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Customer value in the hotel accommodation process gran caribe


This article presents the results of the application of a procedure for Customer Value Management in the Accommodation Process of Hotel Gran Caribe ¨Jagua¨ in Cienfuegos. With the application of the procedure, it has been possible to determine in the first place through the use of several tools (SIPOC, Cause - Effect Matrix, Group work) the potential inputs of the process and a control plan for them. Second a research card was obtainedThrough a survey that was designed from the relationship between the moments of truth detected in the process and the quality characteristics found in the bibliography on the Accommodation service, which was validated through the reliability analysis (Cronbach's Alpha) and construct validity (principal component factor analysis and the KMO index and Bartlett's sphericity test were used to decide the use of factor analysis).

From the results of the survey, the critical quality factors were determined using the following statistical techniques: Descriptive statistics (mode, range, maximum and minimum value and frequency distribution), Discriminant analysis, non-parametric statistics (Kruskall Wallis test and of Man Whitney), which served as the basis for the preparation of the research card and thirdly, the Customer Value Experience was designed , which allowed determining the total offer, both tangible and intangible facts that the process must provide in response to the wishes of customers.

Keywords: Quality Characteristics, Customer Value Management, Moments of truth, Process.



In a hotel, the reception is the main center, it is the link between the guest and the facility. Famous hotelier Charles O. Toole describes hotels as; "The wheel of which the reception is the axis", this department is the first that comes into contact with the arriving guests, if a guest begins their stay in a pleasant way due to the good services and the courtesy of the receptionist there will be many probabilities that you feel favorably disposed towards the other services of the hotel. The rooms within a hotel represent the basic product for which the client pays for their accommodation, that is, it is the most important and significant part of the accommodation.

Cuba has discovered that it has a certain socio-political, geographical and cultural uniqueness compared to other tourist destinations, although it presents an incipient offer, full of will, but scarce in resources, with a discontinuous quality that can satisfy or displease according to perceptions. Cienfuegos is a city with high economic development in the region and the hotel "Jagua" belongs to the Gran Caribe hotel group, which, like any national company, is not exempt from all these requirements. Within this facility, great efforts have been made to improve the quality of service provision, which is why it is the focus of this research, which is entitled:Application of a procedure for the Management of Customer Value in the Accommodation Process of the Hotel Gran Caribe «Jagua» in Cienfuegos.

The research starts with the following Problematic Situation: The hotel has as one of its main objectives: Continue the implementation of the Quality Management System to achieve the certification of the Accommodation Process. In January of this year, through the result of the customer satisfaction surveys carried out at the hotel by the Gran Caribe Group, where a total of 1216 customers were surveyed, meaning 24% of the total number of tourists, a satisfaction index was obtained of 4.12. Of the non-conformities obtained, 80% were focused on the Accommodation area. Therefore, the hotel management, due to the interest it has in the Accommodation process, and also because it is the reason for the hotel's existence, has decided to take measures for its improvement. So the Scientific Problem to be solved in this investigation is:Need to apply a Client Value Management procedure in the Accommodation Process that allows, control potential entries and design a research card and the Client Value experience.

Where the following Hypothesis arises: The application of the Customer Value Management procedure in Hotel Jagua will enable the control of the performance of the Accommodation process of the facility and the design of the Customer Value Experience for the process under study in the present investigation.

  • Potential process variables
  • Control plans for potential variables
  • Design of the client's profile Preparation of the research card.

To achieve the aforementioned results, an important number of techniques such as individual interview, direct observation, survey, document review, group session, DELPHI method, flow diagram, affinity diagram, SIPOC diagram, Matrix are used as tools. cause-effect, discriminant analysis, non-parametric statistics, and others; which allowed to collect, analyze and use all the information derived from the application of the procedure.


Procedure for Customer Value Management.

The procedure applied in the investigation was taken from a work presented by Caravez Santana, Yamil (2004). It is a procedure that has been used on several occasions in hotels in the province of Cienfuegos, giving satisfactory results. Despite all this, the procedure has been subjected to statistical validation using the expert method (DEPLHI) and to determine the consistency of the judgment issued by them, the Kendall Coefficient of Concordance has been used and the hypothesis test was not used. corresponding parametric. The test results indicate that the judgment of the experts is consistent (W = 0, 919)with a significance level of less than 0.1%, so it can be inferred that the procedure must be made up of the 15 activities contained in the instrument used for its validation. Figure 1 shows the stages and activities of this procedure.

Fig. 1 Stages and activities of the procedure.

