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Types of organizations and interest groups

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Types of organizations and interest groups

Organize Concept:

Organizing is the process of assigning rights and obligations and coordinating the efforts of personnel in achieving the objectives of the organization. This process therefore has two facets: Establish structure and coordinate. Once the objectives and structure have been identified during planning, the organization must determine who is going to be what and how it is going to coordinate within and between departments.

Organization concepts:

• »Organizations are social units or human groupings deliberately constituted to achieve specific ends»

• »Organization is the structure of the relationships that must exist between the functions, levels and activities of the material and human elements of a social organism, in order to achieve maximum efficiency within the stated plans and objectives»

• "The organization is the coordination of the activities of all the individuals that make up a company, with the purpose of obtaining the maximum possible use of material, technical and human elements, in the realization of the purposes that the company itself pursues"

The purpose of the organization:

The purpose of the organization is to help make the objectives meaningful and contribute to organizational efficiency.

Organizing cause:

The basic cause of the organizational structure is the limitation of the section of the administration. If there were no such limitation, an unorganized company could have only one manager.

The structure of the organization - authority: Authority is the adhesive of the structure of the organization, the link that makes it possible, the means by which groups of activities can be placed under the command of an administrator and coordination can be promoted of the organizational units. It is the tool with which the administrator is able to exercise her discretion and create an environment for individual performance. Some of the most useful principles of organization are related to authority.

The Organizational Process: The various principles of delegation of authority and location by department are fundamental truths of the organizational process. They are related to phases of the two primary aspects of organizing: authority and groupings of activities. There are principles such as the principle of balance, which refer to the process of organizing, through whose application managers obtain a sense of proportion or a measure of the total process of the organization.

The state:

Institution of institutions - represents the legal political body called to govern the destinies of humanity and its evolution from any point of view of the various schools of thought that deal with the study, has been coupled with the social, political, cultural and economic development of the community on whose behalf you have been entrusted.

Characteristics and Definitions:

The emergence and development of all kinds of organisms, as well as the multiplicity of relationships between them, have given rise to the existence of different types of administration that sometimes make their classification confusing. However, the most common classification is the one that attends to the economic sector that it serves, that is, according to whether the body is public or private or that it meets characteristics of both sectors.

Three fundamental types of administration are distinguished: public, private and mixed administration, of which we will mention one of them:

The Public Sector

In this sector, all the units can be placed at different levels according to the nature of the institution of which they are part.

In the Central Area

The institutions that make up this level are the secretaries of state or agencies of the federal executive.

As advisory bodies, there are 3 affiliation options:

• From the secretary of the branch directly

• From an undersecretary.

• Of the senior officer

2 locations are excluded as line organs

• As a general direction of the senior officer or an undersecretary

• As a line address dependent on those same units

At the state government level:

The representations that are at this level are called federative entities or state government entities.

As an advisory body, it can be placed in two instances

• Attached to the governor's office

• Subordinate to a state secretary

With linear control it can be placed in two areas

• As support of the governor at the state secretary level

• As direction under the orders of a state secretary.

At the Parastatal Level

The institutions that are part of this level are those that are grouped around an administrative sector.

As advisory bodies, 3 levels of affiliation are shown

• As the staff unit of the head of the institution

• As a support unit of a divisional subdivision or its equivalent

• As an advisory unit of a direction or area management.

With line authority they can be found in three points:

• As direction or management of the area

• As divisional subdirectorate or its equivalent

As assistant manager or department

Evolution of organizations:

The evolution of organizations dates back to the time of the Second World War and its effects extended to all fields. Politically and economically, the organizations had to face an important challenge. The conversion of their economies of war into economies of peace, and the training of the labor force that returned from the fighting fronts to return to their homes and jobs. The vigorous economic expansion that takes place in the decade immediately following the end of the war, determines a remarkable growth of the organizational structures. The process of economic concentration leads to oligopoly; At the same time, the influence and denomination obtained in the war makes these organizations extend beyond their borders, beginning to operate within the countries of the orbit of influence.This expansion of organizations brings with it problems of various kinds. A problem arises that we will call strategy and forces to structure an entire theory of decision, including rationality, prospecting and control mechanisms. The decision-making capacity in the past was implicit behind the virtues of an official or a manager, almost as a function of congenital aptitudes. In this stage, on the contrary, the decision-making capacity concentrates such attention that it constitutes the most precious and beloved of the managerial training areas.The decision-making capacity in the past was implicit behind the virtues of an official or a manager, almost as a function of congenital aptitudes. In this stage, on the contrary, the decision-making capacity concentrates such attention that it constitutes the most precious and beloved of the managerial training areas.The decision-making capacity in the past was implicit behind the virtues of an official or a manager, almost as a function of congenital aptitudes. In this stage, on the contrary, the decision-making capacity concentrates such attention that it constitutes the most precious and beloved of the managerial training areas.

