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Sociology and anthropology applied to consumer knowledge

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The objective of this article is to highlight the importance of studying the sociology and anthropology of the consumer, in order to obtain the expected results within marketing in order to generate a successful campaign. To better understand, we must first mention that marketing is not just advertising but, according to the American Marketing Association (AMA), marketing is “the process of planning, executing and conceptualizing prices, awarding and distributing ideas, merchandise and techniques to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. ' In short, marketing is a process of creating customer needs and creating a way to satisfy that need. Therefore it is necessary to know the consumer and how he reacts to stimuli, is what we will talk about in this work.

Consumer Sociology and Anthropology

To better understand this topic, we must first define the concepts of sociology (social science that studies, describes and analyzes the processes of life in society; seeks to understand the relationships of social facts through history) and anthropology (is the study holistic of the Human Being is a social science that studies the human being in an integral way, covers biological and social aspects of the human being), in addition to the exact concept of consumer (Person or group of people that satisfies their needs through the use of goods and services generated in the production process).

Being clear that marketing is not only advertising but a social process where many aspects influence, we can use sociology to know how social, cultural and political processes influence the way people consume and act, in addition to anthropology We can know how these aspects influence at a biological level and how the consumer responds to the stimuli generated by the entire Marketing process and thus it is easier or more understandable to create the need and the way to satisfy it.

So, already having clear our object of study, these are some study topics that can help us to generate the successful campaign we want, these topics are:

PensEmoS Paradigm

It is a theory that consists of 3 essential parts that include 3 sciences such as sociology, anthropology and psychology and 3 reactions that are thoughts, emotions and feelings; and together they create 3 situations that promote consumption which are:

In Sociology it is thought, then reasons are created to consume and it is a reasoned consumption. Example.- You need a washing machine to keep your clothes clean because society says that you cannot have your clothes dirty, therefore it is a corresponding study and this article is a necessity so consumption is reasonable.

In anthropology, emotion is studied and this creates a movement towards consumption, that is, it is not reasoned consumption, but completely emotional. Example.- the same as before a washing machine but now the "best brand" is bought because it is exciting for friends to know that you have the best and to "show off" that you only buy the best.

And in psychology the feeling that causes an experience is studied, then it is consumed by the feeling that caused that experience. Example.- The same, at home where you lived with your parents, your mother washed clothes in her brand “x” washing machine and you loved how the clothes were so when you have your own house, you buy the washing machine of the same brand to have the same experience as when you lived at home.













So with these 3 situations we can generate a commercial or a propaganda based on the appropriate science depending on what we want to provoke and generate, in addition to the product we want to sell.

Here are 2 other theories or themes that we have to take into account, which are those of the cerebral hemisphere and the living space.

Cerebral hemisphere

This name designates each of the two structures that make up the largest part of the brain. They are inverse of each other, but not inversely symmetrical, they are asymmetrical, like the two sides of the individual's face.

The left hemisphere is the receiver or the logical part, that is where the logic, the reason, is processed; a person with a more developed right hemisphere is a person who only processes a binary system and I could create that their creativity is stunted. For this type of people we can use sociology since it is a more reasonable method or we can create cognitive dissonance (this refers to the internal tension or disharmony of the system of ideas, beliefs and emotions (cognitions) that a person perceives when maintaining the at the same time two thoughts that are in conflict) by handling too many emotions in commercials that stop using her more developed hemisphere and move her to consume other things than reason.

The Right Hemisphere

Therefore the right hemisphere is the receiver and processor of feelings, emotions, it is the creative side; People with this more developed hemisphere are usually hyperactive, risky or "fanned out" as they say, so for these people we can create situations where feelings and emotions prevail or, like those of the left hemisphere, create cognitive dissonance by creating situations for them reasonable or scary.

