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Strategic planning in the mérida sectional venezuelan red cross


The Psychosocial Attention Program in Disasters for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela was born as a result of the tragedy that occurred in the Vargas State in December 1999, where the International Movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent implemented it through the Federation International Red Cross, the American Red Cross and the Venezuelan Red Cross.

The purpose of the program is to provide the victims with psychosocial help tools that facilitate the recovery process after the natural disaster. In addition to training the personnel who work directly with these people, so that they are in a position to recognize the expected reactions of both victims, rescuers, volunteers, and themselves, providing an adequate, fast, efficient and humane approach that minimizes the traumatic effects after the disaster and allowing a satisfactory recovery.

The scope of this report is to provide the first guidelines and strategies to undertake strategic planning in the development phase in which the plan is currently. We must point out in this context that a strategy is an integrating guideline for decisions that provides a map of the paths to achieve the goals of an organization. Creating or reviewing the organizational guidelines, the Mission, the Vision, the Objectives, the Organization Chart (see Figure N ° 1), and the Functional Area, together with the Environmental Analysis, a first Diagnosis and the first Strategies are generated, which must be implement and control, to start up the Planning Model that is proposed in this report and that is reflected in Figure N ° 2, in order to carry out the proposed objectives.


This report arises in response to the concern of Dra. Clara Arellano Martínez, Coordinator for the Mérida Section of the Program; With respect to the implementation and continuity of the Psychosocial Support Plan, due to this it has been necessary to request the preparation of the Strategic Planning that this report develops. Their collaboration was very valuable for the compilation and supply of the necessary information for the elaboration of the Environmental analysis.

2. Organizational guidelines.

To establish and maintain the direction of an organization, the Vision, Mission and Objectives of the same must be set, which are key devices to obtain progress in the PAPD The Vision and Mission of the program will mark the General Direction of the Plan, offering us a complete panorama of the values, philosophies and aspirations that should guide the organizational work.

We hope that the Mission and Vision statements made in this report serve to motivate and inspire current and future members of the program.

The Organizational Objectives focus us on the definition of the most specific goals, it is the target towards which the efforts to be carried out in the Organization are oriented, where solid and appropriate foundations are provided for the Formulation of strategies, execution of the same and planning of the action.


Provide psychosocial help quickly, efficiently and humanely to those affected by natural disasters.


The international movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent following its fundamental principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary character, unity and universality have been implemented through the International Federation of the Red Cross, the American Red Cross and the Venezuelan Red Cross, the psychosocial care program in disasters for the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which aims to provide the victims with psychosocial help tools that facilitate the recovery process after the natural catastrophe, attended by highly qualified. In addition, it seeks to train the personnel who work directly with these people, so that they are in a position to recognize the expected reactions of both victims, rescuers, volunteers,as in themselves, and in this way provide an adequate, fast, efficient and humane approach, which minimizes the traumatic effects after the disaster and allows a satisfactory recovery. The psychosocial support plan in disasters will base its management on a transparent, effective and efficient management of the assigned resources.

  1. Aspiration statement.

All the members of the Red Cross want a Psychosocial Support Plan in Disasters where the personnel who work in it feel proud and are committed to the opportunity to contribute, to learn, to grow based on our merits and not by policies or by background. We want to be a respected staff, who is treated fairly, who is listened to, and who is involved. Above all, we want to feel satisfaction for our achievements and for all those we help, for our friends, to have a balance between our personal and professional life and to be happy for our efforts. We want to build a future to achieve the continuity of the Psychosocial Support Plan in Disasters, closing the gaps that may exist between principles and practices,to always update our values ​​and that they are a reflection of an adequate, fast, efficient and humane service to carry forward the image and humanitarian values ​​of the Venezuelan Red Cross.

Leadership to achieve this aspiration.

Leadership based on frankness is needed to influence and achieve society's commitment to the plan, a willingness to recognize and manage personal responsibility, teamwork, and foster the trust of volunteers and those served. Model good behaviors and train other people to adopt them. A leadership that knows how to take full advantage of the capacities of all the personnel and places them in the best position so that their influence reaches the victims more. A leadership that is a compendium of the ethical standards that have been established, that is very clear about the vision, mission and objectives of the Plan and that seeks the greatest recognition of the individuals and teams that contribute to our success. A leadership that is strengthened by the continuous feedback process.

