. Growing demand for organic crops, which UNALM can take charge of their production and certification.

4. The Globalization of the International Economy is allowing the realization of Strategic Alliances between Universities and productive sectors to enhance their actions.

5.Promulgation of a new University Law that will probably allow greater autonomy and better

business management.

6.Increase of investments in the Agricultural and Agroindustrial Sector

7. Accelerated development of new technologies in all types of field.

8. Launch of the Product Exchange.

9. New technologies and production processes.

1.Continue the economic crisis with recession and depression. 2.Lack of financing for the renewal of machines and production equipment.

3. That terrorist actions be sharpened and strengthened.

4. Increased competition.

5. Financing with very high rates.

VIII. Strategic decisions

It should be noted that when it comes to Strategic Planning, it is not about the future, it is about today, and what is more important, it is about the decisions of today, but projected into the future. Since planning does not point to future decisions, but to the future projection of today's decisions. Senior Management is responsible for assuming the decisions raised in the Strategic Planning and developing, through the corresponding authority delegations, the strategic plans in the scope of each operating unit. And on that basis, prepare the corresponding annual operating plans. It should be understood that the decisions embodied in the Strategic Planning are actions that must be fulfilled in a given period. And it is up to the operating units to prepare the annual operating plans,in such a way that they guarantee the advance and fulfillment of such directives and decisions, to which 100% of physical advance would correspond.

There are certain strategic decisions that do not require physical executions, but rather mediate actions, which must be considered by Senior Management, based on consensus decisions, through normal mechanisms and in accordance with UNALM regulations.

IX. Strategic analysis matrix

In order to systematically visualize the strategic options that can be given and thus analyze the development alternatives, the descriptive matrix has been formulated, according to the potentialities and comparative advantages in current conditions and those that would be achieved in future scenarios. It has used the descriptive matrix, which shows the nine vectors of development of the institution: on the horizontal axis the products, services and technologies, current, related and new; and on the vertical axis the current, related and new clients.

9.1 Bonding Vector:

In the current conditions of development, the administrative and management mechanisms must be strengthened, which in the short term allow a change in positive attitude, based on truthful communication and timely and adequate decision-making. A cost honesty process is essential, allowing the operations of the operating units to be measured in a real and objective manner, without any exception. Only in this way will we be in a position to know the real results of your operations. One of the cases is that the income generated by the rental of real estate is used in operating expenses, when it must invest in its maintenance or expansion of its facilities. Another case is that there are operating units that do not “pay” for the use of the real estate they use, such as the Regional Institutes, the Pre-University Center,Sales Center, Total Quality and some other laboratories. It is about every operating unit assuming its real costs and benefits, so that no one subsidizes another. And it does not happen that, in certain cases, they benefit more from the subsidy than from their own results.

9.2 Vector Expansion or Development of Markets:

In the medium term, our University must plan to expand its area of ​​influence, based on administrative quality and academic excellence. For this, it will be essential to develop an aggressive program of teacher and administrative training at their respective levels. The cover letter will be the excellent preparation of our graduates, whose transits through the classrooms have been profitable and very demanding, due to the methodology and strategy applied in symbiosis with companies, in turbulent and highly complex environments. There are several fronts or sub vectors that should be pointed out, such as Market Development in the academic aspect, with the generation of virtual and distance education, which has practically no borders and the expansion of the market for Pre-Grade, Post-Grade and Doctorate,for the national and Latin American scope, competing with the best universities in America and Europe. In this sense, it is a consequence of the need to expand our operating capacity under competitive conditions, including the middle management educational market, without deteriorating the other actions at all; if not the opposite, expand and diversify with precise goals and adequate controls for their fulfillment.

9.3 Horizontal Integration Vector:

La Molina National Agrarian University urgently requires a horizontal integration that implies knowledge, identification and having common objectives in the internal sphere. This means establishing greater communication between the various operating units. That each operating unit has knowledge of the objectives, actions and activities of the rest, so that they can be strengthened on the basis of exchanges of experiences, criticism and self-criticism. The fact that the operating units feel isolated and “hung” from a vertical administration, with no greater communication than that required to fulfill the functional actions, makes the overall operating efficiency deficient and ineffective.

9.4 Technological Innovation Vector:

In any improvement process, technological innovation is essential. This technological innovation must be carried out starting from the optimization in the use of the installed technological capacity, passing through the determination of the mission, vision and FDOA analysis of the operating unit, as well as the technical economic evaluation of the technological alternatives, reaching the determination the type and level of technology required. It should be understood that all technological innovation is necessarily accompanied by the training of personnel and technical assistance from suppliers.

