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Human relations and public relations

Table of contents:


1. Introduction

First of all, to begin to deal with the subject of Public Relations we have to talk about the relationships between people.

Human Relations are those interested in creating and maintaining cordial relationships between individuals, friendly bonds, based on certain rules accepted by all and, fundamentally, on the recognition and respect of the human personality.

Public Relations, on the other hand, seek to insert organizations within the community, making themselves understood, both by their internal and external audiences, of their objectives and procedures in order to create profitable links for both parties through the agreement of their respective interests.

Human Relations and Public Relations:

Human Relationships are links between human beings or people.

In Public Relations relationships are established between people (individual) or an organization (group).

It means that in Public Relations one of the extremes of the relationship is always a group. While in the case of Human Relations, at both ends of the relationship there is an individual person.

To get to Public Relations it is necessary first to go through Human Relations, in fact it is very difficult to project a favorable image of the organization if it does not form a homogeneous group, in which a feeling of sympathy, collaboration and understanding prevails among its members. Any well-planned public relations campaign should begin with intense Human Relations activity.

So, Public Relations, are links with the public. As Human Relations, they are links between human beings or people.

Concept of Public Relations:

Its name is composed of two words: Relations and Public; that mean links with the public.

Public Relations dates from the early days of humanity's existence, since in any time and place, there was already public relations to a greater or lesser degree. The primitive technique of this was developed in the field of political science.

The Greeks and other peoples were well acquainted with the techniques of propaganda and information, as well as the need for sampling. They constitute a new field that has gradually become an organized body of knowledge, recognized in a prosperous mercantile life. Public Relations affect social interests and therefore need to rely heavily on the social sciences.

"They frame the study of human relationships, which do not depend on mechanical procedures should be constant and not sporadic."

The definition given by the International Public Relations Association that defines: «Public Relations is a directive function of a continuous and organized nature, through which public and private organizations and institutions try to gain and maintain understanding, sympathy and support of those audiences with which they are or should be linked through the evaluation of public opinion about their own work, in order to agree as much as possible with their own guidelines and procedures and obtain through extensive and disseminated information, a productive cooperation and a more effective realization of common interests ”.

They are a conscious effort to stimulate or influence people, mainly through communication, to make an organization judge favorably.

Other concepts:

Public Relations is a directive, continuous and organized function, through which public and private organizations and institutions try to conquer and maintain the understanding, sympathy and support of those publics with whom they are or should be, linked, through the evaluation of public opinion about their own work, in order to agree as much as possible on their own guidelines and procedures and obtain, through broad and disseminated information, productive cooperation and a more effective implementation of the common interests.

2. The public and the public

In this discipline, the public is understood to be any social group with a specific interest and, sometimes, also, with a specific cultural level.

Traditionally the audiences of an organization are usually classified into two groups: Internal Publics and External Publics.

Internal Public, to the related social groups that make up the organization chart of the company or institution. Thus, for example: the shareholders; the managers; the functionaries; the employees; etc.

External Publics, for their part, are all those social groups that have a certain interest that links their members to each other and that are not part of the organization chart of the organization in question.

The External Publics of an organization are very numerous, but it should not be forgotten that some of them are of more interest than others to the company or institution in question. Only a few of that great social spectrum will be the clients or they will help us to spread the image that we intend to project of the organization in question.

Objectives of Public Relations:

Taking into account the above classification of audiences, the objectives of public relations are divided into:

Objectives with internal audiences.

Objectives with external audiences.

Objectives with internal audiences: What is fundamentally prioritized, with reference to internal audiences, is the formation or constitution of the so-called "company group", that is, that all the members of the organization, from the highest manager or executive to lower-level employees, constitute a group, in the true sense of the word "group" to a set of people who have a common goal and interact with each other. But, it is necessary to emphasize that only through communication can the common goal be established, as well as interaction. For this to be possible, a communication system must be established between them, which is the essential basic means for the formation of the so-called company group in an organization.

