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Planning of temporary facilities in construction works


As time goes by and the pace that builders are required to complete the works is faster and faster, the Temporary Facilities have moved to a second priority level, they are not built or they get up late and they are almost always insufficient and not very functional, directly affecting the self-esteem and productivity of the builders, in addition to promoting inefficiencies in the construction process.

This work is the result of an investigation on the standards, technical indexes and specifications that have been used in a scattered and sporadic way for the planning and execution of temporary facilities for important works built in our country. It is aimed at professionals and average technicians in charge of rescuing the important practice of planning temporary facilities for the execution of works and has the objectives of: responding to a real need of technical personnel who face little information on the planning mission temporary facilities for important works, promote the projection of temporary facilities from the Basic Engineering stage, basing it on technical-economic indexes,provide information that allows the classification of temporary facilities, thereby achieving speed and economy in their projection and construction, stimulating work productivity through adequate attention to the needs of builders and creating the bases to lower indirect costs of supplies from its protection and creation of instruments for its control.

A methodology is presented for the preparation of the General Temporary Facilities Plan, with its objectives, characteristics of the graphic documentation, rates, scope, and a series of formulas and tables are provided that group standards and indicators that facilitate the calculations and projection of the different temporary facilities.

The parameters to be considered for the location of the area for the temporary facilities appear within the micro-location of the work, and an order of preparation of the General Plan is proposed.

Without presenting a specific example of calculations, because it would make the work very extensive, we intend to provide in an orderly manner the information that any member of the Investor Process needs to prepare and / or evaluate a General Temporary Facilities Plan.


By: Ing. Eduardo Hernández Hernández.


Temporary facilities are defined as: … any construction, installation or adaptation that is carried out in the area of ​​a work or on nearby land and that during the duration of the same serves for the purposes of its execution, or to provide service to her resources.

Temporary facilities are also called "Basic Investments" and can provide service to one or more works. They are classified into five types:

  1. Temporary facilities and workshops Fixed investments that serve more than one work Temporary change of function of new construction Modification of existing buildings Repair of existing buildings


2.1 .- Characteristics.

Temporary facilities generally must meet the following characteristics:

  1. Minimum construction complexity Low material cost for its construction Be recoverable, whenever possible Quick construction or location in the planned area Provide adequate protection for the function to be carried out Flexible and adaptable to possible changes in function.
  1. 2 .- Classification.

2.2.1.- According to its location:

This classification takes into account whether the temporary facilities are: On site (fitting out the workplace, booths, small storerooms, etc. ), In the work area ( warehouses, workshops, etc.). In the communication center of several adjoining works. Centralized (in the territory as part of the support base of the construction force, within the territory and outside the territory).

2.2.2 .- According to its use:

This classification considers the destination for which they were planned . Productive. (area for prefabricating elements, carpentry workshop, steelmaking workshop, etc. ). Socio-administrative (shelters, dining rooms, kitchens, latrines, control booths, etc.) . Of Services (maintenance workshop and minor repairs of equipment, tools, mini mechanization, etc.) . Transit and Waiting (Roofed warehouses for materials and resources that require it. Uncovered warehouses for resources and weather-resistant materials). Of circulation (accesses, paths, elevators of materials or people, loading or unloading area, etc. ).Energy (bank of transformers, poles and power lines, underground conduits, power and lighting circuits). Hydrosanitary (cistern and / or water tank for use in construction, exposed or buried hydraulic network, sewer network and treatment of waste during the execution of the work, etc.).

2.3 .- Origin of the Temporary Facilities.

They have their origin in the characteristics of the work or works to be executed and are based on the requirements derived from the Technical Preparation and on each of the schedules obtained from the Quantitative Schedule: a) Workforce Schedule.

  1. Equipment Scheduling Supply Scheduling Execution Scheduling

2.3.1. -Workforce.

It is the most valuable resource that will be present in the construction of the work. For the workforce it is necessary to guarantee:

♦ Accommodation ♦ Food ♦ Toilet.

♦ Recreation.

♦ Security.

♦ Working Conditions.

♦ Control and Direction.

2.3.2.- Equipment.

The teams, on whom the strongest and most intense work falls during execution, must be guaranteed:

♦ Continuous work.

♦ Circulation.

♦ Security.

♦ Maintenance.

♦ Repair. ♦ Direction and Control.

2.3.3. Supplies.

For materials and resources, without which the work cannot be built, it must be guaranteed:

♦ Security and Protection.

