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The value of being a leader of our own ideas

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The human being capable of transforming the reality that surrounds us, is someone who believes in their potential for action and takes it beyond the routine, inaction, dependence and hopelessness that other human beings carry inside.

The problems are there, and ordinary human beings only encourage the illusion of wanting to transform them, but we are invaded by the fear of risk, disappointment or the idea of ​​waiting for better moments to make the decision to face the challenge, while little little by little we are getting into a dead end, consoled by justifying questions such as:

Why should I worry about changing things, if a swallow does not make a summer?

Leaders of their own actions, whatever their discipline, do not think so. They know that each day that passes it is more difficult to change what is established and from that interpretation, they assume the commitment to the reality that surrounds them.

For that reason, we cannot “rest on the laurels” of inflated and ill-intentioned data, false hopes, illusory beliefs, or naive perception of reality that most people's routine selves produce.

The naive perception of reality that most of us have, is represented by phrases such as: This improves…

I hope that everything is going well… I am optimistic…

It is enough for me to have positive thinking… While the leader of his own ideas acts with a radical logic, expressed in new proposals for action, fed by his potential for realization, with which he captivates by the force that he prints, stimulated by the pride of the do, even if they call it an individualist or a dreamer.

From this being awake to reality, evaluative questions arise such as:

What are my mental schemes and my paradigms with respect to the different situations that reality presents me daily?

The leader of his own actions connects with reality in the form of responsibility with himself, and modifies his attitudes through actions that he performs freely as a task of magical magnitude, because he transforms, creates and establishes the change of the old for the new.

Changing the old for the new from the action of the leader himself, is an act of decision that consists of recognizing one's own possibilities to act on reality, as a way of inducing intentions that configure ways of transforming personal reality.

From that conscious experience, the decision to dare to be master of their own ideas, constitutes a way of exploring the potential for action existing within each person, which is expressed in the manner of an internal motor that breaks the state of mind. latency between the act of wanting to carry out one's ideas and the act of carrying them out.

The value of being a leader of our own ideas