Undoubtedly, this is not the only objective of public relations with reference to internal publics, since there are others such as; sense of belonging to the organization, raising the degree of satisfaction of human resources, creating a sales culture in all scales and dependencies, etc., but all other objectives will come as a consequence of achieving the formation of the company group within of the organization.

For the purposes of creating the "company group", each of the entity's areas or departments must gather its members periodically, under the direction of the corresponding head, who must organize, promote and direct the performance of three types of communication:

In the first place, the superior will speak giving the indications, orders, communication of new goals, corrections, etc. (communication from top to bottom).

The second stage of the meeting is where the boss will stimulate his subordinates to make suggestions on the best way to carry out the work in charge of the area or section.

The third stage consists of those present coordinating their work and activities in order to avoid that, due to lack of adequate communication, misunderstandings and frictions occur between the various sectors of the organization.

Benefits provided by the company group:

Countless are the benefits produced by the implementation of a system aimed at the formation of the company group for any organization:

It raises the performance or productivity of the worker, since he feels a participant and involved in the decisions made, since he has participated in the elaboration of them.

There is a significant decrease in costs, due to the efficiency with which human resources fulfill their respective tasks.

Permanent training of personnel is achieved, both for bosses and subordinates. In periodic meetings, through the teachings and indications that superiors make to their subordinates.

Creativity is stimulated.

A spirit of belonging is created.

Objectives with external audiences: There are basically two objectives to be pursued by public relations with reference to external audiences:

Projecting a positive image in these audiences by making them feel sympathy towards our company or institution and offer us their support and understanding.

Achieve, through a permanent dialogue, the concordance of interests between the organization and its various audiences for the benefit of both parties.

3. Internal Public Relations

Groups in the company

In every company, within its internal public, affinity groups exist and are formed, which should be taken into account in the public relations program that is developed. These groups are formed for various reasons, such as sex, marital status, origin of birth, the political party to which the workers belong, etc.

The question that immediately arises is whether the public relations professional should recommend to the organization's management to establish a policy that inhibits the formation and expression of such groups for the sake of unity and integration of all personnel, which could be beneficial for the productivity of the company or, on the contrary, that the business management allows the free expression of these groups.

The answer to the question raised is, obviously, in relation to the principle that the company should be a means for the self-realization of each and every one of its members and that of allowing the free formation and action of the groups that naturally arise within the entity.

It is well known that the performance of the personnel is closely linked to the intimate feeling that they have that the company in which they work allows them to make their aspirations and projects come true.

Formal and informal communications within the company:

Formal Communications are those originated in the management and that reach the personnel following the channels established in the organization chart.

Informal communications are those that circulate among the members of the company without knowing their origin precisely and without following the channels established for that purpose.

This type of communication is commonly known as rumor. It runs from person to person, no one takes responsibility for its veracity, but it is received as unfinished truth. It is negative for the organization because it creates an environment of tension, expectation and unease among human resources.

The best way to reduce the existence of communications of this nature as much as possible is by proportionally increasing formal communication.

In all organizations, whether public or private, there are two other kinds of communications, which we can call: scheduled and unscheduled.

Programmed communication the first refers to the one that is elaborated, planned and intentionally issued by the organization, such as, for example, press releases, advertising, etc., by means of which the company disseminates what it wants to the public. and you want to broadcast.

Unscheduled is the one that arises or emanates from the workers of the company and their families. Each member of the institution's work group expresses their opinion about the company, first of all, to their family members, but also to the group of their friends.

Thus, in a process of circularity, the opinion of the worker with reference to the company in which he provides his services is disseminated in the social environment.

This diffusion of the company's image through its own workers, obviously, was not and cannot be programmed or planned, but, nevertheless, it is of great importance due to the high degree of credibility it awakens in the environment.

Public relations and economic and social development:

Public relations are one of the most powerful levers to promote the economic and social development of a community, because they make it possible to:

That companies and institutions be considered as a means for the self-development of all its members.

