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Professional ethics for hotel maintenance operators


Organizational behavior in our days is important because it allows us to study and apply knowledge related to the way people act within the organization, with the purpose of improving its efficiency.

Ethics must become a planned process, with full awareness of what we want to achieve, in the transformation of our lives. We must develop to the maximum practical and professional judgment to activate ethical thinking, recognize what is right, what is wrong, and have personal commitment to maintain honor and duty.

Every worker has or should develop a professional ethic that contributes to strengthening their life and profession. Therefore, ethics for a profession is a set of norms, in terms of which we define as good or bad the professional practices and relationships that they develop. men to each other.

Every aspect of life deserves and must be constantly improved and this is why this work is offered that contributes to the knowledge of appropriate professional behaviors for maintenance workers.

It was carried out with the purpose of training these personnel to act consistently with the code of ethics of the professional who provides services for tourism.


Tourism is defined as the activity that people carry out during their trips and stay in places other than the usual environment for a consecutive period of time and less than one year, for leisure, business, other reasons, not related to the exercise of a renumbered activity in the visited place. As a social phenomenon, tourism evolves parallel to industrialization and in direct relation to the concept of employment of free time, together with the facilities that the modern world presents in relation to transportation and accommodation.

Ethics-Tourism Relationship. All activities carried out by and with human beings must conform to three basic ethical principles, namely: respect for people, the search for good and justice.

A certain installation is related to the tourist concept as soon as it successfully meets the expectations of visitors and behaves as the basic element of the great tourist mass, offering an excellent image of good service and comfort.

But this image facing the customer must always be maintained and not only when the installation is new.

The client asks for comfort and not explanations; In addition, they want facilities in superb conditions, in terms of cleaning and conservation. Moreover, from the day this facility is inaugurated, its gradual deterioration begins due to factors that permanently conspire against the image of well-being and security that it must reflect. These factors are: the passage of time with its natural effects of air conditioning, sun, rain, etc., variety of clients and continued use during 365 days of the year.

It also happens that this process of gradual deterioration of buildings, equipment, furniture, green areas, etc., is so gradual that the management of the facility, which is continually exposed to this change, may not notice it, or we become so accustomed to it. the new conditions that lead to the justification of conformist attitudes.

The concept of comfort is not new, man has always fought for it and constantly develops methods, equipment and devices that make his life more comfortable. Technology and the use of natural or man-made resources have provided him with the ability to meet these demands.

Our potential client lives surrounded by comfort at home, why should he abandon them, when traveling for pleasure, business or another reason? This is why large tourism companies focus their efforts on customer comfort and well-being.

In tourist facilities, a large part of the product that users buy is related to the physical environment. Since a potential guest arrives at our facility, he faces a myriad of perceptions that make him evaluate it unconsciously, such as: the environment and the exterior of the property with the attractiveness of its architectural design, whether the facility is old or new; the access, lobby and reception with its setting and state of cleanliness and conservation, lighting, temperature; the elevator with its necessary security, waiting time, physical condition; the corridor with the state of the carpets, lights, decoration, emergency signaling, fire extinguishers, among others.

We can also mention: The room (a moment of contrast between the expectations formed and the reality that appears behind the door), with its architectural design, color harmony, style, lighting, noise level, equipment operation and level of this state of Sanitary facilities and their maintenance in general do not always lead to customer satisfaction.

- The restaurant with its setting, requirement of services that are offered, and those related to the state of the equipment, and the presentation of the products that are offered such as: ice, hot coffee, food temperatures, among others, do not achieve complete satisfaction.

The pool, with its inadequate water quality, the state of the furniture, its level of maintenance, demands for auxiliary facilities such as: dry cleaning, sports areas, telephone, telex, fax, and other services, do not correspond to what the value requires of the product that was sold to the customer in the market.

For all these reasons we allow ourselves to affirm that everyone who attends a hotel is a maintenance client. from the moment it enters until it is removed from the installation.

The maintenance department is related to the conservation and even the improvement of this physical environment and, therefore, with the quality of service that users enjoy, it is the weapon to fight the battle against deterioration.

