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Why Business Leadership Is Important


"It is worth saying what we want, only when we do what is necessary to achieve it." And based on this, it is necessary to clarify the concept of success, which can be seen from 2 points of view:

1. Be the best at something regarding someone.

2. Feeling comfortable with oneself, for having achieved a certain purpose.

The concept of success "is to see a goal fulfilled and satisfactorily achieved."

When a restless person has a sincere desire to improve their quality of life and is firmly willing to risk capital to install their own source of employment (Business)

What aspects should you consider for your establishment to be productive and successful? My suggestion is that it be based on two fundamental premises: efficiency and effectiveness. The first being understood as "the faculty necessary to do things well and appropriately." The second is understood as "the fact of realizing a purpose in the scheduled time."

Now, the enterprising people who land their plans and start a business, generally take control of it from the beginning, for logical reason, since they are the ones who devised the business project and know what they want from their own conception. Furthermore, because they are the owners of the heritage and are not willing to expose it and lose it in the hands of other people.

In this regard, I would recommend that if you want to be the captains of your own boat and do not have the preparation, knowledge and skills to manage it efficiently, at least, resort to specialists in each of the areas that demand legal, administrative attention, Prosecutor, Etc., to the effect that they receive the appropriate advice and at least know where to guide the course of the ship, finally, the final decision is the owners themselves.

The owners of the vast majority of small businesses (which are not trivial as they are disparagingly identified), do not always have the specialized knowledge that these require for an efficient operation, and because of their poor academic preparation, and because they do not have the minimum skills required to successfully conduct their business.

Nor are they willing to "spend" small amounts of money for specialists in their field to advise them correctly, which is why, as the demand for goods and / or services from their customers grows as it should be normal, they fail because their growth natural demand for strategies and specialized knowledge that they do not have and the consequence is that they lose control of it, the financial aspect becomes chaotic due to lack of liquidity, caused by economic cycles and in their despair, they end up closing their establishment before fulfilling the year of life.

But assuming that the owner relies on his common sense and manages to overcome the first steps of the "new baby" so that he survives, that inevitable growth will force him to hire other people to help him circumvent the activities that at this stage they are becoming more complicated, as I explained previously.

Thus, you will have to integrate a new work team to shape your new company, a work team that identifies itself as "a group of people who come together to achieve and reach a common goal or objective", and that is where They begin to complicate things for this entrepreneur, because his presence as "boss" is key because of the role he is going to play in this new organization created by himself.

Thus, the process of selecting the required personnel begins, but who to hire 'On what basis? How to evaluate the most suitable? Will know? Will be able? Will they? Will they go in the same direction as the owner's objectives? Remember that human capital is the fundamental factor in determining the success or failure of any organization and the role played by the "leader" is key, if he takes care of elemental aspects from the beginning of the employment relationship.

As part of strategic planning, the needs and aspirations of each individual that has been selected should be investigated to identify their particular objectives, and make them coincide with the general objectives of the organization, creating a serious commitment between the company and the individual, in a way that such that, on the one hand, the individual undertakes to contribute his experiences, capacities and aptitudes within his specialty, in the achievement of the common objective of the organism, in exchange for a just and adequate remuneration to the responsibilities that he is going to assume, and for On the other hand, the organization's commitment to formally support the individual to achieve their own particular objectives and see their future aspirations fulfilled, since in this way,dropout is avoided in the short term of the individual for not visualizing a safe and promising future.

Independently, to seek the coincidence of some interesting concepts that the individual must possess and that we know as "job profile" with respect to: vocation, values, capacities, aptitudes and attitudes that must be previously defined by the organization.

In this aspect, the business owner, be it called "director", "manager", "administrator", etc., has a very important responsibility, because he is in charge of "influencing, seducing and motivating" the will of his new collaborators to that these are guided and respected: the plans, norms, guidelines, policies, strategies and general provisions of the company and that will be the tools that lead them to achieve the same ends.

As a successful company, it will allow both the owner and the collaborators to maintain permanence in the consumer market, job security and a better standard of living in the present and in the future.

The owner in his role as captain of the ship, must exert much influence in an effective way on his subordinates, he must implement his enthusiasm, his own beliefs, experiences and capacities and implement strategies in such a way that they are well accepted by his collaborators, and to It is necessary to know how to direct and order with the pertinent measure. Therefore, the business owner must take into account that as human beings we are, we have emotions, and for this reason, it is essential to take care of the aspect of human relationships, in such a way that it fosters a healthy, calm, safe and of respect with their subordinates, motivating them to carry out their work with dedication, dedication and developing their minimum skills in their specific areas.

I mention this, because it is very common to get confused when it comes to "the authority" of the boss with his subordinates, and there is a tendency to abuse the position, either with shouting, rudeness, mistreatment, bad character, etc., causing the individual works longer than agreed or performs tasks that do not correspond to the contracted services, creating discomfort and nonconformities that far from benefiting the parties, makes them more antagonistic. And under this climate of adversity everyone loses.

For this reason, the owner of any business or of any organization must be the maximum in respect and recognition not only of his subordinates, but of the general public, since he is the one who transmits and delegates the general and particular rules of the different responsibilities, motivating them to carry out their assignment with the same capacity, effort, dedication and training and training time required for the aforementioned body to be recognized and respected by society. Remember that if one of the team fails or succeeds, it will spread with all staff as a corporate image, for better or for worse.

For the business owner, the objective is to produce and sell a lot in order to have the highest possible income, have a significant portfolio of clients, carry out new projects and obtain new sources of investment in order to achieve a better position in the consumer market, among others. objectives no less important, that allow them to generate wealth that benefits everyone.

So far everything is fine, but what qualities should a leader of any body have to make things work better?

  • Implement business culture based on administrative science as a basic tool Perform an adequate selection of human capital Define positions and functions based on an adequate analysis of the organization chart Respect the capacities and abilities of each collaborator Verify that communication is effective and be aware that as organizations grow, it becomes slower and more easily distorted Implement motivation schemes through stimuli,fostering creativity Correcting mistakes and not wasting time searching for culprits Implementing training and training programs and workshops in each of the work areas Encouraging the development of labor competencies in favor of productivity Delegating comparable authority and responsibilities and empowering decision making Applying the principle of flexibility in all areasBuilding confidence and security

Among the most important responsibilities of the executive or owner, is to fulfill 3 basic functions: 1) wisely resolve the problems and conflicts that arise; 2) constantly motivate all your collaborators and, 3) make the right decisions.

Lastly, it must be made very clear that once each collaborator knows, does and can do what he or she is supposed to do, the executive must limit himself or herself to being an observer, giving them freedom of action so that each person does what he or she should do well, supervising the tasks so that the general and particular objectives that are planned are achieved. What do you think?

Why Business Leadership Is Important