That, since there are communication channels in dialogue between all the levels of the organization, and by stimulating the creative contribution of subordinates, the dual purpose of, firstly, raising the staff satisfaction index and, therefore, of their performance and, secondly, the creativity of the human resources that contribute their ideas for the greater productivity of the company is highly stimulated.

As a consequence of the stated policy, a considerable reduction in costs is achieved, either due to the higher productivity of the workers, as well as the disappearance of friction, fights, strikes and work stoppages.

That, also with regard to external audiences, public relations, by establishing dialogue channels of communication between the organization and them, make it possible for the production of goods and services to better satisfy the needs and aspirations of individuals. In addition, they have the possibility to express their rights and demands.

Public Relations is an essential activity, through which companies, associations and government agencies communicate with various audiences to:

Transmit a true and accurate image of the Company.

Establish a mutual understanding

Make known its value as a source of work, its contribution to the National Economy and its prestige in the international order

Your contribution to the community.

The company:

Public relations constitute an advisory function that will be in charge of setting the general policy of the company and, therefore, its location is next to the presidency or general management.

The company must therefore be considered as an economic entity to produce goods and services, using all available resources, in which its members, that is, its human resources, whatever their level or hierarchy within it, obtain their broader and more total underdevelopment and development.

The Modern Company must feel the demands of Public Opinion, understand its problems, must not deviate from these and collaborate to solve them, but must also find a way to be interpreted by the different categories of public in order to avoid prejudice being created, erroneous opinions and antagonisms. The Company that acts within society cannot isolate itself because it must create in order to live an infinity of deals that are defined as a social responsibility implicit in the demands of living together.

Public Relations, we said, are links with the public. This discipline seeks to insert the company within the community, making itself understood, both by its external and internal audiences, of its objectives and procedures in order to create profitable links for both parties through the agreement of their respective interests.

Economic and human purpose of public relations:

Supporters of the economic purpose, think that the basic function of public relations is to explain to the public the economic activities of the company, thus seeking to gain the sympathy and understanding of the latter towards the activities of the same.

The humanist current of public relations considers that these have as their purpose, the projection of a good image of the company in order to create positive attitudes in its favor in the public, the establishment of a dialogue with each of its publics with the motive of establishing a coordination of interests for the benefit of both parties.

Existence of independent public relations of the respective department or consultancy:

Competent managers in commercial companies are achieved by training capable people who are aware of the opportunities and dangers of the economic situation, who take into account that they are vulnerable to some commercial institutions of the moment, politically and socially, business can change overnight. the morning, because corporate life is based on rights guaranteed by official regulations that can be renewed more easily than they were promulgated.

Public relations are based on a set of small details. In the commercial branch, small details are important. If they are solved properly, rarely will big problems arise.

In a democratic society, management relies on the ability to serve efficiently, to develop a systematic program in the interests of the public welfare.

The development of the management of an organization should not be limited to the Managers, it should also undertake the lower echelons until the last employee.

Communication science is the foundation of all public relations activities. To obtain adequate results, public relations specialists must bear in mind the importance of communication, it consists of putting appropriate clothing on words and different forms of communication that can be clearly understood and unambiguous. Bad internal relationships cannot create good external relationships. Good public relations involve an open door policy. What industrial and commercial secrets apart from the formulas and procedures are really secret? Public relations has the mission of ensuring that there are no steel heels or closed door policies.

Actions must always be in accordance with the rules of conduct, otherwise public relations will turn into hypocrisy.

Advertising management only makes sense when the company is large, or when it does not have an external advertising agency. In the latter case, such management must include headquarters that encompasses the main sections owned by the agencies. Example: (Drawing and Art; contacts with the media and distributors; Marking studies and Competition action; Budget and Advertising Accounts).

