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Business web portals. What are they and what are their functions?


In our previous article we dealt with the "The First Step for SMEs on the Internet - Your Website", now, what happens when a company or institution requires a website that allows them to continuously publish changing content, with additional functionalities for a adequate interaction with visitors ?. It is time to use a Business Web Portal.

Business Web Portals are advanced websites that are created using platforms called Content Management Systems (or CMS for its acronym in English). These software platforms allow managing multiple types of content classified according to their functionalities and stored in databases, which allows them to grow according to what is needed.

The Business Web Portals have a basic structure that is complemented by functional modules. This allows them to be modular and scalable, that is, to be configured with the modules that are required according to the profile of each portal, thus achieving specialization.

Among the Basic Modules that a Business Web Portal must have is the Content Page Generator Module (through which the web pages that expose the general information of the institution are created), the Menu Generator Module (It allows assigning options of menu to access the content pages and / or other modules), the News and Articles Manager Module (it works as a Blog to publish news and / or articles by topics with multiple associated functionalities), the Surveys Module (allows create multiple closed response surveys), the Contact Module (allows you to assign contact data such as address, phone numbers, emails as well as handling a contact form by department), the Links Module (allows you to create a directory of links to other related websites),the Downloads Module (to create a directory for downloading files classified by categories), the Cover Module (which allows modifying the portal cover according to what interests you), the Internal Searches Module (it manages a search engine that allows locate content related to the words searched), the Glossary Module (it is possible to create dictionaries or glossaries of navigable terms through the letters of the alphabet), among other general modules.the Glossary Module (it is possible to create dictionaries or glossaries of navigable terms through the letters of the alphabet), among other general modules.the Glossary Module (it is possible to create dictionaries or glossaries of navigable terms through the letters of the alphabet), among other general modules.

In turn, in addition to the Basic Modules that are for general use, the Business Web Portals manage to specialize by making use of Advanced Modules.

When you want to manage Multimedia Portals, modules such as an Image Gallery Module (to show photographs classified by type of event), a Video Gallery Module (which allows publishing videos classified by categories and with particular functionalities) are very useful. and the Audio Gallery Module or Podcast (for the publication of audio content on demand such as recorded radio programs).

Other Advanced Modules allow to specialize the Business Web Portals for Commerce and / or Manufacturing that require the exhibition of Products and Services, for this, a Catalog Module is ideal (allows the publication of commercialized products classified by lines and sub- product lines, with details and images of them), or a Courses Portfolio Module (for professional training companies).

There are also specialized portals such as Service Directories and / or Photo-Classifieds, for them the Advanced Business Directory Modules are ideal (which works like the traditional yellow pages, classifying companies by their type of business or their geographical location), and a Module for Text Classifieds or Photo-Classifieds (which allow the publication of text classified ads with or without additional images).

Other Business Web Portals may be dedicated to the Automotive Sector, in which case, it is ideal to have a Show Room Module (to expose the details of the vehicles sold), or a Dealers and / or Workshops Module (with the dealer directory that sell the vehicles and technical service workshops, which can be accessed through a Country Map).

The Business Web Portals dedicated to Subscription Services require Advanced Modules for the Contracting of Services (with the generation of the respective contracts), the Payment of Contracts (with interconnection to the banks to process credit cards) and the management of the Client Panel (with access to the administration of the contracted services, transaction history, account statements, invoices, possibility of improving or reducing the contracted scope, among other functionalities).

For companies or institutions that require Post-Sales Support, Customer / User Service, it is ideal to have Technical Support Ticket Management Modules, Live Chat and Knowledge Base (to consult the frequently asked questions with their corresponding answers).

In the case of Educational Institutions, there must be Modules dedicated to the presentation of school or student activities, the management of tasks or assignments, the download of curricular material, the management of Student Notes, Circulars to the Representatives, registration management, among other functionalities.

Another example is the Sports Web Portals, in which case they depend on the sports specialty, for example, in the case of Baseball, an On Line Game Module is necessary that presents the board (Races, Hit and Errors), the field with the players in their positions, the area from Play by Play (or Play by Play) where the games are narrated at the time they are running, the line-up of each team, among others. In turn, it requires a Player Roster Module, Game Calendar, Interaction with Social Networks, Fanatic Forums, Live Radio, among other Advanced Modules.

As can be seen, Business Web Portals are the best option for companies or institutions that require the publication of continuously changing content as well as that require particular functionalities assisted by databases.

Finally, if your company or organization requires a professional Business Web Portal, do not hesitate to consult the experts who will guide you about what you really need for your case.

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Business web portals. What are they and what are their functions?