It is for this reason that maintenance personnel must know what the duties are, that they must fulfill their profession, which will facilitate proper behavior for their profession.

For this reason, this staff must be: vivacious, generating initiatives, being sensitive, a man who observes and discovers in his path, even without looking for the damage suffered by the area in his charge, with adequate behavior, good presence and moral qualities (attachment to work, understanding, courtesy, patience and willingness to serve, desire to improve, responsibility, honesty, discretion, respect), can give you solutions to problems that come your way from a professional point of view.

In addition, you must have specialized training for your job in order to perform efficiently in different positions.

The training and training of maintenance personnel must be based on three aspects: Technical, behavioral, mental and sociological.

The technical aspects are related to poly functionality and to achieve it, training must be based on the performance of their work, having as a constant reference the so-called "versatility matrix", where the profile of the position is compared with the profile of the person.

The behavioral aspects refer to the necessary change of mentality, to the improvement of the attitude that the new challenges that are being presented to us, the commitment, the responsibility and the readiness to change.

The sociological aspects cater to the elimination of conflicts, harmony with the client, teamwork, communications, participation and above all the support that only comes from good leadership at the managerial level.

The maintenance man must know some concepts that he must, respect and apply as if they were "golden rules" in his profession:

• Attitude: Always be ready to do homework and solve problems in the best possible way and be committed to the results.

• Aptitude: Having the knowledge and training to be able to do it.

• Teamwork: With colleagues, clients, suppliers.

• Communication: Listening to people is the first and most important part of communication. You must ask and hear. Remember that good ideas are simple ideas, and these are usually given by operators.

• Information: We must know what is happening in order to act, hence the importance of recording what is done and what happens.

• Coordination of work with clients: Knock on the door and ask permission when entering.

• Delivery of work to clients: Always leave the place where you work ready and when you leave, say goodbye.

According to the Royal Academy of Language, behavior is the "way in which people govern their lives and direct their actions."

When we talk about improving behavior we are necessarily talking about CHANGING the way of doing things and that requires involvement, since the only person capable of changing behavior is ourselves, with our own experience and our own conviction.

The current context urgently requires that professionals in companies and organizations practice social responsibility and be ethical, it is necessary to leave the discourse and do more in daily action.

On several occasions we use the term ethics, but nevertheless, we are not able to define this concept accordingly.

What is ethics?

Ethics is the part of philosophy that deals with morality and the obligations that govern the behavior of man in society. Aristotle gave the first systematic version of ethics, he pointed out ethics as temperament, character, habit, way of being.

In most of the writings that deal with the subject it is read that the word "ethics" derives from the Greek éthos, which means custom, in turn "moral" derives from the Latin mos, which also means custom. In order not to be conformists, it is worth learning more about the semantic evolution of these words, very well analyzed by HF Drane. For him, éthos refers to the person's attitude towards life. At first it meant a dwelling place or dwelling place; later, in the time of Aristotle, the term was personalized to indicate the intimate place, the place where the person takes refuge, as well as what is inside there, the interior attitude. This being so, éthos is the root or source of all particular acts. However, that original Greek meaning was later lost in Latin, since it was exchanged for mos / moris,we mean almost synonymous with habitus - a practice, a behavior, a behavior. The plural form mores means the external, the customs or the uses.

Morality comes from the Latin term mos-moris, which means customs and also ways of being, in the sense that character is acquired through customs and habits of conduct.

Moral: They are rules of life in society and of the conduct of men, which determine their duties to each other and to society. Morality is one of the forms of social consciousness. Morality is the product of a long social historical development and they have a defined class conditioning.

In a very general way, we can define it as "the fair norms and behaviors that a society or human group accepts as valid at a certain historical moment".

When defining morality, several concepts must be taken into account:

• Moral: The set of concrete norms that put ethical reflection into practice. Hence, many thinkers claim that morality is nothing more than applied ethics.

• Moral as a structure: man has a moral dimension that constitutes him as a man. This dimension historically emerged during the humanization process (acquisition of thought and culture in the first human societies). Therefore, all human beings have morals.

