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Digital cities policy in Colombia

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The National Policy of Digital Territories (Departments, Municipalities and Digital Cities) of Colombia aims to provide the basic guidelines of the Colombian government regarding the way to manage actions and lead information and communications technology (ICT) projects by the government with all its national departmental and municipal entities (".gov"), the private sector (".com"), academia including research centers and educational institutions (".edu") and organized civil society (".org ») In each municipality, city and department of Colombia to create« Digital Colombia, a Country of Knowledge ».

ICTs are a strategic sector for the development of a country and ICTs are also transversal throughout society (State, Academy, private sector and organized civil society). The Digital Cities policy includes strategies for Digital Literacy (www.colombiaseconecta.gov.co), Appropriation and Use of ICT (AAA).


Digital Cities are today in Latin America and the world a recurring theme and increasingly a pioneering decision in municipal administrations, by designers and developers of information and communication systems, platforms, networks, products and services of hardware and software, as well as technical, technological and scientific education, business and cultural organizations, therefore it is a priority object of national and regional policy planners of governments for the definition, development and evaluation of information and communication strategies. of communication of the information society based on knowledge.

The theme of digital cities has been promoted in Colombia, at the end and beginning of the century, by different agents, among them, national and international experts and consultants, city administrations, communication and communication services operating companies. information on telephony, radio, TV and Internet, publications and specialized magazines in ICT, some municipal associations, associations of engineers and communication and information professionals.

Currently, the cities of Medellín and Sincelejo, the municipalities of La Unión, Majagual, Sucre, Tumaco, Buenaventura and Turbo, and the departments of Huila, Risaralda, Caldas and Atlántico constitute the main agenda of Territorios Digitales with the intervention and participation of the Ministry of Communications, started at the end of 2006, within its innovative policy of the ICT Ministry of Colombia.

In the case of Colombia, those municipalities and departments that show leadership and intention to begin their management oriented to the intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies in their territory are defined as Digital Territories, taking into account geographic distribution orientations in concordance with the 1991 Constitution.

The importance of starting the implementation of the policy of municipalities, cities and digital departments, is based on the progress towards the institutional modernization of the municipality, taking advantage of the wide availability of ICT services with regional and national operators that are interested in its application in the 1100 municipalities of Colombia to generate development conditions.

It should be noted that in the current initiatives and experiences regarding the establishment and development of digital territories in Colombia, they are concentrated in a series of large, medium and small cities, dissimilar to each other, without any relationship, but which are nonetheless marking the digitization of other municipalities and cities at the national level.

1. General aspects

Law 136 of 1994 in its article 1 defines that the Municipality is the fundamental territorial entity of the political-administrative division of the State, with political, fiscal and administrative autonomy, within the limits indicated by the Constitution and the law and whose purpose is the general well-being and the improvement of the quality of life of the population in their respective territory. With the National Policy of Digital Territories it is sought that with the use of ICT it is achieved more effectively, quickly, easily and at lower costs.

A Digital Territory is the set of initiatives that seek to optimize the development of the Municipality, City or Department, through the intensive and innovative use of Information and Communication Technologies, ICT, transforming the way in which the community lives, governs, educates, works, buys, travels and has fun, which implies a process of community transformation at all levels with benefits such as the reduction of the digital divide, the promotion of sustainable socio-economic development in time of the respective territory and the improvement communication and citizen efficiency, contributing to significant cost savings for the municipality or city and for society in general.

In that order of ideas, ICTs are the set of instruments, tools or communication media such as the Internet, computers, audiovisual media, websites, software, information systems, telephony, email and communication backbones, among many others., which allow people and organizations to communicate with each other, whose use allows access to knowledge, ostensibly improving the quality of life of all, generating greater economic growth, promoting competitiveness and productivity of the territory, improving citizen participation and eliminating barriers geographic.

It is important to say that the Ministry of Communications has the responsibility of the State to guarantee access to information and communications to all Colombians without exception, under equal conditions and without exclusions, which it does with the government guideline "All Colombians connected and informed ”. In other words, the State has the obligation to be the integrating engine of change towards the Knowledge Society, promoting the widespread use of Information and Communication Technologies throughout society, convening and supporting the productive sector, the academy and civil society.

To achieve this, it must be taken into account that in a Digital Territory an intensive and innovative use of ICTs is made with all citizens and actors of society, in order to optimize the socio-economic development of the municipality, city or department and is For this reason, the ideal scenario for the Digital Inclusion of all Colombians towards the Knowledge Society are the municipalities, cities, districts and digital departments, where the citizen is the center of all the actions of society, including the State, the academy, the productive sector -including unions and Internet and telephone operators- and organized civil society.

ICTs then become a cross-cutting instrument par excellence for the management of all actors and multisectoral cooperation between the private, academic, social and governmental sectors and is a determining factor as an opportunity and conjuncture, so that with the use of ICT The citizen is served with the purpose of making his life easier and more pleasant, promoting Social Inclusion, which is achieved using Information and Communication Technologies that is Digital Inclusion and that is done through Digital Literacy strategies, Appropriation and Use of ICT.

Fundamental pillars of a Digital Territory are universal access, technological neutrality, the reduction of the digital divide, social inclusion, agile and direct interaction with the citizen and network collaboration that promote greater citizen participation, more generation and transfer of knowledge, best good governance practices and greater transparency in public management that allow for greater sustainable economic development.

For the design of a Municipality, City or Digital Department, the basic elements must be taken into account, such as the responsibility and total commitment of the public administration of the municipality, city or department in the implementation and start-up of an oriented action plan to the digitization of the municipality's processes in all its areas and with all the social actors in its territory; Likewise, Internet connectivity must be guaranteed, characterize the digital divide, define the basic technological infrastructure as a means, implement computer security mechanisms and strategies, define the computer services that will be implemented in its territory,design a comprehensive administrative and financial information system and formulate the local policy of the Municipality or Digital Department within the respective development plan, which in turn must be articulated with the National Development Plan.

This will seek to consolidate Colombia as a digital country in Latin America, which will allow the improvement of the country's competitive position, the generation of additional exports that promote the creation of jobs with high added value.

In addition to the impulse that the State must give to stimulate the incorporation of ICT in society, it is important to highlight that any action it takes must begin within its structure, showing an example of appropriation of technologies as a tool to make the service more efficient to the citizen, through the territorial online government.

Hence the importance of starting with improving the use of infrastructure and the capacity to use ICTs in Colombian municipalities, which allows citizens a true interaction with their territorial governments. This is a first step for the development of municipalities, cities and digital departments, oriented to knowledge territories, where education should be the main focus of attention.