Results of the application of the procedure

  1. Know the process and measure the actual performance of the process.

For the application of the procedure set out in the previous table, the Hotel Jagua Accommodation process located in the province of Cienfuegos was taken into account, to facilitate the study, this process was subdivided into three sub-processes, which are: Customer location, cleaning and conditioning of the rooms and departure of the client, applying the procedure in each of them, obtaining the potential variables and the control plan, which makes it possible to control the performance of the process under study. In Annex 3 the results shown in the thread cleaning and conditioning rooms. These results were obtained from the application of techniques related to Process Management, these are: Process Mapping (SIPOC) (Annex 1) and the cause-effect matrix (Annex 2), accompanied by information gathering techniques and work sessions with experts who are knowledgeable about each sub-process, which allowed obtaining the results shown in Annex 3 mentioned above.

Note: This article only presents the results of the room cleaning and conditioning thread)

  1. Define the Customer Value Experience.

To apply this phase, the market was segmented into four groups taking into account the stratification by language, which have access to the services provided by the hotel, which are: Germany, France, England and Spanish-speaking countries, then proceeded to the search for moments of truth and quality characteristics related to the accommodation process, which allowed the design of a survey, which was subjected to statistical validation taking into account the validity of the construct (by means of the factor analysis of the main component) and reliability analysis (using Cronbach's Alpha). In the factor analysis, three components were obtained, which explained 75.912% of the total variability. In Annexes 4, 5, 6The moments of truth found in the process, the results of the corresponding reliability and validity analyzes are shown.

Subsequently, the critical quality factors were determined using descriptive statistics (mode, standard deviation, range, frequency of negative evaluations) and multivariate statistics (Discriminant analysis, Kruskall Wallis and Man Whitney non-parametric tests), the results of the analysis were shown in Annex 7 and the critical factors in Annex 8. Based on these critical quality factors found, the Customer Value Profile and the customer research card were designed (see Annex 9) which facilitated the design of the Customer Value Experience shown in Table No 2 below.

Table No 2: Customer Value Experience.

Component Design Structure

Environmental (Decoration and setting, room lighting)

The current decoration of the Lobby and the rooms of the German and English markets will be carefully maintained and for the French and Spanish-speaking markets an attempt will be made to combine the colors of the furniture, walls and other items to achieve a good revelation of the installation and that avoid reloading the ornament as mentioned in the customer value profile.

Lighting will continue to be guaranteed in all rooms without causing glare and maintaining the client's privacy and avoiding shadows so that the client can fully observe the decoration of the rooms and the Lobby.

Human contact (interaction with staff)

Good service will be given to guests through social skills such as: warm welcome, greeting customers by saying "good morning…", "Good evening…" by name, if possible even when serving other customers, the treatment it will be done courteously, tactfully, efficiently and quickly, and interest will be shown by being in contact with the client.

The receptionists and waitresses will have good personal appearances and will pay careful attention to the questions that are asked as well as the comments that are made to the customer.

Guest contact employees (receptionist, room maids) will be prepared to communicate with customers in their languages ​​or at least a foreign language as required by the hotel category.

Tangibles (tools, equipment) An attempt will be made to maintain a stock of amnithia in the Housekeeping Department so that every time the client requests it, the waitresses have easy access so as not to cause inconvenience to the clients.

Two wardrobe machines will be sought to facilitate the work of the waitresses and thus be able to avoid delay in it.

Systemic (procedure that the client has to follow during the service) An elevator will be reserved for customers only, to avoid delay and unwanted customer contact with employees.
Informative (Information necessary to act during the service or before) An immediate answer will be given to any question or need of the client, always handling more than one variant of solution.

The client will be given the service guide upon arrival at the hotel with the information regarding the hotel services. Here the check - out time, the types of room service, payment methods and other information will be clearly explained. If there is any change in the service, the client will be quickly informed.

Economic (payment and ways to do it) The client will continue to be given facilities to pay his account in cash, credit card and room credit as desired.


After having applied the Client Value Management procedure to the Accommodation Process, it can be concluded that:

  1. An extensive bibliographic search is carried out on Customer Value Management for a better understanding. Each of the activities already implemented in stages I, II and III of the procedure are reviewed, obtaining:
    • The description of the Accommodation Process The SIPOC map is constructed to understand the process The Cause-Effect Matrix is ​​elaborated identifying the potential inputs of the process A control plan is constructed in order to control the key inputs of each sub-process. Moments of truth for the Accommodation process were recorded and the most important ones when conceiving and carrying out a quality service were identified. A survey is prepared and from it the critical quality factors are identified through the application of discriminant analysis and non-parametric statistics. The Customer Value Profile is designed that makes it possible to know what the customer wants to find. The External Customer Research Card is created,that will serve as a questionnaire to quickly measure each of the key attributes of the Customer Value Experience. The Customer Value experience is designed to determine the total offer, both tangible and intangible facts that the process must provide in response to customer wishes.

Bibliographic references

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Customer value in the hotel accommodation process gran caribe