The Public Relations Director of a company or other organization is almost always a team official who is usually accountable to the highest authority, the president, vice president, or general manager. You are in a position similar to that of legal or financial advisor, or others who offer their expert services to anyone in the company where the most is needed or where the greatest benefit can be obtained. Public relations personnel are accountable to various superiors for whom they directly or indirectly perform their team's jobs, such as assistants, specialists, and clerks.

The head of public relations is a broker who deals with ideas and who deals with informal communication, both

descending as ascending. Unlike other departments, they are in contact with all departments and know something about people. Public relations work circulates throughout the organization and crosses the lines of authority.

It is very important for public relations specialists to understand their place in the organization, even if this is sometimes confusing.

The public relations department is supposed to be primarily a communications expert. The director of public relations can offer suggestions in connection with company policies, but only the personnel manager or her supervisors have decision-making power.

The need for adequacy and understanding is one of the main reasons why public relations should be a high-ranking function at the level of operations departments such as sales or production. Many public relations ideas affect other departments; Many actions by other departments affect the public relations position of an organization. Public relations cannot work well if you ignore what is happening in your own company. It is not only necessary to know the decisions but also to have a voice in making them.

Outside public relations firms are hired for various reasons, one of which is because the organization is too small to employ public relations staff or to provide special knowledge such as financial public relations, press contacts, etc.

External public relations firms are more expensive than internal staff, but they provide special help when needed. As they are external they can be more objective than the internal public relations staff who become a member of the team.

Good public relations ideas can also come from a personal level. Public relations experts must be able to transmit communications both vertically and, up or down, as well as horizontal.

Public relations is sure to continue to expand rapidly in the years to come.

As the importance of the interaction of human groups increases and the means of communication multiply, change is always present, and there is a need for persuasive communication services.

Benefits that public relations bring to organizations:

Many and very important are the contributions that public relations can give to both public and private organizations, whether they are commercial or not. These are some of the ways in which public relations can play a decisive role for the success and growth of an organization.

Cost reduction:

Greater efficiency and effectiveness in production or in the provision of services is directly related to the degree of training and satisfaction of the company's human resources. Through a correct public relations policy, the staff feels integrated into the institution and fully understood by its objectives, creating in them a sense of belonging that greatly increases productivity, quality and production in the provision of the service.

Stimulates creativity:

By considering officials as the most efficient "factory" or "computer" that can be stimulated for the benefit of the company, managers are putting truly inexhaustible and rich potential at the service of achieving the objectives of the organization. It is the job of the public relations professional to create the right internal system to spark creativity, recognize it, and reward it. No manager can know what is happening in a sector or department better than who is doing the work at that point.

Raise the sales rate:

The image is of high importance to ensure its own survival and then its development. A good image is widely considered superior to any advertising or promotional campaign. The relationship is direct: the better the image, the better the sale.

It allows better conditions in obtaining credits:

Of course, the word credit comes from "creedere" which means to trust. There is more trust in a person or company that enjoys an image or reputation that attracts the confidence of the potential creditor. Obtaining better credit conditions is undoubtedly closely linked to the image and prestige of the entity.

It makes the survival and development of the organization possible:

The natural death of organizations occurs when due to the poor service it provides, the clientele moves away from it and the sales index declines to such an extent that it forces the closure of the establishment.

The second case, violent death, occurs when the public power, through a legal provision, arranges and orders the closure of the entity, as would be the case, very common in recent times, of the privatization of public companies

Both forms of death have a common denominator: public opinion turned against the entity. In the case that we call "natural death", the clientele gradually avoid buying the products or services of the company in question, due to the negative concept with respect to what it offers. As for the "violent death" commented, likewise, it was public opinion expressed through its interpreters and representatives, the government, in a democratic country, that issued the legal provision, ordering the closure of the establishment.