2. Background

The remote antecedents of digital cities are constituted, in the international order and since the decade of the 80s, the Ibero-American Network of Digital Cities, the meetings and awards of Digital Cities promoted by said organization; the frameworks of the European Network of Digital Cities; the promotion of digital cities in the Americas and the effectiveness of e-Government promoted from the world summits of the Information Society in Geneva and Tunis.

At the national level, the CONPES Policy contained in Document 3072 and the Colombia Digital Corporation served as promoters of the Connectivity Agenda and the creation of the Computers to Educate Program in the Year 2000; Similarly, Conpes Document 3457 of 2007 redefined Compartel's social policy, all of which are programs led by the Ministry of Communications with the participation of Ministries and State agencies.

Currently, within the Guidelines of the 2006-2010 Government Plan, the Ministry of Communications executes these programs for the implementation of essential policies for digital territories, through the functions that have been attributed to it by Decree 1620 of 2003 and oriented more towards the coverage of infrastructure, which made the appropriation of information technologies, administered with the support of the Communications Fund:

  • Connectivity Agenda: It was initially used as a general strategy for the country to advance towards the Information Society. Today it focuses primarily on the development of electronic government in Colombia.

Government Online (GEL) will be successful if the capacity of citizens is developed until reaching a sufficient threshold of appropriation of ICT. This particular context makes the outcome and impact evaluation process the second greatest challenge for this Program, with the required coherence in the use of ICT for an innovative approach that capitalizes on interactivity.

  • Computadores para Educar, CpE, is a technological recycling program, whose objective is to provide access to information and communication technologies to public educational institutions in the country, by reconditioning equipment donated by private companies and official entities and promoting their use and exploitation significant in educational processes.

This program has been a model in terms of multisectoral management and ownership; the new orientation should be directed towards strengthening its relationship with the private sector. This particular moment in which CpE is framed and where it must quadruple its production capacity, capitalizing on its achievements, should open the way to a new computer assembly industry and contribute substantially with its lessons learned in the transition given by the Ministry of Communications.

  • Compartel is a Social Telecommunications Program whose objective is to allow remote areas of the country to benefit from telecommunications technologies such as: Rural Community Telephony, Social Internet Service and Broadband Connectivity for public institutions that are financed with resources from the Colombian Communications Fund.

The Fund uses as sources of financing, the resources it receives for the payments that telecommunications operators make for concessions, authorizations and use of the radioelectric spectrum, as well as the periodic payments that some telecommunications operators make on their income.

3. Experiences with digital cities

3.1 National experiences

The Latin American Digital Cities Award, promoted by the Institute for Connectivity in the Americas (ICA) and the Hispano-American Association of Research Centers and Telecommunications Companies (AHCIET) was designed to allow the identification and promotion of best practices in Latin America, in addition to assessing and promoting the development and modernization initiatives of Latin American municipalities and promoting exchanges with reference cities that have won other prestigious awards such as the e-Europe Awards or the Stockholm Challenge Award.

In the 1st Edition (2004) of the Digital Cities Award, Bogotá won in the category of large cities, where 26 municipalities and cities from 9 Latin American countries participated, of which 5 were winners.

In the 2nd Edition (2005), 39 municipalities participated (13 more than 2004) from all of Latin America from 10 countries (Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Peru, Chile, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Ecuador). In the Medium City category: the Municipality of Tulúa ranked third, after the Municipality of Mérida (Mexico) and Hermosillo also from Mexico.

The City of Bucaramanga ranked fourth on that occasion. Within the Small City category, the Municipality of Castilla la Nueva obtained the third place after Miraflores (Peru) that obtained the first position and SudMenucci of Brazil that was third.

In the 3rd Edition (2006) of the Digital Cities Award, 39 municipalities and cities from 20 countries participated. Once again, the Municipality of Tulúa ranked third in the Medium City category, after San Pedro Garza García from Mexico, who was the winner, from Providencia, Chile, who obtained second place. In the Small Town category, the winner was the Municipality of Castilla La Nueva del Meta. In the special e-Inclusion category, second place went to Cartagena de Indias and third place to Medellín.

In the 4th Edition (2007), 54 candidatures were presented (15 more than 2006), out of a total of 10 Latin American countries: Argentina (14), Bolivia (1), Brazil (8), Chile (3), Colombia (17), Costa Rica (1), Ecuador (2), Guatemala (1), Mexico (6) and Uruguay (1).

Colombia this year was the winner with the City of Manizales in the Medium City category and second place went to the Municipality of Tulúa. In the special e-Inclusion category, the second place went to Popayán after Minas Gerais, Brazil, who was the winner. In the special ICT and Disability category, the winner was Santiago de Cali, Colombia.

It is evident that none of these municipalities or cities are digital cities in a comprehensive way. Here they are promoting municipalities and cities that have better practices than others in online government mainly and in outstanding models of appropriation of ICTs.

Much is missing, especially in multisectoral articulation and in the participation of the private sector; SMEs in Colombia, for example, have a low level of use of ICTs -In Colombia, only 2% of SMEs consider it relevant to invest in ICTs, according to a recent IDC study. However, there is an important growth in the participation of Colombia in comparison with the other countries, which shows the interest of the municipal and departmental governments in advancing in the implementation of ICTs in their territories.

3.2 International Experiences

The world's first Digital City was 'Kyoto Digital', in 1990, whose master concept consisted of building a 'theater in which regional communities can interact and share knowledge, experiences and mutual interests', as defined by its main designer and leader. and one of the most experienced and cited researchers in the world, Toru Ishida.

Digital cities integrate urban information, both archived and in real time, with the purpose of creating informative public spaces on the Internet to satisfy the needs and interests of its inhabitants in their urban, ecological and cultural environment and of real or remote visitors, understood as inhabitants or virtual visitors.

The dynamics of virtual cities is the first and therefore the new kind of universal civilization called 'globalization' or 'globalization', which is expressed in multiple common styles of culture, global business, allowing its actors to continue living their local lives. lives and enriching their worldviews and their participation in community, that is, in a communicated way.

A paradox that inspired the creation of Kyoto Digital was to recognize the demands of the time, while the Internet globalizes research, markets, transactions, the vast majority of the daily life of societies remains inherently local, but despite your locality, the world's businesses require homogeneous understandings and competencies in the creation of heterogeneous cultural environments. And this only happens when intercultural relationships between people, groups, institutions and societies of the world are understood, accepted and realized.

In the United States, the most interesting experience of 'digital cities' are those created by America Online, which AOL provides with local service networks for hundreds of real cities, today in dynamic expansion.

