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Metaphorical selling and the mission of the sales support area


We will start with something that little is known and that is that knowing the world of sales is increasingly extensive and above all because new techniques and new ways of selling to customers are always known, in the same way because today there are too demanding customers, who seek to be able to satisfy their needs, sales were previously known as something called barter, an aspect of exchanges of one good for another good without the intervention of money, but with the passage of time this evolved to sell and exchange goods for monetary resources (money).

Why are sales important?

From a marketing approach they mention that creating a product or service gives satisfaction to the client according to their needs, from the economic point of view they seek to obtain profits through a product or service, for the well-being of the organization and the owners (managers, managers, employees, etc.). In companies or organizations in their different sizes (large, medium or small).

The sales process begins by training salespeople who seek to promote and grow the business and, above all, develop professionally in the workplace and personally. But how do you make the sale happen in any situation that arises in the workplace? How to ensure that sellers are motivated to go out to the market and redouble the effort that is normally carried out day by day? Although it is known that there is a constant training method in which the promoter or seller is motivated to eat the market in one bite or little by little. But for that to happen, salespeople have to be based on someone who guides them or directs them towards the perfect course, as well as a leader who makes them see how important they are to the organization or company.In this essay we will address the importance of metaphorical selling and the mission of the sales support area to increase the productivity of a world-renowned bottling company. And highlight how the sales support area influences, so that the customer makes the purchase in their different points of sale in which they have been established. Know how important this area is so that the sales department has the facility to devise strategies as well as negotiations with customers in the market. In what ways can sales be anchored with metaphors for the customer to make the purchase? These and other questions we will answer as we approach the reading.

But for this we need to structure our keywords for a better understanding.

Keywords: sale, metaphorical, mission, support, increase and productivity.



  • Can you make sales with metaphors so that the customer consumes the product? How can a promoter or seller make a sale with metaphors to a customer? Can all customers understand metaphors when buying a product or service?

Undoubtedly the soft drink company located in the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, its productivity and profitability is oriented on selling beverages, this sale is made through the profile of promoters or sellers, people in charge of visiting customers and convincing them to buy the product in its different categories that the company offers and without leaving behind the service and image that they must offer to the client, although it is a job that has to be carried out day by day to cover the needs of the company, said promoters or sellers fill these vacancies in form of growth due to their performance in other areas, being themselves those who are suitable to perform these functions, but a very particular case happens in which everyone agrees when carrying out their work in the market,This being a weakness in the sales department, this problem is that when it comes to covering the promoter there is no prior training to know how to get there and how to sell to the client. Everything has to be done with the support of colleagues who have experience and seniority in the market. With the passage of time, new sales managers have arrived who have adopted work models for their staff, one of them is to sell through marketing and advertising, always oriented to the customer and service approach, being this as another tool in your sales process, why do we say this? Why through advertising we show the client how they would see the product when they consume the product and how their clients.This problem is that when it comes to covering the promoter there is no prior training to know how to get there and how to sell to the client. Everything has to be done with the support of colleagues who have experience and seniority in the market. With the passage of time, new sales managers have arrived who have adopted work models for their staff, one of them is to sell through marketing and advertising, always oriented to the customer and service approach, being this as another tool in your sales process, why do we say this? Why through advertising we show the client how they would see the product when they consume the product and how their clients.This problem is that when it comes to covering the promoter there is no prior training to know how to get there and how to sell to the client. Everything has to be done with the support of colleagues who have experience and seniority in the market. With the passage of time, new sales managers have arrived who have adopted work models for their staff, one of them is to sell through marketing and advertising, always oriented to the customer and service approach, being this as another tool in your sales process, why do we say this? Why through advertising we show the client how they would see the product when they consume the product and how their clients.Everything has to be done with the support of colleagues who have experience and seniority in the market. With the passage of time, new sales managers have arrived who have adopted work models for their staff, one of them is to sell through marketing and advertising, always oriented to the customer and service approach, being this as another tool in your sales process, why do we say this? Why through advertising we show the client how they would see the product when they consume the product and how their clients.Everything has to be done with the support of colleagues who have experience and seniority in the market. With the passage of time, new sales managers have arrived who have adopted work models for their staff, one of them is to sell through marketing and advertising, always oriented to the customer and service approach, being this as another tool in your sales process, why do we say this? Why through advertising we show the client how they would see the product when they consume the product and how their clients.always oriented to the customer and service approach, being this as one more tool in their sales process, why do we say this? Why through advertising we show the client how they would see the product when they consume the product and how their clients.always oriented to the customer and service approach, being this as one more tool in their sales process, why do we say this? Why through advertising we show the client how they would see the product when they consume the product and how their clients.

