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Procedure for introducing process management

Table of contents:


Premises to introduce Management by Processes:

  1. Senior management commitment and willingness to change to apply and follow up on Process Management. Company management process based on a Strategic Management model.

Methodological Basis:

Table 2.1 shows the outline of the proposed Procedure to introduce Management by Process. For the elaboration of the same, the procedure for the introduction of the Approach by Process of the authors Rummler & Brache, 1995 was adopted as a methodological basis, since it offers the possibility of treating the processes emphasizing the interrelationships between the departments or functions that intervene and It can be adjusted to any type of entity, be it productive or service.

The proposed methodology consists of four stages. In the first stage, an analysis of the organization is carried out and the organizational performance indicators are designed and measured. In the second stage, a diagnosis of the process selected for the analysis is carried out, where it is characterized, performance indicators of the process are evaluated and the external and internal NISDE of the indicator process proposed in the Center for Studies of Management Techniques is calculated (Alfonso, D. 2007). In the third stage, based on the gaps detected at the level of the Television and Monitors UEB and the selected process, solutions are projected and the process is redesigned in such a way that it contributes to the company's objectives and the fulfillment of its mission.. The fourth stage proposes to elaborate and implement the plan of the solutions projected in the previous stage,measuring the effect of improvements and assessing the impact of process improvements on the entity's performance.

Table 1.1: Outline of the Procedure to introduce Management by Process. (Source: Made by the author)

I. Diagnosis of the entity. 1.1. Select and train work team. Team work

Training - Action

Check list

External relations matrix.

1.2. Indicate elements of the strategic project. (Mission, Vision and Strategic Objectives)
1.3. Diagnose the degree of application of the process approach in the entity.
1.4. Define and evaluate performance indicators of the entity.
1.5. Represent the Process Map of the entity.
II. Process Diagnosis. 2.1. Select and characterize the process to be analyzed. Value chain, Matrices of external and internal relationships, Maps of current process,

Flow chart, Process Sheet, Group work.

2.2. Represent the Process Map (interfunctional) of the process to be analyzed.
2.3. Define and evaluate process performance indicators.
2.4. Determine the level of external and internal integration of the process.
III. Redesign of the Process. 3.1. Disconnections or opportunities for improvements detected. Cause Effect, Problem Tree, Improved Process Map
3.2. Proposals for changes associated with the disconnections or opportunities for improvements detected.
3.3. Develop improved process map.
IV. Implementation of changes and evaluation and control. 4.1. Prepare implementation plan and implement changes. Checklist, Matrices of external and internal relationships, performance indicators.
4.2. Measurement of the effect of improvements.

Evaluate process indicators.

Determine external and internal NISDE of the process.

Evaluate organizational performance indicators.

Determine the degree of application of the process approach.

4.3. Assess the improvements detected.

Criteria for scoring

  • No = 0 Sometimes = 1 Often = 2 Always = 3

After filling out the checklist, the data is tabulated and the results are analyzed.

Table 1.3 is proposed to tabulate the data.

Table 1.3: Compilation of data from the checklist.


E1… In

A1… An Application results

To determine the level of focus by process, you must add up all the points awarded by the experts and then calculate the actual score as a percentage of the maximum score. Where the maximum score is 36 points, obtained by multiplying the number of questions that make up the checklist by 3.

The use of the statistical package MINITAB version 16.0 is proposed to demonstrate the agreement between the experts, based on the Kendall coefficient.

Task 1.4: Define and evaluate the entity's performance indicators.

Later, in the last stage, they will be measured again in order to assess the impact of the measures that have been applied, which will serve as feedback to the Procedure. It does not mean that these are strictly the indicators to be measured, the work team will take into account those indicators of effectiveness and efficiency that the organization controls.

Table 1.4: Proposal of performance indicators of organizational performance to evaluate


Efficiency and effectiveness

Cost by weight.
Compliance with the Production Plan.
% Processes and sub-processes documented in the Production Process.

