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Types of information systems in the company

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An Information System; a set of components that interact with each other to achieve a specific purpose, which is to satisfy information needs. And they can be people, data, activities and resources in general, which process information and distribution in an appropriate way, satisfy and achieve a precise objective.

Whitten, Bentley and Barlow propose “a model based on five blocks in five elementary blocks to define an IS: people, activities, data, networks and technology.

  • People: encompass the system owners, users, designers and those who implement the system Data: constitute the raw material used to create useful information Activities: include all the processes carried out in the company and the data processing and generation activities that support the former Networks: the decentralization of the company and the distribution of the blocks in the most useful places (production centers, offices, delegations…) are analyzed, as well such as communication and coordination between these places. Technology: refers to both the hardware and the software that support the remaining integrated blocks of the IS ”(Álvaro, Vieite, Carlos, & Suarez Rey, 2012), p.35.

Information systems in the company

The business information system constitutes the set of resources of the companies that help to support the basic process of training, transformation and communication of information. And it adapts to the specific needs of each organization and its organizational structure.


ERP (Enterprise Resoure Planning), is a comprehensive information system that covers all functional areas of a company in an integrated way: finance, production, purchasing, sales, human resources, etc. This system combines the function of the different management programs into one, based on a single centralized database.

The typical components of an ERP are:

  1. Finance: the ERP system of Business Management will allow you to monitor the activities of your company, obtaining knowledge of the value chain and identify areas of opportunity that allow you to boost productivity. Shopping: it will allow you to have and visualize valuable information that will help to plan the purchases. Generate reports on the relationship between orders, warehouse entry and invoices. Having on hand a complete history of purchases from suppliers that will give valuable information and help to form purchasing strategies, visualize price movements in time ranges, etc. Sales: organize multiple price lists as well as sales orders. Generate invoices from pending orders. You will have a customer history with information that allows you to analyze future sales.Save time and simplify operations by automating departures. Human Resources: allows flexible handling of all calculations involved in payroll processes, allowing to manage key processes in the Human Resources area. Softland ERP Human Resources and payroll is an excellent complement to any of the other areas.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management). It is a system that allows us to store information on each and every one of the contacts with our Clients and their environment. These systems are not always related to telemarketing, in turn telemarketing is unfailingly related to CRM systems.

Business strategy based mainly on customer satisfaction:

  1. Analytical CRM. Its objective is the exploitation and all the analysis of the information available about the client (Data Werahouse and Dataminig). Collaborative CRM. It is used to work more comfortably with the client, since it uses various communication channels such as e-mail, fax or telephone. E-CRM. It is based on the electronic relationship with clients, thanks to the internet and new technologies, the level of association with the client is increased. ERM (Employee Relationship Management). Based on the relationship with the workers themselves. The better the technology-worker relationship, the better the results will be aimed at correctly achieving the planned objectives.

BPM (Business Process Management). Identify the software that deals with the management of operational processes. The consolidated and unstoppable BMP trend that is forever changing the operations of companies and any organization in the world, allowing greater automation and potentialization

There are terms related to BPMS (Business Process Management System) that are: SOA, EAI, BAM, BRMS, BPA, BPEL, BPMN, ESB, BPP, etc., which are used many times without taking into account the application environment, and without taking into account what the customer's need really is, leading to situations of high confusion.

SCM (Supply Chain Management) are business processes around logistics and customer service: production, storage, preparation, purchasing, procurement, distribution and after-sales. It contributes to the coordination and optimization of business processes and commercial transactions both within the same company and in different companies. By taking a broader view of how your business is running, you can improve resource allocation and improve customer service.

Information systems in the company

The term computerization is used as a synonym for information system, and an information system requires an adequate computerization process, since in several information systems, the use of information technology is associated. Since it does not matter how small an information system is, it requires an automation process.

Gil Pechuan points out for the information system to exist "it must contemplate the design of an integrated system that relates the general information for the various functional applications of the company and thus enables the improvement of decision-making processes." (GIL & PECHUAN, 1997)

Management Information Systems (SIG), or Management Information Systems (MIS), Decision Support Systems (SSD), or Decision Support Systems (DSS), and Executive Information Systems (SIE), or Executive Information Systems (EIS).

