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Poka yoke for checking defects and errors


There are three components of quality with zero defects or “Zero Quality Control” (ZQC).

  • Source Inspection: Checks for factors causing errors, not resulting defects. 100% Inspection: Uses low-cost Poka-Yokes (error-proof) apparatus to automatically inspect for errors or improper operating conditions. Immediate Action: Operations are stopped instantly when an error is caused and it is not operated again until said error is corrected.

If we weight these three elements on the path to zero defects ZQC, this could be as follows:

Inspection at the source. 60%

100% inspection. 30%

Immediate action. 10%

“People are animals that forget…. Seek to learn more than you forget… !!! ”

The fact is that human beings are very forgetful, and we tend to make mistakes and it is very common to blame people for making mistakes.

Particularly at work, this attitude not only demotivates and lowers worker morale, but does not solve the problem.

Poka Yoke is a technique that helps avoid human errors at work…..but…

What is Poka Yoke ?.

The methods of which it is composed were originally called "fool-proofing" (fool-proof).

Understanding that this term offends many workers, Shigeo Shingo developed the term Poka Yoke… Translated as "fail-proofing" or "fail-safing" (error-proofing).

The literal meaning is: Avoid (yokeru) unintentional mistakes (poka).

The idea of ​​this Poka - Yoke technique is to respect the intelligence of the workers.

Poka - Yoke supplies the repetitive tasks or actions that depend on the surveillance, inspection or memory of the workers, freeing them from them, in order to dedicate their time and mind to seek more creativity and value-added activities.

A Modern Successful Company.

"Inadvertent (unintentional) mistakes increase work."

To survive in the competitive atmosphere of the modern manufacturing world, a company has to adhere strictly to standards.

While customers must be satisfied in all aspects of product and service, the company must remain profitable and protect its workers.

In a modern successful company:

Sale Price = Market Price

Diversity = Many types of products in small quantities

Quality = Highest possible quality

Delivery = Always on time

Cost = lowest cost per unit

Safety = Always First

About Errors.

There are two types of approaches to take regarding errors.

Errors are inevitable.

People always make mistakes, and the more we tend to accept them as natural, the more we blame the people who make them.

Errors can be eliminated.

With this attitude, we overlook many of the defects that occur on the shop floor, as they can only be detected in the final inspection, or worse still, by the customer.

Errors can be avoided.

Any kind of mistake that people make can be reduced or eliminated. People make fewer mistakes if they are supported by proper training and a production system based on the principle that mistakes can always be prevented.

One way to prevent errors is inspection. There are two main types of inspection:

Sampling inspection.

100% inspection.

Sampling inspection.

Some of the Plant Managers say: “It will take us a day or two to inspect all the products, there must be a few defects, but sampling is the most practical way to check the product. We maintain our quality at an "Average Quality Level" (AQL) of 0.1 percent. "

Sampling inspection.

But… This means that one customer out of every thousand will receive a defective product !!

For this customer the product is 100% defective, not 0.1%.

Sample inspection makes sense only to the manufacturer or supplier, but not from the customer's point of view.

100% inspection

In the best companies the attitude is: "We will not tolerate a single defect"… "We will organize the production floor so that all products can be easily inspected." This makes more sense…

Today, a single defective product is enough to destroy a customer's trust in a company.

To stay competitive, a company must provide good products in the tens of hundreds of thousands or millions.

The best way to achieve this is to organize production to inspect 100% of the products.

The user is the best inspector.

Nobody wants to make a mistake, but while we are working, defects can appear without us noticing.

We usually think we are doing the right thing, even though we sometimes assemble the wrong parts or make a hole in the wrong position.

How can we stop these mistakes before they turn into defective products?

Finding defects in subsequent processes.

Finding defects in subsequent processes.

You don't expect to find defects, but if the product we use does not do what it is supposed to do, we know it is defective.

Users are the best at finding defects.

