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Business consultant job for organization


At present, thanks to the favorable development of communication technologies and the diversification in commercial relations between individuals, the globalization of economies and many other factors with a global impact, changes are taking place, spreading and becoming necessary with greater faster than ever.

States change, organizations change, people also change because they are part of the environment. It is the latter - the organizations - to whom we intend to direct these lines.

Since change is an imperative for the permanence of organizations, it is important to reflect on the implications that this has to occur or be carried out.

Those in the middle of consulting organizations know perfectly that change and the need to make it present in them is the spirit that gives existence to consulting itself.

Based on this idea, the consultant is the first one obliged to have a broad perspective of the environment, the environment where he will develop his management, as well as a general knowledge of the members of the company. It is important that the consultant assumes an analytical behavior from the beginning, diagnosing what is necessary from the first moment to allow himself to focus and attend to the needs of particular or specific treatment that will be generated during the intended process of change. Initially with his presence, with his own behavior and with the natural resistance that he will have to face.

The consultant should seek to make their work noticeable, to perceive a marked difference in the organization before and after their intervention, their performance. Once you have transmitted and planted in the organization the foundations to get hooked on the global chain of change in organizations.

Regardless of the change that the organization has determined to implement, the consultant or group of consultants must initially promote changes in the human group; the executive group, the manager and the operational group.

The individual who is part of the organization must be and be convinced that the change that he asks of others, of the processes and of his environment, must begin with himself. The proper way to initiate this change is by obtaining knowledge that is lacking, with the learning that must be acquired, with the values ​​that must be sown and put into practice. You must change your work habits and show an attitude of change.

The latter is important to consider, since people show a natural tendency to resist all kinds of changes, whether they are apparently beneficial or harmful for the sole fact of causing alterations to what is currently happening. It is important, both for the consultant and for the organization, to know that resistance to change has different modalities, which are mentioned below:

  • Lack of conviction that change is necessary. The current state of affairs is comfortable for the individual, therefore he is convinced that it should remain so.
  • Aversion to surprises. We want to have the security of knowing what material effects this supposed change will have. We do not wish to tread on unfamiliar terrain.
  • Aversion to imposed change. "Since change is not a proposal that has arisen from my needs, I will keep it away from me as much as possible."
  • Fear of the unknown. You don't want to risk comfort status.
  • Resistance to dealing with unpopular issues. Change is not a situation that everyone constantly celebrates and applauds.
  • Fear of maladjustment and failure. It is not certain that a change that comes from outside will come in handy. Break our habits and customs. Most likely it will not be successful.
  • Disturbance of practices, habits and relationships. A change involves modifying our way of doing things, bringing our practices and altering the way we approach interpersonal relationships at work.

We saw previously that changes do not just happen, they have a reason for being. We could point out the following examples:

  • Unplanned changes. When the organization is forced to make adjustments within it due to the fact that environmental factors are not alien to it.
  • Planned changes. The organization has determined to adapt to the changing conditions of the market and to remain in it must make modifications in itself.
  • Tax changes. The corporate determines to alter the current state of affairs at all levels of the organization.
  • Negotiated changes. It may be that these, as well as the participatory ones, are the ones that in the end produce results as close to what is desired, since the parties state their needs and agreements are established to achieve objectives.
  • Participatory changes. Like the negotiated ones, these have a positive impact, since all the members of the organization collaborate with their part in order to implement the proposed changes.

The changes do not occur because the organization has determined to make a turn, they do not happen by the simple participation of the consultant with his tools turned into facts; It is necessary to have leaders convinced and committed so that the measures adopted permeate the entire organization. With this it will be achieved that the new forms are perceived first, understood later, communicated properly so that in the end they are adopted by all.

The general process for carrying out change is not arbitrary and haphazard. There are some general principles in consulting to lead and direct this process.

  • First. It should be considered that the organization already exists, normally carrying out its operational and executive activities in a normal way. Therefore, it is important that change and normal operation can take place at the same time without entering into conflicts, disputing the resources that exist in the organization. The managerial level of the company, in a clear way, will establish and direct the concrete actions that will be applied for the change. It will do so by defining its level of active participation. The dimensions of the company must be taken into consideration so that the change measures correspond to them, which will be implemented in a coordinated manner between them. Consider the elements of the organization that are subject to change, such as the use of technology, the organizational structure, what should be modified,the human group and the psychological impact of the change, the political part of the organization and finally the aspect that will keep the organization latent: the financial one. The change process should be directed in such a way that it contemplates an adequate start of the same, a development of the implementation process that works systematically, seeks to convince those who resist change, always maintain the adequate support points that finally lead to obtaining of the desired change.seek to convince those who resist change, always maintain adequate support points that ultimately lead to obtaining the desired change.seek to convince those who resist change, always maintain adequate support points that ultimately lead to obtaining the desired change.

As part of the strategy, which was mentioned above, a harmonious work team must be formed between the leaders of the organization and the consultants. This team will have to establish when and in what form its intervention is necessary to unblock resistance and actively participate promoting the advantages and selling the virtues of the need to change; first to the individual and with it her immediate surroundings.

It is the task of the consultant to make a thoughtful analysis of the above to propose the best ways to achieve the objective. To do this, you must use the best of your background of experience that will allow you to truly convert the concepts learned and deeply studied, into concrete facts that benefit the organization, benefiting those who make it up.

(1) Basurto Amparano, Aníbal. Smart Company System. Hermosillo: Ed., 2005

Business consultant job for organization