The selection of technology that involves selection of machines, equipment, production processes, computer packages, communications, laboratory modules, innovative materials, etc.; they must be properly selected. So that underutilized and over-cost capacities are not generated in the future, to the detriment of the institution.

Although within the strategic planning the technological innovations in themselves are not indicated, some scopes can be given on their general characteristics that they must contain; in order to comply with the necessary aspects that contribute to the fulfillment of the proposed vision.

9.5 Vector Diversification of Products and Services:

As shown in Fig. No. 01, diversification is found as a strategy, in any development action or thought; In other words, we must capitalize and develop internal and external potentialities; and take them to competitive levels. Thus, various alternatives for product diversification in terms of goods and services can be proposed, such as distance education, virtual education, technological institutes, etc. It is necessary to bear in mind that each step or diversification that is carried out, we must constantly seek quality and excellence, so that the selection of the appropriate personnel to undertake each sub vector of action or activity will be very important. Take into account and be very careful not to be generating diversification without having the strength and security of achieving quality and excellence.

9.6 Market Expansion Vector:

The UNALM for some time now, has only limited itself to meeting the exclusively national demand and of this only a very low percentage. It should be taken into account that the educational market has practically no borders, even the language in a few years will not be limiting to delimit the market, since the English language is projected as a universal language. Currently, both universities have been offering their educational services including undergraduate ones via the INTERNET. It indicates that the globalization of university education is in the process of development. On the other hand, the appearance of new universities at the national and international level, makes the offer expand and the quality of education is directly or indirectly diminished. In this sense,It is essential to think that by improving the quality of teaching and entering to compete with the best universities in the international environment, the capture of demand is also in the international arena, especially in Latin America.

9.7 Conglomerate Diversification Vector:

It corresponds to the strengthening and diversified development of goods and services, forming groups of different products (conglomerate), but which may have affinity, dependence or complementarity either within our institution or in the market. Such is the case of the Total Quality Production Center, which in the process of growth and development, has to form a joint operation strategy with a Research Institute of our institution, through a Research Program in technology development. This requires a strengthening of both units and promises an expansion of their services in the medium and long term.

9.8 Congeneric Expansion:

It is the strengthening and expansion in the medium term of the production of goods (production centers) and services (education and research). This is achieved with the required financing and the Development Plans formulated for its execution. It goes without saying that the projected expansion will not be fulfilled, in the event that external contacts are not available, referring to the agreements with leading institutions in the national and international environment, on which medium and long-term development is sustained.

9.9 Conglomerate Expansion:

In the process of diversification and strengthening, the various operating units, based on the dynamics of their own development, will form conglomerates of internal alliances with common or shared objectives, and these in turn will expand to expand their coverage in the market. It is the long-term destiny of the development process that is proposed in this Strategic Plan.

Conglomerate Expansion

X. UNALM strategic planning proposal

The proposed Strategic Planning has also been divided into four aspects previously mentioned: Academic, Administrative, Research and Social Projection, and Production of Goods and Services.