Survey of the state of public opinion:

Today the social sciences provide us with everything, a range of methods for the knowledge of the state of public opinion among which we can mention:

  • Observation Sampling Interview Survey

Other methods of collecting information

Information evaluation

Origin of the information


4. International Public Relations

International public relations have a very remote origin, since they began to exist from the moment that kings and emperors began to send emissaries and representatives to foreign lands. But such relationships did not only occur in what we could call "official", but also in private. The Phoenicians and Greeks, just to speak of the Western world, in ancient times, thanks to «factors», whom today we could call «managers of branches and agencies», carried out certain actions of public relations in their «factories», scattered all over the world known then


It is called international public relations of the kind that applies to two or more countries. Difficult chance in this work since not only audiences vary from one country to another, but also communication methods, and social psychology. The philosophical approach can be even diametrically opposed to that of the country itself. A solid formation of international politics, socio-economic cultural anthropology is required so that the elaborated program does not turn out to be counterproductive to the designs that were taken into consideration when it was instituted.

Institutions that use it: Currently there are several organizations and institutions that make use of International Public Relations. Among them, the ones that most frequently use them can be mentioned:

The State, through its corresponding Ministry of Foreign Affairs, one of whose basic objectives is to project the positive image of the country abroad.

International non-profit entities, such as the United Nations, the OAS, that seek to attract the support of the peoples of the various nations that make up their respective training areas.

The Churches that try to propagate their doctrine must also win over the public opinion of the communities in which they carry out their training tasks.

Multinational companies also use International Public Relations.

Public Relations in Argentina:

Economic growth, democratization, the changing media environment, and increased consumerism are

providing enormous opportunities for public relations in Latin America and, especially, in Argentina.

These events have led to our international relations developing efficiently, which implied very important alliances both politically and economically.

Due to this and the boom in the privatization of companies, products and services, this is a time of great opportunities and challenges for all public relations.

These circumstances favor professionals in PR and related disciplines, since in the past decade "Public Relations" only meant in our environment, relations between state companies and the government, "public relations" that had nothing to do with mature ties, or with good communications, not even less with the image of social responsibility that every organization must project in the public with which it connects.

A great stimulus to our trade is the release of barriers, NAFTA and MERCOSUR are just beginning to operate.

Regarding the offer by public relations consultants, our market currently has approximately one hundred (100) agencies in charge of providing said service.

Among the most prestigious are: Ketchum; Burson-Marsteller, Open Group and others.

On the other hand, in terms of internal public relations departments, these are a constant in multinational companies based in Argentina. However, the same does not happen in national companies, because of these, very few are just beginning to be interested in creating an internal department in charge of communications and institutional image.

Regarding the structure, both the external consultants and the internal departments generally have an interdisciplinary team, made up of specialists in public relations, journalism, marketing, advertising and occasionally lawyers.

Among the services that external public relations consultancies provide, we found that press relations and media placements still occupy a large part of clients' agendas. However, strategic planning and communications in crisis situations are gaining importance.

It is important to mention the growth that this profession is having at the university level. At present, between the four private universities that teach the career of public relations, between 300 and 350 young professionals go on the market each year.

Of course, not all students find a ready placement, because although university preparation is essential, when recruiting young relationshipists they take into account other types of skills such as:

Very good knowledge of the English language

Good handling of the entire media map

Good preparation for the use of all IT tools

Ability to adapt to changes

Ambitious personality

Having completed masters or improvement courses at a local or international level, but it is important to note that on this aspect work experience is privileged.

Any other knowledge or skill that represents a competitive advantage over the rest of the applicants for the position.

5. Communication of Public Relations

Public Relations were born as a necessity of relationship life, to communicate with each other.

Communication is fundamental in the existence of the modern community because it gives birth to solidarity, acceptance and consent. This is how Public Relations constitute an activity through which companies, Associations and individuals, in the same way, government agencies seek the understanding and collaboration of the community to which they belong.

Public Relations, are activities of an Industry, Association. Corporation, Profession, Government or other organization, to promote and sustain healthy and productive relationships with people such as consumers, employees or merchants and with the general public, in order to adapt to the environment for the benefit of society.

