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Main risks when hiring outsourcing services. test

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Today there are many companies that work with outsourcing since it has been proven that companies have reduced up to 90% of their expenses by having this external service. Another benefit that companies can find with outsourcing is to focus on business matters more broadly.

The contract of the outsourcing system is long-term and what it seeks is to solve functional or financial problems. The companies that hire this service achieve (apart from the aforementioned) a greater functionality than they previously had. However, by having these services, companies can be seen at risk (which will be detailed later) as an example of them would be not negotiating the appropriate contract or that the company could be in the middle of the road if the contractor fails.

To understand outsourcing more, I will mention some definitions as such.

According to J. Brian Heywood outsourcing is “the transfer of an internal business function or functions, plus any associated assets, to an external provider or service provider that offers a defined service during a specific period of time at an agreed price, although probably limited ”.

Well, just as outsourcing improves the work of companies either economically or functionally and has a great advantage in them, there may also be some risks.

According to José Ramón Fórneas Carro, the risks when hiring an outsourcing service are more common due to the fear that companies have of what may happen, the most common risks are numbered below:

1. Not achieving the objectives set:

  • Higher costs than expected Quality lower than agreed Dissatisfaction of internal company staff

2. Risk of loss of control of the service and loss of internal knowledge

3. Vendor dependency

4. Conflicts with the supplier

5. Internal conflicts

6. Risk of supplier choice

If these risks are for which companies are "afraid" of what may happen when working with an outsourcing system, but if we analyze companies are always in different types of risks either as not receiving payments from the invoices of the clients, or that a very important employee leaves the company or in his case the increase of the services like water or light to mention some.

Outsourcing has its advantages and disadvantages, one of its advantages is that manufacturing costs decline but in this case this may increase as the years go by that would be a disadvantage for companies, another disadvantage of outsourcing would be the lack of innovation since remember that outsourcing is long term.

In short, companies have advantages and disadvantages when having the outsourcing service and it is up to them whether or not they risk working with these services, although in a larger case it turns out to be positive since it facilitates several tasks of the company, reduces some expenses and helps the company to be more focused on its objectives; and the risks that come to exist in these services are not entirely serious.


  • From Peso Navarro Emilio. (2003). Computer Outsourcing Manual Analysis and Contracting 2nd Edition. Spain: Díaz de Santos, SAFórneas Carro José Ramón. (2008). Outsourcing: Get the most out of your suppliers. Spain: Netbiblo, SL Torres Hernández Zacarías. (2014). General Theory of Administration. Mexico: Patria, SA De CV
Main risks when hiring outsourcing services. test