Information systems for management (mis)

Management Information Systems are a set of tools that combine information technologies (hardware + software) with procedures that allow information to be provided to the managers of an organization for decision-making.

Decision support systems (dss)

The concept of the decision support system is developed by the confluence of very different areas of knowledge, whose contributions shape the final concept of DSS.

Executive information systems (eis)

The EIS have been confused in their origins with the DSS. For Gil Pechuan, this problem has been due to the existing confusion about what type of management level each was focused on. Senior management-oriented EISs appear when company executives require data to make decisions but cannot dedicate time to extract what they need from the total set received.

Database Manager System

“SGBD, is the coordinated set of programs, languages ​​and procedures that allow the implantation, access and maintenance of the database. And its function is basically with an interface (link or communication element) between the user and the database, together they constitute the Database System.

They involve four functions which are:

  1. The description function: It is the one that describes or defines the structure of all the elements or data that make it up and uses a DDL language (data definition language). The manipulation function: It is the one that collects all those functions for the manipulation and interaction of data in a DB. And they are grouped into two types that are (Query operations and Update operations). Control function: Determines the interface (communicational element) between the DB and the staff. The interface will be aimed mainly at users who want to interact with the DB, and at the administrator. This function is performed by programmers and analysts. Teleprocesses: Remote communication. More than a function, it is a capacity of a DBMS. "(Davis, B, Margrethe, & H Olson, 1989)

Transactional systems. Their characteristics are:

  • Labor savings, because they automate operational tasks of the organization It is often the first information system that is implemented in organizations, supporting the tasks at the operational level of the organization to continue with intermediate modes and, later, with senior management as it evolves, displaying a huge input and greetings of information; its operations can be simple and not very complex. They require high data management to be able to carry out their operations and as a result they generate immense information.

Decision support systems. Their characteristics are:

  • They are introduced after having implemented the most relevant transactional systems of the company, since they consist of an information platform. Their information they generate supports intermediate modes and senior management in the decision-making process. They are usually intensive in calculations and scarce in information inputs and outputs. They do not usually save labor. Due to them, the economic justification for the development of these systems is difficult, since the income of the investment project is not known.

The human factor in information systems

In a long time, all the relevant factors for the proper functioning of the company have been analyzed. However, given the importance that the human factor has had today, a study of how it behaves is carried out to see how it influences the company, in this way to be able to give it its corresponding place in the company. To do this, the characteristics of human resources are analyzed, as well as the new role of the Human Resources area, to later lead to the importance that man has acquired as a catalyst for business competitiveness.

The dynamics of the environment of the so-called “Information or Knowledge Era” has transformed the points of view and needs about accounting information. Demanding that it explicitly reflect the main generating elements of the organizations' benefits, mainly those included within intangible assets, highlighting the Human Factor, reflected (to a certain extent) in the Intellectual Capital of the organization. In the current scenario, having this knowledge has reached a strategic relevance for the organization, constituting, according to scholars of the subject, true competitive advantages. For this reason, the establishment of mechanisms and models for the management of this important resource has been the object of study of innumerable interdisciplinary investigations.The present work aims to identify current trends about Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital Management and its integration with Information Management Systems.


All types of business information systems have had to evolve due to the use of new technologies, for their automation in all their operating processes, as base systems that work for their decision making, with different types of levels, becoming in fundamental tools to acquire a competitive advantage towards new markets, and implementing and using maximum stability in the market.

Today all kinds of technologies are used, implemented and automated for the activities of an organization, counting on a strategic analysis in the market for proper operation.


  • Álvaro, Vieite, G., Carlos, & Suárez Rey. (2012). Information systems. Practical tools for business management. Mexico: Alfaomega Grupo Editor. Davis, B, G., Margrethe, & H Olson. (1989). Management Information Systems. McGraw-Hill.GIL, & PECHUAN, I. (1997). Information Systems and Technologies for management. Madrid: McGraw Hill.
Types of information systems in the company