Each AOL digital city generates information and news, organizes resources from and for the urban community around the world and focuses the city based on the information. Based on information from the 'digital city', AOL manages business advertising opportunities targeting vertical markets, employment, health and the State, among others.

In Europe, more than 100 digital cities have committed to undertake the construction and management of 'digital cities', especially, during the last 8 years. Without a doubt, the ´Internationale Stadt Berlin´ Project has been the pioneer project in Germany and throughout Europe, since 1994.

The goal of ´Internationale Stadt Berlin´ was proposed by eleven (11) programmers, social communication scientists and artists with the exclusivity of guaranteeing access to the Internet to everyone, very exclusive at that time.

For this purpose, they proposed to promote meetings, citizen initiatives, facts and art events and began by establishing Online Services to originate and establish projects with the idea that these were commercial and therefore, object of marketing.

In the same way, it proceeded with the decision to create and operate ´De Digitale Stad Amsterdam´, in that same year 1994, simultaneously with the ´Internationalen Stadt Berlin´ project.

Amsterdam was oriented towards a ´Free-Nets´ (free networks) model, and in the same sense Canada and the United States, which in addition to assuming it made the decision, from the beginning, to generate an offer of and for the economy and the administration urban, understanding and managing the city as a market.

For this reason, their digital cities were built, beyond altruistic enthusiasts, by the same urban and municipal administrations, together with external transport associations, local universities (or with headquarters in them), media and regional advertising agencies.

San Francisco received incomparable support in this regard with its ´Next Generation Cities´ project, with which it developed a High-Tech business module that was later transferred as a prototype to other cities virtual. Among the most renowned partners of this type of city is the company ´Fujitsu´, a company that since 1990 has promoted ´Habitat´, inspired by the 1985 Tokyo model, which rivals Kyoto, the world's first Cyber ​​City.

Currently, the Model of the three PPPs, ´Public-Private-Partnership´ (Public-Private Sector Alliance), is expanding, in which the city initially finances the urban supply and the economy finances the rest of the online service operation.

An example of a company and market city is ´berlin.de´, which dates from 1999, in the form of an alliance between the administration, ´Debis´ of Daimler-Chrysler-Tochter and the ´Metro Holding AG´ shopping complex. Indeed, today the regional online service is being operated in Berlin by ´berlin.de new media GmbH & Co. KG´ in cooperation with Public-Private-Partnership of the State of Berlin.

This experience has served as the basis for creating a spirit of corporate identity and has also evolved towards the promotion and interest of citizens in politics, public administration and culture through 'e-Government', that is, as the crystallization of a vision, in which electronic activities of public management, human rights and citizen obligations are committed.

Another notable example of central Europe is the Internet Bank ´BADAC´, which represents more than 100 cities and cantons and the Review of the List of Virtual Cities with Internet sites -Verzeichnis aller kommunalen Websites- made by the ´Institut de hautes études en administration publique´ IDHEAP, and the participation of 2,580 of the 2,899 Swiss communities that make use of this virtuality to manage and promote their resources and interests.

The European Union and the partner and non-partner countries compete, complement and compete with the organization and cooperation of associations and networks with their friendly countries and partners in Europe and overseas, as in the case of the United Kingdom, Spain with Ibero-America and France, to cite just a few examples of the great development of virtualization of cities on that continent.

Examples in Asia, the United States and Canada have their equivalents since all these countries have been carrying out what were initially called 'Computerized Societies' or 'Information Societies', before the boom of 'Economies or Knowledge Societies' or the great global project of the ´World Information Society´, led by the UN, through its specialized global operational organizations: UNESCO and the International Telecommunication Union, ITU.

To visualize it in a more palpable way, the following international experiences of Digital Cities stand out at an international level, among many others, which through their respective websites reflect the organization and development of the intense application of ICTs:

• City of Taipei - Cibercity (Taiwan) http://english.gov.taipei/),

• City of Berlin),

• City of Seattle,

• City of New York

• City of Toronto (http: //www.toronto. ca /)

• City of Barcelona,

• City of Madrid,

• City of Seoul),

• City of Melbourne,

• City of Helsinki,

• City of Rio de Janeiro (http://www.rio.rj.gov.br/),

• City of Buenos Aires,

• City of Brighton (http://www.brighton.co.uk/)

• Pirai, Digital City (Brazil) (http://www.pirai.rj.gov.br/).

4. Diagnosis

As said before, in a strict and operational sense, there are still no digital cities in Colombia, but they are associated with the websites and lists of cities and municipalities that have been creating and promoting different organizations to offer information, do online procedures and participate. in activities and projects of municipal administrations.

The most typical services that are provided are, among others, one or another procedure in tax management, consultation of public management procedures -many of which are not yet transactional-, requests, complaints, claims and suggestions for the public administration, tourism information, folklore, advertising, cultural information, accountability of municipalities and / or departments and virtual learning environments.

However, it is necessary to recognize the rise in demands for advice, resources and joint strategies to create and implement municipalities, cities and digital departments, exposed in requests for objectives, tasks and activities on their own initiative from cities and municipalities throughout the territory national, as well as those presented by other territorial entities, among them, the Political-Administrative Departments and other State dependencies, promoted, many times, by the high government in Congresses and Community Forums.

Faced with this fact, the Ministry of Communications perceives the need to define and decide supply policies for the allocation of guidelines and multifactorial resources aimed at incorporating and implementing the use of high technologies, through the construction and operation of digital cities to stimulate, order and integrate national and regional strategies for the application and use of ICTs in the scenarios of cities and municipalities in which the political, economic, social and cultural life of Colombian citizens takes place.

Indeed, the opportunity to promote digital municipalities and departments in Colombia is framed within the imperative of massifying the use of Information Technologies and with this it is proposed to increase the competitiveness of the productive sector, modernize public and government institutions, and socialize access to information, in accordance with the objectives, goals and strategies of the National Development Plan 2006 - 2010, the Guidelines of the Government Plan of the Ministry of Communications, the Goals of the Millennium Development Goals and the commitments established between the signatory countries of the World Summit on the Information Society.

4.1 State of Connectivity in Colombia

The penetration of computers for the year 2006 is 5.8%, that is, 5.8 computers per 100 inhabitants. The foregoing indicates that there are around 2.5 million computers in Colombia. Within the Sigob goals, it is expected that by 2010 Colombia will have a penetration of 9.8 computers per 100 inhabitants. The above indicates a potential market of 2 million computers in the next 4 years. For the end of 2007 a penetration of 6.7 is expected and for 2008 of 7.6.