Bear in mind that the only way human beings relate to each other is through communication and that, therefore, good public relations cannot exist if there are not good communications.

The permanent dialogue

In the communication of Public Relations, even when it is duly drafted, the appropriate channels will be used so that it has the desired effects. In a word, public relations communication must always be dialogue or bilateral.

But, here is that the public to whom the communication is sent can be numerous and even have thousands of members. It is then when the question of how to maintain a dialogue with each of the people who make it up can be asked. The answer to this question is that the dialogue must be established with the opinion leaders of said public.

Opinion leaders: Opinion leaders are those people who influence the way of thinking and acting of the members of their group. Classic examples of opinion leaders are the political leader of a community with reference to its coreligionists, the priest, etc. It is through them that it is possible to dialogue with the public, no matter how numerous its members.

Discriminated or personalized communications:

The PR message must be elaborated taking into account the interest and the cultural level of the public to which it is directed, because otherwise, for many it can be childish and for others extremely high. This tuning of the message with the interest and with the cultural level of the public to which it is directed, is what is called personalized message.

The personal message: it is intended for one person or a very small group of people to whom the message is sent directly.

The personalized message: it can be addressed to a large number of people who constitute an audience, always taking into account the particular interest of that audience and their cultural level.

The true way to know if our communication is well understood is through the response received. Note that it is said through the answer and not with the answer. That is, to know if the communication was correct, it must close the emitter - receiver - emitter circle.

Differences in the communication of public relations with those of advertising and journalism: Both PR, such as advertising and journalism, use communication to achieve their objectives. Public Relations has some characteristics that differentiate it from others:

The communication of Public Relations is dialogued, while those of journalism are unilateral. The Journalist makes the news known or the Advertiser tries to highlight a product or service.

The Public Relations message is personalized, that is, it is specially prepared for a specific audience, taking into account the interest and cultural level of its members. While journalism or advertising messages are indiscriminate, the same for everyone. The same news or announcement is seen or read by everyone without distinction.

Public Relations communication cannot be designed for a specific period. It is indefinite in time, since its intention is to dialogue with the public in order to be appreciated by them and reach an agreement on interests for the benefit of both parties. However, journalistic or advertising communication can be scheduled for a specific period.

Direct marketing:

Marketing system that uses one or more means to achieve a measurable response and / or transaction anywhere.

Better contact with the consumer is sought; through more frequent communication, with the purpose of knowing your preferences and being able to continue selling to you.

This system takes four main forms:

Mail Order - Catalog buying, while not typically saving the buyer money, offers a convenient way to shop and makes accessible items that are absent or difficult to obtain in the buyer's home area. Examples of this modality are catalogs of foreign products, subscriptions to magazines, books, and so on.

Mass media sales: paid response advertisements in newspapers, magazines, radio, television for the sale of miscellaneous items.

Home Sales: These are businesses that either sell "door to door" or arrange "product demonstration meetings" in homes. Examples of them are the companies selling encyclopedias and Bibles and their salaried personnel; Avón trains female personnel to sell its cosmetics and act as beauty consultants among its neighbors; Tupperware has pioneered in-home demonstration meetings with its containers for neighborhood groups.

The social reach of advertising has expanded in recent decades. Braidot points out that advertising has gone from being a phenomenon that exceeds the activity of incentivizing the sale of merchandise. It became one of the mechanisms of regulation and global phenomenon of consumption, and at the same time, in a complicated system of communication, receiver and transmitter of cultural modes, manipulating techniques increasingly specialized and more linked to the economic and political factors of power. ».

Promotion in the Media:

Given the rapid development of technology and the growing variety of computer products and services available in the market, users need to have permanently updated information that allows them to identify the most appropriate tools to meet their needs.

The press as a means to carry out the public relations campaign:

In experience, press releases are one of the cheapest and most effective marketing methods to promote your company or your website. With a much higher cost / effectiveness ratio than other media, press releases allow you to quickly reach privileged audiences, the media, which can multiply the impact of what you are announcing in your press release.