Although the marketing area is responsible for making and printing the advertising materials that help promoters when selling in the market. The sales support area is in charge of distributing advertising materials and sometimes using them for exhibitions at points of sale in order to attract more customers through customer mechanics, and above all to generate greater productivity in the volume of sales, in strategic and negotiation issues by the promoter to generate more volume in the sale, the sales support area carries out activities in which the client requests the support of materials for events, such as tents, chairs, tables, coolers, inflatables, etc. Giving an extra to the service offered and that in the end is reflected in the daily income in the company.With the new management that exists in the soft drink company, it adopts a new model, without leaving aside the sales process that they normally have, and this is through a metaphorical sale, but that is really this model.

The word metaphor comes from the Greek meta or metastas, which means "beyond and after." Taking as necessary conditions to stimulate the right hemisphere generating the visualization of situations and facilitating memory. Oriented to the neurolinguistics program, according to some authors they contribute ideas of how the metaphor is defined.

According to Anthony de Mello he defines it as a phrase, story or tale that expresses one thing in terms of the other, according to the client's history. With which it helps to convey their ideas more quickly and clearly in the message. For example; orange-flavored drinks, a metaphor would be "your daily ray of sunshine" projecting an image of orange juice similar to the color of the sun, impacting that when drinking orange juice, your day would be radiant and energetic just like the sun.

Milton Erickson discovered that the use of metaphors has two structures, one superficial and the other deep. The first is the content of the metaphor and the second is the true meaning it conveys. For example; One of the metaphors the soft drink company has used is "uncover happiness", inciting its customers that by trying the product they found something pleasant and above all quenching their thirst when consuming it.

For Marcel Danesi it was oriented in metaphors, in thought and in language, the latter being one more tool for better development when closing a sale, on a personal basis and based on the reading of some arguments by this author, focuses on that if we think better before convincing the customer and greater ease of speech we will be creating greater reliability and greater self-confidence to close the sale with our clients.

For Lakoff and Johnson they argued that metaphors are part of everyday life and not only of thought but also of action in which we think and act by nature, that is, how we move in the world and how we relate to each other. For example; "Let's not waste any more time and go with everything" this phrase has served in the structural level of sales in the area of ​​promotion in the soft drink company in which I work today, since it does not make us go back to that if we are resting on our laurels the competition can get bigger in the market and let it not be overlooked, the sales support area invites employees to redouble their effort day by day with motivational talks before going to the market and remembering what is the importance of your work for the company. Having as a vision the personal objectives of each of them.

Undoubtedly all these authors focus on the basis of thought and language, especially that there are ways to better reach the customer and be able to convince him to make a purchase and that in the end the consumer acquires it, knowing that the soft drink brand is a of which the consumer is still familiar with it, due to its marketing and social impact.

In the following we provide the meaning of our keywords from this essay:

Importance; Value, interest or influence of a thing

Sale; It is the action and effect of selling (transferring the ownership of something to another person after payment of an agreed price).

Metaphorical; It is that form of expression in which the compression of an experience, most of the times abstract, is implied in another way, most of the time concrete.

Mission; Work, function or assignment that a person must fulfill.

Support; Something that receives the weight of another and prevents it from wobbling or falling. Broadcast medium capable of making a message known to the public.

Increase; Make something greater in quantity, size, intensity, importance, etc.

Productivity; In reality, productivity must be defined as the efficiency indicator that relates the amount of resources used with the amount of production obtained.


Returning to the topic of the sales department The importance of metaphorical sales tends to have a degree of weakness and this happens that promoters or sellers are still not clear on how to apply this point when it comes to being with the client, being mostly In some cases, the collaborator does not have an adequate educational schooling, which has repercussions in a productive deficiency, many of them are because at the time there was no other option to place them in the position they perform today, therefore not many capture the message that It is indicated, although on the other hand there are vendors who apply their knowledge to carry out this work model but there are some factors that make their performance adequate, for example:

  • They fall into conformism They are only for the salary regardless of the aspirations they may have  They perform bad practices

A few do not agree with the change that the company constantly makes to improve the sales department, even when daily work is facilitated with state-of-the-art technology.

