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Business intelligence technologies

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This essay was made in order to know the technologies that serve to manage information, this in order to optimize use so that organizations can get used to changes in the market, which is why with this essay we will try to deepen in business intelligence since it is essential that a developing company implements these tools.


This essay aims to analyze the process of development and implementation of the Data Warehouse, Data Mart, Information Systems, Analysis Variable, Measurement Variable tools in order to learn more about what business intelligence is.


This first technology stores in an integrated way all the information resulting from the operations that are carried out daily in a company. In addition, it contains information of the strategic type, this in order to obtain strategic information, which in turn will help the company when implementing it.

This program is where all the information from different sources will be stored, but… Why is it one of the most important elements of a company? Simple, because it is where all the information is exported with a special design to explore information.The Data Warehouse is made up of derived fragments known as DATAMARTS, all this helps with the generation of reports, information analysis, dashboards, data mining, among other types of solutions. Just as at one point the database engineer William Inmon said:

“The Data Warehouse is an information tool that is based on a wealth of information, both detailed and summarized, that comes from data found in operational databases and from other external sources (data external to the company itself or old data contained in other media, etc.). It is a complete solution consisting of a mix of hardware, software, business insight, and systems integration capabilities. ” (European Research on Business Management and Economics, 1998)

Something very important to mention about the Data Warehouse is that it is not a software, much less a brand or a single database. It is essential to understand the true purpose of the Data Warehouse, since if you do not have full knowledge of its functions it can create deficiencies when exporting data and analyzing information, one of the purposes of the Data Warehouse is that it must focus on the entire This means that the company must provide information to all areas of the company, especially the general management.

Another purpose is that its design must be adjusted to changes, since we live in times where information is very volatile and that is why the DATA WAREHOUSE must be prepared to receive these changes.

It must also be designed to massively load company data, these systems are designed primarily for information analysis, that is, queries.

This is how a Data Warehouse is built:

  • Data acquisition: extraction of data from internal and external sources Design and storage: creation of the Data Warehouse through data integration Access: application of ordered and simplified information.

A fundamental part is keeping the information updated. You must deliver the material at the optimal time, in the correct way and in the right format.


Many times companies spend more time looking for data than analyzing them, we also find that companies have many different data sources that need to be analyzed together, in the same way that it is necessary to analyze the same reality from different perspectives, it is necessary to analyze historical data to compare with current data and see the evolution of the company.

Many times clients do not find the information they need or do not locate it in a timely and efficient manner.

"The Data Mart (it is a Data Warehouse, but specific to an organization department) The data stored in it is transformed through a process called Extract Transform and Load (ETL), by which we obtain the data from our source database (Data Marts), and we transform them to incorporate them into the

Data Warehouse. ” (Prat, 2015)

The information contains the following characteristics:

  • Relevance Complete Accuracy Confidence in the source Communicate Punctuality Detail Understanding

Likewise, we can differentiate different types of groups that generate information for a company:

  • Customers Shareholders Workers' unions Competitors Distributors Suppliers

In the business sector, different types of information systems have been created and developed, some are:

  • Marketing information systems (SIM): they are made to process marketing information. Production information systems (SIP): this provides information about the production of a company, specifically to the production area. Financial information systems (SIF): this provides information on the economic activities of a company, this in turn aids decision-making. Human resources information systems (HRIS): this stores and compiles information from the human resources area this in order to transform it and Distribute it to company employees. Management systems for managers (SDD): this provides managers with general information about the company, this in order to know how the company is operating. Internal fonts and environment fonts are used.

Information systems today are too important, but if it is in the implementation of one within the company, they play a specific role, and this helps the company to distribute and facilitate the information at the right time, this affects in the quality of services and products, in addition to greatly influencing decision-making.


They are those that are included in the statistical process and carry out analytical studies on the measurement variables. The analysis variables are mainly used to carry out statistical studies as risk factors. An example is that they are used within the company to be able to determine the various risks, the prevalence of the product or service within the market, local, national and international, and the strengths and weaknesses of the company are also obtained.


In the business field it is one that helps to understand the mathematical aspect of a business. It is used to measure productivity, profits, losses, among other aspects, this helps an executive make strategic or operational decisions. A precise example is in the economic report of a company representing gains and losses.


It is of utmost importance to be able to know different tools for the control and distribution of information, since the way of handling information is not the same as it was some years ago, now data analysis is more efficient due to recently developed tools, in the future these tools will become obsolete or not at all but there will be new tools that is why an organization must be completely flexible so that the improvements in the information systems can handle them in an efficient and effective way and thus develop in a more appropriate to the market.


Gloria, P. (2004). Information systems: principles and applications. Havana.

European Research on Business Management and Economics (3 ed., Vol. 4). (1998). Madrid. Prat, R. (2015). Business Intelligence applied to the Ministry of. Atlantic magazine of the economy, 2.

sites.google.com/site/itsginteligenciadenegocios/home/1-1-conceptos-basicos/1-1-4-variablesde-medicion http://businessinteligentes.blogspot.com/2015/03/11-conceptos -basicos.html https://www.ecured.cu/Sistemas_de_informaci%C3%B3n_en_las_organizaciones

Business intelligence technologies