Since the following operations or processes are also users of the product being manufactured, they are also experts in finding defects.

If the products are manufactured in continuous flow, each product or part is sent to the next process as soon as it is finished and therefore defects are found immediately.

The 3 levels for "Zero Defects"

1.- Don't do it !!!

Don't make products you don't need.

The more products you make, the more chance a defect will remain in inventory.

2.- Make it so that it complies with any use !!!

The user is an expert in finding defects.

3.- Once you have made the product, use it immediately !!!

Different types of Errors

Almost all defects are caused by human error, of which there are at least 10 types.

1.- Forgetfulness: Sometimes we forget things when we are not focused.

2.- Misunderstandings: Sometimes we make mistakes when we come to a wrong conclusion before we are familiar with the situation.

3.- Bad identification: Sometimes we misjudge a situation because our field of vision is too close or too far to define it clearly.

4.- Mistakes made by beginners: Sometimes we make mistakes due to our lack of experience.

5.- Mistakes at will: Sometimes we make mistakes when we decide that we can ignore the rules under certain circumstances.

6.- Unintentional mistakes: Sometimes our mind is everywhere except in the work area and we make mistakes without knowing how they happened.

7.- Slowness Errors: Sometimes we make mistakes when our actions are delayed or slow due to delays in our judgment.

8.- Errors due to lack of Standards: Some errors happen when there are no instructions or adequate work standards.

9.- Surprise Errors: Sometimes errors occur when equipment works differently than expected.

10.- Intentional mistakes: Some people deliberately make mistakes. Sabotage is an example of this.

Different types of Defects.

The 5 Elements of Production.

If you break down the daily activities in a manufacturing company you will find that:

In response to the Work Instructions (Information), parts and materials (Materials) are obtained as well as the “setup” or adjustment of the machinery and equipment (Machinery), where the workers (Me) do things according to what is established in standard operating procedures (Method).

These 5 elements (4M and 1I) determine if a product is correctly manufactured or if it was made with a defect.

Products free of defects can be ensured by checking each of these areas.

What are the sources of the defects?

The different types of errors that there are, in order of importance are:

1.- Omitted processes.

2.- Errors during the process.

3.- Errors in the adjustment of the production parts.

4.- Missing parts.

5.- Wrong parts.

6.- Processing of wrong parts.

7.- Missing operations.

8.- Adjustment errors.

9.- Error in setting up the equipment.

10.- Badly prepared tools and facilities.

But… What are the connections between these defects and the mistakes people make?

Everything about Poka - Yokes.

What are the 5 best Poka - Yokes?

These are some examples of Poka-Yokes to detect or prevent defects caused by human error.

The basic functions of the Poka Yoke.

Defects occur in two states, either "about to occur" or "already occurred."

The Poka Yoke has 3 basic functions to use against the defects "Line Stop", "Control" and "Alarm".

Detecting a defect before it occurs is called "prevention" and finding the defect after it has occurred is called "detection."

The following diagram shows the relationship of the two possible states of the defects with the three functions of the Poka Yoke.

Tips for Poka - Yokes.

Detection devices used in Poka Yokes.

Contact Parties.

Optical Sensors.

Typical Examples of Poka Yoke.

Skipped Processes.

Process Errors.

Missing Parts.

Errors in the adjustment of Parts.

Inadequate, damaged or poorly designed facilities.

Use of wrong parts.

The 8 Basic Principles of Improvement for Poka Yokes and “Zero Defects”.

1.- Build Quality in your Process.

2.- All unintentional errors and defects can be eliminated.

3.- Stop doing it wrong and start doing it right - Now !!!

4.- Don't think of excuses, think about how to do it right.

5.- A 60% chance of success is good enough - Implement your idea now !!!.

6.- Errors and defects can be reduced to zero when we all work together to eliminate them.

7.- Ten heads are better than one.

8.- Look for the real cause of the problems, using 5W and 1H

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Poka yoke for checking defects and errors