The press is a means of communication that can be used by public relations in compliance with or in the development of the plan, with the purpose of spreading a positive image of the organization. There are two ways in which the press can be used for achievement:


Automation has meant such a vast improvement over current methods of business operations, it is the third phase in the development of technology that began with the industrial revolution of the 18th century. It is a technique based on communication and control.

For analytical purposes, it is better to define automation as any continuous and integrated operation of a production system that uses electronic or other equipment to regulate and coordinate the quantity or quality of production, encompassing both the production and administrative processes of a business.

With automation, factories and offices have become less flexible and requires more investment and higher returns.

The success of companies is knowing how to grow

Achieving sustained long-term growth is the greatest challenge for today's companies, but it is also the key to success.

Neither hare nor turtle: Growing up very fast without creating the necessary infrastructure at the same time will lead to failure. Growing too slowly leaves companies vulnerable to attack from competition.

Take advantage of the Internet: To thus obtain competitive advantages.

As long as the tech boom is significant, many traditional companies can reach critical mass in terms of profit growth.

Change to Grow: Growing and successful companies dedicate time to develop new products, marketing activities, and human resource programs, in order to provide better services and to be able to interact with other companies and the general public.

Public Relations: Commemorative events, organization of events, open days, organization of

congresses and meetings.

6. Ethics, Basis of Public Relations

It is becoming increasingly difficult to get others to care about what we do. Hence, we must be the ones who take care of awakening the attention of our fellow men to our own work. We cannot live in isolation. We depend on our fellow man. Our work, our earnings and our future are directly related to the understanding, cooperation and help that our neighbors give us. It is logical that since there is this mutual interdependence, we should try to be understood and appreciated.

Sympathy opens doors, but it is trust that keeps it open. Trust is based on ethical behavior, this is the basis of public relations.

"Do it well and make it known."

This is the Slogan of Public Relations. So "Get It Right and Make It Known" sums up the basic goal of public relations in a nutshell. In addition to doing whatever it is well, we must make it known. If no one knows how well we do something, we will not have clients and society will not know what we can contribute to their benefit.


The solutions they offer The new sites that abound on the INTERNET, when it comes to providing services, is to take advantage of all the new communication channels, telephone, email, etc.; and integrate them into a single interface, so that the relationship of each company with its customers is streamlined.

"63% of Internet users will not make their purchases through the Internet until relations are more human."

ISOS (Internet / Intranet) Services Operating System is what is in vogue today. Microsoft recognizes the importance of including features that allow businesses to provide Internet-based services (beyond central file and printer services).).

There are five categories of services: core, administration, scalability, business consistency, and Internet-specific services.

Reliability is not on the list, although it might be the most important consideration; however, this is more of a personality trait than a function.

Just as it is necessary to observe people in different circumstances, to have a more precise idea of ​​their personality, these ISOS must be analyzed under various real-world situations. Keep in mind that the best set of applications in the world is useless if the ISOS is not reliable.

The core services consist of file, print, security, validation, and directory services.

Management services offer easy to use management utilities for your boxes.


Public Relations over the Internet can also cause us some unwanted annoyances, but let's be patient, communications improve when distances are long and time is short.

Spam, Spam, and Span are the different terms to describe the action of sending unsolicited advertisements en masse across the Web and into the mailboxes of hundreds of thousands of recipients at the same time.

There is a key factor in being a Span receiver: the longer a user uses the Internet, the more likely they are to experience this practice. Be subscribed to a newsgroup, create a web page, adhere to an on-line directory. They are the means through which spammers feed on directions.

It is not difficult for them to become advertisers: they only need a personal computer, a mailing list and an Internet connection and they are ready to flood the Web with advertising messages.

Any participation through the Internet is a reason to add our email address to your collection. EYE!!!!!.


