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Main authors of administration in mexico from a teleological approach

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In the history of the Evolution of the administration in Mexico we see that few characters have stood out in this matter, however, if it is analyzed from a teleological approach starting from this as the beginning and the end in its essence we find a fervent need to find better organizational solutions regardless of whether the field is public or private since societies immersed in their crises are constantly changing as well as their requirements as they seek to adapt to the current social, cultural, economic, environmental and political context; and although utopian but not impossible through the study of those Mexican pioneers who searched among the ambiguity and established theories in order to successfully achieve the proposed goals and start from the end towards a new context.

As Barry Bozeman points out today, in many Latin American countries the problems of administration and public management not only have to do with a better performance of governments, but also with the governance of nations. In the American context there is greater proximity between symbolic representations and solutions. In a country like ours, will it be necessary to be more flexible and horizontal to adequately respond to its challenges? Will we need new Mexican pioneers in administration who know the contextual reality to find new solutions?

Although in various countries there are administrative authors who have contributed in this matter such as Frederick Taylor (United States), Fran and Lilian Gilbreth (United States), Henry L. Gantt (United States), Harrington Emerson (United States).

In our Mexico from the decade of the 70's, the following authors began with administrative principles:

  • Agustín Reyes Ponce Isaac Guzmán Valdivia José A. Fernández A. Miguel F. Dunhalt Krauss Francisco Lara Casillas

Julio Agustín Reyes Ponce:

Born in Puebla de los Angeles on April 12, 1916 and died in Mexico City on October 22, 1988.

He was co-founder and former director of the courses in business administration and industrial relations at the Ibero-American University (UIA) and founder and first director of the UAP school of business administration, business consultant and member of the international academy of administration.

This author was very committed to education and teaching as he trained several financial managers, businessmen and educators who currently lead the country.

His main contribution “ is a systematic set of rules to achieve maximum efficiency in the ways of structuring and managing a social organism. That is, it seeks results with maximum efficiency in the coordination of things and people that make up a company ”.

Since it started from this to be able to reach an administrative process which I propose in the following way:

1. Forecast: Participation of ideas in four to the events that will take place in the organization. Within this, they set objectives, investigate factors and coordinate the different means of action. This stage includes three basic principles:

  • Predictability: a situation of certainty or uncertainty. Objectivity: the forecasts must be supported by subjective opinions. Measurement: the forecasts can be measurable.

2. Organization: its objective is the technical structuring of the relationships between functions, levels and activities of the material and human elements of an organism.

3. Integration: consists of coordinating the material and human elements necessary in the organization for its proper functioning.

4. Direction: in this stage everything planned is carried out, through the authority, communication and supervision of the administrator. One of the important elements of management is: delegation, authority, communication, supervision and decision making.

5. Control: it is the last stage of the administrative process. Here current results are measured relative to expected ones, in order to correct, improve and formulate new plans.

Isaac Guzmán Valdivia

He was born in Marfil Guanajuato, on October 22, 1905, he died on October 22, 1988.

The works in which this author stands out is "The science of administration and reflections on Administration." In the first, he defines administration as "the science of social management" that cannot be absolute, since it must consider the moral nature of man and his social life. And in the second, he analyzes the context of the foreign experience of administrative practice and its influence on the Mexican reality. Based on North American techniques which led to focus on the human factor.

This author considers that the administrative process contains the following stages: planning, organization, integration, direction and control, just as he relates it to practical science since intelligence is known in it, not with the speculative purpose of knowing, but with the commitment to channel or direct the actions of man.

José Antonio Fernández Arena

He was born in Mexico City on May 24, 1936 and died on January 8, 1998.

He has a degree in accounting and administration and in administration from the UNAM, he has done higher studies in his specialty at the universities of Northwestern and Stanford.

José Antonio defines administration as a social science that pursues the satisfaction of institutional objectives through a structure and through a coordinated human effort. Since a company must achieve service, social and economic objectives which relate to aspects such as: human, material and technical, for the growth of an organization.

The administrative process model that he proposed is composed of three stages:

  • Planning: research, sketches, innovation Implementation: decision, motivation, communication Control: review of results, determination of differences, analysis of differences, correction.

At the end of it all, Fernández Arena proposed that for the administrative process to be fulfilled, the planning of the work should be simpler to be able to implement and thus master the objectives of each organization.

