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Communication problems in an Argentine bank branch

Table of contents:


This paper will try to identify certain generic communication variables that could influence the productivity of sales executives in the Salta branch of Banco Hipotecario, as well as those variables that can affect their work motivation and the existing turnover rate in the company. area.


The main objective of this work is to identify if the variable "lack of communication" can influence another variable "resignation of sales executives" or if it can affect in some case some type of dissatisfaction or job demotivation that will necessarily affect productivity and performance of each sales executive in the Salta branch of Banco Hipotecario SA.

In order to develop this problem, I will develop the communicational ideal, that is, what should be implemented in each company, and based on this, mark the mistakes made in our organization, which in my opinion causes the demotivation of the team and its lack of productivity in general.

Also, the negative effects of demotivation will develop, which has a negative impact on work performance and the achievement of objectives, as well as the factors that lead people to lower their work performance.

Communicational Ideal:

  • Communication must flow in all directions and not just the traditional "top to bottom", that is, from management to workers. It is necessary that the messages also arrive in the opposite direction (from bottom to top), as well as horizontally, facilitating their exchange between the various departments, groups and employees.

This ideal situation does not occur in our work team and neither in the branch, since there is communication only from the top - bottom way, in many cases not having feedback in the communications from the bottom up.

  • All members of the company must have sufficient information related to their responsibilities (what they should do and why), their job position (conditions, obligations and rights) and about the organization itself. This will avoid uncertainties, rumors and loss of orientation, typical factors that threaten productivity and this is precisely what happens in our Branch. Bad information, untimely communication or "rumors" can be fatal in these cases and an adequate communication strategy is fundamental, as well as the promotion of extra-work activities that commit all members to a more friendly communicational relationship and not so strictly work.

Benefits of an effective communication strategy:

  • Ensures that everyone receives the right messages at the right times Helps to understand the business objectives and company culture, making it easier for all members to “row” in the same direction Creates the necessary opportunities for sharing best practices and knowledge.It improves decision-making.It can contribute significantly to the performance of technological, legal and commercial surveillance, which are three fundamental points in a competitive company.It fosters trust.It increases the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. It makes visible and recognizes the individual and collective achievements of the company, as well as the relevant contributions of the members and working groups.

With all the above, it is also necessary not to fall into excess of information, in this case the extremes are not recommended either. As harmful is the high level of communication as its excess. This contributes to confusion, loss of time, loss of interest in what is communicated, and consequently a reduction in competitiveness.

In general terms, I believe that the paradox is that there is an excess of information directed from top to bottom, through emails, circulars, calls, regional meetings, etc. but it is contrasted with the almost total lack of communication with the branch and even among some team members.

In short, in order to effectively manage internal communication, the appropriate cultural framework must be created, in which everyone contributes something, in which the appropriate tools (technological or not) are used, and the flow of messages is encouraged in all the directions. This will help reduce uncertainty, reinforce the company's goals, making it an agile, effective and therefore more competitive organization.


Looking around us carefully, we see a large number of individuals with different situations and moods due to similar circumstances that occur in their personal and professional lives.

Each person has a very different way of assimilating the different situations (positive and negative) that happen to him in his professional life.

In the current professional landscape, it is normal for people to change jobs to achieve their different goals. In the memory there is already that situation of our ancestors who began and ended their professional career in the same organization.

The most worrying thing for organizations today has to be the demotivation of the staff who have working for them.

There is nothing more frustrating than seeing workers unmotivated by the work they do when that job is also the one they like. This is more common than we think and I believe that I am part of the management of the company.

A worker who likes his job may end up unmotivated due to lack of recognition of his work, due to lack of internal communication, lack of internal organization, due to incompetent superiors, due to workload, due to not having a professional progression according to the work done.

When we have a demotivated worker it is very difficult to redirect the situation because there comes a time when he is totally frustrated and the only way out his organization leaves him is to change jobs. Because for a long time those responsible, if they are competent enough, have been perceiving this lack of interest and have done nothing to change the situation.