In addition to the above, Colombia is a country with low levels of broadband Internet penetration in the region -15.9 Internet users per 100 inhabitants, the regional average is 16.2-. However, growth in the last two years has been quite high -151% for 2005 and 96% for 2006, see Internet Reports of the Telecommunications Regulation Commission-, even reaching fourth place worldwide in annual growth.

The foregoing shows, among many other characterizations, that Colombia has a market for the different broadband connection terminals, mainly computers, taking into account that Internet connections and computer penetration complement each other. In this sense, broadband Internet connections are milestones of the increase in penetration of computers. In the last Internet report, broadband connections in Colombia were 628,077.

On the other hand, there are currently policies, initiatives of the Ministry of Communications to increase the penetration of both broadband Internet and computers. Among them, the VAT exemption for desktop or laptop personal computers, the value of which does not exceed 82 UVT -approximately 1.7 million pesos-.

Likewise, computers for low-income students and teachers are being financed through ICETEX through low-interest loans.

In Colombia, only 2% of SMEs consider it relevant to invest in ICTs - a recent study by IDC-. The foregoing, although it is a low percentage, also shows the potential market in Colombia to offer hardware products -servers, networks, databases, routers- and software, among others, for small and medium-sized companies.

5. General objective

The Ministry of Communications has as main objective of the Strategy of Municipalities and Digital Departments, to promote the generation of a necessary and sufficient synergy, aimed at the administrations of the territories -municipalities or departments- to lead the intensive use and management of ICTs in all economic, social, political and cultural areas of its territory, generating municipalities and digital departments, through the management of projects agreed between the State -Ministry of Communications, the municipal and / or departmental administration-, the productive sector, the academy and civil society, executing and strengthening more efficiently the infoculture, the infostructure and the ICT infrastructure,taking into account the political and socioeconomic specificities of each municipality or department for its application and management.

In other words, it is to represent, operate and maintain the structure and relationships of the municipalities and real departments on the Web, to increase their effectiveness and efficiency in achieving the objectives proposed in their respective development plans.

In accordance with the characterizations of the territory and its economic vocation, the Technical Committee that is created - where all the actors of the municipality or department will be represented - will give priority to essential digital services or business strengthening, as the case may be.

5.1 Specific Objectives of the Policy

  1. Encourage the development and intensive use of information and communication technologies, ICTs, as the main modern knowledge management strategy, production and productivity of the economy, self-access and learning in education and education. culture, scientific, technological and innovative research and development, integration and citizen solidarity Integrate, operate, maintain and strengthen, more effectively and more efficiently, the communications infrastructure, through modern and efficient information systems, convergent in the virtualization of cities on the Web, as the most promising strategy of the public administration of municipalities.Create greater and better capacities for the production and provision of high-quality technological services with full ethical responsibility that mobilize, dynamize and integrate the continuous social interaction of the economic, educational and cultural, organizational, environmental and political-administrative processes in the municipalities and departments Induce, through the multiple functions, objects and continuous innovation of information and communication technologies, participation in the exercise of citizens' rights and duties in the objectives and projects of their territories Promote, through the multiple functions, objects and continuous innovation of ICT, participation and multisectoral collaboration of all actors in society, determining in the construction of an economy or society based on knowledge.Promote in public administrations, companies, academia, research centers, technological development and innovation and social organizations of municipalities and departments, the training and continuous training of human capital in research, technological evaluation and the application of ICTs to their dimensions and local, regional and national development processes in their areas.

6. Justification

In its essence by principle and logic, a Development Plan must contribute from its territorial scope to the reduction of poverty, validated by the world reference that in the year 2000 the countries of the world raised through the United Nations organization, in relation to the Millennium Development Goals, as a fundamental commitment to reduce poverty in the world.

Within the Millennium Development Goals, the 8th is “Foster a global association for development”, and one of its goals says that “In collaboration with the private sector, ensure that the benefits of Information Technologies can be harnessed and Communications ”.

However, information and communication technologies are transversal to the eight (8) Millennium Development Goals and in some way influence and impact them.

Similarly, the International Telecommunications Union, ITU, launched in Geneva on June 16, 2005 the initiative to reduce the Digital Divide in the countries of the planet by 2015, called "Connect the World" under the guidelines, philosophy and principles of the World Summit on the Information Society.

On the other hand, Colombia acquired commitments in the two phases of the World Summit on the Information Society in Geneva and Tunisia to guarantee the digital inclusion of Colombians and to take steps to reduce the digital divide throughout the country.

It is also clear the commitment of the national government in the Colombia Vision 2019 Strategic Plan for digital inclusion, through the intensive and massive use of ICTs, which was also reflected in the bases of the National Development Plan 2006-2010 and in accordance With this, the management of the Ministry of Communications for the period 2006-2010 is based on the following axes:

  1. All Colombians connected and informed, Institutional consolidation and modernization that generates a strategic sector for the country, Development and competitiveness of the telecommunications and information technology industry, Policy for public television and radio.

Framed in the foregoing, which commits the Colombian State and taking into account new world trends with the massification of new information and communication technologies, municipalities and departments cannot abstract from it and on the contrary they have the obligation to be the integrating engine of change towards the Knowledge Society, promoting the widespread use of information and communication technologies throughout the society of its territory. The municipal administration must play the role of dynamic agent in this process and not simply assume the role of mere actor.

It is important to remember that ICT and the citizen are common to both the public sector, the productive sector, the academy and civil society organizations.

Therefore, it is an opportunity and a juncture that through the intensive use of ICTs the State promotes multisectoral articulation with all other actors in society, taking into account that ICTs are transversal in the steps that all of them carry out according to the citizen.

It is clear then that the Citizen plays a determining role because it is the center of all the actions of the municipal public administration, the productive sector, educational institutions and civil society organizations, due to their natural interaction with them.

The Digital Territory is the conjunctural opportunity to make it possible for all the above actors to be immersed and committed to a comprehensive work plan that involves them with specific actions to make this change a reality in the municipality with the intensive use of ICTs and that A way to build the Knowledge Society, which allows the reduction of poverty, greater transparency and higher levels of efficiency in the management of organizations of all kinds, call them the public sector, as well as the private sector, civil society organizations and the education sector.

What is intended with a Digital Territory is to ostensibly improve the quality of life of citizens and increase the competitiveness of the economic agents of the municipality, through the sustainable socio-economic development of the municipality, generating and extracting economic and social benefits from electronic networks of the public, academic and productive sectors and of social organizations, with the intensive use of information and communication technologies.