Now the mission of the sales support area is to provide all the facilities that the promoter or seller may have when performing their functions. For example: general advertising, stationery materials, availability of execution materials at the point of sale (non-cold product displays), dynamics with the consumer at the point of sale (promotions), etc. But it often happens that some promoters or sellers do not use this support to reinforce the sales volume.

As an area, we can increase that productivity in them, attending their meeting points, addressing routes to see how the service is provided to them and providing feedback on how to give a better service as well as evaluating it in its capacity and quality of performance. It is important to emphasize that month after month the company evaluates its clients according to their segmentation into three categories; gold, silver and bronze. These customers are evaluated on a monthly basis to know how the service is and if they have the products that the company offers, therefore the sales support area in conjunction with the promoter or seller performs the corrective inspection so that this rating does not affect them. in their job performance.

Ø Now let's move on to the following questions based on what was investigated in the soft drink company.

Can you make sales with metaphors so that the customer consumes the product?

Yes, using thought and the ease of words in which the customer can capture and remember them at the time of purchasing the product.

How can a promoter or salesperson make a metaphorical sale to a customer?

Through advertising and the experiences of other clients

Can all customers understand the metaphors when buying a product or service?

No, because in some cases the thought can be slow and in others easier to understand and understand in this way the customer can decide to buy or not.

How do you make the sale happen in any situation that arises in the workplace?

  • Through consumer dynamics Through promotions at the point of sale.

How to ensure that promoters or sellers are motivated to go out to market and redouble the effort that is normally done every day?

  • With motivational talks Through contests Through productivity incentives


Based on all the information obtained in the sales and sales support department, I realize that the adjustments that can be made within the company for a better application in sales, as well as the application of the same metaphorical sale that uses From another point of view, it is only a matter of follow-up by the leaders of the sales department, as well as the manager, sales managers and also the promoters or salespeople, it is only a matter of identifying that the collaborators feel with the enthusiasm for doing your job day by day. Undoubtedly the hard work of selling in the different sales methods or processes usually has conflicts in which they have to be adjusted proportionally according to how things are happening, in progress or in progress,in order to ensure the sale and customer satisfaction, taking into account the social environment, either in economic and political matters. Nowadays many companies fight with these points, the economic crisis is partly due to which the client, consumer or retailer does not buy or manage, in an issue that is saving, a situation by which they decide in what to invest and in No, for its survival, the price increase in some basic products, as well as the unemployment rate in the country or the state, all these variables affect in a certain way the profitability and productivity of the company, of which in together with the sales force team you have to devise strategies to counteract the problems,You can have a good service but if we are really failing not to offer and not knowing how to sell, then it is logical that the result or objective will not arrive as expected.


  • Choose the right staff through profile surveys Review again and again the sales strategies that help promoters or sellers to offer products in their different categories Constant training on the topic of selling and providing a better service Give Follow up on the mood of the promoters or sellers. Encourage them with some sales contests as well as the recognition of the best route in a group and personal way.

These recommendations are considered in which it can help a beneficial change for the department, as long as they are met with the appropriate follow-up.


Anthony de Mello, being a priest as well as a psychotherapist, is an unclassifiable character -but he will find his place over time. Born in India in 1931, and died in New York in 1987, Mello continued his personal training with an interest in various Asian and Middle Eastern religious traditions. He immediately grasped that stories and small stories - born in the deep night of time, as a form of transmission of teachings.

Milton Hyland Erickson was an American psychologist and physician and hypnotherapist, innovator and pioneer in changing the techniques of hypnotism applied to psychotherapy. His willpower allowed him to overcome the disease and graduate in medicine and psychology; he worked as a psychiatrist in numerous institutions and, later, as a professor of psychiatry. Milton Erickson laid the foundation for important lines within brief psychotherapy. Among which the following psychotherapeutic approaches are included: neurolinguistic programming, strategic systemic therapy, brief therapy focused on solutions among others were influenced by Erickson's thinking

Marcel Danesi is a current professor of semiotics and linguistic anthropology at the University of Toronto, Marcel Danesi is the author of more than 100 books. His works consider the semiotic and anthropological aspects of the emoji, popular culture, puzzles, crime, youth, and a variety of other topics. His book Semiotics of Emoji, published in 2016 for Bloomsbury Advances in Semiotics Series, helps us better understand the visual language of emoji (Japanese for word-image). Rather than reject the emoji as a tool for the uninformed, Danesi goes back to the anthropological and sociological roots of human cognition by discussing the logical and creative aspects of the brain in the use and creation of this new visual language.


Metaphorical selling and the mission of the sales support area