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Social marketing as a strategy to be a sustainable company and bet on a better world

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The objective of this essay is to analyze and interpret the basic elements of social marketing and how it impacts companies, as well as provides an overview of how to implement Social Marketing from a small company to a transnational company with the collective aim of being companies sustainable and contribute to social development and preservation of the environment.

Key Words: Sustainability, Social Marketing, Green Marketing.

Social marketing

At present, a sustainable company is one that is involved in the development of society and in the preservation of the environment, through its campaigns, products and promotions as well as with social and ethical values. According to a report by Calderón (2017), 76% of the most important companies in the country assure that they measure the social, economic and environmental impact of their companies.

However, there is still a long way to go, some companies still consider that sustainability leads to excessive spending, without realizing that betting on social responsibility today brings many benefits, including:

  • It improves the business image, consumers begin to compare the social actions carried out by companies and based on this they make their decisions to choose a specific product.It increases productivity and reduces costs, making the company more attractive for future investors, allows booking resources and strengthen the commitment of its workers.

As we have already realized, consumers are increasingly committed to caring for the environment and their quality of life in the not too distant future, that is why marketers begin to concentrate their efforts and ideas by marketing more responsible, more committed to society, they are betting on green marketing.

Green marketing is understood to be those promotions, campaigns or products with environmental value, where their production processes are less polluting or their containers are reusable. Green marketing has brought with it a series of strategies that can be implemented from a small company to the logistics processes of a multinational company.

For example, you can start by applying the following strategies:

  • Reduce raw materials, minimize waste or reuse them as far as possible Promote responsible consumption within advertising campaigns, in such a way that the consumer is aware of the social and environmental impact (whether positive or negative) that is generated When consuming a certain product Promote an environmental cause, through advertising campaigns, it is important to frame as an objective that the sales of said product will have a positive impact or will contribute to the development of education, water or electricity of a certain population, for example In a Peruvian case, the company YAQUA. Begin to implement ecological labels and certificates. It shows the work and commitment that as a company is being carried out in society, the use of the digital world is important, there is no better way than to show it through the internet.

So we can say that Social Marketing is the application of commercial marketing techniques for the analysis, planning, execution and evaluation of programs designed to influence the voluntary behavior of consumers and improve their quality of life and society.

For Andreasen (2002), Marketing is a discipline that already exceeds the commercial field, since its methodology, to detect and satisfy consumption needs and use of goods and services, is also useful to detect and satisfy social, humanitarian and social needs. spiritual. Therefore, its field of action is not limited only to the field of companies, but extends to non-profit associations, foundations, religious entities and also the State. (pg. 3)

Rodríguez (2012) teaches that the steps that must be followed in a social Marketing program are the following:

  • Define the objectives of social change Analyze the attitudes, beliefs, values ​​and behaviors of the group to whom the plan is directed Analyze communication and distribution procedures Prepare a Marketing plan Build a Marketing organization to execute the plan o Evaluate and adjust the program so that be more effective.

The Social Marketing plan can be structured as follows according to Rodríguez (2012).

  • Investigation and Analysis of the possible recipients of the campaign.. Evaluation of the current situation.. SWOT Analysis Objectives and Problems of the Social Marketing Program Evaluation of Social Marketing strategies Program Design Tests and Trials of the Strategy Execution of the Marketing Plan social.Control of the social marketing program.Evaluation of the social marketing plan.

There are many approaches to achieving social change through marketing, however the social good is always the primary focus. Therefore, social marketing should not be confused with other similar terms: social media marketing, green or sustainable marketing, and business marketing with a social focus.

Social media marketing is one that uses social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn for the purpose of building online communities. They can be used to generate publicity for social marketing campaigns, but that is not their main purpose. Sustainable marketing is what a corporation uses to demonstrate its corporate social responsibility. Although a commercial company can participate in social marketing (promoting support for public radio), for example, sustainable marketing for the purpose of promoting its own business does not qualify as social marketing.

The ultimate goal of marketing is to influence action and change behavior; action takes place when target audiences believe that the benefits they receive will outweigh the costs they incur.


Seat belt advertisement by the Quebec insurance association

PG Palmoil Ad from GreenPeace USA

Paper saving ad by WWF

Coca Cola recycling advertisement by GreenPeace Australia

Amnesty International human rights announcement


  • Andreasen, A. (2002). Marketing Social Marketing in the Social Change Marketplace, retrieved from: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f258/fc1aaf0d0a95cdc2832e606f5fab3694ffaf.pdf Calderón, R. (2017). Sustainability Report and corporate social responsibility, retrieved from: https://assets.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/pe/pdf/Prensa/06.06.2017- ReporteDeSostenibilidad-RC.pdf Rodríguez, L. (2012). Social Marketing. Spain, retrieved from: https://www.eoi.es/blogs/lorenaltagraciamarcos/2012/01/19/marketing- social /
Social marketing as a strategy to be a sustainable company and bet on a better world