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Municipal planning and management. presentation


The communal development plan is a basic instrument for all municipal planning and management. The objective is to contribute to the efficient administration of the commune and promote initiatives and projects that promote its development.

The municipal function consists mainly of promoting the measures that are necessary to improve the conditions and quality of life of its inhabitants.

This means prioritizing initiatives aimed at overcoming deficiencies, solving problems that affect citizens, as well as unleashing processes of social, cultural and economic change, evaluating the development opportunities offered by the commune.



Better financial capacity is achieved with more financing.

The greatest financing is achieved through greater availability of resources.

This greater availability is achieved by incorporating new resources, but also by generating spending rationalization policies.

Some initiatives to generate new resources:

  • Creation of Collection Systems for delinquent taxpayers Update of Municipal Rights Ordinances Propaganda Catastros Review of Own Capitals

Some initiatives to rationalize expenses:

  • Implement Procurement Program Carry out public lighting studies

Municipal Challenges

  • Use the budget as a planning tool. The budget formulation is not only to comply with a legal obligation. Banish the belief that the approval of the budget is synonymous with the authorization of expenses. Execute budgets based on cash programming and not budget balances. Maximize efforts to collect Permanent Own Income.Improve rigor in the revenue estimation process. Relate Global Orientations with Budget.


Each municipality is different, and therefore, it must plan the development of its territory based on its own effort and management capacity

Recognize your strengths and weaknesses when planning your budgets.

This means planning responsibly.

Expense commitments are expenditures, and therefore ARE DISBURSEMENTS of resources (suppliers will thank you…)

Citizens aspire and expect a greater municipal role in community development.

This is a contribution only for pedagogical purposes based on the Document developed by Gastón Collao

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Municipal planning and management. presentation