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Marketing information system and commercial budget of the gamadex company


Topic: information system design and commercial budget.


Throughout history, companies around the world have worked to guarantee the sustained growth of their profit levels, however, currently the scientific and technical development has forced managers to use more and more not only technology but also innovate, develop strategy, methods and tools to achieve competitive advantages in the market.

Starting from the need for useful information for making marketing decisions, it is necessary to consider the importance of marketing information systems and commercial budgets, in this sense the work presented here has been projected. It responds to the study of these aspects in the furniture company Gemadex. And to the proposal of perfecting them based on the new demands that arise.

The required information variables and the main elements are exposed, which at the authors' discretion should be part of the marketing information system as well as the structure that the commercial budget should adopt in this entity.

Putting these alternatives into practice will make it possible to make budgets that are increasingly efficient or close to reality, know the needs of customers much better, guide them better, take advantage of competitive possibilities, adjust the commercial strategy, improve the products on offer and increase profits..


Marketing is the work of creating, promoting and offering goods and services to clients, satisfying their needs in a profitable way, for this reason it is becoming increasingly important for companies around the world to have information systems that provide them with elements for the calculation of cost budgets for marketing.

The commercial budgets constitute the guarantee for the realization of the planned actions in order to increase the efficiency of the marketing activity, with the elaboration of the same from the elements provided by the information system, the projected sales levels can be achieved and with this the sustained development of the organization.

Problem: the analysis of the indicators of the furniture company Gemadex at the end of the fourth quarter of 2007, reflects a breach of its sales plan. When analyzing the marketing plan, it is observed that in the absence of a budget, more than 50% of the planned actions are breached.

Hypothesis: if the gemadex furniture company had a commercial budget, it would have the necessary financing to carry out the actions set out in its marketing plan and thereby achieve a much more efficient performance of this activity, obtaining sufficient contracts to meet the planned sales levels.

Objective: to improve the information system and define a method for preparing the commercial budget for the Gemadex furniture company.

In carrying out the work, the specialized bibliography was used, some existing research on the subject was consulted and personalities dedicated to this matter in the territory were interviewed.

As research techniques for data collection, interviews, observation and brainstorming were developed with specialists and technical personnel working in the company under study.

The result obtained can contribute to the improvement of the information system for the preparation of a commercial budget that enables the fulfillment of the planned marketing actions and thus obtain a better performance of the commercial activity, which will be reverted to a greater participation in the market. for de side of the company.


1.1 information systems.

Many authors have referred to the topic of information systems, in 1969 Berenson made reference to the following needs caused by the dynamics of the environment:

  • The increased complexity of business requires more information and better execution. The advent of techniques that can provide information for proper decision-making are now available to everyone. Development achieved by computer media.

In 1966, kotler raised with regard to the existing needs within the organization, as a primary cause for the establishment of what would later be called marketing information systems, the dissatisfaction of those who make decisions expressed in the following typology of complaints, which he was able to verify through his work with managers and marketing specialists of numerous companies:

  • Marketing information is so dispersed throughout the company that it is usually necessary to go to great lengths to locate simple facts. There is a lot of unnecessary marketing information and very little marketing information that is needed. Sometimes the important information It is suppressed by other executives or subordinates, for personal reasons. Often times, important information is obtained too late to be useful. Often times, the information is obtained in a way that does not show reliability of its accuracy and precision and does not there is someone to ask to confirm its validity.

What was raised by berenson in 1969 could be added to what was previously referred to as needs of this type:

  • The growth of some companies requires the integration of their information into a marketing information system so as not to lose it in the dispersion generated by growth. The speed with which marketing decisions are made has increased. The integration of different marketing activities in a single person or manager who needs to work with more information and of higher quality to execute the marketing process effectively.

Despite the development of technology and with it the emergence of new tools for information processing in business decision-making, marketing information systems, conceived in the mid-sixties of the last century as instruments of marketing decision support, can still add value to this end. For this reason, the need to reflect on its convenience, to improve the management and marketing decision-making processes in current conditions.

Although a long period of time has elapsed since these materials were written and now, their validity is unquestionable, reflecting the needs of any organization today that wants to increase the quality of its marketing decisions.

1.2 commercial budget.

Commercial budgets grow in their total value as a function of business growth, but there is a declining trend in their relative weight with respect to billing (decreasing percentage of total invoiced), since as we all know the contribution margins also they are decreasing.

At the same time, some activities have appeared that did not exist or that have developed notably to transform the commercial budget: strong growth in direct communications, boom in promotions, which have become a method widely used to produce increases in demand., introduction of marketing actions using information technology, increase in press and public relations actions.

