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Sales secrets that will transform you into a confident and fearless salesperson


Is it difficult for you to sell your product on the web? Have you worked like a donkey in your internet business and feel that no one values ​​your efforts? Maybe it's time to change your mindset about what it really means to sell. Discover the great sales secret that will transform you into a confident and fearless salesperson.

Many entrepreneurs who start an Internet business build their web pages with great enthusiasm, study ways to attract visitors to them, and then eagerly await that big day when they will make their first sale.

Unfortunately that day is much later than expected.

It is not because of a lack of customers or because the product is bad, it is because the Internet entrepreneur does not know how to sell.

Why can't people sell?

They don't know, because they have never been taught. The skills that are necessary to sell successfully are not taught in schools. Nor do they appear in the curricula of the vast majority of universities.

Most people have learned to develop professionally in many areas, but when it comes to selling those knowledge, skills and experiences, they do not know how to proceed correctly.

And it is not because some are born knowing how to sell and others not. It is true that some people have a personality that helps them when it comes to selling, but, in essence, anyone can learn to sell successfully. If you do not know how to sell, it is because you have lacked the correct information to do so.

In reality, selling is not an option. In a broader sense, we should all know how to sell. Every person has a set of skills and talents that are their contribution to humanity. The only way to transfer that contribution is by persuading others that you are the person who can meet their needs.

And there comes the first problem: the word "persuade."

Persuading simply means convincing someone to do or stop doing something.

The mental short circuit that inhibits you from selling

Many people make a mental short circuit when they hear these words, not knowing that it is precisely this mentality that prevents them from selling successfully.

They feel that they are exploiting people by trying to sell them their products and services and they ask themselves: "By what right am I going to convince others of something that benefits me?"

The answer is very simple: Because they benefit too!

If you have the answer to your clients' problems in your hands, you not only have the right, but the duty to inform them about this solution.

In "Common Sense Economics," an excellent manual that teaches the basic principles that govern economics, its authors argue that it is commonly assumed that high-income individuals are exploiting others.

However, people who earn high incomes in the market generally do so by improving the well-being of many people. Great millionaires like Bill Gates and Sam Walton made a lot of money, because they helped so many people.

The first one did it because he knew how to manage large inventories effectively and thus sell his products at a lower price. Bill Gates benefited thousands of people by developing a series of products that significantly improved the efficiency of personal computers. (James Gwartney, Richard L. Stroup, Dwight R. Leehoff, RT: “Common Sense Economics”. St. Martin's Press, USA, 2005. p.20.)

Selling is not exploiting, it is helping

Start looking at what you offer with different eyes.

Perhaps you have been through a very difficult time, such as a terrible illness or a very painful divorce, and now you want to share your experience with others, to help them overcome a similar situation. If you don't offer your products and services, these people will never get the help they need so badly.

It may also be that you have a great facility for a certain area and have accumulated a lot of experience and wisdom in it. Wouldn't it be unfair to withhold this information from all the people who live in ignorance about it and are looking for a solution?

Seen from this point of view, the marketing of your products and / or services becomes much easier.

You will say: "Yes, of course, but I can also give to help!"

Why not give away to help?

It's okay to give away information and there should always be a space to be generous with your followers on the Internet.

However, you owe your clients the power to charge them for your services. If you don't, you will soon have to find another job to pay your bills and you will no longer be able to help them.

Simple truth?

By looking at sales from this point of view, you will find that it will no longer cost you to offer your products and services. You will do so with confidence and boldness, knowing that you are doing it in the best interest of your clients.

Sales secrets that will transform you into a confident and fearless salesperson