10.1 Academic aspect

  • Institutionalize a Central Supervision Committee, dependent on the University Council, and Committees in each Faculty, in order to supervise the educational quality and fulfillment of the course programs, as of the II Semester of 2006, whose evaluations and reports will be on the base of objectives and results All the teaching service of UNALM must be accredited by the end of 2010 Create and institutionalize four Educational Technological Institutes for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010 in: Agroindustrial Technology, Agricultural Technology, Technology in Rural Engineering, and Farm Administration and Management, respectively. Making use of even the Regional Institutes of the Costa Sierra and Selva. Establish by 2008 Strategic Alliances with the best universities in the US, Spain and Brazil.In order to improve the quality of teaching, based on the exchange of professors and other joint and reciprocal actions By the end of 2015, all University professors must have obtained at least a Master's degree and 70% must hold the Ph.D. degree Create and Institutionalize distance courses via INTERNET in each Faculty, following the guidelines of virtual education before the end of 2007. Eliminate obtaining the Professional Title via the degree examination, as of 2007. The Graduate School from the year 2007, must be autonomous, academically, economically and administratively. Teacher participation must be by internal competition in a first phase, if the required qualities and experience are not found,Renowned professors with extensive experience must be called for a public tender or by invitation. That the Rectoral Office of International Management is in charge of systematically capitalizing the scholarships for teachers, especially those that lead to obtaining advanced academic degrees and in coordination with the Faculties, carry out the teacher training programs abroad. 30% of the curricular contents in all specialties contain subjects related to economics, administration, management and project evaluation, 60% with specialty content and 10% human sciences, values and ethics. Starting in 2007, a regulation of economic incentives for creativity, efficiency and performance is institutionalized, with a source of Directly Collected income.As of 2007, the Faculties will have an autonomy, respecting the percentages of contents indicated above, to modify and adapt their Curricular Plans. Achieve that before 2008, there are agreements with a minimum of three leading companies in the production of products of export and state-of-the-art technology, so that their professionals with advanced academic degrees teach Master's and Doctorate classes in the same agricultural, agro-industrial or export companies.Before 2010, Post Graduate level specialties are generated that are not being covered such as: Rural Hotel Administration, Production Aquaculture, Veterinary Medicine, Management and Knowledge Management.There are agreements with a minimum of three leading companies in the production of export products and with state-of-the-art technology, so that their professionals with advanced academic degrees teach Master's and Doctorate classes in the same agricultural, agro-industrial or export companies. In 2010, Post Graduate level specialties are generated that are not being covered such as: Rural Hotel Administration, Production Aquaculture, Veterinary Medicine, Management and Knowledge Management.There are agreements with a minimum of three leading companies in the production of export products and with state-of-the-art technology, so that their professionals with advanced academic degrees teach Master's and Doctorate classes in the same agricultural, agro-industrial or export companies. In 2010, Post Graduate level specialties are generated that are not being covered such as: Rural Hotel Administration, Production Aquaculture, Veterinary Medicine, Management and Knowledge Management.Postgraduate level specialties are generated that are not being covered such as: Rural Hotel Management, Production Aquaculture, Veterinary Medicine, Management and Knowledge Management.Postgraduate level specialties are generated that are not being covered such as: Rural Hotel Management, Production Aquaculture, Veterinary Medicine, Management and Knowledge Management.

10.2 Administrative aspect

  • In 2006, the Advisory and Follow-up Committee for the implementation of the Strategic Plan must be formed. In 2006 the Executive Commission for the Financing of Strategic and Operational Plans must be formed, which will be in charge of seeking financing from national financial organizations or As of 2006, the designations and renewals or changes of Administrative, Academic and Production Centers will be made based on the explicit management results obtained each year and the transparency with which the administration has been handled. And at the direct proposal of the Administrative Vice-Rectorate or Academic Vice-Rector, as appropriate.As of 2006, the Division Headquarters of the administrative areas must be occupied by professional personnel,Graduated from universities and by competition. Before 2008 the Master Plan for Physical Development of UNALM, including those corresponding to the Regional Development Institutes, is formulated. As of 2007, the Administration and Management in all aspects and levels of UNALM, must adapt and follow the Management by Objectives and Results strategy. Set forth in five terms of reference: Setting of Objectives, Goals, Direction in the realization of Goals and Objectives, Control and Monitoring of Results By 2010, all administrative personnel will have completed a minimum amount of 200 hours of training on topics of their corresponding specialties and 50 hours in human relations.including those corresponding to the Regional Development Institutes. As of 2007, the Administration and Management in all aspects and levels of UNALM must adapt and follow the Administration by Objectives and Results strategy. Set forth in five terms of reference: Setting of Objectives, Goals, Direction in the realization of Goals and Objectives, Control and Monitoring of Results By 2010, all administrative personnel will have completed a minimum amount of 200 hours of training on topics of their corresponding specialties and 50 hours in human relations.including those corresponding to the Regional Development Institutes. As of 2007, the Administration and Management in all aspects and levels of UNALM must adapt and follow the Administration by Objectives and Results strategy. Set forth in five terms of reference: Setting of Objectives, Goals, Direction in the realization of Goals and Objectives, Control and Monitoring of Results By 2010, all administrative personnel will have completed a minimum amount of 200 hours of training on topics of their corresponding specialties and 50 hours in human relations.Set forth in five terms of reference: Setting of Objectives, Goals, Direction in the realization of Goals and Objectives, Control and Monitoring of Results By 2010, all administrative personnel will have completed a minimum amount of 200 hours of training on topics of their corresponding specialties and 50 hours in human relations.Set forth in five terms of reference: Setting of Objectives, Goals, Direction in the realization of Goals and Objectives, Control and Monitoring of Results By 2010, all administrative personnel will have completed a minimum amount of 200 hours of training on topics of their corresponding specialties and 50 hours in human relations.