Interest groups

Internal of the organization. Support in the review of the "tasks" and "Structure" of the organization. Facilitation of contact with other subjects who have resources that may be necessary.

That of interest groups, in terms of ethics, the treatment that the company must give to external groups that are affected by its decisions.

Global competition:

What is competition?:

• They are repertoires of behaviors that some people master better than others, which makes them effective in a given situation.

• They are a set of standard behaviors and procedures (reasoning) that can be put into practice without new learning.

• They are observable. In the daily reality of work, and also in test situations, people put into practice in an integrated way, aptitudes, personality traits and acquired knowledge.

• They represent a link between individual characteristics and the qualities required to carry out precise professional missions.

• Competencies are related to the integrated implementation of skills, personality traits and also knowledge acquired to fulfill a mission well. They constitute a specific category of individual characteristics that are also related to values.

• They also have a “local” character, that is, they depend on the framework of the company in which they are developed and developed.

• But they cannot be developed if the required skills are not present.

Organizations are undergoing a fundamental transformation around the world. This transformation is described as a transition from a modern paradigm to a post-modern organization paradigm, where we can describe the way that companies are transforming, moving away from a traditional hierarchical management to reach a full participation of all employees.

Within this transformation, change in organizations has been driven by two accelerating trends. The first is the increasing speed of change driven by global competition. Organizations must adapt faster and be able to do more things well. The second is a fundamental change in business technologies.

Traditional organizations were designed to handle machine-based technologies, with a primary need for stable and efficient use of physical resources, as in mass production. However, new organizations are knowledge-based, which means they are designed to handle ideas and information and where each employee becomes an expert in one or more conceptual tasks. More than striving for efficiency, each employee of knowledge-based companies must continually learn and be able to identify and solve problems in their domain of activities.

In learning organizations, everyone is involved in identifying and solving problems, allowing the organization to continually experiment, improve, and increase its capabilities. In this organization, employees intervene in the identification of problems, which translates into understanding the needs of customers

The most recent revolution in the learning organization is that employees contribute to strategic direction to an extent that has not been achieved before. The staff identifies needs, so that the strategy emerges within the global vision of the future of the organization that all employees share.

In addition to increased employee accountability for both organizational means and ends, the shift toward a learning organization philosophy is associated with thoughtful leadership, a strong culture, extensive participation in information, and a systematic change in skills. formal structures and systems. The learning organization uses delegation of authority to an extraordinary degree.

In the learning organization, the basic unit is cross-functional teams. People work together to identify needs and solve problems. Leaders are born curious and have a taste for learning, so they strive to develop this intrinsic motivation and curiosity, which can lead to better performance.

The market:

In general economic terms, the market designates that group of people and organizations that participate in some way in the purchase and sale of goods and services or in the use of them. To define the market in the most specific sense, it must be related to other variables, such as the product or a specific area.

In the market there are various agents that influence each other, giving rise to a dynamic process of relationships between them. At the same time, the market is surrounded by various environmental factors that exert to a greater or lesser degree a certain influence on its relationships and structures.

Consumer Markets:

They are those in which transactions of goods and services are carried out that are acquired by the final consumption units. These markets can be divided into three main types:

Markets for products for immediate consumption.

They are those in which the acquisition of products by individual or family buyers is carried out with great frequency, being generally consumed shortly after their acquisition. This is the case of fish, meat, drinks, etc.

Durable consumer goods markets.

They are those in which the products acquired by individual or family buyers are used over different periods of time until they lose their usefulness or become outdated, for example: televisions, furniture, suits, etc.

Service markets:

They are made up of those markets in which individual or family buyers acquire intangible goods for their present or future satisfaction, for example: services, laundry, education, health, etc.

Industrial or institutional markets:

They are those in which transactions of goods and services used to obtain different products are carried out that are the object of a subsequent transaction or that are acquired to obtain a profit through their subsequent resale.

In other words, industrial markets are those that comprise the products and services that are purchased to serve the objectives of the organization. Taking into account the generic objectives of organizations, three types of buyers can be distinguished:

Industrial buyers.

They are those that acquire goods and services to obtain intangible products that are subsequently commercialized. Example: Car companies, etc.

Institutional buyers:

They are those that acquire goods and services to obtain generally intangible products, most of which are not marketed. This is the case of universities, the armed forces, etc.

Industrial intermediate buyers:

They are formed by the buyers of goods and services to resell them later or to facilitate the sale of other products. Example: wholesalers, retailers, service companies, etc.

Taking into account the nature of the products, the markets can be classified into:

• Markets for agricultural products and from the sea.

• Markets for raw materials.

• Markets for technical or industrial products.

