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Freud's psychosexual theory applied to marketing

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As a marketer, it is necessary to know the external and internal factors that affect consumers, such as culture, region, religion, geography, economy, and on the other hand, their styles of life, tastes, interests, experiences, feelings, etc., but what we discovered is that it is essential to know and investigate the psycho-sexual part of each person, since we consider that each head is a market, therefore today to sell a product and / or service it is necessary to know how to see other alternatives to attract the attention of the consumer without them noticing by appealing to their unconscious side, without leaving them conscious. Therefore, for marketers the psychology of the human being is important to know it and to know how to apply it in advertising in an effective way.

For this we must remember that the sexual part refers to the manifestation of your person. Freud developed the theory of human sexuality towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, where he proposed five stages: Oral, anal, phallic (Oedipus complex), latent and genital. Freud found that in each stage there is an area of ​​the body with great sensitivity called the erogenous zone, and each of them has to do with the different behaviors that the child goes through; and there is also a certain anxiety that, whether due to excess or lack, can produce fixations in the future.

Phase Age range Erogenous zones)
Oral 0-1 years Mouth
Anal 2-3 years Bowel and urinary elimination
Phallic 4-6 years Genitals
Latent 7-10 years Latent sexual feelings
Genital 11+ years Mature sexual interests

Oral stage

The oral stage begins from birth to the first year of life. It is the stage where the child feels pleasure from the mouth (the child's erogenous zone). The child experiences satisfaction through the mouth, a clear example of this; It is when the child is breastfed, uses a bottle or pacifier (they make up the earliest memories of children).

The clear expertise at this stage is weaning, which is known at the end of lactation, during which the child loses intimate contact with its mother and this causes the child to experience the first feeling of loss. And this also gives the baby self-awareness and thus learns that not everything is under her control and her satisfaction is not always immediate.

Gerber is an example of a company that was based on completing the first phase of Freud's theory, where they cover the oral part, from producing nipples, pacifiers, feeding.

The anal stage

The anal phase occurs in children between 2 and 4 years old, where children feel pleasure and all of this focuses on the anal area. By reaching 2 years the child is already capable or mature to be able to control her toilet bowels, this is highly anticipated by the child's family because with this the family can save money and alleviate work.

This stage is based on the fact that children have a certain pleasure in being able to control their intestines, if the purpose of the pleasure that the child feels is to be able to have control of a certain part of their body, such as being able to go to the bathroom as an older person.

This stage has great importance in the future life that the child will have, although many, or most people do not notice it or do not pay attention to it and in reality it is very important for the child, since from this the child's personality can vary in different ways, for example, if the child is forced to evacuate against his will, this in the future will be affected in his life since he could become stingy, selfish, and at times when he has to give something, it will be very difficult and painful for you to give; On the other hand, the child who manages to overcome this stage without any difficulty, her personality will be strengthened, since in the future the child will be a generous person and will have or feel more pleasure in giving instead of withholding certain things.

A clear example of this stage can be the PAMPER's diapers that show us how to use the anal stage by releasing our fecal waste, as well as showing the hygiene that must be followed.

Phallic stage

It ranges from three years to five years. At this stage the erogenous zone is the genitals, the child is sexually immature. But at this stage, children are curious about their bodies and are more aware of it; This is where the child's questions begin with parents such as: Do you have a penis, too? Where do babies come from?

A fundamental part of the phallic stage is the Oedipus complex, for males the mother becomes the desired person, and the father is with whom there will be a strong rivalry for the mother, since the child sleeps with his mother and the The father does not want to, the child knows that the father is stronger but this does not make the child want to be better than the father to attract the attention of his mother; Hence it follows that the child is afraid of being castrated by the father.

On the other hand, girls are envious that boys have penises and they don't. So for them the pope becomes their most precious object and the mother takes a back seat. For this reason, the Oedipus complex is more intense in girls than in boys, as a result it gives a more submissive and less secure personality.

If the Oedipus is not a result, it can cause women to always want to surpass men (due to the lack of a penis), they will be seductive, or women with low self-esteem. In men it generates ambition and vanity. And in both things during this stage it generates stress.

The examples that correspond to this stage are all those that appeal to the number three (mom, dad and child). As can be the new campaign of Deodorant Speed ​​Stick Stainguard Protection Without Limits; in which it can be seen that they are based on the number three (two bodyguards and a protagonist).

Latency stage

It begins at age 6 until puberty (12 years), it is a period where their impulses are "asleep" since children focus their energies on social, sports and cultural activities. Therefore, in this stage psychological, social and physiological traits are consolidated.

A clear example of this stage of latency is a commercial created by Minute Maid: "colored tin frogs", demonstrates these qualities of the stage, the children decide to help their grandfather with his sales, the children organize themselves, take their bicycles and they go to the stores to ask if there are colored tin frogs, when they see that they do not exist, the grandfather starts selling them. The children are around 6 -8 years old, they demonstrate their intelligence when doing this type of marketing as well as their interest in socializing.

Genital stage

The last stage is the genital one, during this stage there is a sexual awakening, which is called puberty, which presents that jump from childhood to maturity, however it is a whole process of changes, both physical and psychological.

In this stage an identity of its own is achieved, and its purpose is to become a complete human being, capable of loving and working.

Speaking in the marketing field, there are several examples of companies that have used advertising campaigns that cover this stage; Coca Cola, if something is clear to us about this company, it is that the Marketing department has maintained Coca Cola as one of the best companies, without taking away the credit for its products.

Knowing a little about its advertising, from the 40's to date Coca-Cola has carried out different campaigns and commercials reaching this last genital stage; with images of happy couples drinking a Coca-Cola, happy families drinking Coca-Coca, men and women drinking a Coca-Cola.

Coca Cola has changed its slogan more than 27 times, since 1886:

Some examples are the following, with phrases that are directed to give something to your life, to that fullness that every human being seeks, appealing to the genital stage, where man seeks to find meaning in life.

In 1963: "Everything is better with Coca-Cola." (Things Go Better with Coke), 1970: "The flavor of life" (Spain) (It's the Real Thing), 1972: "The spark of life" (Latin America) (It's the Real Thing), 1976: "Coca -Cola gives more life. (Coke Adds Life), 1983: «Coca-Cola, more and more!», 1987: «Feeling of living» (Spain), 1988: «The flavor of your life» (Mexico) (You Can't Beat the Feeling), 1989: "It's really feeling!", 2001: "Life tastes good" (Spain), 2001: "Life tastes better" (Mexico / Central America), 2001: "Feel the taste of living" (South America), 2008: distributing happiness (Spain), 2009: «Uncover happiness» (Spain).

There are too many marketing efforts by companies that are aimed at this stage of life, Coca Cola is an example of arriving on a healthier side, but another example is perfumes, they generally advertise where you see a couple seducing each other, reaching the genital stage of the human being.

Freud's psychosexual theory applied to marketing