To develop this work it was necessary to become familiar with the company under study, the characteristics of the company, its mission, organizational structure, production structure were analyzed, the different areas were visited and a close working relationship was established with specialists and managers who facilitated Through interviews, observations and document review, the collection of information necessary to achieve a result.

2.0 - gemadex commercialization process.

In the furniture company gemadex, commercial activity is subordinate to the general management, three designers, two negotiators and a business director are responsible for guaranteeing hiring levels that support the sales projections planned each year.

The negotiating businesses execute the actions established in the marketing plan, including systematic communication with the investors from the different organizations (tourism, education, battle of ideas, etc.), trying to identify possible businesses that report significant levels of production and sale for the company. In other cases, it is the clients who contact or come to the company requesting a specific production. When the products requested are part of the list of established products, the offer is made at the same time, if accepted, the conditions for signing the contract are negotiated.

If the requested products constitute a new production, the designers present themselves to the client and collect all the information that defines the characteristics of the product they want, the destination of the product, conditions of the premises, space, shapes, colors, types of raw materials to be used. The designers make the plan of each piece of furniture, in which appear even the smallest details of the product that is going to be manufactured. This information is processed by the specialists of the technical department, they establish the consumption of materials and the salary expense, with all these elements the cost of the product is determined, this information is sent to the negotiators so that they make the offer, agree to the conditions and sign the contract.

As part of the activities carried out by negotiators, participation in events, fairs, exhibitions appears, participation in these activities is limited by lack of budget. Another of the activities that is affected is conducting market studies, the company knows the importance of this activity, however the negotiators argue that difficulties with transportation prevent them from being carried out. It is observed that many of the activities that must be developed as part of the marketing in the company are breached due to lack of planning, financial resources, transportation, among others.

The furniture company gemadex prepares a business plan that includes in annexes the budget for all the activities that take place there, it is prepared in compliance with the provisions of resolution 276 of the mep, however, it has been found that none of the The annexes presented reflect the financing needs to develop the marketing activity in the company, according to the specialists, these appear included in other items of expenses that are planned in the budget but are never detailed. In other words, there is no commercial budget that defines the financing needs for the development of this activity and, therefore, the budget necessary to carry out this activity is not detailed in the business plans.

All of the above indicates the need to improve the company's information system and develop a commercial budget based on the elements that it provides.

3.1 design of the information system.

Taking into account that the object of analysis of this work is the design of an information system that responds to the needs of a commercial budget, we have focused the study on the aspects that are specifically related to this issue.

Company executives need real-time reports on sales, contracting status, production and sales forecasts, status of contracts in execution, degree of customer satisfaction and others, feedback and at the same time offer the necessary information for decision making.

This information system for the preparation of the commercial budget has been developed in conjunction with specialists, managers, clients and institutions based on the analysis of the demand for useful information by them, for this purpose, among others, the following questions:

  1. What kinds of decisions do you usually have to make? What kinds of information do you need to make decisions? What kinds of information do you regularly obtain? What kinds of special studies do you regularly request? What kinds of information would you like to obtain and are not currently obtaining? What kind of information would you like and with what frequency? On what specific topics would you like to keep informed? What kind of data analysis programs would you like to have available?

We define as elements that are part of the information system the following:

  • Planned sales (by assortment)

They constitute the planned sales values ​​according to the approved business plan.

  • Accumulated actual sales (by assortment)

They represent the sales executed during the year up to the date of analysis.

  • Contracted value to date (per assortment)

They are the values ​​signed in contracts for the period under analysis.

  • Percentage of contracted sales (by assortment)

Relationship between the value signed in contracts and the planned sales for the period.

  • Values ​​to be contracted (by assortment)

Difference between the total of the values ​​signed in contracts and the sales plan for the year

  • Productive capacity

Installed technological possibility for the execution of the production process.

  • Percentage of installed capacity utilization

Relationship between load and capacity, that is, between the volume of production that is executed and the installed productive capacity.

  • Return on sales

Relationship between profit and sales (accumulated)

  • In-process production inventory

It is the list of products in process, collecting quantity, value and degree of execution.

  • Finished production inventory

It is the list of products ready for delivery to the customer where quantity, price and amount are collected.

  • Other information (status of negotiations, customer satisfaction, etc.) Marketing plan

The marketing plan is one of the most important informative documents within the marketing activity of an entity, it includes the strategic actions to be developed to achieve hiring levels that ensure the continuity of the production process, the planned sales values, measures organizational and essential aspects to achieve customer satisfaction. In practice, within the marketing activity are these actions that require a level of financing for their execution. That is why they constitute the basis for the elaboration of the commercial budget of the company.