Miguel F. Duhalt Krauss

He was born in Córdoba Veracruz and published his first book in 1941.

This author had greater influence in the public sector which focused on public sector procedures manuals in order to implement them in the private sector.

The essential idea of ​​Duhalt when carrying out the procedure manual approach is to instruct the employees about the phases of company operation. Which in order to reach the objective I carry out studies of administrative graphics such as:

  • process chart schematic diagram of work flow chart procedure flow chart process flow charts

Francisco Laris casillas

For him, the administration has some science and some art. It is science because it follows scientific reasoning, with principles defined as authority and responsibility, coordination, centralization and decentralization, standardization, division of labor, and specialization. And art because the director applies his experiences, intuitions and skills to lead the human factor and to dispose of materials in a productive way to achieve common goals.

Laris does not use the basic principles of the administrative process: planning, organization, integration, direction and control; and uses the universal principles of administration such as:

  • Authority Responsibility Division of labor Specialization Standardization Centralization and decentralization Coordination

These interesting principles I apply since Mexico should have a better development, needs and requirements of large industries and companies, but without taking into account the social aspects that an organization has.

These five authors relate the principles in order to meet the objectives of an organization.

In the following table I compare each of the principles that each author used:

And if we realize, the only one for whom I chose to use processes and diagrams was Miguel F. Duhalt Krauss. But the first three authors repeat at least one concept the same and the last author uses different concepts. But at the end of it all it was to have greater productivity, efficiency and effectiveness reaching the objectives of the company.

Published books

1. Agustín Reyes Ponce:

Business Administration

Personnel administration

Job Analysis

Management by Objectives

What does the administrator do?

2. Isaac Guzmán Valdivia:

The science of management

Reflections on administration

3. José Antonio Fernández Arena:

The administrative process

Administrative audit

The 99 principles of management

6 management styles

Administration elements

4. Francisco Lares Casillas:

The future of tomorrow in Mexico

Strategies for business planning and control

Comprehensive administration

Comprehensive marketing

5. Miguel Duhalt Krauss:

Procedures manual in public offices


At present, the transformations in which we are immersed are manifested in all orders of human life, be it cultural, economic, political, environmental, social, international, etc., which, according to García-Pelayo, “are deeper than great political divisions of the planet ”and lead us to constant mutations and adoption of new paradigms.

In our country there are 5 the most representative Mexican Authors who stood out for their attributions in administration, each one of them reflected in their reality successful procedures and marked a starting point for the new generations that seek new successful theories of application that is why I consider that it is time when another Mexican delights us with new contributions where the entire previous process could be retaken but based on our reality and our current context, combining technological processes, current laws as well as the mixture of principles and administrative manuals.

In addition, it is necessary to analyze various strategies of international systems and the adaptation to their cultures and their education, it is likely that with a correct adaptation to our needs it is possible to achieve the efficiency and effectiveness that is sought in organizations, whether they are in the public sphere or private.


  1. Public management its current situation. Barry Bozeman. Mexico Economic Culture Fund Reprint 2000. Evolution and Perspective of the Administrative Jurisdiction Bodies in the Mexican legal system. José Luis Vázquez Alfaro. Ed. Autonomous University of Mexico pp. Printing 1991. Theory of Organization for Public Administration. Michel M. Harmon and Richard T. Mayer. Ed. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México 1st Reprint 2001. New Administrative Law 2nd Edition Sergio Valls Hernández and Carlos Matute González, Foreword by Mariano Azuela Guitaron Ed. Porrúa México 2004. Modern Administration, Agustín Reyes Ponce. Mexico Ed. Limusa year 2003. History of Administrative Thought, George Claude S., Ed Pearson Education, Mexico year 2005. Procedures manuals in public offices, Miguel Duhalt Krauss Ed,Fondo Editorial FCA First Reprint in 1990. Thomism in XX Century Mexico, Mauricio Beuchot, Ed. Paideia México in 2004.


  1. Public management its current situation. Barry Bozeman. Ed. Mexico Economic Culture Fund Reprint year 2000, Pp 33. Modern Administration, Agustín Reyes Ponce. Medico Ed. Limusa year 2003 pp 523. Evolution and Perspective of the Bodies of Administrative Jurisdiction in the Mexican legal system. José Luis Vázquez Alfaro. Ed. Autonomous University of Mexico pp. Printing 1991. Pp 15.
Main authors of administration in mexico from a teleological approach