Organizational objective.

Provide psychosocial help quickly, efficiently and humanely to those affected by disasters, so that they find immediate solutions to the tragedy, thus achieving regain their autonomy, transforming the crisis they have experienced into an opportunity for personal and community growth.

Long-term goals.

  • Achieve the permanence of the psychosocial assistance plan for those affected by natural disasters in the Andean Zone Establish an institutional support agreement between the Psychosocial Support Plan and the Ejido Technological Institute (IUTE) Establish a support agreement between the psychosocial support plan and the Mérida State Natural Disaster Management Foundation. (FUNDEM)

Specific objectives.

  • Place the PAPD in a Phase two of planning based on prediction, where a growth stage begins Achieve a static and continuous allocation of resources, under the conception of an annual budget for the year 2001 Design service plans for the PAPD with a multiannual meaning Have accurate information about the trained volunteer and the victims served Increase the level of recruitment of volunteers by 50% Increase the level of victims served by 25% Extend the program to high-risk communities.
  1. Environmental analysis

Environmental analysis is the process where the organizational environments of an organization are monitored, through which the information is classified and used to identify the potentialities and weaknesses of its internal environment and the opportunities and threats offered by the external environment; which influence its ability to achieve its objectives.

To achieve the survival of the PAPD, the whole series of inputs, influences and forces received from the outside must be analyzed, effectively evaluating the environment that surrounds it. The future conditions of the organization's environment should also be explored to incorporate what has been learned into its decision-making processes.

Here we must analyze information that comes first from the general environment that is in the external environment, where the components have far-reaching consequences for managers and their strategies. Continuing with the external environment we find the information of the operating or competitive environment, where its components have a direct influence on the direction of the plan. Finally, we review the information that comes from the internal environment that includes all the forces that act within the organization, originating from itself and that have specific implications in its direction and performance.

  1. External analysis.

It includes the identification and evaluation of key competitive, social, political, economic and technological trends and events to reveal the opportunities and threats in the environment. Trends and external events are factors that an Organization cannot control alone. It is the purpose of identifying the key variables to promise actionable answers.

Bearing this in mind, we will now proceed to analyze the external factors that affect it and subsequently we will identify the Threats and Opportunities that are presented to it.


  1. The existence of both public and private organizations that are in a position to receive training to strengthen the PAPD in search of an immediate care network, in case of disasters The Technological Institute of Ejido, trains Superior Technicians in the area of ​​Management of Emergency and Action Against Disasters, this line of study being a possible point of support for the development of the PAPD The existence of a government agency dedicated to the care of emergencies and disasters FUNDEM, which could provide assistance in terms of logistics. Establish links with the Military Garrison. The city of Mérida has a Fire Department, which can be trained as volunteers, in addition to receiving logistical assistance from them.The support offered by the San Juan de Dios Hospital with its medical team specialized in the area of ​​psychiatry. There is no other organization that provides this assistance for Psychosocial Support in Disasters.


  1. Little interest of the communities that could be affected with respect to the PAPD, which causes the loss of continuity of the same Low level of information of the communities in relation to the existence of disasters of a lesser degree The emotional effect suffered by the trained volunteer after prolonged treatment with affected people Lack of commitment by trained volunteers who are not Red Cross personnel with the PAPD The risk that the Venezuelan Red Cross runs of losing the opportunity offered by development cooperation plans sponsored by international organizations, as the program did not continue.

As part of the external environmental analysis, the External Factors Assessment Matrix (EFE) can be carried out, which allows summarizing and evaluating all the information related to the economic, social, cultural, political, governmental and technological fields. This information is compiled in Table N ° 1 from which it can be concluded that the Psychosocial Support in Disasters plan is beginning to take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to it to overcome threats, since its average is higher than the average (2, 65> 2.50).

