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Planning staffing templates


Planning templates based on the principle of efficiency, that is, of workload and process improvement, is absolutely sterile if it has not been previously guaranteed that efficiency is duly addressed and that the process, perfect or imperfect, contributes something to the organization; It is therefore necessary to answer the following questions when planning templates:

  • What do the workers in my company spend their time on? Are all the things they do useful or are there some that are done by routine or incorrect structuring of functions and are of no use? Is the workload reasonable - not very high not very low-? The interval between 70 and 90% of effective time over the normal working day is usually considered admissible. If I mechanize any task, can I achieve significant savings in time? Could I organize my company in a totally different way that requires fewer resources or allow a more flexible use of current resources?

It will be noted that in no case has the economic situation of the company been mentioned and this is not due to oblivion: If we need, for example, ten workers for the company to function, we cannot do so except temporarily and this regardless of the situation financial; at the same time, hiring more than necessary to meet commitments or anything else does not improve the quality of execution and makes the organization more expensive; It is true, despite the fact that the financial situation tends to influence the composition of the workforce, when it is negative in the form of cuts beyond what is reasonable in order to achieve a relief in the treasury; When the situation is positive, it is easy for a certain indiscipline to occur and the hiring of personnel, more than a necessity,be a kind of manifestation of power of the owner or manager; if the winds are favorable, a company can operate for a long time in violation of this basic rule, but clearly it will be much more sensitive to any problem.

Possibly, books on business administration have tended to spread a misconception: A well-managed company survives and a poorly-managed company collapses: the truth is that a poorly managed company can remain for a long time if the environment is favorable to it. and, vice versa, the best management is not capable of working miracles; The foregoing does not exclude the fact that, given that all sectors are increasingly competitive, relying on the market boom to act discretionary in the area of ​​workforce management is a high-risk policy.

The analysis methods always start from the aforementioned bases; on the other hand, human resource planning without going into organizational design is an academic exercise with no practical utility, where the informal organization alone is enough to solve problems that, in a large company, might require elaborate procedures.

Finally, it is common for staff planning to use statistical models; statistics can never be more valid than starting data; In this sense, in most models they usually start from the following assumptions:

The organization will remain structured during the period for which it is planned in basically the same way as it is now

There will be no major technological changes that imply radical operational changes and that substitute investment in labor for investment in technology

The market will not have great surprises

Even the authors dedicated to strategic planning are beginning to renounce mathematical models given the boiling that occurs in most markets and the uncertainty that this generates, in the area of ​​Human Resources, even more so, the most successful planning it can often be about staying nimble and flexible just in case and not relying on elaborate mathematical models unrelated to changing reality.

In accordance with what has been stated so far, we can say that planning answers the following questions:

How many workers will the company have, with what qualifications, when, in what department and doing what work?

To this responds the planning of allocation of human resources.

How many workers and with what qualifications will the company need, in what departments and carrying out what activities?

To this responds the planning of personnel needs and the planning of recruitment and selection.

How many workers should be trained and for what purposes?

This is what the planning of training and promotion responds to.

What expenses are expected to incur in carrying out such measures?

The following are the basic characteristics of human resource planning:

These elements characterize Human Resources planning.

The referential nature of strategic planning refers precisely to the fact that it allows determining the final personnel requirements in relation to the general planning of the company, hence its referential character.

The technical nature is reflected in the internal analysis and evaluation of the work organization that it does within the organization, the establishment of a HR plan involves studying the organization, its objectives, its functions, its tasks, its jobs, the professional categories of its members as well as their professional qualifications. But it also evaluates the organization of work precisely to know the effectiveness and freedom at work, stability and projection and the quality of the functions performed. These actions promote the development of HR strategies appropriate to the peculiar characteristics of the company.

It allows us to face the environment precisely because of its flexible nature since it incorporates a forecasting phase with which it is intended to detect future needs, making special reference to the market, technology, customers, change and management. We could say that it makes room for change.

These characteristics give strategic planning a dynamic character. As it is a continuous and flexible process, it encourages critical thinking and the development of new initiatives, both symptoms of this dynamism.

Finally, the temporal projection of the strategic planning goes from 3 years onwards. Very difficult to forecast elements are involved. These are general, indicative plans that detect changes in the environment and allow the introduction of measures regarding future needs in the processes.

Contribute to optimizing the company's resources, achieving maximum benefit and serving as a regulatory mechanism for important cost items

Get a template of suitable dimensions, we refer here to the number of employees (N). Good planning assumes that the right number of employees has been planned to meet the proposed management and production objectives. Having staff surplus is an unnecessary added expense and the lack of staff is a brake on the development of the organization.

Promote the adequate qualification of the workforce (C), foreseeing the continuous training activities essential to carry out different tasks in accordance with the managerial, environmental and technological dynamics that the plan itself has had to take into account.

Motivate staff by creating expectations for personal and professional development and improvement that materialize in personalized career plans and come true while meeting the planning objectives.

Improving the work environment whose worst enemy is the uncertainty caused by the lack of foresight. Effective communication means that staff know the planning and therefore where the company is going and this is a great stimulus for employees, stimulating initiative and the spirit of belonging to a team.

Planning staffing templates