• Markets for manufactured products.

• Service markets.

Open market.

Denomination used to designate the operations of purchase and sale of public funds carried out by the central bank of a country. These operations constitute one of the most important economic policy instruments that governments have to regulate the volume of money in circulation.

Exchange Market.

Denomination used to designate purchases and sales of foreign currency. There are two main types.

• Cash exchange market.

It is the one in which currency trading operations are carried out for delivery and payment at the time or within a few days of being contracted.

• Futures exchange market.

It is one in which the foreign exchange purchase and sale operations are carried out for delivery and payment on a previously set future date.

Capital market.

Denomination used to designate the differences between financial operations carried out in the medium and long term and the set of institutions that facilitate the carrying out of such operations. It comprises two main types:

• Credit market:

It is that market in which financial operations are carried out through loans from banks and investment institutions.

• Stock market:

It is one in which the financing operations are carried out through the transactions of different securities on the Stock Exchange.

Coupon Market:

Denomination used to designate subscription rights contracting operations on the Stock Exchanges.

Money market.

It is that market in which short-term financial operations are generally lower in one year.

Foreign Exchange Market.

Denomination that is used to designate the set of transactions that are carried out with foreign currencies between the different delegated banks, to meet the requests of their corresponding clients.

Used Market.

Expression used to designate those places or establishments where product transactions are carried out, under more advantageous conditions for buyers than in the usual establishments.

The reason for this advantage may lie in different causes, such as the sale of second-hand products, out of fashion, remaining stock, with small defects.

Stock market.

Denomination that designates the set of people, public or private entities, related to the issuance, contracting and control of negotiable securities.

Outside market.

Denomination used to designate the different transactions that companies carry out outside their own country.

Interior market

Denomination used to designate the different sale and purchase operations that are carried out outside the law of a country. This market usually arises as a result of the scarcity of a good in relation to the existing demand for it.

Potential market.

It is the maximum amount of a product or service that can be sold during a given period of time in a market and under certain conditions. This potential market concept is also often referred to as.

The market potential depends in most cases on the economic situation of the country, as well as the set of commercial actions that the companies that produce and sell a certain good can carry out.

Central Wholesale Markets.

They are physical wholesale contracting centers existing in large urban centers, where agricultural, livestock and fishing products are received from the contracting centers in origin. There are two main types: the traditional central markets or supply markets and the markets of some company.

Futures Markets:

Denomination used to designate those markets in which the contracting of products for future or deferred delivery of the same, at a price determined and previously agreed between the buyer and the seller.

Transit Markets:

Denomination used to designate those markets located in ports and border crossings, in which transactions of various products are carried out with very varied destinations.

Markets in origin:

Denomination used to refer to the places close to agricultural, livestock and fishing production centers, where the first sale of these products takes place.

There are main types:

• The alhóndigas or corridas:

They are generally privately owned warehouses to which products are taken and to which buyers go. Transactions are carried out by open low auction.

• The fish markets.

Impact of Technology in the organization.

Technology is the organization and application of knowledge to achieve practical ends. It includes physical manifestations such as machines and tools, but also intellectual techniques and processes used to solve problems and obtain desired results.

An example is the computer represents one aspect of technology but programs or software are just as important.

Impact of Technology on the Organization.

By organization technology is understood the set of techniques used in the transformation of inputs into products.

Technology applicable to all organizations.

Technology is easy to understand in a physical transformation process, such as in an assembly line, but it is also suitable for other organizations, such as a hospital or university.

It is based on the knowledge and equipment used to perform tasks.

It affects the types of inputs and the production of the system that reach the organization.

Impact of Technology on the Structure.

Structure Concept: Create the formal scheme and determine the way in which the tasks are carried out.

Many scholars have focused specifically on the relationships between technology and organizational structure. Joan Woodward and her colleagues conducted extensive research on 100 industrial companies in England. The researcher divided the companies into three groups, based on differences in technology.

This resulted in the number of vertical levels of management in direct production departments increasing with the relative size of their management group.

The technology is classified into three components which are:

Operational technology: is the technique used in workflow activities. But it affects only those structural variables directly linked to the workflow.

Materials technology: Refers to the nature of the materials used in the transformation process.

Knowledge Technology: It refers to the characteristics of the knowledge used in the organization.

Technology is a primary determining factor of the structure in the production line.


Internet pages:

Trends in education in the Information Technology society

Learning about Learning organizations

How to obtain Competitive Advantages through Information

http: //www.doc6.es/secciones/gc.htm

Knowledge Management: New Business Culture

http: //www.gestiopolis.com/recursos/documentos/fulldocs/eco/competeitividad.htm


management in the 21st century


Hypothesis and Organization Theory


Nature and purpose of the Organization


The organization

Types of organizations and interest groups