Table No. 1. Evaluation Matrix of External Factors. (EFE)

  1. Internal analisis.

It consists in identifying and evaluating the Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses in their Organizational Guidelines from the Functional areas of the PAPD, and their interrelation with the Vision, Mission, Objectives and Organizational Charts proposed. Likewise, it allows analyzing the strategic consequences or effects of importance in the functional areas of the Organization. It represents a fundamental element on which the strategic formulation must be based, identifying the key factors on which the diagnosis falls, to change the weaknesses that the plan has in its implementation into forces that become distinctive competencies.


  1. The PAPD has a well-defined organizational structure Clear definition of its functional process, both in the training of the volunteer and in the care of the victim The PAPD has a highly qualified management staff The PAPD has updated training programs. It holds regular meetings to keep the regional coordinators updated. The PAPD has a manual record of the data of its trained volunteers. There is a harmonious relationship between the trained volunteers.


  1. No cuenta con un presupuesto de funcionamiento anual, basado en una planificación para el año siguiente.Cuentan solo con el apoyo financiero y tecnológico de la American Red Cross.Lentitud del manejo de los recursos financieros del programa en las seccionales.Falta de sistema de administración estratégica.Falta de indicadores de control que permitan medir el nivel de rendimiento de los voluntarios capacitados.No cuentan con canales de comunicación apropiados para brindar el P.A.P.D.Falta de espacio físico adecuado e independiente para desarrollar el P.A.P.D.El A.P.D. no cuenta con vehículo propio para prestar el servicio.Falta de apoyo por parte de la dirección de salud y bienestar social de la institución tanto a nivel nacional como regional.

The final step of the internal environmental analysis is to construct an Internal Factor Assessment matrix. This analytical Strategy Formulation tool summarizes and assesses important strengths and weaknesses in management, finance, motivation, service, and training. As well as it allows to analyze the functional areas within the development of the PAPD In Table N ° 2 all these factors can be observed and their weight and qualification given are analyzed, from this we can say that the psychosocial support plan in disasters is below the midpoint (2.14 <2.50) which indicates that it is a plan with many internal weaknesses.

Table N ° 2. Evaluation matrix of the Internal Factors.


To develop a strategic planning for the PAPD, it has been diagnosed that this is for its beginning in the year 2000 in Phase 1 called Basic Financial Planning, since only an operational control of the activities has been taken to achieve the support that provides the plan, depending on an initial budget given by the American Red Cross, and on a functional approach based on the first guidelines sent and on the skills of the coordinators, where it is sought to meet the budget.


1. Well defined organizational structure.2. Clear definition of its functional process 3. Highly qualified management personnel 4. Updated training programs 5. Hold regular meetings with regional coordinators. 6. Manual registration of the data of your trained volunteers 7. Harmonious relationship between volunteers.


1. Annual operating budget. 2. Only American Red Cross Financial and Technology Support.3. Slowness in the management of financial resources 4. Lack of strategic management system 5. Lack of control indicators 6. Inappropriate communication channels 7. Inadequate and dependent physical space. 8. Own vehicle 9. Support from the institution's health and social welfare department.


1. Organizations eligible to receive PAPD2 training. lUTE point of support for the development of the PAPD3. FUNDEM provides logistical assistance to PAPD4. Possible links with the Military Garrison. 5. Fire Department to train them as volunteers and receive logistical assistance. 6. Medical team specialized in the area of ​​psychiatry. 7. There is no other agency that provides this assistance for Psychosocial Support in Disasters.


(F3, F4; O1, O3, O4, O5): Carry out training workshops on psychosocial support to government entities related to the health sector, IUTE, FUNDEM, rescue, natural disasters, the military garrison, firefighters, as well as non governments that are interested in the plan (F1, F2; O2): Establish an agreement with the IUTE, which specifies the need for the students of the Emergency Management and Disaster Action Technicians career to be trained, participate as volunteers in the plan, considering this activity part of the internship program. (F1,…, F7; O6): Prepare an Operational Plan between the San Juan de Dios Hospital and the Psychosocial Support plan to obtain greater effectiveness in the use of the specialist resource for the treatment of the victims.


(D1,.., D3; O7): Prepare a program budget for the plan for 2001 addressed to the American Red Cross, where its requirements are specified in accordance with the objectives set forth in this report.