It is noteworthy that digital cities refer to two approaches: governability (governance) of the municipality, city or digital department and the market, but they always maintain three correlated elements: e-government, e-commerce- and e-education.

The creation of digital territories in Colombia is also justified, given that municipalities and cities are engines and the heart of globalization. Hence the need to design and implement municipal policies applying ICT. In all the countries of the world there is a greater demand for better living standards from its inhabitants and real and virtual visitors. There is insufficient resources to meet such demands, which requires optimization of the operation of its management models.

In the great cities of the world such as Shanghai, Kyoto, Berlin, Amsterdam, Nottingham, Barcelona, ​​Helsinki, among others, various investigations, explorations and debates on new city models are taking place and in Colombia we cannot be oblivious to these trends. Large modern government strategies of its large and complex conglomerates are observed, in a generalized way, based on the application and use of ICT.

7. Principles

  1. The Citizen as the center of all the actions of society The State as a Promoter, Facilitator and Guider ICTs as a transversal instrument for the management of all actors Multisectoral cooperation between the State, the productive sector, academia and civil society.Socialization. The Ministry, in its role as promoter, summons the actors of the municipality or department-Mayor and / or Governor, Secretaries of Education, Planning, Trade Unions, Universities, Operators- to socialize the policy and present the Basic Model of Digital Territory, with so that they know about it, organize, commit themselves and present proposals. Impartiality so that all operators participate on equal terms in the offer of products and services. Technological independence.Technological neutrality in the use of ICT is guaranteed, including software. Quality of service in the use of ICT.

8. Strategies

In order to guarantee multisectoral articulation between the actors of the municipality and / or department, the Ministry of Communications promotes the development of actions around strategies.GOV,.EDU,.COM and.ORG, which allow identifying strengths and needs from of the particularities of each territory and within the framework of the Government Program of the Ministry of Communications, among others.

Actions in the “.gov” Strategy:

  • Online procedures More efficient and transparent public management Reduction of operating costs in the operation of the municipality or department Shorter response time to citizens Monitoring of projects Accountability to generate Trust

Actions in the “.edu” Strategy

  • Skills training Goal 20 students per PC at the end of 2010 Massification of emails throughout the population Educational support and management Content Development Community access to IT rooms in Libraries

Actions in the “.com” Strategy

  • e-Commerce Digital SMEs Entrepreneurship Bank of opportunities for the acquisition of ICTs Digitization of business processes

Actions in the “.org” Strategy

  • Community ICT Initiatives Broad Community Participation Social Control to the State

Connectivity and Community Appropriation are two strategies that are transversal to the development of the aforementioned strategies, because connectivity allows access to the Internet to strengthen the link between the community and ICT, through the improvement of access levels. and connectivity in the territory and Appropriation incorporates ICTs into citizen culture as a means of social, cultural and economic development, based on training and the generation of new spaces that incorporate ICTs for the enjoyment of citizenship.

Connectivity with adequate security systems will privilege trust in the network, guaranteeing the privacy of all citizens, for which the appropriate computer security mechanisms must be implemented.

9. Areas of application of ICT

The intensive use of information and communication technologies is what makes it possible for the policy of municipalities and digital departments to be developed in said territories in various areas, which as Online Government is already in process; Others will be implemented over time, for which the Technical Committee that agrees should define the priorities -The key is in the articulation through a local government policy to harmonize them and make possible the real interaction of the various actors of the society-.

However, the objectives and expected results of the plans and activities of the digital territories have to define and implement their own priority projects within the different and new fields of application, in accordance with their resources and regional, national and global vocation. The following are the most universal application areas of ICT application:

  • e-Government (Territorial Online Government or Tele-administration) *** e-Commerce ** e-Employment (Telework) ** e-Education (Tele-education, Tele-training, e-Learning) *** e-Health (TeleHealth, Telemedicine) *** e-Culture ** e-Tourism ** e-Security *** e-Democracy * e-InterPersonal * e-Home * e-Entertainment * e-World Communication *

Priority level: * Low, ** Medium, *** High

Although all areas are important and should in principle exist in the digital territory in its maximum expression, the Ministry of Communications recommends starting the implementation of ICTs in those indicated as high priority (***), then those of medium priority (**). It will be the same dynamics and evolution of local social development that will be responsible for signaling the implementation of each one of them.

The expectations of the appropriation and use of ICTs applied through the design and operation of municipalities and digital departments by citizens, companies and public administration, are among others: Saving of time and resources and especially of a scarce and expensive resource - money - to allow universal access to services, access and dissemination of information in real time, creation of conditions and means of cooperation between citizens, the private sector and the public sector.

In general, the above areas are arranged in three large groups:

1. Electronic commerce services, comprehensive of

  • Payment services Electronic commerce e-Learning GeoMarketing Logistics services Digital content (cable TV, TV on demand, broadband) Supplies SMEs Transactions

2. Open access services: Individual / Society Interests

  • Thematic networks and communities Health Sports Religion Drugs Hobbies Education Training Professional updating Art and Culture Interpersonal relationships Seniors

3. Citizen services: State / Citizen Relations

  • e-Government Citizen education Environment Environmental Health Public health Attention and Disaster Prevention Communities Employment and work Accountability Democratic participation

The existing digital cities in the world keep a proportion between the commitment and participation of the public and private sectors and the position between them, of civil society. Thus, in the European Economic Community, digital cities focused on government services predominate; In the United States, digital cities that offer and market services predominate; in Asia, the trend points towards the “boom” of emerging economies, of course private, supported by the public administration. The incipient trends in Latin America and the Caribbean are debated between the models of the European Union and the United States.

10. Digital services that the territory can offer

In the local environment, the following would be some possible Digital Services to be carried out within the Municipality or Digital Department -Various of these services already exist in several municipalities, cities and departments of Colombia-.

  • Tax Management Job search Procedures with Social Security Public Management: Passports, driving licenses, certificates -DAS, Procurator, Comptroller, Notary and Registry- Work licenses Petitions, Complaints,Claims and Suggestions for the Public Administration Access to the study centers Security and Emergency System (123) Virtual Learning Environments Access to the study centers Health-related services Payments to social security (companies) Procedures Chamber of Commerce Management of statistical data Environmental permits Procurement and public procurement Public tenders Information and guide for companies Geographic maps Appointment services with officials and employees Form procedures Commercial Management Online accounting of companies Electronic Payment Systems Personal agenda Press and News Maps by sectors Processes of monitoring and surveillance Alert system, among others.

