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Customer service and staff attitude in the financial group bital


One of the most common problems that we suffer when we have to do any type of bank transaction is, when we arrive at a branch and the first thing we run into is, a long line to make our move; When we finally get to the window (CajaU) we find varying attitudes of the employee who is going to attend us, such as; Apathetic, that person who suffers from the concept that would be the service in relation to the client. He is indifferent, so he has no interest in improving the customer and service relationship, simply and simply is limited to serving us, many times with displeasure, and that is very annoying.

The client has the need to be understood, well received and to feel that it is important; So it is necessary before any product or service is offered, to know its characteristics and based on these, put together a package of services and not isolated products that make the client feel that what they are offering is especially for him.


I feel that some of what influences effective service is the lack of motivation to work, how many do not go to work just to comply with the eight regulatory hours and not because they really like what they do, there is something they say and it is very true; " The more you like your job, the less you will consider it work."

There is also no lack of the classic customer who thinks: "This guy doesn't hurry, I have more than half an hour trained and I'm in a hurry", so when his turn comes he comes predisposed and destroys everything, literally speaking and the main thing is to tell the cashier until of what is going to die; hence the motto that "The customer is always right" of course! Whether he has it or not he will always win.

This investigation is contemplating both points of view and the contribution is for both parties, both on the bank employee's side and on the client's side. Part of this research is based on personal experiences, I worked for a period of 5 years in this institution and I realized everything that happened with clients in terms of the service and attitude of the employees who provided the service and especially of the personnel of the cashier area.

Now it has been more than 3 years since I stopped working in Bital, and I want to see what is the situation that prevails in branch 345 of the City of Minatitlán, Ver., Regarding this issue.

I hope I can contribute to the improvement of the Bital service in general, giving some suggestions based on Courses and Customer Service talks.

The Institution benefits from this because it will have more clients and therefore more account acquisition (money); and he (the) client (s) (us) will have an efficient service and most importantly with human quality.

In Chapter I.- Quality in the service is discussed, which will tell us where to start giving a better service, how to improve the service and what constitutes a quality service.

Continuing with Chapter II.- Concept of Quality, a generic concept of this will be given.

It will also be discussed in Chapter III.- Basic styles of service here the different types of service that we commonly find when arriving at a financial institution will be exposed.

In Chapter IV.- Detecting and attending to the needs of the clients, it will be shown how it is possible to detect what the client wants in himself and to serve him effectively, fulfilling his expectations.

Chapter V.- Optimal service, here a graphic example of how a customer should be served will be given.

Also taking into consideration that clients have their variants in Chapter VI.- the basic Styles of the client will be discussed, derived from this in Chapter VII.- Aspects to be observed for the management of clients will be put, in order to achieve give better service.


Help the counter (cash) employees of Grupo Financiero Bital, to apply an appropriate style to provide better service to clients, and thus obtain success in the provision of their services.


  • Create service awareness in staff Diagnose their predominant style in serving clients Increase the use of their skills to develop their aptitudes Help them understand and positively manage the personal characteristics of clients


Grupo Financiero Bital was formed in 1992 as a result of the union of two institutions: Grupo Prime, which operated with several non-bank financial companies at the time of bank stabilization, and Banco Internacional, which joined the Group in July 1992 during the process of reprivatization of the Mexican Bank.

Banco Internacional (BITAL) functions as the Core Institution of the Group, taking advantage of its distribution channels so that, with the support of the other companies that belong to the Group, it can offer an integrated service scheme. The Group's main focus is to serve the mass markets, both for individuals and for small and medium-sized companies, without neglecting high levels.

At BITAL, since its acquisition, an intense work of continuous improvement in all areas began to achieve greater efficiency in its operation. For this, it was necessary to modernize its operation by investing more than 470 million dollars in systems and telecommunications technology, redirect promotional efforts towards the target market, improve the recruitment mix, change the attitude of the staff towards the client and develop a new image..

In addition to the intense reengineering work, the modernization of processes and the growth in coverage, important actions have been taken since 1992 to strengthen the Bank's financial situation. These actions intensified in 1995 as a result of the economic crisis that arose in our country.

