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Internal customer satisfaction. marketing starts at home

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At this point in time, most entrepreneurs and merchants know the benefits of having good Marketing strategies. It is not necessary to defend, as in the past, the position of focusing attention on the needs of customers. Now it is common to hear about the importance of measuring the satisfaction of those who buy or acquire services, also to know what the market perception of the company, the image and the reliability of the brand is.

This tendency to study the target or target audience of the company turned the attention outwards, an important part of the budgets is invested to investigate uses and customs of consumers, typifying and qualifying them for their behavior and, currently, with the rise of Neuroscience applied to marketing is also invested in knowing how the customer thinks, what their emotions are in front of the product or service and especially how the internal or personal purchase decision strategy is shaped.

The client today is the king, he is the one who commands and establishes the conditions. The products and services created, for the most part, by increasingly advanced and specialized technology, tend to equalize. Differentiation is the basis and objective of advertising communication, it will depend on the choice or purchase decision by the consumer market. This differentiation is developed in marketing strategies that try to establish innovative and differential advantages, generally in aspects related to the image of the product, its connotation in the perception of the consumer and in achieving a position somewhere in the mind of the same.

The 5 Ps of Marketing (4 Ps + the Company's Personnel)

It would be interesting to understand that the current marketing strategies defined, from the beginning, such as the four P's: Product, Price, Place (market) and Promotion, should break with the old structures and incorporate a fifth P that refers to Personnel or People who work in the company itself.

The Company's Personnel, the people who carry out the activity on a daily basis or as it is currently called: the Internal Client, is the basis of the generation and operation of any strategy, it is ultimately a responsible part of the life of the organization. It is understood that the company makes a work contract with the Personnel that binds them, they formalize a series of rights and obligations that both parties must respect and comply with, it is also generally understood that this contract is sufficient for everything to run smoothly and there lies the most important of mistakes.

Today, the business gaze directed outward in search of the customer forgets, to a large extent, those who make the company what it is. The satisfaction of the Internal Customer should be considered as important as the external, the effort generated to retain customers does not have a correlation with the little or no communication that exists between the staff and the highest managers of the organizations. The creation and generation of values ​​and organizational culture are forgotten or relegated to a low profile. The mystique of work teams is in the third plane and it seems that the premise that some follow is “ They are paid to work and they only have to do that, work! ”. This is the same as if, after getting married, one sticks to the text of the wedding book and forgets the necessary demonstrations of love, respect and consideration that both people owe each other.

Communication difficulties within companies are generated and enhanced by the little importance given to the internal client, it is common to find people, members of a company, without knowing where the organization wants to go or, even more serious, They don't know where they are going, they have no idea what the main common goals are and especially what is expected of them.

When these questions do not get answers, everyone begins to use their personal criteria, clear rules cease to exist, internal competition is transformed, it is no longer to grow but to occupy places of internal power and if this situation continues, the crisis will immediately appear through the door. It is essential for the health of a company, business or organization that the people who make up the work teams, regardless of hierarchies, are and feel aligned with the shared Vision (objective), Mission (identity) and Values ​​(culture), Otherwise, the strategies and capacities necessary to obtain success will not arrive and the actions that are developed from that situation of imbalance will generate more problems than benefits.

Ask yourself, do your employees in your company know what you dream about and what your goals are?, and at some point in your professional activity, did you dream what you want for your employees?, and if he did, do they know?

Internal customer satisfaction. marketing starts at home