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Questions to support the strategic plan


If you don't know the enemy or yourself, you are sure to be in danger in every battle. When you know the enemy and you know yourself, the chances of victory or defeat are equal. Know the enemy, know yourself, and in a hundred battles you will not be in the slightest danger.

- Sun Tzu



  • Main trends, advances, changes, etc. related to our business that are being considered in the international arena, which eventually if they occur in our country could radically change the direction of our company in a positive or negative way, thus becoming an opportunity or a threat. It is recommended to evaluate the aspects related to technology, political, economic, social aspects, the evolution of competition and the market. International technological trends: International economic trends: International socio-political trends: Market trends and international competition:


  • Main trends, changes, advances, etc. related to our business that are being considered in the country and that today are affecting all companies. Eventually, if they occur in our sector, they could radically change the direction of our company in a positive or negative way, thus becoming opportunities or threats. Aspects related to technology, political, economic, social, competition and market aspects should be evaluated National technological trends: National economic trends: National socio-political aspects: Market aspects and national competition:


  • Main trends, advances, changes, etc. related to our business that are occurring or could eventually occur in the sector, which could radically change the direction of our company in a positive or negative way, thus becoming opportunities or threats. Aspects related to CUSTOMERS, COMPETITION, SUPPLIERS AND PRODUCTS must be evaluated How the Clients are evolving: How the Products / Services are changing: How the Competition is evolving: What changes are taking place in the Suppliers:


  • Evaluation of current and future competition: (For the main competitors determine what are their strengths and weaknesses of the competition, types of competition, hidden competition, main differentiation) With whom do we compete, what are their strengths and weaknesses? Is there hidden competition? Profile of current and future customers: (Who is our current customer, who should be in the future?) What do customers value today before during and after the purchase? What will customers value in the future before during and after shopping?


  • Reflections that help us to see clearly the reality of our company:.

Definition of our "Core Business":

  • (Main and true businesses in which we are involved) Definition of our “Core Competencies”:
  • (For each “Core Business defined in the previous stage, it is necessary to define the essential skills that we have developed)


  • Trends of the main indicators on the current situation of the company in terms of composition of clients, products and economic results.

Information about our current clients:

  • (ABC of Clients, categories, strategic importance, stratification, markets etc. Clients' seniority)

Information about Products and Services:

  • (ABC of Products according to income, age of products, response times, innovation) how will our services (products) compare with respect to the trends analyzed)

Internal Situation of Technology

  • (State of the art of the current technology of the company both in its information systems and in the application to its production processes)


  • Financial indicators: (Trends of the main indicators on liquidity, solvency, leverage, sales growth, etc.) Number of employees Sales per man hour Sales per Client Sales per Line Sales per transaction Sales / Total assets Sales age (Line, Clients) Number of clients Number of ProductsGrowth indicators • Sales growth rate by segment •% Revenues related to new products and services • Quota of target customers • Cross-selling • Profitability per customer and by production line •% Revenues from new product applications • Profitability per Customer • Profitability by production lines •% of unprofitable clientele


  • Productivity indicators • Revenues per employee • Production per employee • Benchmarking of competitor costs •% Cost reduction • Indirect costs • Unit cost per physical unit produced • Unit cost per transaction, etc. • Asset use indicators • Capital indicators working capital (cash cycle) • ROI - ROA and ROE • Asset use rate •% Investment over Sales • R&D over Sales • Payback (Returns) • Throughput (Yield and use)


What has made us successful in the past and what will make us successful in the


  • How do we want to be recognized by those who provide us with financial resources? What returns do we want to provide to the capital contributed? What security will we provide in the use of these resources? What will be the level of growth that we will offer? What will be our main indicators financial?


  • How do we want to manage the relationship with our collaborators? How will we attend to their needs? What kind of work do we want them to perform? What will control and multi-functionality be like? What will the positions they hold be like? How will we evaluate their performance and how will we maintain their enthusiasm? What will be the leadership style? How will the hierarchical structure work, how will we organize ourselves? What will the work culture be like, what values ​​do we want to promote What skills do we want to highlight?


  • What is the customer profile we want to serve? How do we want to be recognized by it? What markets do we want to serve? What kind of service and products do we want to offer? How will we keep in touch, what will the relationship be?
  • How will we investigate your needs and expectations? What will we give you in exchange for your preference? How will we achieve your loyalty? How will we handle your complaints? What will our service standards be?


  • How will we attend to their needs? How do we want to be recognized by it? What will the community be like for us? In which areas do we want to excel? What will be the way to project ourselves? How will we stimulate our participation How do we want to manage the relationship? with our community? with your community? REGARDING OUR PROCESSES:How to monitor our processes? What will be our way to continually improve them? • What will the type of administration be like with respect to the processes? What techniques and tools will we use? How will we document our processes? How will our staff participate in the processes? How will the capacity of our processes be measured? What will be our main indicators? How will we involve our suppliers? How will we select our suppliers? What will be the relationship with our main suppliers?



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Questions to support the strategic plan