• Moral as content. The set of concrete rules that form a certain moral code. Each civilization usually has its own moral code that differs from that of other civilizations. The fact that some moral values ​​are different should not avoid the search for a minimum moral code that is respected in all parts of the world. That is the function that is given to humans.

From the moral point of view, a fact should be considered good or bad, taking into account the concepts of good-good and moral evil. These concepts are elaborated by the so-called moral conscience, which consists of the ability of a human being to judge his actions and those of others in relation to whether or not they are just.

Some features that define morality are:

- It is based on practical actions, although these come from a previous ethical reflection.

- His norms are expressed in morals (do this, do not do that (which dictate what is our duty.

- Their mandates demand compliance out of respect for duty. Hence, moral actions provoke responsibility, that is, obligation to answer morally for their own acts. Now for moral responsibility to exist, the following elements are necessary, among others: knowledge of what is done and of the consequences that the action may have, voluntariness, whether there was freedom of action and the good or bad character of the intentions that they wanted to achieve with the act.

Difference between Ethics and Morals. This is a problem that most people have asked themselves, what is not the same? Well, no, by definition of roots they mean the same thing (custom), but nowadays they have been diversifying and what we know today as Ethics are the set of norms that come to us from within and the Moral norms that come to us from abroad, that is, society.

Among those who differentiate Ethics from Morals are those who maintain that "Ethics" would be the philosophical discipline that deals with the rational foundation of man's moral behavior while "Morals" would be everything that refers to values ​​as assumed and lived by people, that is, to the subjective dimension or the morality actually lived by determined individuals or groups. This way of differentiating the two concepts seems to be practical and I agree with it.

Ethics and Morals, seen from two different levels. As old as humanity itself is the interest in regulating, through norms or codes, the concrete actions of humans; In all communities, in all peoples, societies or cultures, they find prescriptions and prohibitions that define their morals.

Now, along with the birth of philosophy, another type of interest appeared, that of reflecting on existing norms or codes, comparing them or searching for their foundation. These two differentiated levels of interest or human activity constituting what we know today, respectively, as moral and ethical.

Therefore, morality is a set of judgments related to good and evil, destined to direct the behavior of humans. These judgments are specified in behavioral norms that, acquired by each individual, regulate their actions, their daily practice. And ethics on the other hand, is a reflection on morality. Ethics, as a philosophy of morals, is at a different level: it asks why we consider some behaviors valid and not others; compares the moral guidelines that different people or societies have looking for their foundation or legitimation, investigates those that are specific to moral behavior; it sets forth general universal principles inspiring all conduct; create theories that establish and justify what is worth living for.

Morality gives guidelines for everyday life, ethics is a study of reflection on what originates and justifies these guidelines. But the two, while distinguishable, are complementary. In the same way that theory and practice interact, ethical principles regulate moral behavior but this behavior affects altering the same principles. Often the conflicts of moral norms that appear when we have to make decisions are the engine that drives us to reflect on an ethical level.

Need for Ethics

Every worker has or should develop a professional ethic that defines the loyalty they owe to their work, profession, company and co-workers. Villarini (1994) describes that “ the ethics of a profession is a set of norms, in terms of which we define professional practice and relationships as good or bad. The good here refers to the fact that the profession constitutes a community aimed at achieving a certain purpose: the provision of a service ”. It also points out that there are three types of professional ethical conditions or imperatives:

1. Competition - requires that the person have the knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide a service.

2. Customer service - professional activity is only morally good if it is put at the customer's service.

3. Solidarity - the relationships of respect and collaboration established between its members.

In order to achieve a well-developed professional ethical awareness in the workers, the canons or codes of ethics are established. Organizational values ​​are concentrated in these, the basis on which all workers must guide their behavior, and norms or guidelines are established to enforce the duties of their profession.

By virtue of the purpose of his profession, It is important to know how to distinguish how far he must fulfill a duty and at the same time know what his rights are.

