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Sellers or advisers?


One of the observable characteristics in the behavior of potential clients is based on the fact that they do not want to be sold.

For different reasons these features tend to be accentuated in the buying public, among which we can mention:

  • Expansion and experiences in grocery shopping Excessive insistence on selling to them even though they are not resolved and other attitudes of malpractice of traditional sellers Lack of knowledge by the seller about the benefits of their products or services and those of their competitors Information they already have about products or services by other supplier companies Shyness Etc.

In any case, the consumer is the one who chooses his style to buy and each sales representative will have to adapt to his preferences if he wants to truly win him as a satisfied customer and incorporate it into their lists or data records for future sales.

This preference for "not being sold" is because they always want to make "the best purchase decisions" in each case where they have to solve a problem or satisfy a need related to our offer.

For this reason, they hope to find a suitable, honest representative, with sincere concern for what they are concerned about solving or satisfying, deeply knowledgeable about the benefits it offers and capable of advising them for their best convenience by adapting their products or services "to suit". by convincing argumentation.

The era of improvisation in sales is over for the consumers of the new millennium, which in many cases does not coincide with the sales culture of many businessmen and entrepreneurs. And if they pretend to believe that only with good products and brands, as well as with good prices and conditions, they will sell more, the meager sales should call them to reflection to begin to produce the change in their behavior to benefit their current and potential customers.

To do this, they will need to define more precisely the profile of representatives to be selected, invest in their initial training and provide them with support for improvement in the job, stimulating successes and correcting deviations. They must also incorporate quality policies in customer service so that all of the above does not remain a mere expression of wishes but rather observable and appreciable facts on the part of their target.

The client is the KING or QUEEN whom we wish to incorporate into our company so that they can buy, buy again in the future and transmit their wonderful experiences in our company.

As this aspect has developed, it is not a matter of luck or opportunism. On the contrary, it is the product of a planning to implement through actions, the desire to be the best for them in a consistent and evolutionary way over time.

© Copyright 2008, by Martín E. Heller

Sellers or advisers?