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ethics in the registration staff of a university in nicaragua


This paper seeks to demonstrate the practice of good professional ethics, focused on the academic record area of ​​the Autonomous Christian University of Nicaragua (UCAN-LEON), we will analyze the performance of the staff in that area as well as provide recommendations to improve care and student satisfaction.


Having codes and standards of ethics is not the only thing that universities must ensure, but also for the application of this set of values ​​and criteria in the way of proceeding. The creation of tools that allow ethics to be put into practice in the company from an internal and external environment is necessary to achieve efficiency and sensitize the organization to the importance of ethics.


The Academic Registry Office is the area with the greatest flow of people at the Universidad Cristiana Autónoma de Nicaragua, due to the services it provides. That is why it is very important to guarantee good customer service (students, as it becomes a window of the institution. A friendly, transparent, quality and efficient treatment would speak highly of the management of the area's staff and therefore of the general performance of the department.

However, over the years there have been situations that negatively influence the performance of the department. Situations manifested by users such as:

  • A lot of time to attend to users. Delivery of documentation is delayed. Lack of order to attend to students when they carry out registration procedures. Lost documentation and others.


This paper aims to evaluate the level of care given to students in the academic registration department as part of the strengthening of professional ethics at the Universidad Cristiana Autónoma de Nicaragua. As the registry department is one of the most important in the institution due to the flow of people and the number of procedures they carry out, it is very important to have good customer service based on ethics.

This study will identify improvement opportunities for the area in order to improve the service that is currently provided. Applying the improvements will strengthen the institutional management of the department, increasing customer satisfaction, confidence in the institution, speeding up the time of some procedures, reducing waiting times.


In the UCAN - LEÓN Registry area, situations are frequently presented that test the professional ethics of this area, taking as a reference the quality of care provided to the student community when they request some information or documentation from academic records.

How would you improve the attention of the registry department if you improve the professional ethics of the area staff towards their clients (students) taking the study period from July to December 2017?


Carry out an analysis of professional ethics in the staff of the León Headquarters Central Registry area focused on customer service.


  • Apply surveys to students to measure the level of care and ethics in the registration area. Check the correct application of the criteria of Quality, Efficiency, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Transparency established by the registration regulations. Propose actions that allow the promotion of professional ethics in the personnel of the registration area.


Information Collection Processing

The data collection procedure will be carried out after obtaining the surveys that were carried out on each student and teacher; The surveys will be applied to each student who comes to the registration office to request some type of service.

These surveys will be made up of general data from the law and the part of the questionnaire on the approach to the problem. The questions are closed and multiple-choice. In other words, only one is the true one, according to the criteria of the student completing the surveys.

Kind of investigation

Documentary film

The study is documentary because it is based on the flowchart of attention that the office has and its veracity lies in reports and rules of administrative procedures of the registration area, and its proof is justified in authentic institutional documents, referring to the study population.

Research model to be used.

The research model will be quantitative since it will be based on surveys applied to the users of the Academic Registry service in the needs of the students' demand.

The Study Universe

Student population

The population to which this research is directed, is made up of students from the Faculties of CCEEAA, CCTT, CCAA, IIAA and CCJJSS, from the UCAN Central Campus, León headquarters, in the period from July to December of the year 2017.

The sample

The procedure is simple random based on which the size of the population is known where as many subjects as necessary are chosen to complete the required sample size, using the following formula

  • n o = size of the previous sample 2 N = size of the universe e = precision or error p = positive variability of the parameter to be measured q = negative variability of the parameter to be measured Value of z associated with the confidence level. 95% is applied, which is equivalent to 1.96 according to the normal distribution table.

Z = The highest precision for any less error exists

P = proportional part

P = 11% = 0.11

q = 1-p = 1-0.11 = 0.89 z = 1.96 e = 0.05 n = 320

Application of formula:

320 (3.8416) (0.11 (0.89)

(320-1) (0.0025) + (3.8416) (0.11) (0.89)

N = 102.35

The variable that is operated

In this case it is about a value on a conceptual scale the variable to use is independent as agreement; Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree, combining with the quality of care time variable, among others, this is managed through a two-input matrix, by means of a table and for the different variable.

. The specific sources and ways to obtain the information.

The sources, techniques and instruments of data collection when defining how the data collection will be addressed, the type of information required (quantitative, qualitative or both) must be defined. It represents the concrete and comprehensive work strategy for the analysis of a problem or question consistent with its theoretical definition and with the objectives of the research.

Our research is Qualitative since we will use the interview and questionnaire techniques.

Survey of the student community as well as the teacher of the institution who are in constant interaction with the registration staff.

Mechanism to statistically process and analyze information

Instrument: mechanism used by the researcher to collect and record the information; forms, tests, tests, opinion scales, checklists.

To collect the data, a survey will be carried out with the students of the university.

The method guides the technique, there may be different techniques for collecting information, but not several methods, without being validated as such.

Collection of Information

For the collection of the information it is necessary to identify primary sources, and in the same way it is necessary to use secondary sources.

Primary Sources:

Surveys that provide information to verify viability are carried out by direct contact with the study subject.

Secondary Sources:

It is one that the researcher collects from research already done by other researchers with different purposes. Secondary information exists before the researcher makes his hypothesis, and, in general, never makes direct contact with the object of study. Information obtained from documents; books, records, statistics, data, census, databases.

Data collection techniques.

To collect the data, a direct interview will be conducted with the administrative staff of the registration area because it is an instrument that allows direct contact with the source of information and thus obtain more precise information on the subject of our research and a survey of active students. that the university has and has time to fill out the small survey

Stages of research

  • Documentary research.

