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Sell ​​with ease


When you want to sell, you have to present your product as if it were "tailor-made" for your customer's needs.

In order to present it that way, you must first know what the client needs on time and above all know two fundamental factors: the main need and the secondary need that the client has.

When you know those needs, just now and not before, it is time to present the product, highlighting its qualities and the advantages that its use will bring to the buyer.

When a salesperson works during the presentation and inquiry, in such a way that the client perceives that he is sincerely trying to help him, the closing of the sale will occur, in most cases, the buyer himself ends up doing it. Because the advantages transmitted vs. The needs that the customer has, that in no way, the customer will miss the opportunity to solve the problem he had, buying the product.

If you need to sell, learn to listen and inquire, become a needs diver, know how to classify the needs in: main and secondary, done this, put together your proposal, with arguments in accordance with the wishes and needs of the client.

All this will work perfectly if you sell quality products suitable for what the customer is looking for, if you intend to sell something inappropriate, you will sell, perhaps, only once and only have one-time customers.

You need to have loyal customers, for that you must always sell the most appropriate to the needs of that customer, at that time.

Selling is simple and the most important and extraordinary thing is that you learn to sell, but you must incorporate the techniques that will allow you to succeed.

Do not test, use the techniques that will make you a professional salesperson, until you learn them, do not experiment with important clients and they will frustrate you and make you think that sales is a complicated task. When my son was just starting to ride a bicycle, I told him: «don't go fast with the bicycle far from home, until you know how to handle it well, you will fall, you will hurt yourself and you will never want to ride a bicycle again. With the sale you have to do the same, go little by little, slowly and then with everything.

Learn, practice, listen, inquire, and you will sell by letting go of the sell handlebar. ! Successes !.

Sell ​​with ease