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Pnl and its effect on decision making


Neurolinguistic programming is in charge of exploring the relationships between our way of thinking (neuro), the way we communicate (linguistics), and our emotional and behavioral patterns (programs) (PNL, 2016).

The acronym NLP represents a term that encompasses the three most influential elements in the production of human experience. Thus, the neurological system regulates the function of the organism; in turn, language determines how we interact and communicate with others, while each person's mental programming affects the conceptions of the world that we create. Neuro-linguistic programming describes how the fundamental dynamics between the mind (neuro), language (linguistics) and the interaction of both determine our organism and behavior (programming ).

NLP, the new epistemology and school of pragmatic thought, addresses the various levels inherent in the human being. As a multidimensional process, it means the development of behavioral competence and flexibility, while integrating both strategic thinking skills and the understanding of those mental and cognitive processes that underlie human behavior.

NLP provides tools and skills to reach new states of individual excellence, thereby establishing a whole system of presuppositions and convictions that enable an apprehension of the human being, of communication and of everything that the change process implies.

On a different level, NLP also means self-discovery, that is, exploring and discovering one's identity and mission, it also provides a structure that allows understanding and relating the “spiritual” part of human experience, which, beyond we as individuals reach out to our families, communities and global systems.

NLP not only focuses on developing patterns of personal excellence, but wisdom and vision (PNL.ORG, 2016)


Each individual has established their own mental filtering system to process the millions of data that are absorbed through the senses. That is, through the senses we form an idea of ​​the world around us. In this way, our first mental map of the world is made up of internal images, sounds, tactile sensations, internal sensitization, the tastes and smells that are formed as a result of this neurological filtering process.


The person assigns an individual meaning to the information he receives from the outside world. We form our second mind map by assigning words to internal images, sounds and sensations, tastes and smells, thus forming everyday consciousness. This explains that the same ice cream flavor may seem delicious to one person and horrible to another. This second mind map is called the linguistic map (sometimes known as a linguistic representation).


These are the behavioral responses that occur as a result of the two previous maps. That is, if a person finds strawberry ice cream delicious, they will end up eating it, but if this flavor is not to their liking, they may avoid it.

Fundamentals of NLP

Map is not Equal to Territory

As human beings, we can never learn reality. We are only capable of knowing our perceptions of our own reality. Thus, we experience and react to the world around us, mainly through our sensory representation systems. In fact, it is not reality, but our maps (interpretations) of reality that determine behavior and that give meaning to behavior.

Therefore, it is not reality itself that limits or empowers us, but rather our map of reality.

Mind and Life are Systemic Processes

All processes that occur within a human being and between human beings and their environment are systemic in nature. Our bodies, our societies, as well as our views of the world and of reality make up an ecology of complex systems and subsystems that are in continuous interaction and that influence each other. It is never possible to totally isolate a part of the whole. Such systems respond to certain principles of 'self-organization' and naturally tend towards optimal states of equilibrium or homeostasis.

All models and techniques of NLP are based on the combination of these two principles. Through the NLP conviction acquisition system, it is not intended that the human being objectively knows reality. Wisdom, ethics and mental ecology do not derive from obtaining a 'correct' map of reality, since the human being is not capable of it. Instead, the goal is to create the richest map possible while respecting your systemic nature, ecology, and environment.

The people who are most capable of achieving this are those with a world map that allows them to perceive the greatest number of options and perspectives.

NLP is a means to enrich the options that one has and to make them available to one within the environment of each person.

Excellence and personal improvement are obtained by having several options. Wisdom, through multiple perspectives (PNL.ORG, 2016).

Principles of NLP

The principles of NLP are not absolute truths, that is, one works on the hypothesis that they are true, but with practice a person will be able to see many situations in which there are exceptions.

These principles of NLP have been around since its inception, and are a guide on how best to use neurolinguistic programming. These are more pragmatic (applicable to practice) rather than idealistic (theoretical), and provide excellent guidelines on how best to use NLP with other people (Stahl, 2000).

  • NLP is a model rather than a theory, meaning each person's experience is studied and not generic NLP is a generator rather than a repair model - the emphasis is on finding solutions instead to analyze the causes - and in NLP options are always given rather than removed. Mind and body are part of a single system. All human behavior has a structure. External behavior is the result of how a person uses their internal representation systems If a human being can excel in an activity, potentially anyone else can do the same. The capacity of the conscious mind is very limited - it can only process a maximum of 5-9 pieces of information.

Benefits of NLP

The person / group that correctly applies the principles of NLP will achieve (Stahl, 2000):

  • Improve the flexibility of the behavior and attitude of the person. (In any human interaction, the person with the greatest behavioral flexibility has the most influence on the outcome) Act as if there is a solution to every problem Recognize the identity or self-image of the other person - distinguishing between their behavior and their identity or self-image. Act as if all behavior were a means to fulfill a positive intention, at some level, in a person's life. Change the concept of "error" for "feedback." A person is always successful in achieving a result, only sometimes it is not the desired one. So, you have to change what you are doing for a behavior that provides the results you want.