(D8; O1,.., O5): Establish an Operational plan that integrates organizations such as FUNDEM, Firefighters, University of Los Andes, Military Garrison, State Government, to facilitate exchange processes in social and institutional networks and thus motorize their coordinated actions during the impact and post-impact phases in disaster situations, specifying the specific activities.


1. Little interest of the communities in the PAPD

2. Little information in communities about minor disasters.

3. The emotional effect of the trained volunteer.

4. Lack of commitment of the trained volunteers with the PAPD

5. Risk of the Venezuelan Red Cross of losing the continuity of the PAPD


(F5, F7; A3, A4): Hold regular meetings between volunteers, and group dynamics, to learn from everyone's experiences, where they are given the opportunity to express their emotions and concerns in order to channel them, and draw from They provide lessons and learnings regarding the approach and requirements for preparing for disaster situations, thus increasing their level of commitment, affiliation and motivation to achieve the plan.

(F1, F2; A1, A2): Use social communication media as a permanent tool to motivate and inform the communities regarding the psychosocial support plan in order to attract greater participation.

(F3, F4; A1, A2): Train community leaders to serve as interveners in the plan, through training and development programs, dictated by highly specialized personnel in order to involve them globally in the psychosocial support program.

(F6; A5): Design a database that allows better control of the trained volunteers and the victims treated.


(D4, D5, D9; A5): Establish a support commitment by the Institution's Health and Social Welfare Directorate, through precise and detailed information provided by the process administrators to the Directorate, indicating the progress of the plan in order to achieve its continuity.

(D6; A5): Create a web page for the PAPD at the national level, where each section has the opportunity to present their progress, in addition to giving informative talks to the people and entities involved in the plan, in order to achieve better communication.

(D4, D5; A5): Develop an operational plan that involves this within a strategic management system, as a continuous, reiterative and transfunctional process, aimed at keeping it properly coupled with the environment in which it operates.

(D7; A5): Establish clear Norms and Policies that grant independence and autonomy to the program, in the Red Cross facilities, in order to attend to the victims, as well as in its own communication channels (telephone, fax, internet), and in a fast and efficient management of financial resources.

(D3; A5): Design a Manual of Norms and Procedures for managing economic resources efficiently, effectively and effectively in order to guarantee the success of the program.

The bases for moving to Phase 2 are presented in this report, which we will call Planning Based on Prediction, where through the development of an Environmental Analysis, Organizational Guidelines and a Diagnosis, the first strategies based on a more planning will be presented. effective for growth, seeking multi-year plans for a static allocation of resources that can be planned for the future and start the strategic management process following the model proposed here.

Short and long-term objectives will be sought, so that in future years, this process passes to a Phase 3 and a Phase 4. In Phase 3 called Planning with External Orientation where the social, ethical, competitive, global response must be weighed. professional and policy of the program, carefully analyzing its situation and giving it a competitive assessment, evaluating the strategic alternatives and achieving as a fixed goal a dynamic allocation of resources. During this phase, the program must be indexed and complemented with programs or development plans in this area that other institutions, both public and private, have. Here we will be thinking in abstract terms.

In Phase 4 called Strategic Management, the goal of the program would be, where all the resources will be instrumented to create sustainable competitive advantages, creating a planning framework chosen strategically, that is creative and flexible where there is a climate of value, support and where the program will be creating the future.

It is important to review the results obtained by the PAPD during its management time, these data are reflected in table 3, where it is observed that the total number of victims in the area is 4,420 people, of which 2,397 have been treated to date, which represents 54.23% of the total. It can also be seen that 78 volunteers have been trained, distributed as follows: 32 in Táchira, 32 in Barinas, 14 in Mérida and none in Trujillo. The most effective state in the process of recruiting and training volunteers is the state of Barinas, since despite the fact that it has the same number of trained as Táchira, it has achieved a better distribution between volunteers and specialists, achieving a percentage of psychosocial care of 75, 06% in a total of 2947 victims, being the state with the most victims.Táchira has 32 trained volunteers and to date it does not reflect any intervention. The state of Mérida has 11 volunteers and 3 trained specialists, who have achieved a percentage of 14.86% of the victims served out of a total of 1,245. Regarding the state of Trujillo, no volunteers have been trained nor have any victims been treated. This is as a consequence of not having the necessary human resources.