♦ Control of entrances and exits.

♦ Conservation.

♦ Handling.

♦ Beware.

♦ Storage and location control. ♦ Disposal of rejects and waste.

♦ Quality control.

2.3.4.- Execution of Construction.

For the process where materials and resources are combined in order to build the work, it is necessary to guarantee:

♦ Continuous and fast work.

♦ Direction and Control.

♦ Security and protection.

♦ Supply according to the schedule. ♦ Water and electricity.

♦ Quality Control .- Safety and Protection of the work.

Practice has shown that the investment made for the safety and protection of the work is much lower than the losses that occur when this aspect is neglected and is not given the required priority within the execution schedule. It is very important to place the following among the first scheduled activities:

♦ Perimeter fence.

♦ Control and surveillance booths at the comprehensive viewing points.

♦ Single entry with the conditions for entry and exit control.

♦ Establish the limits for the circulation of non-work equipment.


3.1.- Objectives of the Temporary Facilities General Plan.

  1. Present the location and distribution of all the temporary facilities and buildings necessary for the execution of the work. Determine the temporary facilities by type and their capacities, considering the demands and conditions of the construction. It will also take into account the volumes of the works and the sequence of execution from the preparatory period and the peak stages. Reconciling ideas and objectives between Designers, Builders, Suppliers and Investors.
  • - Size of the Plane.

It is made in Format A1, using a single sheet for it. It will be complemented with sheet No. 2 corresponding to the General Construction Plan, which will contain a list of the temporary facilities and the symbols used.

It will be represented on the 1: 500 and 1: 100 Scale, as established for the General Construction Plan.

  • - Rates, Calculation and Sizing of Temporary Facilities.

This process starts, as we have said, from the programming and calculations carried out even in the Project stage, but it must start from a logical and realistic analysis where all the members of the Investor Process take part responsible for the work. Rates for Temporary Facilities.

According to the type of works, temporary facilities have been priced by MICONS as follows:


♦ Repair and Maintenance 1% ♦ Road Works and Pipelines 2%

♦ Housing, Social, Maritime and Others. 3% ♦ Industrial and Hydraulic 4%

♦ Large-scale hydraulic 6%

♦ Assembly of Technological Equipment 6%

3.2.2 .- Scope of Rates for Temporary Facilities.

The above rates include the following:

  1. Cost of construction and dismantling of all temporary facilities Installation networks for water, sewers and electricity, Rental of works objects to use them as temporary facilities and / or their repair once the work is finished Cost of adaptations of works objects and / or other buildings for use as temporary facilities Cost of the investor's technical inspection offices.

The above rates do not include:

  1. Work objects that the Investor requires to use it as temporary facilities, not related to the Technical Inspection Provisional access to the work area, which are not definitive Paths between isolated works objects or between temporary storage areas.

In general, the rates in% are charged to the total value of the Construction Service through the Independent Budget of Temporary Facilities (P1). Although there are fees, they must be budgeted as one more work object forming part of the rest of the objects of the work being built and must have their graphic documentation.

The MLC components necessary for temporary facilities must be included in the indicators that are part of the MLC Expense Budget of the work and must have their counterpart in MN in the Work Budget so that the payment of the equivalent is not made by increasing the indirect expenses and lowering the builder / contractor's profits.

Based on the foregoing, it is concluded that rates should not be applied mechanically as this can lead to losses in both MN and MLC. .- Calculation of the Temporary Facilities necessary for the Workforce .

The Labor Force resource is the one that requires the greatest temporary facilities in order to carry out its construction work. Although the force is from the territory, it is necessary to give it the necessary conditions so that its work is carried out with the necessary productivity since it is based on the comforts that can be provided to the worker from the point of view of hygiene, care and food, components basic work motivation. It is essential that after long and exhausting working days, the workers have moments of relaxation and rest that allow them to recover the strength and energy consumed and thus be able to continue the work the next day at a good pace.

TABLE # 1 shows the Socio-administrative Installations Indices that are a function of the workforce required by the work, calculated or taken (average value) from the force programming. Workforce Calculation

The Labor Force can be calculated as follows:


F T1 = Direct Work Force obtained from the Quantitative Programming of the

Budget. (The SIECONS Program provides it easily)

F T2 = Work Technique Strength = 7% * F T1 = 0.07 * F T1

F T3 = Physical Work Force on Site = (F T1 + F T2) / 0.7

F T4 = Support Workforce = (mechanization, Supply, attention to man and services, contractor office, direction of the brigade and the company).