PensEmoS Paradigm

The other theory is that of vital space (It considered the state (once its primitive stages had been overcome) as an organism and the vital space was that necessary to guarantee the survival of one state against others through struggle or competition.) In other words, the theory of living space says that the fittest is the one that survives and a nation needs a certain living space and a certain amount of resources (materials) to be able to live according to its characteristics and that if it does not have it, it must fight for he. This also works at the person level, a person needs a living space, that the bigger it is the better. Example.- An example is that of a pick-up type truck, it needs a large space as this commercial shows, so this can be another tool,create the need for ever larger living space.

The last two and the people (the last) the most interesting and useful are:

Mythological thought

The human being needs stories to know where it comes from and where it comes from, if myths are created (Greek, Chinese, Roman) to explain the creation of the world, the end of the world, life, love and for everything what needs to be explained or creates uncertainty in humans, there is a myth (world creation myth). Then we can create a story around our product since human beings are symbolic beings so this can help us in the creation of our marketing strategy, in addition to this it is related to the paradigm we think since a story creates emotions, in addition to experiences and These, as we saw, are a very powerful reason for consumption.

An example of this are car brand logos such as Aston Martin and Maserati.

Aston Martin and Maserati

Stages of psycho-sexual development (Sigmund Freud)

A theory that consists of 5 stages that are those that the human being lives and that determines his personality and character.

Stages of psycho-sexual development (Sigmund Freud)

The first stage is known as the oral stage, where the most significant thing that occurs is the stage where the child is breastfed, a person who is overly stimulated orally at this stage are usually smokers or compulsive eaters, on the contrary those who were very little stimulated are usually Highly critical adults, you must have a balance because if this stage is not resolved it usually causes problems especially related to gratification, in adults it is shown as people who do not feel deserving or people who feel they deserve much more. The breast should be removed at a stage where teeth have not developed since the child may think that being aggressive they take away what belongs to him and in adulthood they are usually very immature or manipulable.

In this stage, pleasure and gratification are known for the first time, this stage is where the degree of maturity in adulthood is defined. For oral people there are examples of products such as video games, the adult wants to remain a child, another example is cigarettes or chewing gum, since a dissatisfied child at this stage seeks as an adult to satisfy oral pleasure.

The second stage is known as anal, this stage usually defines the rules and acceptance of them in the adult stage, this stage begins to become independent, this stage also defines the level of dependence that the person will have, cleanliness, the differentiation between good and bad are characteristics of this stage, knowledge.

Examples of products for people of this stage are books, personal hygiene products.

The third stage is the Phallic stage, it is called phallic by the phallus name that Freud gives to the penis, although it does not necessarily have to be the reproductive organ, but the representation of power, this stage the interesting thing is the triangle that arises between Dad, Mom and son.

It is interpreted that a person with problems or a poor definition of this stage will have many couple and family problems since the affection for mother is not well defined, an ambivalism arises with father since the father figure loves each other because he is who He gave his life, but he hates himself because he is the one who has mother; Phallic people are often apprehensive and jealous.

Examples of products to solve this are the stories since it is always usually represented with 3 (the 3 little pigs, the 3 magic peas, the 3 wishes), a very clear example is the story of the magic beans, where the mother and the child They live alone, the mother asks the child to sell the cow that fed them and in exchange for this they give him 3 magic beans that connect the earth with the sky.

The explanation is that the mother, wean the child because he becomes an adolescent, this occurs when he orders him to sell the cow, then the man who gives him the beans represents father, which means that when you become an adult you have the ability to being fertile this fertility is represented by the beans, then the mother throws the beans out the window which means that fertility cannot be in the house, but outside of it because if it will not have many social problems, then the beans grow, then this represents the connection between earth and heaven (spirit and body).


With this work we conclude that knowing the different factors that influence the personality of the consumer, we can very easily create a need so strong that it has to be satisfied, with the product and service that we offer, so it is therefore extremely important to study up to the deeper to the consumer and not just stay with the outside.

These different theories will not help create successful campaigns by creating specific needs for each type of person.

Sociology and anthropology applied to consumer knowledge