Table N ° 3. Volunteers Trained and Victims Attended.

The SWOT Matrix has also been used to generate a series of alternative strategies based on the information obtained from the external and internal analysis. This information is reflected in tables 4 and 5. Table 4 shows a series of strategies where the Internal strengths of the plan to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the external environment, as well as strategies to overcome weaknesses by taking advantage of opportunities. In Table 5 you can see a list of strategies that are generated to use strengths and thus avoid threats, as well as defensive strategies that result from minimizing weaknesses and avoiding threats.

Selection of Alternative Strategies

  • As a result of the SWOT analysis, the following strategies are obtained: STRATEGY N ° 1: Carry out training workshops in psychosocial support to government entities related to the health sector, IUTE, FUNDEM, rescue, natural disasters, the military garrison, firefighters, as well as non-governmental organizations that are interested in the plan STRATEGY N ° 2: Establish an agreement with the IUTE, which specifies the need for students of the Emergency Management and Disaster Action Technicians career to be trained, participate as volunteers to the plan, considering this activity part of the internship program STRATEGY N ° 3: Prepare a program budget of the plan for 2001 directed to the American Red Cross,where their requirements are specified in accordance with the objectives set forth in this report STRATEGY N ° 4: Prepare an Operational Plan between the San Juan de Dios Hospital and the Psychosocial Support plan to obtain greater effectiveness in the use of specialist resources for the treatment of victims STRATEGY N ° 5: Establish an Operational Plan that integrates organizations such as FUNDEM, Firefighters, University of Los Andes, Military Garrison, State Government, to facilitate exchange processes in social and institutional networks and thus motorize their coordinated actions during the impact and post-impact phases in disaster situations, specifying the specific activities STRATEGY N ° 6: Hold periodic meetings between volunteers, and group dynamics,to learn from everyone's experiences, where they are given the opportunity to express their emotions and concerns in order to channel them, and to extract lessons and learnings from them regarding the approach and requirements for preparing for disaster situations, thus increasing their level of commitment, affiliation and motivation to achieve in the plan STRATEGY N ° 7: Use social communication media as a permanent tool to motivate and inform communities regarding the psychosocial support plan in order to attract greater participation. 8: Train community leaders to serve as interveners in the plan, through training and development programs, dictated by highly specialized personnel in order to involve them globally in the psychosocial support program.STRATEGY N ° 9: Design a database that allows better control of the trained volunteers and the victims treated STRATEGY N ° 10: Establish a commitment of support by the Institution's Health and Social Welfare Directorate, to through precise and detailed information provided by the administrators of the process to the Directorate, indicating the progress of the plan in order to achieve its continuity STRATEGY N ° 11: Create a web page of the PAPD at the national level, where each section has the opportunity to present their progress, in addition to giving informative talks to the people and entities involved in the plan, in order to achieve better communication STRATEGY N ° 12: Develop an operational plan that involves them within a strategic management system,as a continuous, repetitive and transfunctional process, aimed at keeping it coupled in an appropriate way with the environment in which it operates.STRATEGY N ° 13: Establish clear Norms and Policies that grant independence and autonomy to the program, in the facilities of the Red Cross, with the purpose of assisting the victims, as well as in its own communication channels (telephone, fax, internet), and in a fast and efficient management of financial resources STRATEGY N ° 14: Design a Manual of Norms and Procedures for the management of economic resources with efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy in order to guarantee the success of the program.Establish clear Norms and Policies that grant independence and autonomy to the program, in the facilities of the Red Cross, with the purpose of assisting the victims, as well as in its own communication channels (telephone, fax, internet), and in a fast and efficient management of financial resources STRATEGY N ° 14: Design a Manual of Norms and Procedures for the management of economic resources with efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness in order to guarantee the success of the program.Establish clear Norms and Policies that grant independence and autonomy to the program, in the facilities of the Red Cross, with the purpose of assisting the victims, as well as in its own communication channels (telephone, fax, internet), and in a fast and efficient management of financial resources STRATEGY N ° 14: Design a Manual of Norms and Procedures for the management of economic resources with efficiency, effectiveness and effectiveness in order to guarantee the success of the program.Design a Manual of Norms and Procedures for managing economic resources efficiently, effectively and effectively in order to guarantee the success of the program.Design a Manual of Norms and Procedures for managing economic resources efficiently, effectively and effectively in order to guarantee the success of the program.
  1. Control indicators.

