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Take risks, innovate and differentiate for business success


"If you are looking for permanent success in your company or in your personal life, decide to abandon everything that represents comfort and tranquility, because there you will not find anything that will make you move forward."

On the contrary, if you keep yourself at risk constantly, you will surely increase the possibility of being ahead of the others!

"The people or companies that take the lead are not those that only travel in familiar terrain, but those that have decided to change and change to be better"

For a long time, we have been taught that one must do one's best at certain stages of life to achieve peace of mind when we decide or have to withdraw from our professional activity. Now I understand death.

Death does not come for people or companies, when we stop breathing, but when we abandon the idea that we should not do more because we have already achieved everything. If dying scares you, then I tell you that the cure for it is to keep moving, constantly changing, thinking about going further, daring to be and do what no one ever dares. Many organizations stop being in the preference of their customers for the simple fact that they have abandoned the idea of ​​doing more for their customers and have slowed down their ability to innovate.

High Performance companies are those that permanently seek three objectives in my opinion:

1. Be the most productive company:

Which implies, the incessant search for more operational efficiency, agile and flexible processes and forcefulness to ensure results. In personal life, this implies seeking to be better people through showing a high level of results and a great capacity to change consistently.

2. Be the best managed company:

This means having control of all internal operations and processes, having strategic alliances that allow us to continue to advance systematically without any surprises in internal factors. Again, from the people's point of view, this means leading by example, always doing the right thing for others, which would speak to our level of congruence anyway.

3. Be the most innovative:

This condition is what keeps us ahead of others, as it shows our ability to change even when no one forces us. This is how companies and people remain successful, there is no other way. But it is necessary to abandon Comfort, it is necessary to travel in unknown terrain to be able to achieve it.

Are you willing to do it?

Differentiation occurs only when you are willing to leave the known terrain to enter troubled waters, which requires a great capacity to change and reinvent yourself!

Nothing that represents the same for the market, will have the impact that allows you to grow consistently. The leading companies have as a common denominator the great ability to anticipate changes in their environment as a result of their creative power and innovative talent.

It is no longer about managing companies, it is about pushing them to change and that requires the deployment of all our leadership in a consistent way. And I'm not talking about that leadership that only has the highest authority in the organization, I'm talking about the leadership of everyone who lives in your business.

Without the ability to innovate, without empowering people to exercise their creative power on a daily basis, you can be ahead of your competitors. Today much more is required than doing things right, because this condition no longer guarantees the success and survival of your company.

But maintaining that creative and innovative capacity also requires the reinvention of each person who is within your company. Without their willingness to change and transform themselves into unique beings for the organization, it will be possible to achieve the results that are required or the necessary competitive position against their competitors, and this is what is interesting.

In order for the changes that every organization needs to take place, it is required, in addition to involving the people who make it up in the dream, to help them to unfold their full potential, from reaching their highest effectiveness through the training process that every company must guarantee to any person from their entry into the organization and not only that, they must also ensure that around each person or work team there is the right climate so that they can prepare to do things differently and in the best way.

The management of each team leader has a lot of weight in the change process, since they are the only ones capable of making this happen if they correctly carry out a process of management training support empowerment in each employee, otherwise, everything will remain a dream and you will surely decide that your path is only to manage the property or assets for which you are responsible.

People who dare to do what no one does, leave all known terrain behind, they are adventurers, because innovation is adventure, they are unsatisfied people, because precisely the desire to improve things keeps them alive. They are focused not on the client itself, but on their needs, and they anticipate them.

They are people who are willing to make customers have an unforgettable experience through the product and service they provide. Successful entrepreneurs do not lock their budgets to develop and train their people to achieve this purpose.

They spend a lot of resources on it, because they know that ultimately, it will be their people who will produce their dream, which is to achieve the highest level of market share through differentiation.

While you sleep, others are ahead of you Traveling in unknown terrain causes fear and paralysis in many executives and company managers, I have no doubt, but it is the best way to achieve the highest level of results that could have even been dreamed of. It is not about producing chaos by producing it, it is about learning to navigate it, in such a way that our capacities and abilities to handle complexity benefit from the frequency with which we enter and leave this fertile ground.

It is also about not losing the advantage by being asleep, thinking about control rather than loosening people's ties so that they can do things that differentiate our business from our competitors.

Believe it, while you rest on your laurels, others are taking advantage of you and this is not permissible for anyone.

The so-called blue oceans are not for everyone to see, but they are as close to us as we learn to see them. It is necessary to create differentiation through innovation, to empower our people to do the best for their business, but this condition also requires a training process and that takes time.

We continually see executives who are quick to decide, and too slow to act. They want people to achieve high levels of performance, when it is their policies and the fear of making decisions that lead to action that actually stop the entire organization.

Dare then, to think once and for all about the needs of your customers and think like no one else that it is what they need from you and no one would give it to them. Think about how you can give him an experience that you will never forget and that will allow you to remember this fact clearly for the future.

Only by doing what nobody dares is how you can keep your business ahead of your competitors, but as long as you do not risk letting the personnel that make up your work team take the initiative for change, you will not be able to move with tranquility in the market where you are participating and as a consequence, you will be accustoming people to depend exclusively on what you say.

Believe it or not, most of the companies that stop their march due to the fear of their leaders to travel where they do not know and that is how they stop their march, some even forever.

If you require our support, as always, we are at your service.

Final thoughts:

"Innovation arises when we decide to explore unknown terrain." When we put ourselves at risk is when our qualities emerge and we show the strength of the entire organization.

Our clients expect the best from us, don't give less than what they ask for!

"As long as you do not decide to abandon what you have been, you will not be able to enter the field of improvement" You will continue to be and do the same as always, and that. Stop attracting attention! To anybody.

Performing on familiar ground is like going for a walk to the same place we've always been, and in the end this will not only seem boring, it won't allow you to put your full creative potential to the test! ”

Take risks, innovate and differentiate for business success