To the extent that he fulfills a duty, he should not worry about the conflicts that he may face when demanding his rights. The important thing is to be a model of what it is to be professional and morally ethical.

Professional ethics is broader than expected, it is more than asking yourself: Am I doing what I should do? Am I doing the same that benefits my client, society, the organization, my country, the planet?

In this context, certain restrictions arise that are known as the code of ethics, which in the work areas or in the ethical work is called the code of professional ethics that serves as a model on which the standards of conduct and fundamental principles are based. They are ruled in order to contribute to the improvement of the profession in what is pertinent to the "ethical - moral" of the exercise.

Code. A code is a document that collects, in an orderly, unitary and systematized way, a set of rules of conduct, ethical principles and values ​​that must govern a given group, in a profession, allowing to assess whether an action is well done or not..

Code of ethics. It is a broad set of principles whose purpose is to guide the agents interested in this activity to develop tourism in a sustainable and responsible manner. It refers to topics of global interest around the world such as: fair trade, security, social progress and humanitarian problems that affect sending and receiving countries to varying degrees.

Tourism is above all a human activity at the core of which is the relationship between people. Broadly speaking, some are hosts and the others, guests or guests, and a powerful industry of goods and services has been formed around them.

Importance of ethical and moral principles for tourism workers.

The level of importance that the formation of ethical and moral values ​​has in our country is demonstrated by the degree of attention that is given to it institutionally, especially in teaching and educational activities at all levels and in all spheres of our society.

Basic ethical principles of tourism workers in the Republic of Cuba

1- Accountability: People are morally obligated to be accountable for the result of their actions and their behavior towards others, particularly considering the specific professional position in which they are located.

2-Consecration to excellence: Determines the need to provide the best possible service in relation to the income obtained from such provision.

3-Concern for others: At a minimum, the golden rule should be applied: Do not do to others what you would not like me to do to you, as an expression of human concern for the needs of others.

4-Equity: As a basic policy, equity in the treatment of other people must provide an equally fair result of the work (equal treatment, equal results).

5-Honesty: The ability and willingness to always declare the truth (although it is painful), is something essentially ethical.

6-Integrity: Although the solidity of moral principles and character may be qualities that distinguish an individual's moral code, 7-Compliance with the Law. The legality of an action does not guarantee that such action is morally correct. Although laws codify customs, they can also reflect commitments and, therefore, are not sufficient to establish the moral standards that must guide individuals.

8-Leadership: This principle must be taken into account in a positive way in our socialist society where a boss must respond in a manner consistent with the interests of his workers and society.

9-Loyalty: The commitment to honor obligations, whether with the law, with organizations, must be part of the moral behavior of all professionals.

10-Keep the word pawned: Any oral negotiation implies the commitment and absolute security of strict compliance with what is agreed by the parties involved.

11-Reputation: The estimation of customers and the community itself is important to any organization.

12-Respect for others: One of the principles of the Kant philosopher stipulates that each one must be treated as an end, not merely as a means to achieve that end. Every human being deserves to be treated with respect.

The maintenance area worker in tourism facilities must take into account the principles outlined above, but also be aware of the need for the presence of attributes that lead to the quality of life and service they offer to their colleagues and clients.

They must be: -Think positive., Be polite., Be attentive, -Be organized., -Be prevented, Respect health, -Follow what is planned, -Be patient, -Tell the truth and take care of the family and their friends.

In fulfilling these commandments is the success of your professional and social life.


Tourism as an activity carried out by men requires a consequent attitude on the part of the people who serve as hosts of this activity, and especially of the Maintenance operators on whom the comfort and safety of the clients rests.

In order to have a correct and consistent behavior before the work of the tourism professional, it is necessary to clarify the concept of ethics as part of the philosophy that has among its functions: to evaluate and value the behavior of men in the family, social and professional fields.

Compliance with the Code of Ethics for Tourism Workers is an element to be taken into account by Maintenance Operators, since it contributes to developing a more efficient job that leads to the satisfaction of customers who visit our country.


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Professional ethics for hotel maintenance operators