An important stage in the Strategic Management process is control; The essence of this control lies in ensuring that the strategies are deployed as planned and in taking corrective actions if deviations occur.

Table No. 6. Control Strategies and Indicators.

Strategy performance Corrective action
E-1: Carry out training workshops on psychosocial support to government entities related to the health sector, IUTE, FUNDEM, rescue, natural disasters, the military garrison, firefighters, as well as non-governmental organizations that are interested in the plan. Number of volunteers trained per quarter

Performance evaluations.

Increase the number of workshops to be held, seeking a greater recruitment of volunteers
Strategy performance Corrective action
E-2: Establish an agreement with the IUTE, which specifies the need for students of the Emergency Management and Disaster Action Technicians career to be trained, participate as volunteers in the plan, considering this activity part of the program of internships. Was the agreement with the IUTE achieved?

Number of participants

Evaluation of the performance of the participants.

Internship Report

Review the terms of the agreement so that they are satisfactory for both parties.

Ask for greater participation from both parties.

E-3: Prepare a program budget for the plan for 2001 addressed to the American Red Cross, specifying its requirements in accordance with the objectives set forth in this report. Was the budget prepared before December 15, 2000?

Index = Expenses incurred / expenses assigned.

Finish it immediately.

The budget includes all the allocation items.

E-4: Prepare an Operational Plan between the San Juan de Dios Hospital and the Psychosocial Support plan to obtain greater effectiveness in the use of specialist resources for the treatment of the victims Plan development time. Review compliance in two months and take it forward.
E-5: Establish an Operational plan that integrates organizations such as FUNDEM, Firefighters, Universidad de Los Andes, Military Garrison, Government of the State, to facilitate exchange processes in social and institutional networks and thus motorize their coordinated actions during the impact and post-impact phases in disaster situations, specifying the specific activities. Plan development time. Was integration achieved? Raise awareness about the level of importance the plan has for communities
E-6: Hold periodic meetings between volunteers, and group dynamics, to learn from everyone's experiences, where they are given the opportunity to express their emotions and concerns in order to channel them, and extract lessons and learnings from them in regarding the approach and requirements of preparation for disaster situations, thus increasing their level of commitment, affiliation and motivation to achieve in the plan Number of meetings held monthly?

Review of meeting minutes.

Number of proposals generated per meeting and / or group dynamics.

Increase the levels of motivation of the volunteer.

Classify the proposals generated and transmit them to the rest of the group that works on the plan, so that it generates synergistic effects.

Strategy performance Corrective action
E-7: Use social communication media as a permanent tool to motivate and inform communities regarding the psychosocial support plan in order to attract greater participation. Have the media served as spokespersons in relation to the work that the plan is developing? Create awareness of the value of the active participation of the media for the success of the program
E-8: Train community leaders to serve as interveners in the plan, through training and development programs, dictated by highly specialized personnel in order to involve them globally in the psychosocial support program. Has the level of community participation in the plan increased?

Index = Victims attended / total victims

Increase the level of motivation.
E-9: Design a database that allows better control of trained volunteers and the victims served. Was the database designed at the national level in the first quarter of the year? Check if you have the technological support to implement it immediately.
E-10: Establish a commitment to support by the institution's health and social welfare department, through precise and detailed information provided by the process administrators to the Directorate, indicating the progress of the plan in order to achieve the continuity of it. Have detailed reports or meetings been presented to update the Health and Social Welfare Directorate on the progress of the plan? Perform them immediately.
E-11: Create a web page for the PAPD at the national level, where each section has the opportunity to present their progress, in addition to giving informative talks to the people and entities involved in the plan, in order to achieve better communication. Was the website designed in the first quarter of 2001?

Number of Queries made.