F T4 = 16% F T1 = 0.16 * F T1

F Total = F T3 + F T4 = Total Labor Force



Installation Indicator U / M Qty Observations
one two 3 4 5
Offices Area by Office Employee m2 3.7-6.7 Average 4 m 2 and varies with the amount of files and auxiliary equipment.
Area for Heads of

UBC Works and Heads

m 2 8.00 If possible, the office will not exceed 16 m 2.
Meeting room m 2 1.0-1.5 Potential participants to meetings and Councils


Area x worker m2 1.2
Service Area x worker



m2 m 2 0.07


Distribute them throughout the work area

Market Stall


Area x worker

200 - 500

500 - 1000

More than 1000

m 2

20 –25

30 - 40

50 - 60

Workman's dining area

m 2

1.0 -


With four shifts in an hour

MICONS recommends an area of ​​50.4 mx 5.4 m with capacity for 208 seated workers and 832 in four shifts per hour.

Kitchen dining room For kitchen:

180 - 300 workers

200 - 400 workers

400 - 800 workers







From the dining area

The resulting area is added.

For warehouse:

100 - 200

200 - 400

400 - 800







From the dining area.

The resulting area is added

Hostel Area x worker housed m 2 2.6 - 3.0 Calculation for 8 bunk beds
Room of
training games and Area / worker m 2 1.5 30 workers on average

3.2.3 Calculation of Temporary Facilities for Supplies

There are supplies that require certain facilities to make used in the works. The distance to the supply centers and the periodic demand requires keeping reserves within the works of these materials, which according to their characteristics require roofed or uncovered warehouses. Reservations will be based on transportation distances and needs. Cement Warehouses

  1. Cement in bags: On pallets in stacks of 10 bags up to 3.0 m in height, 0.20 m apart from the walls Area of ​​a bag: 0.50 m

Extra area should be considered for corridors, circulation and separation of the walls. Material Warehouses

Table # 2 lists the standards for storing materials on site for one million pesos of annual production. Table # 2-1 lists the expenses of the main construction materials, structure, etc. for one million pesos per year of the construction volume. Table # 2-2 includes the reserve rule in days of materials on site.

Failure to make an in-depth and team study of the areas that will be used for roofed and open or uncovered warehouses can cause major setbacks and additional efforts with the corresponding additional expenses. It has been the case that in areas where construction work can begin, they are occupied with stored materials without prior analysis, with the consequent delay in the execution schedule and expenses in movements and conditioning of other areas.

3.2.4 Calculation of the Temporary Facilities of the Equipment

In any work where mechanization is used, at least a temporary facility is necessary to attend to your demands for preventive maintenance and minor repairs. When the park of equipment used in the work, regardless of its size exceeds one hundred then a workshop is required for repairs, in addition to maintenance.

Table # 3 shows the indices approved by MICONS for these cases.




U / M



I. Roofed Warehouses

Cement (bulk)

Cement (in bag)



Mineral wool, thermal waterproofing materials.

Glue, asbestos, boards, cables, elbow pads, nails, screws, hardware

1 million pesos

1 million pesos


1 million pesos

1 million pesos

m 2






II. Sheds

Reinforcement steels

Waterproofing materials, Tile, tiles, asbestos Cement, drywall Carpentry Asphalt

1 million pesos

1 million pesos

1 million pesos

1 million pesos





III. Flammable Materials Warehouses

a) Central Fuel Warehouse (Reserve 30 days) Gasoline



b) Warehouses for oils and other flammable materials

Chemical Acids, Oils and Flammable Materials

1 million pesos 1 million pesos 1 million


1 million pesos

of of of







IV. Open Warehouses Rolled Steel Wood:

Round Sawn


m 3 m3








Gravel and Stone


Human waste

Thousands of U.

Thousands of U. m3 m3 m3 m 3







(Table # 2 Continuation)


U / M





Cast Iron Reinforced Concrete Cables:

Wooden chest

Armor (Steel)

Prefabricated concrete:



Mezzanine Slabs

Roof Slabs Trusses

Roof Beams

Shoe Beams and Crane Carriers, Stair Slabs, Slabs of

balconies, Enclosure Beams, Sanitary Cabins

Concrete Block for Walls

Lightweight Concrete Block

Metallic structure


T m 3

m 2


m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3

m3 m 3

thousands U.


















1. The norms for storing aggregates are given for mechanized warehouses, for non-mechanized warehouses the area must increase 2 times.

