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SEO for unusual keywords. Does it really work?


Is SEO a good option for little-known services or products?

First, let's get to know a little better what these acronyms mean:

SEO, “Search Engine Optimization”, also known as web positioning, natural positioning or organic positioning, is a search engine-centric online marketing technique, through which a website is intended to appear in the top positions of search engines (mainly Google) for the keywords that represent the concept of the company, and more specifically for those keywords whose meaning implies a possibility of sale, conventionally known as the percentage of visit-customer conversion.

But to understand the true value of SEO and get the maximum potential out of it, we have to understand that this technique is based on the knowledge and vocabulary of people about a product, on the generalized idea that people have about it, which is the one that ends up setting the search trends.

Do we have to follow search trends? Of course. At the time of a web positioning campaign in which the study of keywords is carried out, we have to take into account:

1. The relevance of these keywords based on the concept of the company.

2. The representativeness that these keywords have on the product or service being sold, or what is the same, the conversion visit-customer.

3. The difficulty of the keywords for their positioning based on the existing competition.

4. The average number of searches for those keywords.

The last point is the one that concerns us in this case. It is evident that you do not have to select keywords without search volume or with a very low volume, with the exception in the second case that said low search volume is compensated by the parameters of low competition, high relevance and / or especially a high visitor-customer conversion.

And with this we return to the question that we posed at the beginning: Is SEO a good option for little-known services or products?

The answer is no. Of course everything is relative and in certain cases it may be more interesting than in others, depending on the validity of the other basic parameters and the business sector.

But if we base ourselves on the above, we realize that little-known services or products are logically represented by little-known keywords, so that the search volume will normally be low, very low or null.

Therefore, no matter how high you can get for those keywords in the Google rankings, without searches for there are no customers and it doesn't make sense.

For example, there are certain companies that sell bottled seawater and one of the most interesting keywords in an SEO campaign for one of these companies with high representation and high conversion to customer visits could be: "buy seawater", whose volume of National searches in Spain are 390 per month (average of 13 per day) according to Google Adwords. Of course, these visits are spread over several pages, especially among the first ones, and with the first position you could probably aspire with 5-8 a day, with the second position no more than 3-4 a day on average, and the lower, less.In addition, in this case, it must be taken into account that there are very few keywords with good general parameters for positioning and their search volume in none or almost none of the cases is higher than in the aforementioned example.

On the other hand, for example if we try to position any of the data protection companies, with this same keyword ("data protection company"), we observe that the percentage of national searches in Spain is 1,300 per month (average of 43 per day). If we add to this that there are many keywords whose general parameters are very interesting for the benefit of companies and many of them have a search volume similar to this, and in several cases higher.

What is the conclusion of this? As a general rule, it is difficult for a web positioning campaign about a company that is based on little-known words to be profitable as is the case with companies that sell seawater, and it is much more effective for websites with more favorable conditions such as a company that offers adaptation services to the Organic Law on Data Protection (LOPD).

In the first case, it is advisable under normal conditions to try to advertise and publicize the company through other marketing techniques that may be more effective, such as advertising in conventional media, such as television or radio, or broadcasting on Social Networks..

The main argument to affirm that these techniques are more profitable is to assess that little-known products or services must first be known by people to be searched in a search engine such as Google, since using this technique you will not attract people only to those people who already know the service or product in advance and are interested in purchasing it.

In this way, you leave out all those potential clients who, if they had known of its existence, probably would have been interested in it, and although in some cases things are simply unknown because they do not arouse interest, in a high percentage of the They are unknown because the information has simply not reached the people who might be interested in knowing it, and this would be the last point to assess to decide definitely if SEO can be profitable or not for the promotion of a company and its website.

SEO for unusual keywords. Does it really work?