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Positioning and business culture

Table of contents:



• The importance of corporate culture.

• The influence that the perception of the client exerts on the company, in the actions to be taken in a process of continuous improvement.

During the development of the video, reference was made to different aspects, which converged on one, which is precisely one of the conditioning factors of the survival of a company: the image.

The image that the company has in people can mean success or failure. A company whose image is not good has little chance of survival. On the other hand, a company whose image is well formed, its possibilities for growth are very promising.

A company that manages to express, transmit in some way what characterizes it, that is, its culture, is the company that has the best chance of achieving success.

In order for success to finally take place, another element must be taken into account: the customer's perception. Through his experiences, the attention he receives in the company, the quality of the product, and other factors that make the image of the company, he perceives and makes a judgment about what the company is. The image that the client created in his mind, if it is perceived in a positive way, will be accepted and the position that the company will have in that client will be very good.

We see that the culture of the company is a conditioning factor of the image, and this has a lot to do with the Human Resource.


Culture, from the point of view of sociology, is the set of knowledge, traditions, uses and customs. It is unique for each social structure, it is learned and transmitted.

For a company it is very important to have a well-defined culture since it is what is going to characterize it and what is going to make a difference. For the culture of the company to be expressed, it is necessary that not only upper management have knowledge about the mission and vision, but also that all the people who make up the organization, from the highest managers to the lowest-ranking operative within the same know about such. The mission and vision reflect the reason for the existence of the company, the objectives, the ideology, and so on. Therefore, it is very important that all the members of the organization are clear about these factors, since if they all go towards the same path and act according to the mission and vision, the culture of the company will be reflected in their actions.


First of all, there must be a commitment from management to carry out all necessary measures so that employees understand the importance of having an identity as an organization.

The way to transmit, to soak employees with the ideology - "the way of seeing things" - that management has is by having good communication, as well as the objectives, the needs and all the aspects that make up the company. There must be a good flow of information, trust of supervisors and employees towards communication, participation in decision-making, open channels of ascending, descending and horizontal communication in the organization, correct feedback, etc.

Good communication favors the participation of lower-level employees in decision-making, the exchange of open communication, trust between the members of the organization, the free flow of information through various channels, a greater interest in the development of workers, an employee-centered leadership style, extensive interaction processes. Awareness is generated in the organization that it is a system, where all its parts are interrelated.

The clearest communication is a complete, congruent communication, where you are attentive to feedback, to know if the message reached the other and if it reached him well, that is, if he understood it. Having clear communication facilitates the relationships established with people and also ensures the success of the transmission of culture.

Another aspect to take into account is the importance of permanently training all the members of the organization, so that they are in a position to make decisions and thus maintain the quality of the company.


Perception, speaking in psychology terms, is the ability to organize the data and information that comes through the senses into a whole, creating a concept.

Perception varies according to what experience and what previous learning the observer has. The aspects that influence the person who perceives are:

1. Needs and desires, that is, the motivation of the person which makes him perceive what would provide satisfaction.

2. Expectations; you tend to perceive what is expected, what is most familiar.

3. The style of each person to face the environment that surrounds him. Some people perceive more of a set of details, not being able to separately remember some specific characteristics of the object; others, on the other hand, notice such details.

4. The culture in which he grew up, which trains in a way to perceive reality.

In short: all the information and stimuli that are captured by the senses, plus those aspects that influence the way of perceiving, generate the elaboration of a concept about the object observed as a whole.

Knowing these elements, we can see that when a client enters a business, his perception will depend on a series of aspects, such as the attention he receives, the quality of the product, the cleanliness of the premises, the organization of the place, etc. that will later be organized as a whole in the mind of the client, thus developing a concept about the company.

For this reason, it is very important that all the human resources of a company, whether they have direct contact with the client or not, are very clear about what they want to convey, in addition to the ability to identify the client's needs and provide support to achieve satisfy them.


The company must take into account the opinion of the internal and external customer, realize what image they have of the organization, for which it can carry out opinion polls, for example. If any type of conflict is detected in these aspects, a proposal must be developed to solve it, in addition to defining its strategy, that is, how to implement the proposal.

Once this is done, the company must follow up on the proposal, supervising the operation and development of the solution, in stages. You must control by inserting maximum and minimum markers in the proposal; It must also verify the feedback obtained to determine, based on the measurement and evaluation of the results, if the action to be taken should be corrective or maintenance.

All this procedure contributes to achieving a correct operation of the continuous improvement process.


We have seen the importance of the company having a well-defined culture, since it makes it have a marked identity in the market, as well as being a very important factor to take into account when defining positioning. All the people that make up the organization, from the highest in the hierarchical scale to the lowest, must feel in the same way the mission and vision of the company, which will lead to that well-defined culture being able to express itself and it can be transmitted to clients, in order to be a different company.

Today, perhaps the biggest difference is achieved from the Human Resources that the organization has: people of good human quality, trained and in accordance with the business culture are essential factors when it comes to marking differences with the competition. Human resources must have the skills to deal with the continuous process of change that is already a constant in our reality, they must be able to adapt, be flexible when assimilating the cultural guidelines that the company wants to express. Those skills are:

• Interpersonal skills: ability to interact fluidly with other members of the organization and with customers.

• Communication skills: ability to integrate into a company and to generate, manage and smoothly transmit the information that runs through it, as a way to achieve greater efficiency.

• Ability to learn quickly: skill required in the face of constant change in which we live. The staff will adapt quickly to changes through a rapid learning capacity, which allows them to adapt to each new technological or cultural requirement.

• Adaptive capacity: necessary skill for the processes we are experiencing. An individual with all the characteristics mentioned above must possess this ability to be able to join a company.

Article provided by: Uch de RRHH the portal of HR students

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Positioning and business culture