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Population segments in huamanga perú



The characteristics of the Huamanga population make up the following population segments based on lifestyles: Conservatives, 30.5%; Traditional, 22.7%; Adapted, 22%; Progressives, 11.6%; Survivors, 8.2%; and Others, 5%. In the town of Huamanga, the presence of conservative and traditional styles stands out in 53.2% of the inhabitants; while in the country it amounts to 38.6% and at the Lima level it represents 32.2%.


In the case of Huamanga, we do not know the typical, specific or differentiated segments in the population. So it is interesting to know how many and what are the population segments in the city of Huamanga? Identifying and characterizing such segments constitute the objectives of this research, under the assumption that the socioeconomic characteristics of Huamanga determine the presence of undifferentiated population segments within it. This being an empirical investigation; it does not require a rigorous theoretical framework. However, we use traditional segmentation and psychographic segmentation as the most important theoretical references for our field work as well as for the discussion of results.

The work methodology presents the following analysis model: the social, economic and cultural characteristics (X) of the population determine the interpersonal and organizational relationships (Y) within the population and; these (X and Y) determine the segments (W) of the same. So; the population segments assume characteristics (W1, W2, W3,… Wn) that define degrees of differentiation to the extent that W1 = / Wi and levels of undifferentiated segments to the extent that W1 = Wi. The assumption that guided our work was that: The socioeconomic characteristics of Huamanga determine the presence of undifferentiated population segments within it.

The characteristics of the Huamanga population make up the following population segments, based on lifestyles: Conservatives, 30.5%; Traditional, 22.7%; Adapted, 22%; Progressives, 11.6%; Survivors, 8.2%; and Others, 5%.

There are absent, in Huamanga, important groups of inhabitants with lifestyles of workers, fortunate, enterprising and sensory lifestyles, lifestyles prevalent in countries, societies or entrepreneurial and developed populations.

Materials and methods

The universe of observation is the city of Huamanga. Geographical and psychographic sectors were established to establish observation units by Panel and Group of Experts in each of the sectors.

We established 04 population segments for Huamanga (household segment): from strata A, B, C1, C2, C3, D and E. That is, from strata A, B, C, D, and E; We disaggregate segment C into C1, C2, C3, as it constitutes the most representative segment of the population under study.

Characteristics of segment A, B, and C1 do not stand out in homes in the city of Huamanga, so we only established the 4 strata: C2, C3, D and stratum E. In the field work we used the poster as an observation and assessment instrument. evaluation.

After evaluating each stratum and the lifestyles, we selected five lifestyles, the most clearly observable from the characteristics of each style and the behaviors of the observed population. A matrix of considerations is obtained for each segment (stratum) and by population in order, after incorporating the results of the observation, to determine the lifestyles of the population.


Stratum D is the majority segment in the city of Huamanga. However; 60.6% of the total population belongs to the poor segment. That is, more than 60% of the population is in the poor stratum and 22.5% in stratum E; very close to the extreme poverty line.

The district of Ayacucho has the highest population among the four districts of the city of Huamanga. The district of Ayacucho has 86,260 inhabitants; It is followed by the district of San Juan Bautista with 25,842 inhabitants; Nazareno with 16223 inhabitants and Carmen Alto with 11178 inhabitants.

48.52% of the population have no profession or trade and only 4.52% have technical training. 42.94% have professional training. 66% of families have an income equal to or less than 700 new soles per month and only 5.5% of families have an income greater than 1,500 new soles per month.

Only 16% of households are located in stratum C2; homes with income that allows them to cover basic and housing needs and only some comforts. Made up of families with bank accounts and some with significant savings. Generally comfortable homes with medium-quality furniture equipment and infrequent renovation appliances. Some families in this segment own vehicles in an intermediate way and not always new. They are generally mid-level professionals, small traders and industrialists. While about 60% of families are in the poor segment.

Conservatives (30.5%)

Segment of greater relevance in the Huamanguina population, made up mainly of women (82.5%). Home and children are her center of attention. The average age is between 24 and 50 years old and they are located in strata E, D, C3 and C2. The role of woman is absorbed by that of mother and wife. Most of their activities are tasks within the home, even though an average of 19.5% work. Most only reached secondary education (62%). People who work are generally engaged in informal activities. Apparently, they have a rigid moral, without many nuances; situation that makes them intolerant or extremist in various circumstances.

Traditional (22.7%)

Population segment made up of mostly males (89%); normally emigrants established in the urbanizations and houses generated in the last 25 years. They are traditional people, reluctant to risk and innovation. It is the segment that reached the highest levels of training and the segment mostly of students. They tend to an independence in their work. Family networks are important to this segment. They are located in the C3, D and E stratum, mostly. It is the segment that most distrusts public institutions.

Adapted (22%)

City men and women in the last 25 years; with strong aversion to risk and resistance to change. Very little ambitious and with low n-achievement aspirations. They have passive behavior. They are engaged in dependent activities of medium and low level. They are mostly small merchants, public employees, laborers or helpers. Most reached secondary school, even post-secondary. They feel no need for conquest; they just have to adapt. They greatly value the immediate social environment and friendship; including family. They look for fun in more intimate settings such as family homes. It is the most critical segment of the government and they have a clearly unfavorable opinion towards politicians and the judiciary.

Progressives (11.6%)

Population segment of young people (20 to 40 years old, approximately); men and women work and have a clear idea that it is the best way to achieve success and the path to personal development. They are small traders engaged in independent activities. Public employees or private employees in offices also stand out in this segment. They have a higher-than-average professional training but not reaching the level achieved by the successful and entrepreneurial segments. University education is seen as a means to progress and is perceived as self-realization. They inhabit the residential and urban areas of the city but lead a more modern lifestyle. They are optimistic and hardworking people. Usually well informed and not very susceptible to influences that are dissonant with their paradigms.

Survivors (8.2%)

Segment made up of men and women over 50 years of age, on average. They long for lifestyles of decades past. They are in segment D and E, mostly. Typically, they have an average and low average level of professional training. They are small merchants and some live on a retirement pension. An important group in this segment is made up of migrants who came to the city fleeing the violence or took refuge in the city.

Others (5%)

A fairly irrelevant group of the Huamanguina population is made up of segments with the lifestyles of workers, the fortunate, and entrepreneurs.


1. The population of Huamanga is very little differentiated in terms of lifestyles. However, the conservative and traditional segment stands out, constituting 53% of its population. The Peruvian population of conservatives and traditionals reaches 38% and in Lima it represents 32%. With these results; Huamanga could be the most conservative town in the country.

2. The progressive segment is 11.6%. The Peruvian population of progressives is 18% while Lima represents 22%.

3. The conservative lifestyle is the most relevant segment in the Huamanguina population, made up mainly of women (82.5%). Home and children are her focus. The average age is between 24 and 50 years old and they are located in strata E, D, C3 and C2. The role of woman is absorbed by that of mother and wife.

4. The traditional lifestyle is the segment of the population made up of mostly men (89%); normally emigrants established in the urbanizations and houses generated in the last 25 years. They are traditional people, reluctant to risk and innovation.


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Population segments in huamanga perú