The problem and entity under study is identified, then the background search is carried out in order to verify whether it has already been studied, then the problem is raised and the systematization of the questions-problems is carried out to establish the objectives of the research.

  • Development of the instrument

In this stage, the instruments that were carried out to obtain or collect information are chosen, such as the interview and the survey that is carried out on people who are directly related to the registration area, in this case, fixed-floor students.

  • Field work

At this stage, the instruments chosen for data collection are applied, that is, the application of the student survey and the interview with the registration staff that will allow us to consolidate our information.

  • Preparation of the final document.

In this last stage, a final report is written, developing and detailing the results obtained with the research, as well as the conclusions and recommendations.

Analysis of results

A survey was applied to a total of 100 students asking a total of 6 questions, these were the answers:

  • When asking about the benefits obtained by the students: 31% corresponds to the transcript and 28% corresponds to the enrollment of subjects, the remaining 31% is distributed in other services, in relation to the delivery in time and form of the service provided by registration, they answered as follows: 24% strongly agree, 54% agree, 18% disagree and 4% strongly disagree regarding the performance of services requested in time and form. Of the human attention and warmth of the service: 41% strongly agree, 51% agree, 7% disagree and 1% strongly disagree as to to the efficiency and human warmth of the care received. From the certificates and documents requested,If they are extended with the requested information they answered: 41% strongly agree, 51% agree, 7% disagree and 1% strongly disagree regarding the content of the requested information.. Of the agility of registration and re-entry registrations they responded: 40% strongly agree, another 51% agree, 8% disagree and 1% strongly disagree. When requesting information verbal, receives correct and appropriate responses: 30% strongly agree, 59% agree, 9% disagree and 2% strongly disagree regarding correct and correct responses from according to the request for verbal information.7% disagree and 1% strongly disagree regarding the content of the information requested. From the speed of enrollment and re-entry registrations they responded: 40% strongly agree, another 51% agreed shows agreement, 8% disagree and 1% strongly disagree. When requesting verbal information, they receive correct and appropriate responses: 30% agree strongly, 59% agree, a 9% disagree and 2% strongly disagree regarding correct and appropriate responses according to the request for verbal information.7% disagree and 1% strongly disagree regarding the content of the information requested. From the speed of enrollment and re-entry registrations they responded: 40% strongly agree, another 51% agreed shows agreement, 8% disagree and 1% strongly disagree. When requesting verbal information, they receive correct and appropriate responses: 30% agree strongly, 59% agree, a 9% disagree and 2% strongly disagree regarding correct and appropriate responses according to the request for verbal information.40% strongly agree, another 51% agree, 8% disagree and 1% strongly disagree. When requesting verbal information, they receive correct and appropriate responses: 30% agree strongly agree, 59% agree, 9% disagree and 2% strongly disagree regarding correct and appropriate responses according to the request for verbal information.40% strongly agree, another 51% agree, 8% disagree and 1% strongly disagree. When requesting verbal information, they receive correct and appropriate responses: 30% agree strongly agree, 59% agree, 9% disagree and 2% strongly disagree regarding correct and appropriate responses according to the request for verbal information.9% disagree and 2% strongly disagree regarding the correct and appropriate responses according to the request for verbal information.9% disagree and 2% strongly disagree regarding the correct and appropriate responses according to the request for verbal information.

In general, the management of the registration department was rated positively with more than 60%.


  • Expand attention spaces. Perform 2 trainings annually for workers on the importance of implementing Professional Ethics in student and teacher care. Improve facilities.


Autonomous Christian University of Nicaragua

Academic Record Satisfaction Survey


POAI / T-PdM. Act. 3.14

This survey is designed to measure the satisfaction of the students who are served in the Academic Registration Department and in the Registration Coordinations of the UCAN Regional Offices. The information you provide will be used for the purposes of the study.



READING: The services in which the most attention is provided according to the surveys are the Registrations and Grading Certificates. 83 students (31%), mark grades as a service provided with more attention, followed by enrollments marked by 76 students (28%). The academic history service is marked by 34 students (13%), followed by the Active Student Constancy services marked by 30 students (11%) and the Reprogramming of exams service marked by 31 students (11%). The services of graduates and certificates of graduates are marked by 8 students each (3% each).


READING: of the 100 students surveyed, 33% strongly agree, 50% agree, 16% disagree and 1% strongly disagree regarding the adequacy of office hours. The positive evaluationof this aspect is 83% since 83 students consider it to be so, the negative perception being17% since of the 100 students surveyed 17 consider it so.


READING: of the 100 students surveyed, 30% strongly agree, 59% agree, 9% disagree and 2% strongly disagree regarding the correct and appropriate responses from according to the request for verbal information. The positive evaluationof this aspect is 89% since 89 students consider it to be so, the negative perception being11% since of the 100 students surveyed, 11 consider it so.


The analysis carried out in the registration area of ​​the Universidad Cristiana Autónoma de Nicaragua (UCANLEON) generally showed that the attention received by the students was positive. 100 surveys were applied to students, qualifying the level of attention, delivery of documentation, management deadlines, etc. as positive. However, areas of opportunity were identified that can help improve the current acceptance levels of the registry department.

During the surveys carried out, it was not evident that dishonest practices were carried out in the registration area, for example: expediting the process in exchange for extraordinary remuneration or for relationship or affinity with the applicant.

To finish we can say that there is no lack of professional ethics in the registration area. However there may be unethical situations influenced by the person.

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ethics in the registration staff of a university in nicaragua