The Ministry of Communications suggests, in accordance with the characterization of its territory, that based on the above, the Joint Technical Committee develop a strategy to implement, through the Portals of the Municipality, City, District, Metropolitan Area or Digital Department, the following digital services:

  • Administrative services for citizens

Management of taxes, birth and marriage certificates, status of their procedures at the municipal level, on-line information on legal regulations, decrees and local resolutions, relationship of offices with their respective procedures that include all public finance and transit procedures municipal, among others.

  • Administrative Services for Companies

Digital postal address, digital signature and electronic DNI, purchases and public contracts, customs declarations, tax management, and all the procedures that are carried out in the Chamber of Commerce such as the registration of new companies, and the records of existence and suppliers, among others.

  • Public Services for Citizens

General information of the municipality including development plans and land use planning, management reports, budgets, budget execution, purchasing plans, list of procedures and their procedures in accordance with the guidelines of the Administrative Department of Public Management, DAFP, public procurement, statistics, information on local cultural and sports offer, tourist information, information on educational centers, traffic and works, transport, search and job boards, information on access to health centers and pharmacies, complaints to the police and participation mechanisms citizen with forms for complaints, claims and requests, among others.

  • Public Services Companies

Job search and job bank, General information of the municipality, statistics.

  • Private services

Teleworking, Internet and communications processes and procedures, statements of accounts in financial entities.

10.1 Online Procedures

The following basic processes and procedures of the municipal administration can be quickly implemented as “online procedures”:

  1. Collection of taxes, fees and contributions - Property Tax, Industry and Commerce, among others. The taxpayer could choose between paying with the regular procedure or making payment online from home, an Internet Cafe, a Telecentre or a community access point. Industry and Commerce Declarations, Stratification Certificates, Sisben Certificates, Tourism Promotion, and -Learning, Petitions, Complaints, Claims and Suggestions, among others.

11. Actions to undertake a digital territory

The following are the actions that must be undertaken by the municipality or department, in order to implement a local policy of a Digital Territory, for the optimization of processes and procedures with the intensive use of information and communication technologies:

  • Appoint a person in charge to lead and coordinate all the actions and launch the Digital Territory in direct dependence of the mayor and / or the governor, Create a mixed Technical Committee that plans, evaluates and monitors the action plan, with the participation of the Ministry Communications, representatives of the Government and / or Mayor's Office, academia, unions, civil society organizations and operators who are going to intervene in the process. Each committee must define who has a voice and vote and who only has a voice.

At least the Ministry of Communications, the Government and / or the Mayor's Office, the representative of the universities, the private sector and a citizen organization have a voice and vote,

  • Prepare the Digital Territory Action Plan, Define a managing entity that fulfills execution functions in the development of the Digital Territory project under the guidelines of the Technical Committee, executing its Action Plan, Identify all the actors correlated with the new local policy of the municipality or digital department and define the roles of each of them, from the win-win perspective, Adapt the entire Online Government strategy for the municipality, Raise awareness, engage, train and train said actors and define responsibilities for them, Identify the Existing inventory of ICTs of the municipality to establish its necessary telecommunications and computing infrastructure, both for the administration and in general for all its members, including companies, educational institutions and organizations,Among others, Prepare a short and medium-term Connectivity Plan for the municipality or department in all sectors, Structure a computer massification program, Design a Training Plan for officials and citizens, Manage the implementation of a Comprehensive System Administrative and Financial Information of the municipality and / or department, Design a Media Plan for the socialization and creation of culture towards the Digital Territory.Design a Media Plan for the socialization and creation of culture towards the Digital Territory.Design a Media Plan for the socialization and creation of culture towards the Digital Territory.

11.1 Creation of the Culture of the Knowledge Society

In a timely manner, a plan for awareness, socialization, training, education and dissemination on the importance of the Digital Territory for the target population must be stipulated, through:

  • Agreements with local universities, Promotion in all local media, Creation of technical training modules, Holding workshops, seminars and forums of Digital City.

11.2 Creation of a Basic Information Portal

The creation of a single portal to access the Municipality or Digital Department is the first link in the value chain of access to information, for which a plan must be established that allows:

  1. Updating and modernization of the "Online Government" portal, with the guidelines given by the Connectivity Agenda in its three (3) phases, Operation of the municipality or department portal with updated options, Incorporation of basic communication and collaboration tools:
  • Mail Agenda Instant Messaging Calendar of Events News and Updates Forums and Discussion Groups Blogs Wikies Entertainment and Tourism promotion, among others.

11.3 Complementary Activities

The Action Plan for the Digital Territory must begin to be executed immediately after the cooperation agreement is signed. However, the different phases, execution times and those responsible, among others, must be agreed to gradually carry out other activities, in addition to those listed in the previous paragraph, such as:

  • Design and implement a Permanent Forum for the Development of the Digital Territory -on-site and electronic virtual-, Analysis of needs and opportunities with ICTs, Carry out a risk analysis, Manage with Computers to Educate the rapid provision of schools and official schools that have not yet received the benefits Design a Computer Equipment Donation Program discharged by companies to provide other vulnerable sectors, Design a support plan for the implementation and expansion of ICTs by local MSMEs, Digitally articulate the various institutions of the municipality or department, through the integral interconnection of all municipal public entities and agencies, Promote digital literacy of the population and the training of ICT trainers,Define the technological platform of the Municipality or Digital Department, Develop in the municipality a technology park, Design of basic services and annual work plan, among many other actions that must be agreed in a work table with all the actors in the territory.

12. Composition of the technical committee

The Technical Committee must be mixed and interdisciplinary, which must coordinate the implementation strategies of the different phases of the project. Representatives of the different actors who will directly intervene in the implementation of the digital territory must belong to this committee, at the highest level with decision-making power:

  • The Governor and / or Mayor, or a Secretary of the Office as delegate (It is suggested the secretaries of planning, finance or economic development, or similar), Ministry of Communications, through the Directorate of Access and Social Development, Private Sector: Chamber of Commerce and other business and inter-union organizations. In the event that the Chamber of Commerce is the one that manages the resources of the cooperation agreement, it is recommended that only the Secretary of Education and Departmental and / or Municipal Culture and Administration of Services, the Academic Community, have a voice, without vote with their rectors of the universities and directors of research and development centers present in the territory. In the event that there are more than two, at least one selected by consensus among them, will have voice and vote, Civil Society,a representative of an organization preferably related to ICT, Operators -Those who are present in the territory-. To guarantee neutrality, it is preferable that operators have only voice, since they are the ones who will offer the infrastructure with ICT products and services, in a free market environment.