Motivated behavior requires a reason to get going. A behavior is motivated when it is clearly directed towards a goal. Motive is something that drives us to act, it is always presented as an impulse, a tendency, a desire, a need.

Those responsible for the management of the branch and the sales force have to worry about the development of all its members and show interest that everyone is happy as much as possible.

It is not fair that we worry more about some departments than others, since we must not forget that all sections of a company are important for different reasons that together produce the good running of the organization.

Usually, the management realizes the importance of some areas of their company when these professionals have decided to leave their job.

Unfortunately, to show interest in the members of a company, it is not enough with good words, but rather you have to produce facts and actions that endorse those good intentions, because otherwise a great contradiction is taking place.

If we want to get sales executives to see our company as a place to continue their professional career, we have to worry about their concerns, development and evolution.

It is very easy for the employer to attribute the rotation to the changing market of the professional sector of his organization. Rotation is avoidable when there is interest on the part of management to end it.

Factors that lead a person to lower their work performance

There are multiple factors that can lead a person to lower their work performance: stress, monotony, a rarefied environment among colleagues, salary, etc. They all have one element in common: they all reduce the level of employee satisfaction. The demotivation in this specific case is not due to economic factors since these motivators are among the best in the market. I believe that stress, lack of time, or rather the lack of organization cause to a great extent such wear and tear, that it affects interpersonal relationships and the productivity of each sales executive in this branch, adding to this the lack of of apparent interest on the part of the direction in which the situation changes.

The realization of objectives not only at the corporate level but also at lower levels, contribute to the establishment of much more realistic goals which, undoubtedly, considerably reduce the possibility of falling into frustration.

At the social level, the management of a company can positively or negatively influence the environment in the relations between its employees. The old saying "divide and rule" has amply demonstrated not only its ineffectiveness, but even its inconvenience. A tense environment in an office is not the best breeding ground for best results.


A priori, I believe that the lack of communication, both managerial and internal in the group, is key so that the executives of the Salta sales force feel unmotivated both within the team as well as within the branch.

With this situation, the sales force executive is unable to feel organizational belonging, which is influenced by his monthly productivity and his ambition to grow in the long term within the organization. This shows a degree of dissatisfaction and demotivation that is reflected in the productivity of the majority of team members.

Although there is no magic formula to conquer the will of people and starting from the base of recognizing the differences between individuals, this does not mean that some predictions about the reasons that predominate in employees cannot be made. The previous development of the some of the motivation theories existing to date aims to provide a series of sensors that allow us to identify and measure the level of motivation in order to identify the need to provide what Skinner defines as reinforcements.

An organized policy in the Bank's human resources area must consider the emotional part of executives as one more asset of the company, therefore initiatives such as the institutionalization of rest times, the promotion of extra-work activities at the collective level and Habitual changes in the appearance of the workplace can contribute significantly to improving results in the medium and long term.

All of the above, without any doubt, must be linked to the COMMITMENT of each member of the team so that negative situations change, to exchange experiences, methods, interests, ideas, in short, everything that enriches anyone and any field, as long as there is true communication.

Bibliography consulted

Idalberto Chiavenato: Human Resources Administration (Chapter II)

Kenneth Blanchard - Paul Hersey: Management and Human Behavior (Chapter II and III)

Stephen Robbins: Organizational Behavior (Chapter V)

Keith Davis - John Newstrom: Human Behavior at Work (Chapter VI)

Santiago Lazzatti: Managment. Functions, styles and development (Chapter III)

Gary Kreps: Communication in Organizations (Chapter VIII)

Waterman and Peters: In Search of Excellence (Chapter III)

McGraw Hill Managment Course (Chapter VII)

Frederick Herzberg: Business Administration Magazine: «Once again, how do you motivate your staff?

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The motivation. By Juan Manuel de la Colina. 12/03/2006. www.neuronilla.com/pags/Noticias/Noticia.asp.

Communication problems in an Argentine bank branch