10.3 Aspect of research and social projection

  • The investigations carried out by UNALM are of two types: Basic or Strategic Investigations, which are financed by the State or the University itself if prioritized. And Applied Research, financed by private or public companies, non-governmental organizations, peasant communities, local or regional governments; designed to solve specific problems and short-term impact. The entities that finance Applied Research have the right to request that the research results be kept or deprive the free disposition of research works in the National Agricultural Library for a regulatory period of three years. As of 2007, Institutionalize an annual meeting between University - Company, lasting three days,in which the joint actions developed, new technologies absorbed by companies, modern theories of business development, evaluation of the norms and incentives for investment and research promulgated by the Central Government in turn are presented and discussed. 2007, Institutionalize an annual departure of teachers through different routes of the country, for a period of 20 to 30 days, in order to "sow and harvest" support projects or actions and make contacts with producers, local governments and peasant communities, between January to March or July, August of each year and that it is promoted throughout the country Create by the end of 2005 the Executive Offices for the Coordination of Research and Social Projection in each Faculty,who decisively and executive support the development of Research and Social Projection actions, as well as in attracting the demand for these services and placing students in companies, to comply with their holiday internships. Before 2007, they must have been created five (05) Research Institutes, with economic, administrative and operational autonomy. On which the Research Programs will depend, which have a peremptory nature, depending on their financing. These Institutes are:administrative and operational. On which the Research Programs will depend, which have a peremptory nature, depending on their financing. These Institutes are:administrative and operational. On which the Research Programs will depend, which have a peremptory nature, depending on their financing. These Institutes are:
  1. Institute for Research and Development in Social Sciences and Rural Economics; Institute for Research and Development in Sciences and Biotechnology; Institute for Research and Development in Engineering, Intermediate Technology and Environment; Institute for Research and Development in Transformation Sciences, Food Conservation and Post-Harvest, Institute for Research and Development in Agricultural, Fish and Forest Sciences.
  • By the end of 2010, the National Center for Extension and Social Projection of UNALM must be institutionalized and formed, with financing from international organizations, private and public entities, with operational, economic and administrative autonomy. By the end of 2010, it must have been acquired, installed and commissioned; a Short Wave and Long Wave Radio station and a National and International Television station. For the execution of educational programs, social projection and others; under the auspices of private companies and the state. It will be an additional source of directly collected income. By 2015, there must be at least 10 Join Venture agreements or contracts with leading companies in the export market,to carry out research in technology development and product diversification.

10.4 Aspect of production of goods and services

  • Before 2008, the UNALM Convention Center Project is formulated to be developed on the land where the Foundation for Agrarian Development and the Pre-University Academy are located. And by the end of 2010 it should have been fully built. For its financing, private entities will be used in Join Venture or via debt financing. The administration and management of the production centers, as of 2007, must comply with the requirements of an Administration by Objectives and Results. For the year 2007, a Commercial Development Project in the Land of Jr. Moquegua No. 810.-830 with an extension of 3,317.22 is put out to tender. By 2007, the Investment Plan for the Renovation of Buildings, Equipment and Facilities of the Milk, Food Plant, INDDA,Experimental Center for Zootechnics. For 2008, a Commercial Development Project in the Vineyards is put out to tender. By the end of 2007, the UNALM Marketing Company must have been created and installed, which will centralize the commercialization of the main products, as well as providing information regarding the types of products that the market requires.By 2007, the UNALM Pre-University Center is built, which will operate in three shifts, for 1,200 students per shift, on the recently landscaped grounds. transferred, in the Jr. Tarma Nº 141-161, with an area of ​​950.64M2. By the end of 2010 the main Production Centers such as the Milk Plant, Food Plant, Experimental Center for Zootechnics and INDDA must be accredited, in their respective production processes.By 2010, the Investment and Equipment and Facilities Renewal Plan must be in place for all Production Centers, without exception.

XI. recommendations

  • This document is made known to all academic, administrative and other operational units. A discussion workshop is held and approved through an agreement of the University Council and finally the University Assembly.


  1. Give D. Mc Copnkey. Management by Results. Norma Editorial Group George A. Steiner. Strategic planning. Editorial CECSA.Jean-Paul Sallenave. Management and Strategic Planning. Norma Editorial Group. Joaquin Rodriguez Valencia. Strategic Planning for small and medium businesses. Editorial EcafsaLeonard D. Godstein, Timithy M. Nolan, William Pfeiffer. Applied Strategic Planning. Mc Graw Hill Publishing.
Strategic planning of the la molina national agrarian university