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Pressure and business commitment to be present in the market

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I have no doubt that our leadership is the engine on which the pace of our business is imposed. If our company walks slowly or even stops, it is because you as a leader constantly stop along the way. The good rhythm of the organization is comparable to the rhythm that its leaders print to their work every day.


It is the leaders of each organization who determine the dynamism of the company, if it advances or stops it is because the level of thought within the business is acting in the same way.

We are living the early days of a new six-year term in our country and with this we are experiencing the first results of the measures or policies that are being adopted to try to give our productive activity a better course. In the midst of a world convulsed by economic and social crises, we are trying to get ahead of our plans as a country and particularly in our companies.

The results in this first semester have not been the best. We are beginning to feel the onslaught of a market that advances very slowly, companies are experiencing a decline in the recovery of their past due portfolio, industrial activity is making itself feel very slow and sometimes even stopped, foreign direct investment has also fallen as product of the distrust of the investors, the insecurity continues, etc, etc.

The outlook then for many companies is not the best to carry out their activity at the desired pace, and there is a reason. We have set aside vital aspects in our business such as investing in:

  1. Our people: The business training programs have made technical training a priority, forgetting about the human part, and as a result, the individual commitment of people to our business purpose and plan has not been fostered. very little investment in this area within companies and employees are rarely empowered to use all their capabilities, and in this sense they can contribute in a better way to the company and its customers. We have become used to continuing to give clients more of the same and this is still the least respected person in the business world. Leadership: Few companies are truly strengthening this line of business. Most of them believe that with technological changes they can exceed and reach their plans.Hence the need to print a new rhythm. The one you decide as the leader of your organization.

When you push, the team stops because of the low motivation it receives. The message she sends to them is that she has turned her back on them ”.

The most profitable way out of the crisis in organizations is for me to align the processes with a single focus: Produce Internal Excellence for the Client.

Because if you intend to achieve high levels of productivity in your internal processes simply by pushing others to fulfill their obligation at work with the law in hand and without producing levels of excellence in dealing with those who are part of your work team, simply will not succeed. This is where the change should take place, in your Management and Leadership Level with others. You are to pave the way for others, not to obstruct it and if you think seriously about it, you will realize that you have already spent a lot of time building policies and procedures oriented to Control instead of giving your collaborators the great opportunity to show your potential.

So today, recruiting the best is not enough, having talent on your side will not be your best weapon, because while it is important to have an apparently talented cadre or structure, it will be much more important to get them to put all their intentions. and talents at the service of your company's vision.

It takes character to accept that what's done is done, but that Clients expect much more from you. An example of this: While Steve Jobs was still alive, Apple reached levels of development practically unthinkable for any organization. The innovation orientation in this company had been the best competitive strength so far and no one seriously beat them.

To this day, in the absence of our celebrated innovator, Apple seems to be falling apart along with their entire team, the reason: They have been charged with investing much less in innovation to manage the success of the past.

These are not times to stop what differentiates you from your competitors, they are times to move faster than them, giving the Customer what no one dares to give in terms of Service, Product, Price etc.

Knowing this, it is essential to be clear about the only sustainable competitive advantage for your organization is its people! and it has to empower them to take charge of making unique and unrepeatable projects in the market and with their Clients. This is where you should put the focus of your investments, because it will be your collaborators, if they are committed to your you and to the vision of your business, who can make a big difference in the market. So my advice is as follows: Dedicate yourself to how important it is to do what is best and what is different for your Clients. Use the talents of your people on big projects, cut red tape, get rid of tons of rules,Stop pushing mindlessly and look at the performance indicators that have to do with the outcome of your practices in the market. Customer satisfaction is not only the first, it is the only thing!

Satisfied Clients will be present through their sales reports, liquidity, profitability, etc. They will be generous in view of your financial statements and sales reports as long as it is not only you who thinks about them, but the entire structure of the organization that you represent through a total commitment to them.

If you are the type of leader who is only happy when things are going well and turns your back on your employees when you don't have the results on your side, understand that you lost your leadership!

"As long as you do not trust your collaborators, as long as you do not allow them to fail, you will not reach a significant level of performance and consequently there will be fewer results than expected."

It is time to show good judgment.

Pressure vs Commitment

It often happens to many leaders, that when the pressure comes upon them, they pointlessly turn to pressure their team, even demanding bad practices in order to carry out the objectives that they have previously committed to with the company or with their direct bosses. However, this type of practice, in addition to being inoperative, irreversibly generates the following:

  1. You block the minds of your collaborators: Such pressure is exerted that it seems that the ideas of the collaborators are fading and instead of unleashing the creative potential of the people generates a great dissatisfaction in the team Destroy the commitment: If you are one of the lobbyists, without rhyme or reason, and without first giving guidance, wisdom and support, will not win the hearts of your team. In crises, the only thing you have to get away with is to make do with the strengths of your team, so focus more on looking for options and good initiatives with them than on hitting to seemingly "correct" what is wrong. It is time to show your people how good a leader you are, not how much power you have It misaligns the organization: If your pressure style creates a bad work environment,What you will achieve is not to correctly align your processes with the purpose and vision of the company, but on the contrary, you will achieve a complete mismatch between the strategic part and the operational part. In truth, in the middle of a crisis, take away the potential of your people, do not withdraw them from you, because the only thing you have to get ahead. They need to see in you the leader who guides them through complexity, not the one who throws them to the slaughter first, in response to their inability to lead.Loses their leadership and the trust of their collaborators: He is not a good leader who in moments of crisis, he kicks and hits his people. If you lose trust in them, know that it is well reciprocated, because you have already lost yours in front of your team. Good leaders appeal to competencies, are dedicated to seeking initiatives, redirect, retrain,to reinvent themselves, to support and empower their people. This is how they come out ahead in the midst of complexity. If you no longer want to do this for your people, then Retreat, it is time to stop Nuisance.

If your business does not walk or does not take steps at the pace you want, it is because you as a leader have stopped or are walking too slow.

"It is better to make a commitment strategy in the midst of crises, than to exert pressure to seek to repair what has been done wrong along the way" Forget about preserving your image, better give yourself completely to your people!

Pressure and business commitment to be present in the market