Task 1.5: Represent the entity's Process Map.

Objective: To graphically show the relationship between the company's processes.

At this stage, the General Process Map is drawn up as an effective method to visualize the processes at all levels; ordered by their hierarchies and relationships.

In the event that the entity has it prepared, it must be reviewed and verified that there is a total coincidence in the way in which the activities are being executed. If not, the work team in charge of applying the procedure must modify it according to reality.

For the development of this tool it is necessary to classify the processes in:

Strategic: Processes aimed at defining and controlling the goals of the company, its policies and strategies. These processes are managed directly by senior management as a whole.

Operational: Processes intended to carry out the actions that allow the development of policies and strategies defined for the company to provide service to customers. These processes are carried out by the functional directors, who must have the cooperation of the other directors and their human teams.

Supportive: Processes not directly linked to policy development actions, but whose performance directly influences the level of operational processes.

Once the list of processes has been established by the project team, it must be presented to the board of directors for review and approval.

Stage II: Process Diagnosis.

Objective: Characterize the application object, define output parameters, evaluate process performance indicators, map the process as it is developing, identify reserves and limiting elements of the process related to external and internal relationships and problems in general that threaten its Integration.

Task 2.1: Select and characterize the process to be analyzed.

  1. Collect indicators used in the process Record indicators proposed by specialists Record indicators proposed in the literature, based on the study of international and national references Reduce the list of indicators Select main indicators that are aligned with the objectives of the process.

Task 2.4: Determine the Level of External and Internal Integration of the Process.


  1. Assessment of relationships between processes and external entities.

Valuation of relationships between processes vs. External Entities

Rij = Iij * Dij

Rij: Importance and performance index of the relationship of process i with external entity j.

Iij: Importance of the relationship between process i and external entity j.

Dij: Performance of the relationship of process i with external entity j.

  1. Calculation of the external NISDE.

Calculation of the external NISDE = 1-RC / RI Where:

RC: Critical Relationships

RI: Important Relationships

  1. Construction of internal relations matrix.
P1 P2 Q3 Pz
  1. Assessment of relationships between internal processes Calculation of internal NISDE.

Internal NISDE = 1-RC / RI Where:

To evaluate the performance of the relationships, it is proposed to conduct interviews with trained personnel.

Stage III Process Redesign.

Task 3.1: Disconnections or opportunities for improvement detected.

Table 1.6: Collection of disconnections or improvement opportunities.

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It is proposed to develop an Ishikawa diagram, or Cause-Effect Diagram, to graphically show the causes that give rise to the problems raised.

This task will in a way summarize the previous phases and will be able to reveal where there are gaps in the current process that are having a negative impact on user satisfaction.

Task 3.2: Proposal of changes associated with the disconnections detected.

Task 4.2: Measurement of the effect of improvements (Monitoring and Control)

Objective: Evaluate the impact of the improvements proposed in the previous phase

The process performance indicators defined in task 2.3 will be evaluated again.

Objective: Compare the results obtained in this stage with those obtained in stage I and evaluate the improvements.

A comparison of the values ​​obtained in each of the measured indicators will be established, both for the Integration Level, user satisfaction and the level of focus per process after the improvements proposed to the process.


  1. The main contribution of the designed procedure is to provide the company with a tool that allows determining disconnections or opportunities for improvement that integrates the analysis of the behavior of the entity's performance indicators and the process to be studied, as well as internal and external relationships., which allows an integrative analysis to be carried out, generating actions that contribute to better management of the process and the company in general The procedure to introduce Management by Process, as well as the specific procedures developed for the diagnosis of the process to be analyzed, the improvement process, the graphical representation of processes,As well as the determination of disconnections or opportunities for improvement with their possible solutions, it constitutes a useful methodological instrument for the improvement of organizational performance, through the integration of tools for the analysis, management, improvement and control of processes.
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Procedure for introducing process management