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Organizational problems as a decision-making challenge

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In organizations and companies, problems arise which depend on their nature, they must be addressed, since they are minor, major, urgent or should not be solved and these solutions entail decision-making regarding what will be done about it, so there is processes, tools, models that help this task that falls on managers, engineers, managers and leaders.

Solving problems is not always easy, since it involves a process that involves not only decisions, but also people to execute them and resources that are needed and must be addressed, it is already a very important factor in companies that carries risks, since it will not always be easy to do, which is why it is necessary to equip oneself with good human capital elements and to know the techniques, tools and models that help to be able to first identify the problems and later to know the problems with certainty in order to be able to put into practice what we know and reach such not to the optimal solution, but to the decision that will lead us to the best alternative solution to the problem.


To be able to enter the subject, it is necessary to be able to define and know what each concept that will be addressed in this subject refers to and these are:

Problem: a specific situation that needs to be solved and the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines it as a problem. (From the lat. Problēma, and this from the gr. Πρόβλημα). 1. m. Question to be clarified. 2. m. Proposal or difficulty of doubtful solution. 3. m. Set of facts or circumstances that make it difficult to achieve an end. 4. m. Disgust, concern. U. m. in pl. My son just gives problems. 5m. Approach to a situation whose unknown answer must be obtained through scientific methods. (Dictionary of the Royal Academy, 2013)

On the other hand, the solution is or what is sought to be achieved by solving some obstacle that appears

Solution. (From the lat. Solutĭo, -ōnis). 1. f. Action and effect of dissolving. 2. f. Action and effect of solving a doubt or difficulty. 3. f. Satisfaction that is given to a doubt, or the reason with which the difficulty of an argument is dissolved or unleashed. 4. f. In the drama and epic poem, denouement of the plot or subject. 5. f. Pay, satisfaction 6. F. Outcome or termination of a process, a business, etc.

To talk about problem solving, it is necessary to observe it as a process in which movements must be carried out in order to reach the solution of a problem.

The ability to solve problems is the efficiency and agility to provide solutions to detected problems, undertaking the necessary corrective actions with common sense, a sense of cost and initiative.

This quality means taking action proactively, in the face of difficulties without wasting time and attending to the solutions established by common sense, thinking about the repercussions that they may have in a longer term.

The steps to follow to solve problems are: define the problem, look for alternative solutions, assess the positive and negative consequences of each alternative, choose the most convenient and implement. (University of Cadiz, 2013) Concept of Decision

The Latin decisĭo, the decision is a determination or resolution that is made about a certain thing. The decision is usually a start or end to a situation; that is, it imposes a change of state. (Definicion.de, 2013)

Decision making concept

It is the one that is the guideline of what will be done, the alternatives and the plan to be able to specify after having determined and identified factors that may affect it in order to choose the best option.

Decision making is the ability to choose a course of action among several alternatives. It involves an analysis that requires an objective and a clear understanding of the alternatives by which that objective can be achieved. In addition to understanding the present situation, one must analyze, evaluate, gather alternatives and consider the variables, compare various courses of action and finally select the action to be taken. The quality of the decisions made makes the difference between success or failure.

Deciding means making things happen rather than simply letting them happen as a result of chance or other external factors. This ability offers people tools to evaluate the different possibilities, taking into account, needs, values, motivations, influences and possible present and future consequences. This competence is related to the ability to take risks but differs in that decisions do not always necessarily imply a risk or probability of failure, but rather two differential and alternative routes of action to solve a problem. Other competences involved are information search, analysis, communication, assertiveness. (University of Cadiz, 2013)

There is also a certain process to be able to solve problems and thus be able to make decisions

Decision-making and problem-solving process

The process to follow for correct decision-making may be subject to various opinions, ideas and criteria, which according to what must be done is that this process can be made as short or external, which consists of the following stages:

Organizational problems

1. Identification and selection of the problem

It is to find the problem and be aware of the decision that must be taken regarding it, since it can be the result of problems that arise every day or as a result of organizational conflicts, it is here where the place where the problem occurs is asked, what It is what happens, and the moment, those involved and the reasons or motives that motivated it.

2. Analysis of the problem

Knowing what the problem is, it is necessary to understand it, to proceed to analyze everything that was around it and, if necessary, decompose it to see its parts, although it goes against systemic thinking. Likewise, when analyzing them, it is important to prioritize and identify the order of action, that is, what is important and what is urgent.

3. Generate alternative solutions

Since it is possible to solve the problem, through various ways, some of them based on uncertainty, so many alternative solutions are given before reaching the right one, for which it is asked to involve those who have to see directly with the problem and use techniques that help to reach the optimal solution.