Examples of measures within this plan:

  • Carrying out market studies.

Research on demand, by region, by type of product, evaluation of the characteristics of similar products offered in the market, prices and quality, identify potential customers, needs, analyze characteristics of competitors, etc.

  • Participation in fairs, events, exhibitions, etc.

Presentation at these events with a sample of the products that the company produces, contact with clients, signing a contract or letters of intent.

  • Negotiation trips.

Visiting clients, signing a contract, assessing the status of a business, gathering information, satisfaction status, identifying new needs, new business possibilities.

  • Acquisition of resources for the development of this activity in the company.

Acquisition of resources for the execution of tasks, computer resources, office supplies, etc.

  • Preparation or acquisition of promotional materials, example: folding, catalog, murals, etc.

3.2 - design of the commercial budget.

To achieve the expected sales levels, planning, administration and personnel specialized in these matters are required. It is necessary to work to know the costs of products and services, reduce them appropriately and set competitive prices. Market research, product promotion, study, adaptation and application of existing methods should be studied, and possible advertising channels and means must be sought, all of which will increase the efficiency of marketing work and reduce company costs.

Not all the actions foreseen in a marketing plan require financing, many of them are related to the realization of consultations, studies of materials, information search, contacts through different channels, analysis or decisions that must be made in the company itself.

After defining the actions to be carried out that require financial resources, the necessary assurances are detailed for the fulfillment of each one of them, for this the characteristics of each event, duration, number of participants, place, date are taken into account of realization, transfer of personnel and means, food, lodging, rental of premises and other resources to support the activity.

In this way, the commercial budget will be formed.

Um: pesos


year ____


Carrying out market studies.
Participation in events, fairs, exhibitions.
Business trip.
Acquisition of resources for the development of this activity.
Acquisition of promotional materials.


After carrying out this work, it could be concluded that:

  1. The marketing information handled by the company is not organized or part of an information system The company does not have a specific budget for the commercial activity The cost of the actions planned in the marketing plan is not calculated.


  1. Apply the information system developed Update the information flow when changes occur in the company's information system Use the proposal designed in this work to prepare the commercial budget for the coming years.
    1. Follow up on the execution of the commercial budget.

Consulted bibliography

  1. Lates, Carmen. Marketing and tourism. Synthesis publisher: madrid, 1993
  1. Microsoft® encarta® 2004 reference library. © 1993-2003 microsoft corporation. Www.marketing-xxi (rafael muñiz, marketing in the 21st century) www.gestiopolis.com/canales7/mkt/sistemas-de-informacion-como-herramienta -de-marketing.htm
  1. French, Joseph, the key to the success of the tourism market. Ediciones deusto: madrid, 1996. Marketing fundamentals. Havana: Faculty of Economics of the University of Havana, 1990: 12. Kotler Philip. Marketing direction. T i; II and III editions of the month Morales Morejón mm. About Informational Marketing: Some Quality Considerations. Havana: Cuban Academy of Sciences, 1991: 12.Rivero. Magda. Basic marketing course. Havana. 1997 Stanton, wj Marketing Fundamentals issues of the month.


Original text

Gemadex furniture company








Planned sales (by assortment)

Address Of Economy

Address Business


Economic director


Accumulated actual sales (by assortment)

Address Of Economy

Address Business


Economic director


Contracted value to date (per assortment)

Address Business

Address Business


Business Director


Percentage of contracted sales (by assortment)

Address Business

Address Business


Business Director


Values ​​to be contracted (by assortment)

Address Business

Address Business


Business Director


Productive capacity

Address Production

Address Business


Production director


Percentage of installed capacity utilization

Address Production

Address Business


Production director


Return on sales

Address Of Economy

Address Business


Economic director


In-process production inventory

Address Of Economy

Address Business


Economic director


Finished production inventory

Address Of Economy

Address Business


Economic director


Contract status

Address Business

Address Business


Business Director


Customer satisfaction report

Address Business

Address Business


Business Director


Concurrency analysis

Address Business

Address Business


Business Director


Marketing plan

Address Business

Address Business


Business Director

Marketing plan example


Birthday date




Conducting market studies
· Participation in fairs, events, exhibitions, etc.
· business trip
Acquisition of resources for the development of this activity
Acquisition of promotional materials
Made: __________________________ Approved: _______________________
Business director managing Director Download the original file

Marketing information system and commercial budget of the gamadex company