2. The rules are for one million pesos per year.

Expenses for the main building materials, structures, etc. For one million pesos per year of the construction volume.

Table 2-1

Denomination Um Qty To be elaborated in the const area. To be stored in the const area. Kind of


one two 3 4 5 6
Reinforcing steel t 340 193 193 Shed
Metal Inserts t 22 - 22 Shed
Rolled Steels t 47.9 - 47.9 Open
Metallic structures t 700 - 700 Open

(Continuation Table 2-1)

Denomination Um Qty To be elaborated in the const area. To be stored in the const area. Kind of


one two 3 4 5 6
Asbestos Cement Elements m2 1015 - 1015 Shed
Rusty Asphalt t 84 - 84 Shed
Sand Fill m3 685 - -
Crushed Stone Filler m3 278 - -
Bolts Kg. 1584 - 1584 Closed
Acoustic Felt m2 92 - 92 Closed
Nails Kg. 957 - 957 Closed
Gravel, Crushed Stone m3 7000 - 4612 Open
Asphalt Primer Kg. 1386 - 1386 Shed
Lime t 4.6 - 4.6 Shed
Paints Kg. 1804 - 1804 Closed
Brick Miles U 182 - 182 Open
Circular Wood m3 98 - 98 Open
Sawn timber m3 261 - 261 Shed
Linoleum m2 382 - 382 Closed
Bituminous Putty t 66 - 66 Closed
Mineral Cotton m3 16 - 16 Closed
Cooked Oil t 0.9 - 0.9 Closed
Plaster partitions m2 1050 - 1050 Open
Clay Slabs m2 660 - 660 Closed
Tow kg 233 - 233 Closed
Sand m3 4641 - 3827 Open
Crystal m2 3024 - 3024 Closed
Ceiling Paper m2 37944 - 37944 Shed

(Continuation Table 2-1)

Denomination Um Qty To be elaborated in the const area. To be stored in the const area. Kind of


one two 3 4 5 6
Minium Kg. 200 - 200 Closed
Fixing Rails t 146 - 146 Open
Cement t 2764 - 1855 Closed
Sleepers OR 2230 - 2230 Open
Electrodes Kg. 328 - 328 Closed
Carpentry m2 2200 - 2200 Shed
Wooden Chests m2 2678 1500 2678 Open
Concrete m3 5864 4217
Mortar m3 662 662
Precast Reinforced Concrete Structures m3 2076 2076 Open
Lightweight Reinforced Concrete Structures m3 456 456 Open
Steel tubes t 57.3 57.3 Open
Cast Iron Pipes t 12 12 Open
Asbestos Cement Pipes m 8 8 Open
Mud Pipes m 346 346 Open
Reinforced Concrete Pipes m 100 100 Open
Stripped Electrical Conduits t 0.6 0.6 Closed
Installation Ducts km 33.3 33.3 Closed
Electric cable Km 18.8 18.8 closed

Calculation rules for the reservation of main materials and prefabricated in the warehouses of the works, in days of consumption.

Table 2-2

By Railways By Auto-Transport Distance in km
More than 50 Up to 50
Steel (rolled, corrugated and sheet), steel tubes, round and sawn lumber, asphalt, electrical and sanitary materials, ferrous metallurgy, chemical materials. 25-30 15-20 12
Cement, lime, glass, asbestos cement, ceiling paper, carpentry, metallic structures. 20-25 10-15 8-12
Brick, cavity, aggregates, slag, precast concrete, heavy and light concrete pipes, partitions. 15-20 7-20 5-10
Note: The reserve in days is determined by multiplying the norm by: - ​​Consumption irregularity coefficient (1.3)

- Coefficient of irregularity of arrival of materials (1.1)

Standards for calculating the Automotive workshop up to 100 teams


- Spare Parts Warehouse

- Mechanical Works

- punch bowl

- Tool Storage

- Equipment Movement Areas

- Parking area

- Scrubbing and Lubrication Area

m2 m2 m2 m2 mm






12 wide x all


4 x 12 / vehicle


3.2.5 Temporary Facilities for Execution

For works whose value exceeds five million pesos, it is necessary to go to the study of temporary facilities that, without representing a high technological investment and unjustified expenses in relation to centralized productions, allow to elaborate on site elements necessary in the process of construction of the work. Those temporary facilities are the following:

  1. White Woodworking Workshop Provisional Steel Workshops Blacksmithing and Mechanics Workshops

To determine the workshop area


Carpentry Area per machine. Tools m 2 20-25

Area per worker m 2 10-15

Elab. Steel Area per machine Tools m 2 10-12 reinforcement Bench area 12 x 1.5 is suggested

Assembly area 0.80 m


Structure Total area by production t / year / m 2 1 - 5 of profiles

Pailer and Total Produced Area t / year / m 2 1 to 5

Body Shop Area per machine. Tools m 2 10 - 12 Water Supply.