4. Evaluation of alternatives

Through a study that is made of what are the feasible solutions, where the positive and negative points of the same are highlighted and it is analyzed if they are hand in hand with the organizational objectives.

5. Selection and planning of the solution

When choosing the solution alternatives that according to the previous step will be able to give the best solutions, so the probability of solution, feasibility, necessary resources and risk must be taken into account, and in addition to this the measures and processes that can be seen affected or motivated and the execution time.

6. Execution and Control

By guaranteeing that the planning carried out to solve the problem is according to the assigned times, as well as, "A truly important aspect in decision-making is the degree of communication and the application of the art of listening." (Claudia Vásquez Rojas, 2012)

Decision making

For decisions to be made in companies, there is a necessary team leader, that is, a leader who must be an excellent communicator so that this plays the expected role in decision-making, for which a process will be needed to be able to undertake the challenge of decision making

  • Elaboration of premises Identification of alternatives Evaluation of alternatives, in terms of goals to be achieved Selection of an alternative, that is, make a decision The use of tools for decision-making (Mónica Florencio Carrera, 2011) Use cognitive processes involved in Decision-Making: such as observation, comparison, coding, organization, classification, sample of results, evaluation and feedback

It is part of the nature of man that he has to overcome problems and in organizational environments they are an everyday thing in which the processes that are carried out must be optimized despite the variations and factors, so experience plays an important role and together with the desire for improvement and common sense they can manage to find the problem and therefore the decision and solution that it carries, which is why there are tools that help planning, but it has a special incidence in making decisions. decisions and are teles tools, such as fish chart, flow chart, Gantt and Pareto, data collection, brainstorming, idea tank, interviews and questionnaires to name a few

Communication as part of decision making

The figure of the leader as mentioned before is important for decision-making, and who is the one who marks the path to follow, more in the organizational dynamics there will always be agreements and differences between the Collaborators, for which communication is an art to master that leaders must possess, since it is not only the ideas and concerns, but also feelings attitudes emotions of the collaborators that directly or indirectly affect the organization

Empathy becomes a key premise in leadership, which must become an attitude and helps to understand others. It is putting yourself in the shoes of others in order to understand it and be able to know their needs, understand them, and be able to understand their points of view. It must be understood flexibly so as not to fall into the leader's own will, but rather based on what the organization needs, objectively and fairly. In organizations it is used as effective communication.

The art of listening in communication is key to improving it, since we know how to listen, but not listen and without this it is impossible to achieve empathy with others. For them it is important not to focus on our ideas and take into account what others contribute, listen carefully, not take defensive attitudes, reflect and analyze what others say and be objective knowing how to accept when others are correct..

Decision-making styles

When talking about decision-making, it is noteworthy that leaders will take certain guidelines of agreements to the contexts and scenarios that are presented and with whom they must make decisions that the options of what is finally said should be considered, that is why the Leadership style, being the head of the team, greatly influences the way decisions are made, and each one of them is different, although in practice there may be leaders that mix them.

Organizational problems

Types of decision making

There are different types of decision making that are taken in organizations and companies, taking into account their nature and origin, these are:

Scheduled decisions

Appearing in frequent forms because they are repeated and are part of the routine and the problems that arise daily, for which the path to follow is already traced in case of presenting, so there is no change anything, just follow the steps already delimited that are shortened to the organizational policies, rules and procedures.

Unscheduled decisions

These are the adverse of programmed decisions, since they are those that seek to solve problems that are sporadic or require being too specific, which is why they rely on some models to be able to make correct decisions. Here too, the degree of importance of them must be evaluated, since some must be treated with more dedication than other decisions to be made.

Group decisions

This is because the responsibility for decision-making will not always fall on a single person and will sometimes fall into departmental, multidisciplinary groups of the organization depending on the nature of the situation.

Some advantages of making group decisions:

  • As a group, more forms of solution can be suggested. The groups have greater contribution of knowledge and different experiences. Greater involvement of all members is promoted in the search and application of the solution. The consequences are better assumed in the group The solution strategy it is more complete.

Some Disadvantages of Group Decision Making

  • The group tends to decide on the basis of some familiar situations. Groups always have a leader and generally always follow him. Groups take longer to make decisions and sometimes cannot reach an agreement. (Claudia Vásquez Rojas, 2012)

Decision making under conditions of certainty, uncertainty and risk

It is normal that the decisions of organizations are immersed in environments that have some uncertainty, due to the risks they entail, just as there are situations where there is certainty and it is possible to predict what will happen and make decisions, when there are causes and effects therefore, that is to say, there is certainty.

It is when there are situations of uncertainty that we only have data and it is not known how good or bad they may be and if there may be changes, more in the risks, the information may be incomplete and the time pressure is on one, so for good decision making is that objective probabilities can be estimated.