In addition to the capital increases made in previous years, aggressive capitalization plans were implemented during 1995 and 1996 in order to increase the level of capitalization and to be able to sell part of the loan portfolio to Fobaproa, thus maintaining a healthy asset position.

Now that we know something about what Grupo Financiero Bital is, we will get to know what its MISSION and VISION are respectively:

“Consolidate our position in the financial market as the global additional formation company and local management direction, leader in the creation of value that allows us to make life easy for our clients through the full use of our infrastructure, achieving the fair appreciation of the effort of our people and shareholders fulfilling our social commitment. "

“To be the best consumer banking option and the most profitable through the productive and efficient sale of innovative financial products and services, which generate the attraction, roots and satisfaction of customers, seeking the development and well-being of its staff, serving as a platform for business enhancement and continuous process improvement "


Something for which Bital has always fought is for the Service and Attitude of its employees, that everything they do is done with human quality, although this is not always carried out.

Branch 345 of the City of Minatitlán, Ver., Was taken as an example to find out what the people (customers) who normally carry out their banking transactions think; on the Attitude and Service offered by that Institution.

All this through a survey of 200 people in a period of 2 weeks, with the support of residents of the Technological Institute of Minatitlán, and the result is the following:

The main customer complaints are as follows:

  • Bad attitude at the windows They make you wait for no reason No branches Little availability of staff They stop serving customers to attend to personal things Staff is slow They find bad treatment and bad faces

Also what they expect from Bital is:

  • Better attention Good treatment Kindness Clear responses A smile Presentable staff Efficient staff

In order to satisfy customer needs, it is necessary to become aware of what SERVICE, QUALITY AND ATTITUDE really is.

Below are the steps to follow to obtain an optimal result in terms of customer service, taking into account the characteristics of each of them and thus be able to reach this objective.


The challenge of actually improving service quality may seem impractical, if not impossible, and it is much easier to talk about the need to improve service than to put it into practice. But:

  • Where to start? Why are efforts to improve service quality so difficult to carry out? What is and what constitutes quality service?

Whatever the reasons, the Attitude and Customer Service issue must be Bital's primary concern.


By definition, service is first and foremost a process. While articles are objects, services are interactions.


  1. INTANGIBILITY: Services are intangible. Unlike articles, you cannot touch, taste, smell or see, but you can feel it. HETEROGENITY: Services vary. Being an action, typical of human beings, the services are difficult to generalize. The attitude can be generalized. INSEPARABILITY OF PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION: A service is generally consumed when it is performed, with the client involved in the process. A routine financial transaction can be spoiled by rude and cranky staff. EXPIRY: Most services cannot be stored. If a service is not used when it is available, the expiration of the service is lost.

Finally, although services are intangible and this imposes a special burden when improvement is required, if there are tangible factors that can be evaluated, such as:

  • The appearance of the branch The appearance of the person providing the service.


Only the customer can appreciate the quality of service, because the quality is in the eyes of the beholder. The client perceives the quality of the service he receives under his own conditions.

What constitutes quality to one person may not be important to another. Quality is both reality and perception.


We also find these styles of service:

  1. INDIVIDUALIST: In his mind there is no interest in the client at all. Nor do they care about the consequences of the service, whether for the client or for the institution. The individualist sees in the client how much he produces, the rest of him discards it, he is not interested. That is why he presses until he achieves his goal and all his effort guides him towards it. APÁTICO: The style of this service is identified as taking orders. It lacks the concept that would be the service in relation to the client, so there is no interest in improving the client and service relationship. Highs and lows are the order of the day: he exaggerates his happiness and his depression. His motto is usually "pretend you give service." That is why his life becomes a "going through it", a "having enough to live."IMPULSIVE AFFECTIVE: His main concern is good relationships. A good customer is the one who "likes you". His energies are channeled to making contacts with everyone, so he gets carried away by hunches. He cares so much about the client's feelings that he showers him with kindness. He seeks to establish a bond of friendship and does everything possible to sympathize with him. He cares about being pleasant, courteous and the service is based on the personal friendship between him and the client.