This committee will validate and define the different steps and objectives to be followed in the short, medium and long term. It will also coordinate the necessary actions to develop the Digital Territory with local authorities, universities, technology providers, content providers and their direct or indirect participation in the implementation of the project.

13. Functions of the technical committee

In addition to the above, once the Technical Committee for the implementation of the local policy of the Digital Territory has been constituted, it must assume responsibilities for:

  • Promote the digital literacy of the population and the training of ICT trainers, Characterize the Digital Divide, determining its nature and scope and defining actions for its mitigation, seeking the greatest critical mass of citizens with access to information through the Internet, Define and prioritize the areas of application of ICTs and which digital services will be implemented on which their actions will focus, in what order, with what resources, times and according to the socioeconomic, technological and environmental characterization of the municipality or department, Manage the structuring of a comprehensive Call-Center, Design and implement a basic model of Digital Municipality with some actors in the territory, which grows over time,Identify and implement municipal procedures that can be attended online (On-Line), In accordance with the above, manage the adjustment of those processes and procedures of the municipal and / or departmental administration related to the procedures in line, Carry out overcrowding of the Internet and computers in the municipality or department, Promote the creation of Community Access Points or Telecentres, where possible with free Internet access in strata 1 and 2 and the rural population, guaranteeing sustainability on the part of the operators and the municipal and / or departmental administration, in order to carry out digital literacy and awareness of the appropriation and use of ICTs, Lead the creation of alliances with the Sena, the Chamber of Commerce, Andi, Acopi and Fenalco,Among others, to generate content and design face-to-face and online courses on ICTs for citizens, Generate and support the culture of English as a second language, Manage what is pertinent to reorder all the public archives of the municipality, in application of Law 594 of 2000 -General Law of Archives-, Manage the creation of the Online Single Window for citizen services, Lead the corresponding actions for the creation of a Comprehensive Information System of the municipality or department, mainly in administrative and financial matters that collects the sectors of the education, health, work and commerce, among others, implementing and optimizing all its databases.Generate and support the culture of English as a second language, Manage what is pertinent to reorder all the public archives of the municipality, in application of Law 594 of 2000 -General Law of Archives-, Manage the creation of the Online Single Window for citizen services, Lead the corresponding actions for the creation of a Comprehensive Information System of the municipality or department, mainly in administrative and financial matters that includes the sectors of education, health, work and commerce, among others, implementing and optimizing all its databases.Generate and support the culture of English as a second language, Manage what is pertinent to reorder all the public archives of the municipality, in application of Law 594 of 2000 -General Law of Archives-, Manage the creation of the Online Single Window for citizen services, Lead the corresponding actions for the creation of a Comprehensive Information System of the municipality or department, mainly in administrative and financial matters that includes the sectors of education, health, work and commerce, among others, implementing and optimizing all its databases.Lead the corresponding actions for the creation of a Comprehensive Information System of the municipality or department, mainly in administrative and financial matters that includes the sectors of education, health, work and commerce, among others, implementing and optimizing all its bases of data.Lead the corresponding actions for the creation of a Comprehensive Information System of the municipality or department, mainly in administrative and financial matters that includes the sectors of education, health, work and commerce, among others, implementing and optimizing all its bases of data.

14. Incorporation of agenda programs for connectivity, computers to educate and share

Integrating the programs of the Ministry of Communications to the projects of digital territories means resizing the role of access to ICTs for the Colombian population. It is to achieve, from a policy, the integration of all programs with the objective of building digital territories, where the participation of all actors in society is combined to achieve development from the use of ICT.

This makes it possible to optimize the coverage of services provided by the Connectivity Agenda -Government Online-, Computadores para Educar and Compartel programs in the municipalities.

Likewise, the creation of Information Access Points is facilitated in neighborhoods or places with easy community access such as parks, shopping centers, Community Action Boards, libraries and educational institutions, which will allow the free use of the community, guided by the local government. to the promotion of the creation of cultural identity and education in ICTs.

The mission of each of the programs makes more sense. In the case of Online Government, the challenge is to go further in the development of Online Procedures for municipalities. Similarly, together the programs play a much more important role in acculturation for the intensive use of ICT.

15. Execution by the ministry

To achieve the general objective in the construction of digital territories in Colombia, an alliance is required between the Ministry of Communications, the municipalities and / or departments, and the other social actors in the territory, through the conclusion of agreements, based on the presentation and management of specific projects, established in the 2008-2011 Development Plans, by, nominally, the 1,099 municipalities that make up the State of Colombia.

The Ministry of Communications proposes that the chambers of commerce of the assigned municipalities and departments, except in exceptional cases, be the ones who administer these resources, which will be defined in the respective agreement.

The realization of the implicit and explicit objectives of the ICT Policies guidelines of the Ministry of Communications includes the execution of the following concrete and permanent activities by the municipal administrations, in which the leadership depends on the attitude and role of the mayor and the performance of its administration, such as the real environment in its conversion to the virtual environment that allows the interaction of information and communication of the different actors of governments, business, academia and social and cultural organization:

  • Manage specific projects of municipalities and digital departments within the framework of the National Development Plan Carry out processes of induction, awareness and socialization in municipalities and departments, with the purpose of convening, promoting and motivating the participation of all actors of society in the alliance of wills around the intensive use of information and communication technologies depending on the population of its territory Negotiate between the Ministry of Communications and the Municipalities and Departments the celebration of agreements for the construction, operation and evaluation of the digital territories on the Web. Enable cooperation and integration of government, productive sector, academia, civil society.Form minimal and efficient working groups between the Ministry of Communications and the municipalities and departments for the design, formulation and management of construction projects for municipalities and digital departments Assume the construction of digital territories, as a Strategy for Specific Project Management of each municipality in the appropriation of ICT. Promote the incorporation of the projects and activities of the municipalities and digital departments in the respective Development Plans 2008-2011 of the municipal and government administrations, starting with the October 2007 elections to Mayors and Governors: Define indicators of design, performance, results and impacts of the projects of municipalities and digital departments, both in their administrative management and in their interaction on the Web.Design, operate, maintain and evaluate Information Systems regarding municipalities and departments compatible and communicable with existing digital cities on the Web Observe and monitor the production of results and economic, social, civic and cultural impacts of ICTs, which induce the renewal of regional, national and international communication policies, through municipalities and digital departments on the Web.through municipalities and digital departments on the Web.through municipalities and digital departments on the Web.

16. Criteria for funding

The instrument for the execution and operation of the Digital Territories Policy, agreed between the Ministry of Communications and the respective municipalities and departments, will be the Communications Fund to finance plans, programs and investment projects to facilitate and expand access Information and Communication Technologies inclusive of all citizens, in order to optimize their administrative, technical and operational capacity corresponding to the vision / mission of the ICT Ministry of Communications.