It should also be taken into account that there are factors that induce decision making such as personal and cultural, beliefs, behavior and ways of thinking.

Tools used in decision making

Data collection

In order to collect and analyze the information that is had according to the nature of the problem, identification and analysis of it, in order to proceed to decision-making and problem solving, it must be taken into account whether the information is quantitative or qualitative, how the information will be obtained, the use, the way to analyze, responsible, each time it will be analyzed and the place of the company where it will be done


Used to contribute ideas where the diverse opinions and concerns of a work team and department colleagues are exposed, this idea provides group reasoning, creativity, bonds of trust and participation. It helps to create strategies and plans, which is why it is taken as a planning tool

Pareto chart

This tool helps to determine the most important problems, delimiting minorities but which are important to attend to in the decision, the frequencies are noted on the vertical axis and the percentages of the incidence of the problems on the horizontal axis.

Organizational problems

Gantt diagram

Used since the beginning of the last century, this tool helps to outline activities and the times of the tasks that are part of a larger one in order to define the beginning and end. Helping planning and control. It is used for the development of projects and activities in companies

Gantt diagram


It is a schematization, by means of geometric figures and arrows that indicate the steps to follow for a process or when a problem occurs


Decision trees

This is a tool that helps to analyze and break down a decision, according to the results and probabilities, and they are the most common way in which the problems and the solution are outlined to reach the solution, managing to evaluate the alternatives and what would happen if we follow them, in addition to the results that are a consequence of the decisions.

Decision trees

Ishikawa's diagram

This diagram, which is part of the Ishikawa quality tools and is also known as cause-effect or fishbone, is aimed at detecting the causes and effects of problems, finding the root of the matter, so it requires analysis to be able to visualize it and make it more understandable since it aggravates the problem with the situations, causes and sub-causes that originated it.

Decision-making and problem-solving models

There are models that help decision-making to be able to solve the various problems that are present in the day-to-day of organizations, some of these models are

Zurilla and Goldfried model

In these models, two dimensions must be considered, which are:

An orientation to the problem, where the beliefs about the domain that individuals have in order to solve the problem are described and aspects based on the theory called self-efficacy, which exposes the belief in self-efficiency to solve problems based on the Expectation of effectiveness and belief in life problems have a resolution, that is, it is based on the expectation of results

Here we must bear in mind that the orientation to the problem that is positive not negative, the positive gives a vision that things can have a solution and sees it as challenges and seeing it from a positive vision, where there is time and effort that will be put You will be able to face the problem, on the other hand, the negative side sees problems as threats with strong doubts, stress and frustration, which is why it is difficult and even impossible to solve-

Similarly, a procedure is given to solve the problem by defining it

  • Development of solutions and alternatives Decision-making and execution Evaluation of results Restart the process (Claudia Vásquez Rojas, 2012)

Rational model of the Taylee

Another model is the Taylee that proposes seven steps in this regard, including

  • Define and diagnose the problem Know the goals Look for alternatives and solutions Compare and evaluate alternatives and silver solutions Select the way forward Put the solution in motion And monitor and control the solution

Computer simulation models

These models are used by psychological ones, but they were led by the influence of administrative engineering, and are merely focused on people, organizations and the decisions and problems they must solve.

Thought aloud protocol analysis

To know the space of the problem, those involved are asked to tell what they think about the development and solving the problem to go on to an analysis of what has been said to know the nature, processes and strategies of the subject that was analyzed,

Solution Strategies

It is because when solving problems it is not only necessary to find them in different techniques, there are so-called strategies to the north that have to do with the control processes in the execution of the techniques that are being used and that also need knowledge and awareness and reflection on the problems and their way of solving them, so they use the skills, plans and efficiency of each technique in the different problems and how the knowledge fits into them

Solution Strategies


Problems will appear day by day in companies, organizations and in our lives, but a solution must be found to them, so it is good to analyze and use the tools that will best help us to be able to do it in the best way avoiding bad decisions. that not only affect us but an entire organization and this can be reflected in monetary losses, delays, time and effectiveness. That is why the solution of problems should not only be thought in the short term but in the long term, analyzing all its parts well, identifying the foci that are areas of opportunity and thus evaluating and taking actions where not all the responsibility falls on just one but that it is shared and puts those involved to work based on communication under good leadership.


  • Claudia Vasquez Rojas. (2012). Obtained from http://www.gestiopolis.com/solucion-problemas-toma-decisiones.htmDefinicion.de. (2013). Obtained from http://definicion.de/decisionDictionary of the Royal Academy. (2013). Monica Florencio Carrera. (2011). Obtained from
Organizational problems as a decision-making challenge