Links to external web pages with similar programs

Check if you have the technological support to implement it immediately.
E-12: Develop an operational plan that involves this within a strategic management system, as a continuous, reiterative and transfunctional process, aimed at keeping it properly coupled with the environment in which it operates. Were the strategies described in this Report implemented? Immediately begin to comply with it.
E-13: Establish clear rules and policies that grant independence and autonomy in the program, in the Red Cross facilities for the purpose of assisting the victims, as well as in its own communication channels (telephone, fax, internet), and in a fast and efficient management of financial resources Are these standards being met? Meet and study its incidence to calibrate the specified regulations.
Strategy performance Corrective action
E-14: Design a Manual of Norms and Procedures for managing economic resources efficiently, effectively and effectively in order to guarantee the success of the program. Compliance with rules and procedures. Study the causes of non-compliance, in order to modify them according to the objectives of the program.

The analysis and intuition have forged the bases for the Formulation of alternative corporate strategies, which are viable, now there is the opportunity to qualify the strategies according to their order of importance, this is achieved using the Quantitative Matrix of Strategic Planning (MCPE), which uses the information obtained in the environmental analysis, crossing it with the alternative strategies, to objectively decide which are the most pressing to execute. The MCPE are found in Annex 2. This study gave us the following order of importance for the execution of the Corporate Strategies:

one STRATEGY N ° 10 (6.14)
two STRATEGY N ° 7 (5.02)
3 STRATEGY N ° 8 (4.86)
4 STRATEGY N ° 1 (4.59)
5 STRATEGY N ° 3 (4.36)
6 STRATEGY N ° 11 (4.33)
7 STRATEGY N ° 5 (4.20)
8 STRATEGY N ° 6 (3.94)
9 STRATEGY N ° 12 (3.30)
10 STRATEGY N ° 2 (3.15)
eleven STRATEGY N ° 13 (2.87)
12 STRATEGY N ° 9 (2.71)
13 STRATEGY N ° 14 (2.46)
14 STRATEGY N ° 4 (2.27)
  1. Conclusions and recommendations.

It is concluded that the PAPD, for the year 2000, is in Phase 1 called Basic Financial Planning, with an operational control of the activities, with an initial budget given by the American Red Cross, and a functional approach based on the first guidelines sent and supported by the skills of sectional coordinators.

Likewise, this report aims to present the bases to move on to Phase 2, called Prediction Based Planning, where an Environmental Analysis, Organizational Guidelines and a Diagnosis have been developed, and the first strategies based on a more planning are presented. effective for growth

On the other hand, the total number of victims in the area is 4420 people, of which 2397 people have been treated as of 09/30/2000, which represents 54.23% of the total. 78 volunteers have also been trained, of which 32 are from Táchira, 32 from Barinas, 14 from Mérida and none from Trujillo.

Also the Psychosocial Support in Disasters plan has many internal weaknesses, it is beginning to take advantage of the opportunities presented to it to overcome the threats of the External Environment.

We recommend the implementation of the Strategic Management Program developed here to achieve a path of continuity and growth of the Psychosocial Support Plan in Disasters, without forgetting that this process to be successful must be continuous, repetitive and transfunctional. It is important to note that each strategy formulated here is corporate in nature, that is, it is necessary to design operational plans that involve functional strategies, policies and procedures aimed at achieving high levels of efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy of the program in question.

It is of vital importance for Venezuelans that initiatives such as the one included in the Psychosocial Attention Program in Disasters become paradigms for the response of both the Red Cross and the Community to these events. It is of special relevance to create opinion matrices that give synergy to the process and those who have the fortune to carry it forward become pillars of support that have the help and effort of all.

Being sure of having complied with this report corresponding to the Strategic Planning of the Psychosocial Support Plan in Disasters, in the Mérida, Táchira, Trujillo and Barinas area, where we highly recommend following the strategies indicated to be able to fulfill the objectives of the same. We are at your pleasure to explain any questions that this report presents or to do any work in our specialty.

Best regards.

Sileni Quintero Peña William Lobo Dugarte

Systems Engineer Civil Engineer

CIV. 113 774 CIV. 42568

Specialist in Business Management Specialist in Business Management

Annex (See PDF)

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Strategic planning in the mérida sectional venezuelan red cross