Water is a vital resource for construction and it is very important to know the supply needs for the work. The Standards establish the following needs. See Table # 5.

Water consumption in works

Table # 5

Concrete Production. Curing and wetting the chest 300 - 500 l / m 3
Preparation of mortar 150 - 300 l / m 3
Brick walls 150 - 300 l / m 3
Block walls 100 - 200 l / m 3
Various repels 25 - 40 l / m 3
Vehicle scrubbing 200 l / u
Parts and tools 10 l
Sheltered worker 240 l / worker
Worker in the dining room 80 l / worker
Workman - drink water 20 l / worker

Note: 20 l / sec is estimated. for every million pesos in construction and assembly. Electricity Consumption in Works

Table # 6

Destination Consumption
1. Lighting



Indoor areas Outdoor areas

0.02 Kva./m 2

0.004 Kva./m 2

2. Force












Batching Plant of 30 m 3 / h

Tower crane

Carpentry shop

Steel workshop

1 m 3 concrete mixer

0.5 m 3 concrete mixer

Water Pump

1 t winch

Workshop and office xm 2

Warehouses xm 2

Track lighting x 1 cm.

49 Kva.

34-48) Kva.

20 Kva.


18 Kva.

11 Kva.

(5 - 15) Kva.

7.5 Kva.

0.015 Kva.

0.003 Kva. 5 Kva.

Note: Kva. = (0.75-0.85) Kw. Installed Determination of Temporary Pathways

The temporary roads facilitate the circulation of means of transport and loading of materials and products for construction. They must communicate all temporary facilities with each other, with the work area and the permanent exterior roads.

The temporary roads will have the same characteristics as the roads and accesses in the work area, which may be: a) Compacted improvement.

  1. Compacted gravel and gravel Flexible or rigid pavement Precast concrete pavement

The choice depends on the type of transport that will circulate, loads and hydrogeological conditions of the terrain.

  1. Determination and Location of the General Temporary Facilities Area.

The area of ​​temporary facilities must be located in a perimeter place adjacent to the work, assessing the climatic conditions, prevailing winds, ground level, etc.

The parameters to consider for the location of the temporary facilities area are:

  1. Surface available for this purpose Proximity to accesses and circulation routes for supplies and handling Proximity to the work Possibility of connection to the existing and nearest technical networks of water, electricity, sewerage, etc. Possibility of construction by stages.Orientation. Take into account the winds to avoid dust. Proximity to the energy block. Reserve areas. Distances of the work objects to the perimeter fence. Width of strips Concept of the General Plan of the Work.
  1. Order for the Preparation of the General Temporary Facilities Plan.

The following order of preparation of the Temporary Facilities General Plan is recommended.

  1. Define the demand for the types of temporary facilities Calculate the capacity of the facilities Determine the Construction System Make the Scheme of the Temporary Facilities Location of the Temporary Facilities within the General Plan of the Work Preparation of the General Plan of Temporary Facilities Descriptive Report Preparation of Budgets.

Technical documentation will be attached to the General Temporary Facilities Plan, as necessary, as one more work object, also being considered within the primary needs of supply and order of execution.

It is necessary that the temporary facilities are in the scheduling of the work, since like the rest of the objects, they require resources and time for execution.


Depending on the workforce, equipment and supply schedules, the demands of many facilities that make the construction of the works possible are derived, these facilities have the same temporary nature of the construction process and respond to the characteristics of each work.

Those who fulfill the task of organizing a work and planning temporary facilities have to face the problems posed by the mobility of human and material resources involved in the process. The workforce requires adequate attention to achieve the expected productivity, it needs living and working conditions. This is the case with supplies that must be protected, stored and controlled. The equipment must have the conditions for its continuous operation and achieve the highest possible performance. The construction process itself requires sufficient communication, energy, water, etc., through temporary installations.

Good planning of temporary facilities represents the safe reduction of a large part of the indirect costs of the work and therefore efficiency for builders, suppliers, contractors and investors, in short, it represents benefits for the country's economy.

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Planning of temporary facilities in construction works