Shapes and colors are their attributes and with them they shape images that guide us and order our existence. The road signs were its modern origins and they have been scattered around the corners. Computing has managed them on their screens to make a twinkling society of signifiers, but they are also often part of the visual noise that surrounds us.

We find the signs on clothing labels, in boxes and appliance manuals, in airports and in much closer places such as the electronic diary, the cell phone, the telephone and the beloved computer.

Perhaps in this last artifact it was where we experienced its last avalanche generated by the use of graphical interfaces on the screens.

The testing ground for these invading icons was undoubtedly the world's routes with their road signs. These icons were eventually transformed into symbols and their function transcends form.

After centuries of writing, the man returns to flatter with the old pictograms of the hand of the computer science and the destiny of this relation is as unpredictable as uncertain.


Its closed form, not very communicative, a graphologist would say, is on the contrary the paradigmatic sign of communication between people. From its lackluster prominence on the old linotype and teletype keyboards, it jumped into the computing space by chance. Beyond this, his curriculum accumulates several centuries.

Arabic voice that means fourth part. Unit of weight in the old system of weights and measures of Castilla that is equivalent to 11.5 Kg., That is, a quarter of a quintal. Its origin dates back to the 6th or 7th century. It arose as a ligature, that is, a graphical union of two letters, of the Latin word "ad" which means "to", "towards", "near", or "in". In 1884 it was included for the first time on a typewriter keyboard. There he took refuge without much prominence until the beginning of 1971. At the Bolt Beranek & Newman computer company, a programmer searched the keyboard of his old teletype to choose a sign to separate a place name and chose the at sign. Of course he was the first person to send an email, and to have the first electronic mailbox.

Isolated, Connected or Communicated?

When we ask ourselves if we are more or less isolated, we must divide the answer in two: netizens, those who check their mail with their morning coffee; and they send the last message at bedtime. And the non-cybernauts, those who have not found on the Internet and E-mail ways according to their way of communicating, informing themselves and relating to others.

The Internet can lead us to isolate ourselves from non-netizens. We isolate ourselves from the real experience, opting for virtual encounters and experiences. Communication between the two groups is different from each other.

We are less isolated from people who live far away or in other countries; but at the same time this has not helped us get closer to eg. (my grandparents, and that they live in another city).

Love and Hate in Computing:

According to researchers from Stanford University, our unconscious extends to the interaction with computers all the patterns of relationship between two human beings.

We have become used to seeing the computer as the very embodiment of cold and inhuman logic, incapable of feeling the slightest emotion.

Our unconscious extends to interactions with the computer all the norms of social interaction between two human beings. Courtesy, flattery, and sexism, among other habits, are always present. In fact, we attribute a "social presence" to the computer, to which we react as with any other person. How difficult it is for the brain to intuitively tell the difference between what is real and what is on the screen. Millions of years of evolution did not prepare him to live surrounded by images and interactive objects. It does not have the reflex to say it is just a "movie, or a screen."

The brain instinctively confuses "computer" with "social act", the machine does not have the ability to recognize the emotions of others and respond appropriately; does not give a damn. Reproaches to our work tool are normal.

Affective computing is a new science that seeks answers.


Continuative: That implies the idea of ​​continuation.

Interactions: Reciprocal influence.

Bonding: Tie tie, union of a person or thing with another.

Friction: Scrubbing or rubbing action

Dissent: Not thinking or feeling like someone else.

Circularity: Moving continuously, always returning to the starting point.

Estate: Each of the two co-legislative bodies established in Spain by the Royal Statute.

Death: Death. Natural death.

Orb: Circle, sphere.

Design: Company, plan, program.

Prone: Inclined to a bad thing.

Flickering: Move with slight trembling.

Paradigmatic: A figure of thought that consists of using expressions or phrases that involve contradiction.

Graphologist: A person who practices the art of recognizing the character of another by their writing.

7. Bibliography


Black river.


The new province.





Hsm. News., And others.

Monographs.com, and various Internet pages.

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Human relations and public relations