Therefore, the eligibility and decisions regarding requests for execution and evaluation of the Digital Territories Policy of the Ministry of Communications through the functions of the Communications Fund of co-financing of investment plans and programs, aimed at the consolidation and expansion of Information and communication technologies - formulated and presented by the respective municipalities and departments - will use the following criteria:

  • Existence of a Municipality or Digital Department Project. The Communications Fund will co-finance projects formulated and structured, in accordance with the standards of the National Planning Department. Municipal and / or Departmental Agreement. All the projects of the municipality / digital department must be agreed between four basic actors: Government, business, academia and social and cultural organizations. Inclusion in the Municipal and / or Departmental Development Plans. The projects of the municipality / digital department must be a strategic part of the corresponding Development Plans 2008 - 2011 of the municipal and departmental governments, framed within the National Development Plan 2006 - 2010. Regional Association.The digital municipality / department projects will favor the association of municipalities and cities or departments that promote the formation of regional strategies in national and international contexts in the application and appropriation of ICTs. Co-financing. The viability and sustainability of the Digital Municipalities and Departments Policy institutionalizes the good practice of co-financing, as the guarantee of cooperation between sectors and actors in the achievement of local, regional and national goals of economic and social development. National and Institutional Articulation. The explicit strategy of the Ministry of Communications consists of an alliance between the Ministry of Communications and the municipality and / or department,inclusive and operational of the instances and institutional and organizational rules of the game of the State and Colombian society, which contribute to the practices of a culture of efficiency, cooperation and citizen solidarity. Institutional, Organizational and Social Learning. The specific projects of municipalities and digital departments must always begin and end as strategies of education and continuous training in the understanding, expansion and use of Information and Communication Technologies, that is, of the social appropriation of ICTs in the application of solution of problems and opportunities of the public administration, of the economy based on the knowledge and of the national conformation of the knowledge society. Agreements Ministry of Communications Municipality and / or Digital Department.The municipal / digital department projects, members of the National Policy for the ICT Ministry of Communications, are finally contractual agreements, therefore, binding on the parties involved and will be the basis of the ex-ante, in-process and ex-post evaluation of the promotion and institutionalization of ICTs in Colombia.

17. Considerations in the design of digital territories

The Municipalities and Digital Departments Policy agreed between the Ministry of Communications and the respective municipalities, cities, districts, metropolitan areas and departments of Colombia will have the following aspects for its performance in obtaining results and impacts:

  • Context. Every project of a municipality or digital department requires that it be explicit in a context of political will, technical and professional entrepreneurial capacity, minimum pre-existing resources, inclusion in local and regional priorities, antecedents and precedents of institutionalization, conceptual, technological and contemporary contemporary. Citizen interaction Positive Climate. The context of digital territory projects correspond to objective conditions, while the positive climate to subjective conditions, both of those who undertake and of those who are their recipients. The positive climate acts as a social synergy that guarantees participation, assessment, appropriation of its objectives, content and processes. Leadership. The projects of municipalities and digital departments depend in terms of success,both in its pre-investment and investment, as in its continuity, of the leadership of the person who directs it. Without leadership there is no project. Times. The times for the formulation and basic implementation of digital territory projects are a combination of political opportunity and activity schedules. A standard low complexity project can be around 12 months, a medium complexity project around 15 months and a high complexity project around 18/20 months of formulation and execution in the basic aspects of foundation.The times for the formulation and basic implementation of digital territory projects are a combination of political opportunity and activity schedules. A standard low complexity project can be around 12 months, a medium complexity project around 15 months and a high complexity project around 18/20 months of formulation and execution in the basic aspects of foundation.The times for the formulation and basic implementation of digital territory projects are a combination of political opportunity and activity schedules. A standard low complexity project can be around 12 months, a medium complexity project around 15 months and a high complexity project around 18/20 months of formulation and execution in the basic aspects of foundation.

It must be remembered that a project of digital territory is of permanent construction and that it must evolve towards the maximum possible virtuality of processes and procedures of a certain territory.

  • Percentage (%) of Participation. The maximum test of success or non-success of a digital territory project lies in its rates of citizen participation in solving their information and communication demands, which should be at least 10% of the population objective, in accordance with the offer of services offered. Virtual reality. The projects of the municipality and digital departments involve, through different local events, the design and application of methods, procedures and applications of virtualization of reality, correlative to new trends and state of the art on the theory of design and administration of the city ​​in terms of governance, risks, sustainability and megacities • Production of Articles and Documents.One of the most obvious indicators of the projects of municipalities and digital departments is the production and circulation of publications that demonstrate the social appropriation of ICTs by the generators, levers and users of information, communication and knowledge. Sustenance. The verification of the institutionalization of projects in digital territories can be verified when the second generation of projects generates, within the framework of municipalities, cities, districts, metropolitan areas and departments, its own continuity resources. Cooperation. The projects of digital territories are the result of the real cooperation of the actors of government, business, education and research and development of science, technology,innovation and social organization and as such represents a valid indicator of performance and impact. Final Impact. The Digital Municipalities and Departments Policy will produce a final impact when the new administrations of the municipalities and departments of Colombia have included and assumed the theoretical, methodological and practical instruments of the Virtual Reality ICTs to the real management of the Web, to generate attitudes and habits of digital interactive culture, that is to say, virtual.methodological and practical of ICTs from Virtual Reality to the real management of the Web, to generate attitudes and habits of interactive digital culture, that is, virtual.methodological and practical of ICTs from Virtual Reality to the real management of the Web, to generate attitudes and habits of interactive digital culture, that is, virtual.


AHCIET, Hispano-American Association of Research Centers and Telecommunications Companies (http://www.ahciet.net/),

World Summit on the Information Society (http://www.itu.int/wsis/index-es. html),

Ibero-American Network of Digital Cities),

Cities & Regions World (http://www.it4all-bilbao.org/),

Worldwide Forum on e-Democracy (http://www.forum-edemo.org/?lang = en),

Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Commerce of Spain),

Global Cities Dialogue),


Intelligent Cities https://www.whittlesea.vic.gov.au/common/errors/page-not-found?item =% 2f404 & user = extranet% 5cAnonymous & site = website),

Cities Lyon Conference (http://www.cities-lyon.org/en/context.html), National Development Plan of Colombia (2006-2010),

Vision Colombia 2019 Strategic Plan.

Digital cities policy in Colombia