It must be taken into account that when a customer enters a branch, they have very specific reasons for doing so: cash a check, open an account, make a payment, etc. But to do any of these things, you have to establish a relationship with a member of the branch, so it is important to identify the needs of the customers.

  • NEED TO BE UNDERSTOOD: It is important to fully identify the needs of each of the clients, avoiding that emotions or language barriers are the cause of a misinterpretation of those needs. THE NEED TO BE WELCOME: It is also important that the client knows that their matter is important to the employee and the Bank, and that they really are happy to serve it. NEED TO FEEL IMPORTANT: The most important thing is the customer, which is why it is necessary to observe the following points:
  1. Show an attitude of interest in all matters related to the client. Kindly guide the client in filling out the forms and information requested. Avoid distinguishing between clients. The time allocated for customer service must be avoided in matters personal.



It must also be recognized that there are countless types of customers which are mentioned below:


He's the classic customer who always thinks “This guy wants to sell me, no matter what. I'm not going to let him take advantage of me. ”This type of client tends to turn the moment of the relationship into a competition: you win or you lose.

He accuses the product or the service of being ineffective and finds all the defects in them. Deep down, he wants to prove that the employee is unaware of the product and service he offers.

These types of clients have narrow criteria and stubborn convictions, but in order to get their way, they qualify their action as advantageous.


This type of client thinks: “The one who attends me always tries to make me accept what I do not want. If I don't need it, I'll mislead it. " And so he does by escaping depression. It's easier for him to say no than to argue.

If he is compelled by necessity, he is compulsive and tries to finish the operation soon to return to his indifference.

He does not want problems and tries to carry decisions on other shoulders, even those of the person who attends him.


This type of customer acquires the product and services not because of their quality, but because of the relationship with people. He prefers to go with the ones he likes and the ones he likes. His exaggerated desire to sympathize with others leads him to flattery and compliments.

As he relates out of sympathy, he does not usually make observations that hinder service.

The quality and service that you receive are considered good.


You are the solutions customer, you know what you want. He responds openly and frankly, he is a mature, adult customer, willing to consider the facts by reasoning, he wants to know the advantages and disadvantages of the service and the products. He does not do it to argue, he wants to convince himself that his decision is correct. He does not want to take advantage, but to achieve mutual benefit. You know you can win together.


To be successful in the service in each of the styles of clients that can be presented, the following must be taken into account:

  • Maintain an attitude of interest towards everything related to the client Show the client that the interest is to fully satisfy their needs and not just sell Always explain with kindness: the characteristics of the products, the filling of forms, additional services that the bank offers, etc. Even if the client is sometimes unkind Control moods Smile naturally and maintain eye contact when speaking and listening (even when you don't feel like it) Avoid talking loud, agitated or angry in the presence of Customers Avoid distractions and attend to personal matters when there are customers waiting to be served.


For all the above, it can be said that one of the problems that exists in Branch 345 of Banco Bital is the service of employees, although the figures are not very high in terms of being completely negative, there is a considerable percentage that thinks that the service is not optimal, and therefore they demand better attention.

This problem can be solved by making a detailed analysis and carrying out the chapters set out above; This will lead to a positive and beneficial change both for the bank and its employees and for customers in general.

Also considering that the environment in which the work takes place is vital to achieve a better attitude, it is necessary to have a motivation to dedicate yourself to your work.

Motivation is directly related to the ability to give and receive, of surrender in the daily work of offering the best of oneself day after day, of emotions, ideas, sensations, and feelings, it is a pure and spontaneous expression; which is manifested when commitment and participation establish a link that orients to harmony and fullness, growth and evolution, unleashing all the essence contained in the inner richness of one's being.


Unknown author

In the annex there is a small course on Human Relations called: "BEYOND THE VALUE OF A SMILE….. VITAL"

This will help staff to be motivated to do a better job and in turn will help them in their daily lives.

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Customer service and staff attitude in the financial group bital