A person who understands the principles and benefits of NLP should and will be able to (Stahl, 2000):

  • Take responsibility for how other people respond, that is, other people's responses are the result of your communication with them Recognize that people have all the mental and emotional resources they need, even if they do not currently recognize them or are using Discover the other person's perceptions before you start influencing them. Understand that each person is unique in the world and has their own model, and that there is no such thing as a generic method that is applied by everyone Recognize that in any situation a person is making the best choice with the resources they currently have they perceive as available Recognize that each person's "truth" is real to them,even if it is different from the "truth" of the NLP practitioner - since the internal view of reality in any person is just that, a "version" of reality. Recognize that people interact with their internal versions of reality more that with their pure sensory inputs, that is, a person usually does not remember exactly what he saw or heard but creates his own representation of the facts.

NLP and its Application in the Business Sector

In recent times, companies "have realized that personal conflicts influence work life and vice versa," says José Luis García, Director of Marketing at the Venezuelan Institute of Neurolinguistic Programming.

That is why many companies have become interested in NLP . " It is necessary that the people who work in the company are well at the integral level, especially those who have the power to make decisions, " says García.

NLP offers simple tools and techniques to work on interpersonal relationships with clients and co-workers , both in the horizontal and vertical part of the organization. In addition, it allows efficient negotiations with clients and suppliers, generating a climate of trust.

Thanks to this communication and interpersonal skills, many problems can be solved and at the same time make the company more competitive. “Because in NLP, how it is said matters more than what is said . Then, knowing how to listen, speak and feel, the conflict becomes much more bearable ”.

Another point that is improved is the emotional situation of the workers, since a better empathy with those around the person is achieved, communication improves in the supervision and evaluation of personnel, or when recruiting or selecting personnel in human resources.

You can also improve, for example, marketing strategies. The ability to empathize with the target group or address its terms is enhanced, using the entire spectrum of sensory representation systems and reaching both hemispheres of the brain through logical language and the use of analogies and power associations (with music or images) (García, 2016).

NLP vs Coaching

The main difference that NLP has with coaching is that the former takes into account the past with its mental, emotional and behavioral programs and, at times, the process includes deprogramming past issues to reprogram desired states.

Coaching, on the other hand, goes from the present to the future, and its objective is to empower people's talents to achieve their goals .

“At this point, both are complementary , since NLP seeks to place an explicit emphasis on people's resources and skills so that they can build their life project in an 'ecological' way, that is, respecting the personal, family, environment, labor and social ”, he assures (García, 2016).

Negotiation Using NLP

Negotiation with NLP is more effective handling more advanced communication and persuasion models. Earlier we argued that non-verbal communication, or LNV, has a 93% impact on the expected result and that this is beyond our conscious control.

Well, with training supported in NLP it is possible to develop patterns of excellence in communication, as the basis of a technical and professional negotiation process. Finally, negotiation and its persuasion techniques are essentially communicative processes. By improving the latter, the effectiveness of the former increases (Sarmiento, 2008).

Benefits of Employing NLP in the Company

A training in neurolinguistic programming focused on the workplace allows to achieve the following objectives:

  • Accelerate the ability to learn and manage change, initiating it, maintaining it and directing personal and work interests Set clear and precise objectives that encourage and increase the possibility of achieving them Generate trust relationships for the search and subsequent maintenance of work Ask questions and enrich the language to clarify information and increase the level of understanding with others Be more flexible to expand the ability to choose and resolve work situations that arise on a daily basis Address stress and criticism in a constructive way, through different tools Model excellence and develop proven successful strategies Raise the level of awareness of oneself and of others, in order to enhance communication. Optimize the ability to lead others Identify which areas, personally and organizationally, are not working well and clearly find appropriate solutions Develop communication and negotiation skills.

NLP and its Impact on the Organizational Climate

NLP offers simple tools and techniques to work on interpersonal relationships with clients and colleagues, both in the horizontal and vertical part of the organization.

In addition, it allows efficient negotiations with clients and suppliers, generating a climate of trust.

Another feature that is improved is the emotional situation of the workers, since a better empathy with those around the person is achieved, communication improves in the supervision and evaluation of personnel, or when recruiting or selecting personnel in human resources.

Thanks to this communication and interpersonal skills, many problems can be solved and at the same time make the company more competitive.

Thesis proposal

Application of NLP in the company to improve the organizational climate, leadership of the management branch or increase the performance of salespeople.


I thank the Technological Institute of Orizaba for providing the tools and human capital to develop me professionally and the MAE Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, professor of the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering for promoting learning through practice among his students, thus encouraging proactivity and genuine learning.


  • García, JL (January 29, 2016). NLP in the Company. (M. Osorio, Interviewer) PNL. (02 of 10 of 2016). NLP. Obtained from PNL: http://programacionneurolinguisticahoy.com/PNL.ORG. (October 02, 2016). PNL.ORG.MX. Obtained from PNL.ORG.MX: http://www.pnl.org.mx/Sarmiento, J. (July 28, 2008). Axon Management Skills. Obtained from Axon Management Skills: https://habilidadesgerencialesaxon.wordpress.com/tag/pnl-aplicada-a-la-empresa/Stahl, T. (2000). Introduction to NLP, what is it for? How does it work? Spain: Paidós.
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Pnl and its effect on decision making